Gardenia of Blooming Desire

Chapter 275: The Winter War VI

Chapter 275: The Winter War VI

Charles was finally able to escape the ambush set by the Great Arctyr. He lost almost half of his troops already, that princess called Mariette was so vicious, that she wouldn't give him a chance to escape without spilling some blood.

Helene was no better either, because she stayed with the Emperor all the time, the Great Arctyr sent many assassins to jump and on the Emperor's seat and attacked, thus, Helene defended Charles against so many enemies.

Meanwhile, Great Princess Mariette and Great King Tuskan looked satisfied with the result of the ambush. They didn't lose many soldiers, but Golden Camellia suffered heavy casualties.

Aster ordered them not to decimate everyone from Golden Camellia, as it might incite the anger of the Camellian. By killing half of the Golden Camellia's soldiers, it gave the impression that the Golden Camellia could still survive through ambush although they lost half of their soldiers.

"Do you think Aster can handle it himself in Golden Camellia? I I can send some help for him. No, I can send all troops to help him in Golden Camellia," Tuskan said. He was anxious, because Aster was only accompanied by Prince Rama.

Although he decided to let Aster marry Crown Prince Rama of Sun Kingdom instead, he still didn't believe that guy. That guy had lied and cheated Aster numerous times before, there was a probability that he would cheat on him again.

Mariette glanced at her brother and smiled, "Aster will be fine, I trust him. Besides, Prince Rama is with him."

Tuskan deflated because his sister decided to support Prince Rama instead of him, "I still can't trust that Rama guy" Tuskan said.

"It's not important whether you trust him or not, it's all come down to Aster's decision. Besides, I know that you have more jealousy than distrust towards that guy, right?" Mariette teased her brother. Tuskan had a slight blush on his face.

"IIf that Rama guy dares to cheat on Aster again, I will marry Aster instead!" Tuskan said with determination. He still couldn't let go of Aster, but he respected Aster's decision. Mariette glanced at her brother and gave him a deep, meaningful smile.

"As long as you can rule well, I believe you can do anything, Tuskan," Mariette giggled, "But not trying to chain Aster like he is some sort of pet, don't be like Emperor Charles. He is simply insane. As much as you love Aster, he is a prideful lord and he is my little brother."

Tuskan lowered his head, there was a complex feeling in his eyes.


Charles' was inside his room in the ship, he was furious, but he didn't let his anger control him at this point. He buried all his anger towards Aster deep inside his heart, and then he ordered Helene, "Immediately head to Miriam Coast and return to Roagelt. We don't have much time."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Helene nodded. "Your Majesty, do you want to use that"

Charles looked at the military tally given by his deceased mother empress. The tally was given to the Empress by a neighboring country and can be used once to gain immediate reinforcement. Charles remembered that his mother had helped the neighboring country, Kingdom of Politrea long ago. It seemed that this was her reward.

Charles gave the military tally to Helene and said, "Send an envoy to Politrea, I'd want to request as many soldiers as possible to help me in Roagelt. Roagelt will be a war zone soon," Charles said. Helene affirmed and then disappeared with the military tally from Emperor Charles.

Charles' gaze stilled at Aster' portrait, he took the portrait and kissed it gently, but there was no tenderness in his eyes. There was only gloom mixed with obsession in his double pupil eyes.

Charles' handsome face twisted as if he was in agony, and he chuckled mirthlessly, "My little kitten, you've played enough. You've made enough mess, it's time for you to return back to your cage. Don't worry, this time, I will not spare you. I will capture you and put a leash on you."


Aster marched to Leinbell next. Leinbell was ruled by a Marquis, Marquis Dirac. Aster wasn't really tense when facing this one, because Leinbell was a peaceful region, and as he saw the peaceful city of Leinbell, he sighed in relief.

To be truthful, he didn't want to shed so much bloodshed to some of the non-hostile regions. But Charles still stationed a commander in this region, thus, he had to fight the soldiers.

Aster sat on a carriage as Sun Kingdom soldiers directly attacked the Emperor's soldiers. There was not much struggle happening anyway, because it seemed that the uprising in Silvor also affected the commander in Leinbell. At least, it seemed that the commander in Leinbell dispatched many soldiers to help his allies in Silvor.

