Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 371 Blue Amber

Chapter 371 Blue Amber

Su Jing dug out the “Blue Glass” and found that it was almost as big as a volleyball, weighing almost three jin. The first thing that Su Jing noticed was that the three characters “Xiang Tian Bao” were scrawled on the surface as if they were children’s graffiti, which seemed to be a person’s name.

Su Jing took out a bottle of water and a cloth to clean the mud on the “Blue Glass” surface, revealing the whole picture. He saw that it was blue and transparent, like a sapphire, with a lifelike Azure Dragonfly inside of it.

“Is this Amber?” Su Jing’s eyes suddenly brightened. The so-called Amber is the resin of pine and cypress plants that drips down into the ground for thousands of years and is fossilized under the action of pressure and heat. Therefore, it is also called “Fossil Ressin” or “Fossil Rosin”.

If this thing was an earth item, Su Jing wouldn’t have believed it to be Amber, he would think that this is a craft, after all, how could Amber be so easy to see, not to mention such a big piece. However, this thing comes from the Stellar Transformation Universe. In the magical and unique cultivating world of Stellar Transformation, I’m afraid that Amber can be seen everywhere like ordinary seashells, and is not regarded as a treasure at all.

The Monster Beast, magic weapons, and exotic plants are the treasures in the Stellar Transformation Universe. The shellfish in the sea can be cultivated by ordinary cultivators. In any shellfish, there may be huge perfect pearls and it wouldn’t be seen as a treasure.

A piece of Amber, in the Stellar Transformation Universe, is at most a slightly more beautiful plaything. From the three crooked words on this Amber, he can speculate that this Amber maybe just a child’s toy, maybe a more beautiful Amber would be used to carve things in the household when that child grows old so it is normal for a child’s plaything to be thrown away like garbage, just like a child on Earth play with marbles and then throw them away when he gets old.

“Damn, these three words are so ugly, this is really a reckless waste of natural resources.” At this moment, Su Jing finally understood Shen Hong’s mood when he saw the Rosewood carving from Coiling Dragon Universe for the first time and saw such a treasure spoiled, he is also getting a little depressed.

Su Jing doesn’t know how much this Amber is worth, but it certainly wouldn’t be low in value. This Amber is so big, so transparent and flawless, and the dragonfly inside is still so intact and so lifelike as if it could fly at any time. How could such an Amber not be precious?

“I will keep this Amber for myself and appreciate it. I will need to look for more information about it.” Su Jing likes this Amber very much and does not plan to sell it, so he does not plan to appraise the price. If he changes his mind later, he would take it for sale and find an expert for identification.

“The garbage of Stellar Transformation Universe is really extraordinary. Even such a large piece of Amber is thrown as trash. I wonder if there are other small pieces of Amber? Are there any other treasures that are thrown as trash?” Su Jing looked forward to it and continued to look through the garbage but he soon became very depressed. Only a small part of the garbage on the top was relatively new. Most of the garbage on the bottom was too rotten. Some wood had become mud as soon as it was touched and some Porcelain also fused with the mud. Together, even some broken swords are quickly becoming mud.

“Huh?” Su Jing pulled out a golden wooden box from the pile of rotten wood and found that it was about forty centimeters long and about thirty centimeters wide, and about ten centimeters high and it was without any rot on the top part.

However, the bottom of the wooden box seemed to have been hit hard. A piece was broken, and the metal at the connection part of the wooden box and the lid was broken on one side, and the unbroken side was also rusty. Su Jing just wanted to cover it and such a simple action accidentally broke the other side.

“From the perspective of the corrosion of the connected metal, this wooden box seems to have been thrown into the sea for a long time. Some of the wooden blocks around it have become rotten. Why is this wooden box almost rotless?” Su Jing was surprised. He also washed the wooden box and took the Amber in the other hand before putting them both in a storage bag together, and prepared to take it to the fourth floor together for appreciation and research.

“Guests are coming.”

“It’s Old Xie, Liu Hong, Liu Qing, Dr. Zhang.”

The two Parrots flew down and screamed outside the Super Garbage Station.

“Tell them to wait.” Su Jing has probably guessed their intentions and he told the two Parrots to tell the guests to wait as he walked out of the Universe Garbage Station and the two Parrots flew out to report. Su Jing washed his body with clean water, and then took a shower on the fourth floor. After all, the garbage on the first floor was too smelly. After turning over the garbage for such a long time, he didn’t smell too good and he can’t embarrass himself in front of others.

After the shower, he went to open the door. Old Xie, Liu Hong, Liu Qing, and Dr. Zhang stood at the door. Old Xie was holding a box and Liu Hong was carrying a bag. Both of them looked much better than when they attended the birthday party last time. Su Jing apologized, “Old Xie, Old Liu, Dr. Zhang, sorry to keep you waiting for so long.”

“Don’t worry, It’s no problem, we should be the one to apologize as we bothered you without even informing you in advance.” Old Xie, Liu Hong, Dr. Zhang replied politely.

“Please come in.” Su Jing invited them in and Liu Qing to rushed in the first time, his eyes turning around, sweeping the whole yard and sweeping towards the pets across the yard. Liu Qing glances at Su Jing and he can’t help it. He wanted to ask Su Jing to sell him one. However, from past experience, he knew that Su Jing would still refuse, so he doesn’t ask for anymore. It’s nice to be here and enjoy these pets.

“Well!” Liu Qing, while admiring pets, quickly noticed the layout and environment of the yard, and could not help showing surprise. “Brother Jing, your yard is so beautiful, it looks like a piece of art.”

“It is Elegant and Unique,” Liu Hong admired.

“This is the first time that I’ve seen such a delightful courtyard.” Old Xie was also amazed.

Dr. Zhang didn’t speak, but his face was full of admiration. He did not have high requirements for the environment, nor paid much attention to it. As long as it was quiet, it was enough, but he couldn’t look away when he saw this yard. He couldn’t help but appreciate it. This feeling is like watching a 3D movie for the first time and discovering how good a 3D movie is.

Regarding their response, Su Jing is accustomed to it and didn’t say anything. He simply led them to the table and chairs on the right side of the yard. After sitting down, Old Xie pulled his gaze and said, “Mr. Su, thank you again for the ginseng roots you gave to me, after taking them, my health has become much better and I seem to have become younger, thank you so much. “

“The last time Mr. Su cooked a meal for me and my appetite improved, my health improved a lot, and the ginseng root you gave to me at the birthday party improved my health.” Liu Hong also said and it seems that they came here to thank him.

“Old Xie, Old Liu, you are being too polite, I could help so I did help and there is nothing more to it.” Su Jing smiled.

“Oh, Mr. Su is being too modest. Those ginseng roots have such amazing effects. It must be heavenly materials and earthly treasures that cannot be measured with money at all. If they are to be sold, their value would be sky-high. Mr. Su, I am really shameful to take it for free, I really don’t know how to repay you for them. This is a small gift, I hope Mr. Su will accept it.” Liu Hong said as he put the bag on the table, On the other hand, Old Xie also put the box in his hand on the table. (To be continued ~ ^ ~.)

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