Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 134

Chapter 134 - Inviting Loong Xiaoyi

“What's the matter? Are you up for a game? Well done! I felt a bit unjust, but I'll go along with it.”

Although he didn't initially intend to, he began causing a commotion.

“Really?” Loong Xiaoyi's breath grew heavier in an instant.

He slowly inched closer to Ann Yichen's lips, searching for the right position, and lightly brushed against Ann Yichen's mouth—exploring, yet also tinged with a hint of sensuality.

On any ordinary day, Ann Yichen would have pushed him away and shared a laugh.

However, when Loong Xiaoyi's warm breath washed over his face, he seemed ensnared. His body tensed, and an indescribable tingling sensation surged through every cell.

He forgot he should have pushed Loong Xiaoyi away, convinced this was just a prank.

“If you don't push me away, I'll kiss you.”

Loong Xiaoyi suddenly declared, seemingly having done nothing before, merely waiting for Ann Yichen to decline.

Ann Yichen wanted to refuse. After all, he harbored no romantic intentions toward Loong Xiaoyi. But upon hearing Loong Xiaoyi's composed voice, irritation welled up within him.

It was just a little game, yet Loong Xiaoyi acted so mature! Did he not like me? If he did, shouldn't he just pounce on me? Why does he keep asking me to reject him?

Excellent! You want an escape route, huh? Playing it cool while pretending to be an adult! Today, I'll shatter your act.

He smiled beguilingly. “Why should I push you away? Weren't you itching to kiss me a while ago? I agree this time; such opportunities don't come by often.”

Loong Xiaoyi was momentarily taken aback because Ann Yichen typically wouldn't allow such advances.

“Have you been hit hard?” He withdrew from Ann Yichen and raised an eyebrow, studying him intently.

Ann Yichen's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to berate Loong Xiaoyi. But in the end, he held it back and asked with a grin, “Why do you say that?”

Yet, regardless of how it appeared, this smile carried an air of danger.

Nonetheless, Loong Xiaoyi wasn't afraid. He merely found it peculiar. Ann Yichen was acting unlike his usual self and had been inviting him all day.

“Could it be that you've been waiting for a chance to ask me for help?”

He posed the question bluntly, locking eyes with Ann Yichen. He didn't see anything wrong with his words; after all, they were both men, and there was no need to beat around the bush.

“You brat, do you want trouble?” Ann Yichen was irked.

“Then why have you been so accommodating all day, looking like you could tolerate my presence anytime?” With a smirk, he appeared both content and a little teasing.

Ann Yichen's mouth twitched. What is this troublesome kid plotting? I've been quite straightforward; what is he waiting for? Does he expect me to make the move myself?

Ann Yichen felt a twinge of anger, but then he was taken aback. He covered his mouth with his hand and blushed suddenly.

Oh my, what's happening to me? Were those my true thoughts, or did he coax me into saying something absurd?

“Come here! Take a seat.” Loong Xiaoyi suddenly slapped his thigh and gestured for Ann Yichen to sit beside him.

“Huh!?” Ann Yichen wore an expression of disbelief. It was clearly he himself who seemed to desire something.

Loong Xiaoyi smiled. “We've got just one shot. Either you sit here now, or we get off the car and visit Shang Xiaojie.”

Compared to Ann Yichen, Loong Xiaoyi appeared more composed and quickly established an atmosphere between the two of them.

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