Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Chapter 51: The Immortal and The Traitor

Chapter 51: The Immortal and The Traitor

It didn't take time for James to finish doing what Rigo told him to do. After he finished, a strange buzz sound echoed in the room coming from the control unit suddenly that startled James, but soon that sound was silenced.

Everything returned to its original calm, which was interrupted again by the disappearance of part of the surface of that control unit.

James looked into that small space that appeared, and he found a small red bead that he recognized from the first glance. This was a communication bead, he didn't hesitate and put it into his ear.

He felt a stinging pain that wasn't so intense and after that he heard some echo in his ears. The bead worked and connected him to Rigo, who said:

"Greetings supreme leader, can you hear me?"

James smiled, it was really nice having capable men like Rigo under his command. People like him had the ability to ease any desperate situation.

"I can hear you well," James replied.

"Good, listen carefully supreme leader, I have access to the whole cruiser, and the cameras planted by that Charles are broadcasting directly to me. as far as I can see, there is something odd happening there inside the commanding deck," Rigo started to speak without stop, but James interrupted him as he rushed to ask:

"Is it Dora? Is she alright?"

"Don't worry, she is still far from the commanding deck, yet she is taking a detour instead of heading straight to that deck," Rigo replied.

"A detour? Are you sure?" James asked with doubt.

"Yes, she is trying to collect many weapons, I think she is going to have war soon," Rigo said with a tone void of any joke.

"Good girl," James commented.

"Courage alone isn't enough, I will now activate the transmission inside your bead, you will be able to see and hear whatever is happening inside that deck," Rigo said.

"Good, just guide me to the shortest road to the main deck."


James didn't stand in his place anymore, as he already figured out the general picture of everything.

As he left the corridor, the transmission started as a small part of his eyesight became occupied by a small picture of what was happening inside the main deck, while there was a small map with flashing point and an arrow to guide him to the deck.

The sound of a conversation sounded clearly inside his ears between two persons, a male and a female. James didn't need to look closely to confirm the identity of the two, as one was the Charles imposter, the Immortal, and the other one was Dora's mother, the traitor.

"Do you think she would fall for it?" the Immortal said.

"Sure, she is sentimental like her damn father," the traitor said.

"I hope so, or else I have to send my men to capture her, and this will be difficult as I didn't bring much with me," the Immortal said.

"That's negligence from you, why didn't you bring many men with you?" the traitor said.

"Don't be pumped up like that, after all this is just a small step in our long journey," the Immortal said.

"Say it again if you are the one taking advantage from here," the traitor said.

"Don't say these harsh words my love, you know how much I do care for you," the Immortal said.

"Your love? Are you delusional? You are a selfish person who only loves himself," the traitor said with a laugh.

"And you aren't like me? It's you who chose this mission a long time ago, don't tell me you did it for love or fun," the Immortal replied with a sneer.

"I really had fun, that man was really good, but I didn't love him. as you said, we are the same species, only look for our own advantage," the traitor said.

"I do, but I didn't fall for the same depth you reached so far, at least I'm not trying to kill my little daughter," the Immortal smirked.

"Really? Have you already forgotten about Den? Wasn't he your son too when you murdered him?" the traitor said with a vicious sarcastic laugh.

"I didn't kill Den," the Immortal said calmly.

"Yes, you didn't kill him with your own hands, but you ordered your trusted men to kill him, deny it and I will call for Trogery and make him testify now," the traitor sneered.

"Ok ok, you won," the Immortal said before adding, "now where is your beloved daughter? It's hard for me to see you tied like this on this chair without having any thoughts."

The two of them laughed evilly before the traitor say with a flirting tone:

"C'mon, we've known each other for a thousand years now, haven't you got tired of me yet?"

"Get tired? Never, you are one of a kind darling, and don't speak with me like this or else I won't control myself," the Immortal said with a short laugh.

"Fine, let's stop playing then. We need to keep our silence until that dirty daughter of mine appears. As we agreed, her blood is mine this time," the traitor said seriously.

"Sure, agreement is a sacred thing to me. I will honor my deal with you, don't worry," the Immortal said.

"I'm not worried, I'm just kindly reminding you," the traitor said before adding, "where are the two scepters?"

"One is here with me, and the other is at your beloved daughter's little cruiser," the immortal said.

"Where is the scepter that you hold? Give it to me," the traitor said.

"What? Don't you trust me?" the Immortal said with a smile that wasn't like a smile.

"I trust you, but I trust myself better, get me my scepter now," the traitor sneered.

"Ok, here it is, you still have this fiery temper of yours."

Suddenly the Immortal disappeared from the screen then he returned carrying a familiar rod, a rod with a crystal in its middle, a rod that was strangely similar to the one inside Dora's little cruiser. James' mind froze for a moment when his eyes fell on that rod, as he muttered with disbelief:

"This is the device then, and there are two not one, these two aren't humans, they are monsters."

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