Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 81: Gaum Cresthold III

Chapter 81: Gaum Cresthold III

Aster took a deep breath. He cupped his hands on the table and said, "Second Prince must have known that I do not invite someone out of kindness. I'm here to create a partnership."

"A partnership?"

"Well, it is quite known that Kingdom of Rhea is in a dire situation currently. I'm willing to help your kingdom to pass through this year fall and winter, but I will not do that for free."

"Does Young Lord Aster know what kind of help my kingdom need?"

"I've observed that Kingdom of Rhea has been floating steadily, but it is from a business investment. Business investment, especially in an unstable vassal kingdom, will only last probably five years at most before the citizen demands for more prosperity. It is stagnant because not all the profit goes to the kingdom's treasury," Aster explained thoroughly, "My investment wont be such a business offer."

Gaum was stunned. Based on his observation about this gorgeous man, there was no way Aster could gain that information easily. And he was also a canary in a cage, he couldn't leave this protected mansion or the golden royal palace to another vassal kingdom easily.

"May I know how did Young Lord receive this information?" Gaum asked, his eyes probing Aster's intention.

"I naturally have my own informant, but if what I said is correct, then there is no reason Second Prince would reject my offer," Aster stared with his sharp eyes at Gaum.

Aster's and Gaum's eyes locked between each other. Gaum was amazed by the tranquility and depth of Aster's eyes. It was quite similar with Grand Duke, but Aster's had that royal golden family unique trait, golden circle eyes. Combined with his perfect facial feature, it made his eyes especially deadly.

Gaum loosened the button on his neck, being stared with such eyes made him very nervous. If he didn't constantly remind himself that this man made his brother go crazy, he might be drowned into some crazy fantasy and become an idiot like Gamasiel.

He sipped the tea to calm himself and asked Aster, "Does Young Lord have the fund to help my kingdom for five years at least?"

"I own a bit of share in one of my father's businesses, it should be enough to fund the kingdom for five years on daily basis for the poor, I will ask the Grand Duchy's treasurer to give majority of my yearly share to you until our contract ends."

"May I know the sum of money you would give to me yearly? You know that my vassal kingdom needs five thousand gold coins each year to compensate the poor, right?" Gaum started hesitating. There was no way this young man could afford five thousand gold coins in yearly basis.

"Oh, I think I've miscalculated, my bad."

"So, you don't have enough for that?" Gaum sneered. He was shocked for nothing, there was no way this caged canary have that much of money.

"No, my calculation was around nine thousand gold coins, but it's lower than I thought, I'd gladly give you seven thousand gold coins though."

"WHAT?!" Gaum's body jolted in reflex and his leg almost knocked the fragile table. His eyes almost popped out of the socket.

"H--How much share do you have in Grand Duke's business?" Gaum asked without thinking. It was ridiculous, too ridiculous for him to digest.

"Around thirty five percent in one of his business. It's not much, and it's also one of his moderate sized business, but it should be enough, right?"

Gaum's hand trembled out of shock and fear. He always knew that Grand Duchy Stormhill was wealthy, but this was unbelievable. Kingdom Rhea had to struggle to get that amount money and already exhausted almost everything they could do. Yet, this young man flaunted nine thousand gold coins easily, as if it was just passing money for him.

"Second Prince? Gaum? Hey!" Aster called Gaum who was dazed.


"Well, I ought to give you a contract."

"Young Lord wants to give me a contract? I believe this is not a regular partnership. What cost should I pay for such generous help?" Gaum asked nervously.

Aster went silent. He ordered Jain to take out the contract he already wrote with grand duchy's official stamp, and then gave it to Gaum.

"I would like you to sell your kingdom to me."

"Sell my... kingdom?" Gaum read the contract, it was written that he would share all the information about Vassal Kingdom Rhea to Aster and bound by contract to reject any help from the Golden Camellia Empire.

"Including the help of any other source, seven thousand gold coins yearly should be enough for five years."

