Game, Live Stream

Chapter 61.1

Chapter 61.1

Duan Hongzhen charged forward, and with his help, the speed the black-haired Miko cleared the zombies was much faster.

Wherever they went, the zombies’ heads rolled.

Soon, the ground was stained with rancid blood from zombies, contaminated black blood and broken limbs everywhere.

This hellish scene, not only the newbies who were on their first instance, even Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian who’d gone through several instances could not bear it, almost vomiting several times.

However, what was more despairing was that these zombies seemed endless. No matter how many the Miko and Duan Hongzhen killed, there was still a flood of zombies coming, completely unafraid of their murderous aura and the weapons in their hands. They roared and rushed over nonstop!

“It’s impossible... it’s impossible to kill them all!”

The nitpicker couldn’t bear it and screamed, “Let’s run away! What are you staying here for! These zombies can’t be finished off at all! Are you here waiting to be bitten!”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly. Although he didn’t know why the black-haired Miko insisted on killing the zombies, he instinctively felt that this must be an important clue related to the plot. Of course, he believed that Xue Junli and them also thought so, but those newbies were scared and didn’t understand their approach...

At this moment, Xue Junli said coldly, “You can choose to stay or leave. That is your prerogative.”

“Are you crazy? It’s impossible for those two to stop so many zombies!” The nitpicker shouted. “Are you trying to die? We don’t want to die with you!”

“We did this for a reason,” Xiao Tangqiu said, “this might be important to the story and we’re betting on it. You can choose to gamble with us, or you can choose some other way out.”

The nitpicking man wore a struggling expression. Although he knew the importance of holding the thighs of the veterans, he wanted to save his little life more. Seeing that more and more zombies were coming, his thoughts also became more chaotic. He realized for the first time the profound difference between YY on a keyboard and experiencing it in real life — across the keyboard, YY just needed to be satisfying and cool, but it was completely different when you experience it yourself! Once dead it was really death!

Just then, the last straw that crushed the camel’s back appeared.

At some point, another black subway approached this platform.

In a blink of an eye, the black subway pulled up and the doors slowly opened... revealing one ruined face after another.

Another wave of zombies came off the subway!

It turned out that these zombies were really endless!

No matter how many zombies the Miko and Duan Hongzhen killed, the black subways would deliver more zombie waves to this platform. These zombies were limitless.

It’s impossible to finish them all!

Not to mention the newbies, even Xue Junli and others changed their expressions at the same time. These zombies were inexhaustible!

Duan Hongzhen stiffened, “Fuck! Are you kidding me! I’m not some perpetual motion item!”

However, the dark-haired Miko was unmoved. She was also the only person amongst them whose expression did not change. Her gaze was very steady from start to finish, her sword-swinging movement was as strong as ever. She seemed to have known that the zombies would constantly come from the subway but she was unmoved and her actions are as firm as her gaze.

Xiao Tangqiu asked Xue Junli with a bitter smile, “Is this your first time experiencing all the newbies running out near the beginning of the instance?”

Xue Junli spoke lightly, “It’s not... but even if they stay, they will only get in the way.” With the cruelty of the S-Class instance, they couldn’t afford to protect newbies. So of course, they won’t bother.

“Now what? There are more and more zombies ...” Xiao Tangqiu murmured to himself, and began to feel dark.

Tang Mianmian trembled and asked, “Why... don’t we escape too?”

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the black-haired Miko and saw that she didn’t have any intentions to retreat, instead she became more and more aggressive.

Duan Hongzhen, who was originally reluctant, saw that a girl was putting her life on the line and became too embarrassed to retreat when he was a grown man.

Xue Junli glanced at Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu and spoke heavily, “Let’s go, too.”

Seeing that Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu nodded at the same time, he then looked at the most uncontrollable Shen Yuan, and frowned, “Captain, you ...”

Shen Yuan looked at Xiao Tangqiu, “I’m with Jiujiu.”

Seeing that the Reincarnation Team was going to go all out, of course Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t abduct their captain to escape, and quickly said, “Tang Mianmian and I are also together!”

Tang Mianmian, “Yingyingying but I am scared.”

Xiao Tangqiu glanced at him, “Otherwise you can escape alone.”

