Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 - Suspicion

“Shang Xiaojie's elder sister is really intimidating, like she's ready to devour someone,” Huangfu Qiao remarked with a sigh. Having encountered Shang Minjie on several occasions, her ruthlessness had left a strong impression on him.

“Whoever went through a situation like this would probably react similarly to Shang Minjie. It's understandable. I can only say that Mu Sifa didn't handle it well.”

After voicing this, Huangfu Shao let out another sigh. In the end, the decision to marry Shang Minjie wasn't Mu Sifa's to make.

“This is really hard to fathom!”

Nong Mobai shrugged, unsure if he had seen through Huangfu Shao's words.

“So what's happening with Shang Xiaojie now? Did he collapse? It's hard to believe a grown person would do that! Didn't you go to check and monitor the situation?”

Nong Mobai lit a cigarette but quickly extinguished it, realizing they were in a hospital.

“Oh, damn it, I've fallen back into all my bad habits since that guy left.”

Nong Mobai scratched his head in frustration, but then he suddenly blanked out, unable to find more words. In the end, he resorted to cursing again, his agitation growing as he scratched his head, his face filled with frustration.

Huangfu Shao was about to respond to Nong Mobai's question, but when he looked up and saw Nong Mobai's expression, he sighed. “I mean, if you're genuinely concerned, why don't you try finding him?”

“Find what? I need to know where he is first!” Nong Mobai furrowed his brows and reluctantly straightened his face.

“Damn, he disappeared for years without a single phone call. Why would someone like him actively seek me out?” Nong Mobai grumbled.

“Why don't you just call Mr. Xu Mo and ask him? If not, go to City H and inquire with Jerdy about their mission together. Since Gerde is still alive and well, there's no reason he should be the only casualty! If it's the case, I believe Mr. Xu Mo won't keep it from you intentionally.”

Nong Mobai remained silent, not because he didn't want to answer, but because the other party hadn't reached out to him or given him any assurances.

“Let's discuss it later! I've got a headache, so let's drop it,” he said, refusing to continue the topic.

Huangfu Shao didn't press further after hearing Nong Mobai's words. However, seeing Nong Mobai in such a distressed state made him concerned as well.

“You haven't addressed my question. How did Shang Xiaojie collapse?”

He redirected the conversation.

“Jia Tianxia just went to check the surveillance camera and returned, but he said it conveniently malfunctioned and didn't record anything.”

“Ha! What a coincidence,” Nong Mobai sneered. “The surveillance system just happens to break down at this moment. It's clear someone did it intentionally.”

“Aside from human interference, there's no plausible explanation. Moreover, a few hours ago, Xiaojie was maliciously locked in the restroom. Considering this series of incidents, it appears someone has a strong intent to harm him,” Huangfu Shao concurred.

“Could it be Shang Minjie's doing?” Nong Mobai suspected Shang Xiaojie's elder sister.

“I can't say for certain, but I can't rule it out either. After all, the person who currently harbors the most resentment against Xiaojie is his elder sister.”

“What about Mu Sifa?” Nong Mobai inquired.

Nong Mobai leaned against the wall, lit up a cigarette, then scratched his head and gave up.

“They suspect Shang Minjie has a higher chance of being the culprit.”

“That makes sense! Let's wait for Mu Sifa to handle it. I'm sure he won't let it slide easily.”

“Right,” Huangfu Shao agreed without further comment.

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