"This is risky..." Gaum bit his lip, "Refusing the help of Golden Camellia Empire would harm our sovereignty, if the Emperor is offended, my kingdom might get demolished in a day."

"Emperor wouldn't bat an eye on Kingdom Rhea as he is focusing on conquering the west. I just want you to refuse the help or approach from Crown Prince Charles."

"Crown Prince Charles? How could Young Lord be so sure that he would approach my kingdom?" Gaum raised his eyebrows.

"He is going to be a king soon, naturally, he will try to occupy as much vassal houses and kingdoms as possible before his coronation few years after this."

"You want me to reject his similar offer if that ever happen?"

"Naturally, it is the main purpose of the contract."

Gaum nodded. After Empress Ceci's death, it was quite obvious that there was power struggle between the more powerful houses and royal family to occupy many vassal houses under their wing, because if they had many backings, they would be granted high position in the royal court during the reign of new king.

"I see," Gaum hummed. He already had his contract with Grand Duke, it would be traitorous if he stroke a deal without notifying him first, "Would you mind if my kingdom continue the business relationship with my business partner?"

"Well, I don't mind. As long as it doesn't clash with my contract."

"That is relieving," Gaum smiled. There was a gap here, he could take both offer from Young Lord Aster and Grand Duke without any problem. He asked for a quill, but Aster stopped his hand before he signed the contract.

"Before you sign this, can you tell your position in the Vassal Kingdom Rhea court?" Aster said.

"I am Gaum Cresthold, Second Prince of Vassal Kingdom Rhea, Chief Treasurer of Kingdom Rhea, Ambassador of Kingdom Rhea responsible for collecting fund, and also..." Gaum winked to Aster, "... spouse of Aster Di Arlingdon, in the chasing."

"Wha--! Stop with your teasing!" Aster shook his head, "J--Just sign it quick!"

Gaum chuckled. He signed the contract and with that, this cooperation officially started.

"It's done, I will be expecting this year compensation soon," Gaum said.

"Indeed, I will send seven thousand gold coins with strict carriage guarding to Kingdom Rhea in two days, you should lead the carriages."

"Thank you," Gaum smiled and stood politely from his chair. "Since everything has been cleared, I should leave now. Would you mind to escort me out, darling?"

"Don't give me name! T--That's inappropriate you know, ugh..." Aster grumbled. But he still got up from his chair and walked to the door. Gaum followed him from behind.

Aster was about to order Ramuja open the door, but Gaum chuckled, "You're not going to escort me out to the main hall?"

"No, it is not good for my health," Aster shook his head.

"You should give me compensation," Gaum grabbed Aster's hand and pulled him to his embrace, their face was facing each other closely, then Gaum's face drew closer. Their cheek was almost touching and Aster could feel Gaum's breath tickling his ear. Gaum whispered, "I will be back, sweetheart."

And then, Gaum kissed Aster cheek before he felt enormous strength separated him from Aster. He was grabbed on the neck and suffocated.

Jain's eyes was glinting with murderous glare, "Young Lord, this man has touched you indecently, give me your order."

Aster fished out his handkerchief and wiped his cheek, but his face was beet red once more, "R--Release him, he meant no harm."

Jain was obviously dissatisfied, but he respected the order and release his stranglehold. Gaum coughed few times, but still left the room with glee on his face.


Gaum was sitting dazedly in his carriage, passing through the woods and winding road. The taste of that soft cheek was really imprinted in his memory. He was so impulsive, too impulsive. He could really die if Aster ordered that butler to kill him. But whenever he saw Aster, all he could think of was to possess him, to obtain such wonderful treasure, something as valuable as the legendary Gardenia of Blooming Desire.

Something that was extremely beautiful that you wanted to give everything just to get him.

That feeling scared him, but at the same time, he finally got this exhilarating emotion he never felt before. He wanted him, he wanted Aster so bad.

'If I could obtain him and rule the Grand Duchy, it would solve all my problems. The Kingdom problem, and living with Aster forever....'

'.... Shit, I've become the second Gamasiel.'

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