Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 343 Not Able To Determine

Chapter 343 Not Able To Determine

There was a great rumbling sound and huge garbage was continuously being dumped down. It only took three minutes to stop and the vortex slowly disappeared, and the garbage on the ground was eight or nine meters high, covering an area of ??more than two hundred square meters creating a hill-like structure. Among the garbage was dust, tattered costumes, tattered Porcelain, rusty broken swords, crushed stones, waste paper …

As usual, Su Jing is not in a hurry to pick up the garbage, but he still keeps the pets around him and released his spiritual force to sweep the entire garbage dump. Of course, even if his spiritual force is very advanced, he still can’t detect such a large amount of garbage carefully in a short time and he can only scan it roughly to confirm whether there are any large creatures.


Su Jing suddenly detected that something is crawling away in the garbage dump, he walks forward and used his gloved hands to pick up the garbage, he flips a lot of soil-covered clothes and reveals a long black-red flat creature. The moment he saw this, Su Jing’s pupils contracted, and he jumped back.

That is a centipede!

Of course, Su Jing wouldn’t be afraid if it was a normal-sized centipede, but this is definitely not an ordinary centipede, because it is as big as a palm, more than one meter long, red and black and it looks very permeable.

Needless to say, this is certainly not a creature of the earth. No matter where on earth it lives, no matter what it eats, it cannot grow to such a large size. It will definitely shock the world if released to the World.

Startled, the centipede quickly went further into the garbage, how could Su Jing watch it escape like this, otherwise it would be bad to be bitten by it. Su Jing immediately releases his spiritual force and penetrate the brain of the giant centipede. Fortunately, the centipede spiritual force is not very strong and it is easily hypnotized by Su Jing. Su Jing controls the centipede and lets it crawl into a box. He’ll think about what to do with it later.

“I don’t know what world this garbage is from for it to have a centipede so large.” Su Jing thought and released his spiritual force again to reconfirm that there were no other large creatures in the garbage pile and then he started to sort them out.

He picked up a sword—it was broken, he picked up a piece of Porcelain—it was also broken, he picked up a gourd—it was empty … It took him more than a day and then some to get through all the trash. The classification was established and there was no single thing that seemed valuable at first glance.

This made Su Jing nervous, would it really be pure garbage this time? However, even when being nervous, he did not give up hope on this garbage, his past experience has proven that treasure will likely be found in this garbage heap. As long as he continues to look and have a vision.

“What are these waste papers.”

Su Jing can be considered to have rich experience and it is very clear that there is usually text on waste paper and text means information. If he can confirm what the world this garbage is from. Then it would be easier to find the treasure in the garbage.

Sitting next to a small pile of waste paper that he had collected, Su Jing turned them over one by one and began to read, and the contents disappointed Su Jing. This small stack of paper is basically practice methods for something or they are written incorrectly. There is not much useful information on it. He really wants to say that there are only two papers with barely enough information.

First, there was a piece of paper that was half-written because the words were slanted and torn off, claiming to be a “Disciple”, and he can estimate that there were martial art schools in that world; The other paper mentions a place name- Teng Family City.

However, based on these two pieces of information alone, Su Jing couldn’t tell what kind of world it was. There are many martial arts in many worlds and there are probably many more Teng Family City.

“I can only sort them out slowly and search slowly, I hope that there is at least one treasure in it.” Su Jing thought this way and sorted out the garbage a second time. First, he piled up the largest pile of garbage which consist of tattered costumes and he put them on one side as he planned to collect them as usual. However, Su Jing noticed that two or three costumes were not only tattered but they were also stained with blood and even a few pieces of flesh were stuck on them. It looks like someone wore them as they got cut apart by a sword. Su Jing planned to draw these clothes down later, and then throw them away, otherwise, it would be too difficult to wash.

Then, he plans to start with large pieces, the largest of which is a dozen large stones. These large stones are in tatters, but they should be cuboids, about one meter long, about half a meter wide and about 0.25 meters high. Some moss has grown on them, which means that these should be the stones that were taken from stone steps.

Su Jing was displeased that they were in the way and he directly opened the door of the first floor and moved them out. In any case, he needs to further repair the courtyard. Although these stones are broken, they seem to be made of good materials and they can be used to pave the ground.

He only moved three pieces when the two parrots flew over and one of them called: “There is a guest, a guest came, his name is Shen Hong.”

Su Jing froze for a while, but he was soon left speechless. Although he said that Shen Hong was very knowledgeable and had a high level of knowledge treasure appraisal and he had also helped a lot of times, but he shouldn’t run to his place for three days in a week. It was only a few days ago that he came here to see the landscape paintings, this guy was still thinking about his own Hainan Yellow Sandalwood, wasn’t he?

He heard another call, “There is another guest. His name is Tang Hao.”

Su Jing froze again. There are many things about the ceramic auction. Occasionally, he has to discuss with him and it’s normal for Tang Hao to come to him, but it’s strange when he comes with Shen Hong. Do they know each other?

With doubt, Su Jing closed the first-floor door first and then walked up to open the gate. Both Shen Hong and Tang Hao stood at the door. Su Jing laughed: “Mr. Tang, Mr. Shen, what brings you guys here and you even came together”

“It’s a long story.” Tang Hao glanced at Shen Hong, showing a hint of helplessness.

“Come in,” Su Jing invited.

“Mr. Su, you’re too unkind.” Shen Hong said with a grudge-like look, as he walked in, “We also know each other, knowing that I like ceramics the most, you found a shipload of Ceramics, but you didn’t tell me. Your hexagon bottle is worth millions, but I can’t afford that.”

Su Jing glanced at Tang Hao with a questioning look. Tang Hao shrugged and said, “I didn’t tell him. He saw the publicity information on the auction floor, and he insisted that it was the same batch as your hexagon bottle. “

“The ship’s ceramics were picked up from the nearby waters. The age, background, and degree of seawater erosion are exactly the same as those of Mr. Su’s treasures and your hexagon bottle. If it is not the same batch, I will not believe it. Only Mr. Su can be so lucky to found so many treasures and I only thought that it was you who picked it up.” Shen Hong analyzed it in an orderly manner.

“It’s a waste of Shen Old Mister’s talent, you should have become a detective.” Su Jing couldn’t help but feel like laughing and crying at the same time but didn’t deny it, he also didn’t tell Shen Hong anything further and asked, “I don’t know what ceramic Shen Old Mister fancy?”

“Mr. Shen’s favorite is a set of teapots and cups, which cost about 200,000 yuan,” Tang Hao said.

“Can it be sold separately?” Su Jing asked.

“That set of teapots and cups is not in the advertisement. We just need to tell the auction house and they can sell them separately,” Tang Hao said.

“Then how about selling them to Mr. Shen for 200,000?” Su Jing laughed.

“You have the final say.” Tang Hao nodded with a smile.

“Hey, it’s not bad, you guys do have a conscience, and it was worth my time to help you identify for free so many times.” Shen Hong suddenly smiled and went down to the first floor while talking, Shen Hong looked at the few mossy stones and his eyes settled. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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