General, Madam Called You To Farm

Chapter 1157: mother and child meet

Chapter 1157: mother and child meet

Chapter 1157 Mother and child meet

Lingyin said with a look of embarrassment: "Palace Master, we have no boats, and the young Palace Master took them away."

Yun Shuang remembered that such a thing happened, and she hesitated to speak for a moment.

This has to be blamed on Xia Houyi, the Second Grand Master of the City Lord's Mansion was not a good person, so he had to be ambitious to fight against Ling Yun and Wei Xu, and wiped out all the ships of the City Lord's Mansion.

Ling Yun, as the owner of Qianshan Island, visited the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty, so he must have some pomp of his own.

So they took the boat from Baihua Palace.

"Do you want a boat?"

Lingyin asked weakly.

Yunshuang: "What do you think?"

Lingyin whispered: "I can't."

The sea is very windy and rough, and small boats cannot withstand the turbulence.

Furthermore, Wei Xiaobao is so young, and Yun Shuang's heart aches when she is exposed to the sun and rain in a small boat?

Yunshuang hugged the glutinous little dumpling in her arms, and was clouded for a while.

Suddenly, she glanced at a big boat on the sea that was about to go out to sea and said, "Whose boat is that? It looks like it's going to go to sea..."

Lingyin watched carefully, and murmured: "It looks familiar..."

"Acquaintance? That's just right!"

Yunshuang held Wei Xiaobao in his arms, performed lightness kung fu and swept towards the big ship not far away.

It was too late for Lingyin to stop her.

Lingyin raised his forehead, his expression was indescribable: "It is indeed an acquaintance...but...not the acquaintance that Palace Master you think..."

Yunshuang landed steadily on the deck.

The clothes and attire of these people make it impossible to tell what kind of sect they are from.

Yunshuang decided to greet them first, and then asked them if they could borrow a boat.

Unexpectedly, the people on the boat were extremely vigilant, and before she could speak, they swung their killing moves and attacked her.

Yunshuang had no intention of hurting others, but she couldn't hold back this group of people's fierce offensive, and all of them jumped up desperately.

In order not to let them hurt Wei Xiaobao by mistake, Yunshuang had to be more ruthless.

After beating up seven or eight disciples in one breath, a sharp sword energy split through the air.

Finally, someone who can see clearly came... Yun Shuang raised her wrist lightly, and her **** easily clamped the opponent's sword blade.

The other party looked at her profile, and was suddenly taken aback: "Master Yun?"

This voice... Yun Shuang turned around: "Is it you?"

She let go.

Qi Yao turned the hilt of the sword, with the blade facing down, cupped his hands and saluted as a junior: "I have met Palace Master Yun."

Yunshuang looked him up and down, and then looked around: "Is it the ship of your Killer League?"

Qi Yao paused, and said truthfully: "Yes."

Yunshuang asked suspiciously: "Why are you dressing up as ordinary businessmen?"

If she was wearing the outfit of the Killer League, showing the canvas emblem of the Killer League, she wouldn't be unrecognizable.

Qi Yao didn't answer, but cleverly changed the topic: "May I ask why Palace Master Yun boarded the ship suddenly?"

Yunshuang said: "I want to go to sea, and I want to ask you to borrow a boat."

Qi Yao looked at Wei Xiaobao in her arms.

Wei Xiaobao is eating his hands.

I don't know if he noticed his gaze, Wei Xiaobao stopped and looked at him milkyly: "Wow."

Qi Yao's eyes flashed a softness that he didn't even notice.

He said: "I'm afraid the younger generation can't decide on this matter."

Yunshuang: "Who is in charge?"

Qi Yao: "Master."


Jiang Guanchao was reading the secret letters collected by his disciples from various places in the cabin.

Qi Yao entered and told him about Yunshuang borrowing the boat.

"Yunshuang is leaving the island?"

Jiang Guanchao was a little surprised.