Thus, in a matter of a few hours, the Emperor's soldiers were defeated and the commander was killed. The Sun Kingdom general presented the head of the commander in front of Aster and said, "Milord, Leinbell is in our hand now."

"Good, don't attack the civilians, Leinbell is a neutral region, Marquis Dirac doesn't ally with anyone," there was a slight pause from Aster, and then he continued, "In fact, bring me to the Marquis' mansion, I need to talk to him."

The civilians inside the city hid themselves in their home, they peeked slightly to see the golden carriage got escorted by six other carriages, the carriages were heading to Marquis' mansion. Leinbell was indeed a neutral faction, thus, when Aster's golden carriage entered the mansion gate, the guards bowed down to him and then escorted his carriage to the main mansion.

Marquis Dirac was an old man, he was sixty years old this year. But he still looked vigorous. He held a cane on his right hand and then bowed to Aster gently when Aster stepped down from his carriage, "I, Marquis Dirac, warmly greeted Milord Aster Di Arlingdon. Pardon my inability to help the war, I am but an old man."

"It is no problem," Aster said. His late mother said in her note about Leinbell:

'Marquis Dirac is not my ally, but he was nobody's ally. Leinbell has been keeping its neutrality for decades. However, Marquis Dirac would definitely help those who helped him, but he would not support war.'

In fact, Aster could just skip and left Leinbell right after he defeated the Emperor's soldier, but he had something that he wanted to ask here.

Marquis Dirac seemed to know what was in Aster's head, he invited Aster inside his mansion and they sat in a room face to face. The guards were guarding the door.

"I suppose Milord Aster wants to get something after you defeated the Emperor's soldier, correct?" Marquis Dirac guessed.

"I I don't want you to help me through the war, nor I want gold. I just I heard that Marquis Dirac has a potent tonic to replenish energy. My mother once said that Marquis Dirac's potent tonic can save a dying person."

Marquis Dirac was surprised, he observed Aster from head to toe and commented, "Milord is in great health, I have the tonic, but it will be a waste if you drink it."

"No, it's not for me. It's for my husband," Aster said steadily. "My husband was unconscious right now, he will recover eventually. But it will be an indefinite time until he wakes up. I want him to recover soon, it worries me"

Marquis Dirac seemed to be in deep thought, he then turned his back and took a small bottle of thick, white liquid and gave it to Aster, "This is the tonic, it will help Milord's husband to recover soon, but there is a side effect."

"Side effect?"

Marquis Dirac was too embarrassed to explain, then he said, "Just once he wakes up after drinking this tonic, please leave him alone in his room. Or else, he will prove his strength as a man."

Aster frowned, he didn't seem to understand about the side effect, 'Prove his strength as a man? Ramuja is already strong, what kind of proof does he need to show that he is a real man anyway?'

"The side effect will not harm him, right?"

Marquis Dirac got even more embarrassed, and he lowered his head, "NNot at all, but it might harm your kidney, Milord."

Aster didn't understand at all, but as long as it didn't harm Ramuja, then he doesn't have anything to worry about. He bowed his head and thanked Marquis Dirac, "Thank you for Marquis' generosity, I will station some of my guards at the city gate if you are willing. Because we don't know when the Emperor's soldiers return with reinforcement."

Marquis Dirac was delighted, although he was not allied with Aster, a bit of protection wouldn't hurt, "I will gladly take Milord's offer."

Aster excused himself, but Marquis Dirac warned him for the last time, "Milord, please listen to my advice. Lock your husband inside the room alone after you give him the tonic, if you still want to save your kidney. YYour chrysanthemum might not be saved if you are with him inside."

Aster nodded without caring much, he didn't understand what this old man meant with saving his kidney, proving the strength of a man, and his chrysanthemum. He was worried about Ramuja's health, that was it.

Aster pondered as his carriage returned back to the Sun Kingdom's soldier camp outside the city, 'Hmm maybe that old man is reciting an old poem about chrysanthemum and the strength of a man? I've read so many poetries and elegies, but I haven't heard this piece of poetry. It does sounds interesting though, maybe I should ask him after the war ends.'

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