Who didn’t know the most classic FLAG in horror games?

The loner dies!

Tang Mianmian quickly behaved, “We are a team! Of course we must work together to help each other! Many contributors means better results!”

Xue Junli glanced at both Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, “You don’t have to force yourselves. If you can fight, fight; if you can’t, then run. If you die, the ones troubled will be us.”

...It’s a really simple and rude way to show care and threat!

Xiao Tangqiu laughed dryly, “Don’t worry, we value our lives a lot.”

Shen Yuan who was on the side puffed his chest and said, “I will protect Jiujiu.”

Theoretically, Shen Yuan’s combat effectiveness was the best in the entire Reincarnation Team, but the problem was that he was too uncontrollable in his current state. If he went crazy, he might even fight with their own people. Xue Junli didn’t dare assign him anything important so he could only helplessly sigh, “Okay, you protect them and yourself. You don’t need to worry about other things.”

“Everyone else, let’s go together!”

With Xue Junli’s order, Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu pulled out their weapons at the same time and rushed into the battle. He also took out his weapon. What surprised Xiao Tangqiu was that it was a gun!

He thought that the weapon of such a talented young hacker would be a keyboard or a laptop, he didn’t expect it to be such an ordinary weapon!

Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu were both close-combat. They rushed into the hoard of zombies and started to fight back-to-back. They had obviously cooperated many times before and were invincible.

As a long-distance fighter, Xue Junli only needed to shoot from far away without moving–



“Wow! Godly shooter!” Tang Mianmian was instantly excited, “So cool!”

Xiao Tangqiu was also a little dazzled. For hot-blooded men, guns were really cool, but... won’t the efficiency of a gun be a little too low?

Even if Xue Junli shot one, there were too many zombies here! At his current speed... this efficiency wasn’t just low!

Just when Xiao Tangqiu held negative thoughts, another gun suddenly appeared in Xue Junli’s left hand!

He suddenly became excited. It’s here, it’s here! Isn’t this dual gun?

...Wait, dual guns didn’t seem to be much better!

Even if this small pistol was doubled, the efficiency was not high!

Then, Xue Junli suddenly merged the left and right guns together. In the next second, the two guns merged together and turned into a submachine gun!

Xiao Tangqiu, “...” There was such a function!

Xue Junli expressionlessly lifted the submachine gun and opened fire on the zombie rushing forward!


A row of zombies collapsed from headshots.

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian are stunned, this firepower, this attack power... Was he really a fucking civilian? Then what the hell were they!

Moreover, Xue Junli’s handheld submachine gun seemed to have no recoil, and he continued to fire with almost no buffer. If this was a game, Xiao Tangqiu would like to report it for being broken!

Not only that–

After a while of killing the zombies, Xue Junli seemed to think that the submachine gun was not powerful enough. After another round of zombies, the submachine gun in his hand changed its form again. This time it turned into a bazooka!

Xiao Tangqiu & Tang Mianmian, “...Fuck!!!!!!”

There was such a function!

Coach! He cheated! He exploited!

Xue Junli aimed towards the most crowded zombie area with his bazooka. After a loud boom, hundreds of zombies were instantly blasted into slag.

Xiao Tangqiu was stunned, “Fuck... that’s too amazing!”

Shen Yuan who followed them was suddenly dissatisfied, “Hmph, I’m better than him!”

Xiao Tangqiu nodded absently, but his eyes did not move away from Xue Junli. “Yes, yes, you’re also amazing.”

Shen Yuan noticed Xiao Tangqiu’s perfunctory attitude, harrumphed, and also brought out his weapon.

Xiao Tangqiu had never seen Shen Yuan’s weapon and couldn’t help but looked curiously. It was actually also a gun, but it looked a little bit different from a normal gun. The gun itself was silver and strands of black patterns covered it. It was actually another Ouroboros item.

Tang Mianmian also curiously came to take a look, “Can your gun also become larger and smaller and more cool?”

Shen Yuan, “No.”

Xiao Tangqiu asked, “Can it become a submachine gun?”

Shen Yuan, “...No.”

Xiao Tangqiu asked, “Can it become a bazooka?”

Shen Yuan, “...No, it can’t.”

T/N: lolol SY can’t match up without a manly transformer weapon.

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