Qi Yao looked at his master puzzled, could it be that Palace Master Yun can't leave the island?

Jiang Guanchao had heard about the old palace lord forcing Yunshuang to make an oath.

If it wasnt for this, Yun Shuang would have personally gone to catch him back after Yun Lin left for five years.

Jiang Guanchao asked, "Where is she going?"

Qi Yao replied: "Da Zhou."

Jiang Guanchao said: "We are not in Dazhou."

Qi Yaodao: "I talked to Palace Master Yun, and Palace Master Yun said that we only need to take her to an island where we can hire a big boat."

Jiang Guanchao thought for a while, and said, "Go and arrange a good wing room for her, separate from the disciples, and treat each other with courtesy."

It was Yunshuang who brought him and Wei Xu back from the sea last time. He, Jiang Guanchao, will avenge any grudge and return favors.

Qi Yao didn't move.

Jiang Guanchao asked: "Is there anything else?"

Qi Yao said: "There are no better rooms."

The Assassins League is a group of cold-blooded killers, unlike the disciples of Baihua Palace who know how to enjoy themselves, the rooms on the ship are simpler and simpler than each other, and Jiang Guanchao's room is the best.

Clean, spacious, bright, and separated from the disciples, they will not be easily disturbed.

Two quarters of an hour later.

Qi Yao took Yunshuang and Wei Xiaobao to the big wing room which had been cleaned up.

Mattresses and quilts have been changed, and they are all clean.

Jiang Guanchao lived in Qi Yao's house.

Qi Yao hit the floor sadly.


Da Zhou.

Old Lord Hou just came down to court.

Qin Canglan is not here, Wei Xu is not here, his old bones are forced to go to court, not to mention how reluctant he is.

"Sir, shall we go to the barracks?"

asked the coachman.

Old Master Hou said as he got into the car, "I won't go today, go back home."

After a pause, he opened the curtain again and asked the coachman, "Where is your son?"

The coachman said: "The son is still in the Ministry of War, I haven't seen him come out."

Old Lord Hou frowned and said: "Confused! What day is it today, why don't you pay off? Go and call him! Let him go back to Hou's mansion immediately!"

The coachman took the token and hurriedly went to look for Su Yuan at the Yamen of the Ministry of War.

Town Beihou Mansion.

Mrs. Su is choosing a gift for her daughter-in-law in her room.

"Is that all?"

Madam Su was not satisfied.

The servant girl looked at a table full of dowry boxes, and said, "This year's most fashionable jewelry in Beijing is here."

"Oh." Madam Su sighed, "It's not good at all, I don't even like it, how can Jingjing like it?"

Jingjing, Dow's baby name.

Today is Tao Shi's birthday. In previous years, except for Su Xuan who often recuperated at her grandfather's house, the rest of her sons were all by her side.

The three sons are all outside this year.

Dow didn't say anything, but he was already thinking about it in his heart.

Su Mo was cultivated as a family heir, he was destined to grow up in the flames of war.

No matter how worried and reluctant Dow is about his future, he can only endure it.

The fifth child is a monkey, who runs outside all day long, but in the past he came back by himself after playing enough, but this time he went to fight with the eldest.

As for the fourth...

Its okay to cheat once or twice, but even Mrs. Su can tell that he is not studying at Wutong Academy.

Mother and child are connected, can Dow have no doubts?

Madam Su sighed for a long time, and pointed to the jewelry on the table: "Put them all away, and show me Xiaobao's clothes."

Counting the days, Xiaobao should be seven or eight months old, whether he is fat or thin, whether his clothes are big or small...

On the other side, Dow held the half-made clothes in a daze.

The servant girl called her a few times to remind her that she made a wrong needle and thread, but she suddenly didn't realize it.

Her distraught appearance made the maids feel distressed.

Suddenly, the half-covered door was kicked open with a bang.

A tanned teenager grinned and showed his big white teeth, and rushed in:

"Mom! I'm back!"

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