Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 285 Who Saves People Without a Name Part 2

Chapter 285 Who Saves People Without a Name Part 2

“In the future, I don’t need to focus on money and I need to open up more relationships, and attract some forces. If I gained power and influence in addition to money, then it would be a breeze to deal with nuclear waste in the future. Moreover, following this development, I will really need various relationships in the future. “

Su Jing thought like this, and could not help but make new changes to his future life plan. Youthful Medicine has a stable high income, and those clothes have started to bring in huge profits. Waiting for the strawberry and tomato business on Wang Zhuo’s side, it will be a steady stream of money. It can be said that in the future, Su Jing will do nothing and have a lot of money income. If he adds some scattered money from elsewhere, he won’t have to worry about spending the money. By the time the money has reached a certain point, it would just be some data.

Although it can be said that Su Jing has not reached the point where the money becomes just numbers to him, it is necessary to take a long-term view, not to say that money should not be made, but he doesn’t have to focus on the money. For example, if one day, he can make Sun Yue owe him a favor by sacrificing tens of millions of orchid, it would be worth it.

Su Jing was in this mood as he entered the Super Space Garbage Station and began to tinker with the alien spaceships and human aircraft. Most of them were badly damaged, but there was a flying carrier that was not too badly broken and it was basically Intact. Such a flying carrier is definitely worth studying. If he can start it again, it will be prestigious.

In a hospital in the city center, several doctors were surrounding an examination report, and they were shocked. They had already checked it three times, but they still couldn’t believe their eyes. The patient they couldn’t treat with all their knowledge and skills has miraculously healed within a few days.

“How is this possible? What the hell happened to him?”

“How can there be such a magical effect, this can only be said to be a miracle.”

“It’s really incredible. In this case, the patient was very weak and even if he was treated, it should have taken him at least a few months to recover, but he recovered within a few days, and he could even get out of bed and walk around. Even seeing this with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe it.”

“Doctors. Is my father okay? And what is there not to believe?” Wei Xiaoxuan, dressed in a professional suit with three missing buttons on her chest and a sultry tip-and-groove, was delighted that her father has recovered from his illness and then she heard the doctors talking and couldn’t help but get angry.

“Hello Miss Wei, we don’t mean to offend, your father’s illness was cured and we are also very happy about it.” A doctor apologized.

“Yeah, but this is indeed a miracle,” said another doctor.

“Is it unusual for my father to recover so suddenly?” Wei Xiaoxuan wondered and although she was glad that her father had recovered. But to hear the doctors say so, she could not help but worry about some hidden trouble, she was worried that it was an empty pleasure.

“It’s very unusual. We can’t find any words to describe it except for calling it a miracle.”

“Has anything unusual happened in these past few days?” Wei Xiaoxuan asked.


“Is the camera On in my father’s room?” Wei Xiaoxuan asked again.

“It should be On all day.” The doctor was surprised Wei Xiaoxuan asked.

In fact, Wei Xiaoxuan didn’t know the complete situation, but she had a hunch. If it’s as unusual as the doctor says it is, then there’s probably something unusual going on these days. She had to pay attention to the safety of her father. If her father’s old disease recurs, the situation in these days is the best treatment.

Wei Xiaoxuan went to the security room. After explaining the situation to the security guard and after obtaining permission from the security head, she checked her father’s surveillance video. As the security guards were getting a little impatient, she finally saw the abnormal situation. A young man in black cloths opened the door and walked into the ward.

“It’s him.” Wei Xiaoxuan’s eyes widened. She has already remembered this face and she wouldn’t be able to forget it, no matter what happens. This is that Spider-Man who saved her before. Later, she also checked and this is the person who smashed the Biological Research Institute, she also secretly sneaked into the Biological Research Institute, but fortunately, this person had already stunned those people. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to do what she did.

She saw the young man lifted up his father and fed him a piece of meat and sat down for a while before leaving. She looked at the time and saw that it was only after that that her father’s illness had suddenly and rapidly recovered. There was little doubt that it was the young man who had saved her father’s life.

“Who is he? Why did he help me twice?” Wei Xiaoxuan was surprised, thinking about the people she knew, but she couldn’t think of anyone like that, is it possible that this person didn’t know her and he only helped her out of the kindness in his heart? Is there such a kind person in this world?

Wei Xiaoxuan thought about it and she took out her mobile phone and recorded the video, and quickly ran back to the ward, sitting on the bed. The middle-aged man who didn’t know how much laughed looking much better than before and said, “Xiaoxuan, Why are you running? “

“You have already gotten do big and you are still acting like a child.” A woman with half-white hair beside her smiled kindly. The couple were very loving and grateful towards their daughter as it would not have been possible for them to afford the medical bills had she not worked part-time to earn money.

“Dad, do you remember a young man that came in your ward five days ago and fed something.” Because the video was not very clear, Wei Xiaoxuan felt that it was a piece of meat, but how could it be a piece of meat? A piece of meat can’t be so magical, so she can only describe it as something.

“What youth? What?” The middle-aged man looked puzzled.

“This man.” Wei Xiaoxuan opened the video recorded on her mobile phone and handed it to the middle-aged man.

“Well, why can’t I remember this?” The middle-aged man was surprised and thought about it and he was still unable to remember such a thing as if it hadn’t happened at all.

“Dad, Mom, do you know this person?” Wei Xiaoxuan asked, thinking that if she didn’t know him, it might be someone her parents knew or someone they had saved and he came here to save him.

“I don’t know.” After thinking about it, the middle-aged man and middle-aged woman both shook their heads.

“Five days ago? It seems that when my health starts to improve, did this person save me?” The middle-aged man suddenly figured it out, but he was also surprised. Before that, he was still wondering how the hospital had been treating himself badly. His body was getting worse day by day. All of a sudden, he recovered within a few days. He thought that the hospital must have made a breakthrough in medical skills, but he didn’t think that there was another mystery.

“I think it should be.” Wei Xiaoxuan nodded.

“Then we have to thank this benefactor, who is he?” Said the middle-aged woman.

“I don’t know him, that’s why I asked you, he didn’t leave any contact information. After saving you, he left, presumably, he doesn’t intend to let us know him. Dad, mom, think about it carefully, Did you save any child before? Now that child must have grown up and returned to repay you.” Wei Xiaoxuan said.

“Where have we saved anybody?” Middle-aged men and middle-aged women looked at their daughter in a funny way. The kind of things that their daughter said only happens on TV. How can this happen in reality?

“If we are fated to, we will meet him again,” The middle-aged man said.

“I must find out who he is.” Wei Xiaoxuan clenched her fists felling very resolutely, she wanted to know why this person helped herself, and who he was, with all kinds of magical methods. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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