Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 - Elina Wants to Kill Jia Tianxia?

“Hold on a moment, I'll accompany you! I'm also concerned about Madam's condition.”

Elina trailed behind Jia Tianxia, her heavy breath revealing her fear, yet she maintained a fa?ade of composure.

Jia Tianxia glanced back at her, his brows furrowing. Elina's unusual politeness raised suspicions.

“Alright, then. Let's go together. I'm curious to know what you're up to.”

Jia Tianxia's response made Elina's heart race, but she kept up her pretense with a smile. “I'm just worried about Madam and want to help find the real culprit. No ulterior motives.”

Elina's act didn't deceive Jia Tianxia. He cautioned her before continuing on.

Anger welled up within Elina as she clenched her fists tightly.

However, now wasn't the time for anger. If she were exposed, it would spell her demise, and Mu Sifa wouldn't spare her.

“You enjoy meddling in others' affairs, don't you? Fine, don't blame me for not being polite.” Elina pulled out a self-defense knife from her pocket, determined to take drastic measures.

When Jia Tianxia and his group arrived at the cinema area, they were greeted by Loong Xiaoyi.

“You want to check the surveillance?” Loong Xiaoyi inquired.

“Yes, please inform your manager about it,” Jia Tianxia replied.

Loong Xiaoyi's expression remained unreadable, hinting at underlying concerns.

Jia Tianxia was taken aback, “You know our wife?”

“We're just classmates; follow me,” Loong Xiaoyi said, leading the way.

“Thank you.”

Loong Xiaoyi didn't respond but glanced back at Elina, sensing her unusual demeanor. This made her flustered, and he stole a few more glances.

Suddenly, Loong Xiaoyi turned to look at her. Elina's heart skipped a beat, and she offered a smile, but he responded with a cold indifference.

Elina, who had already eaten twice today, felt her anger flaring. How dare he ignore her after she smiled at him?

Elina seemed to believe that every man in the world was infatuated with her. It bordered on narcissism.

As Loong Xiaoyi led them to the monitoring room, they coincidentally crossed paths with Mu Cheng, who emerged from within.

“Why are you here?” Loong Xiaoyi frowned.

Mu Cheng, seemingly unsurprised by their presence, replied casually, “I brought the drinks.” He remained reticent and left, indifferent to others' thoughts.

Loong Xiaoyi couldn't help but dislike this attitude.

Loong Xiaoyi rarely harbored ill feelings toward anyone, but Mu Cheng was an exception.

Wasn't he the adopted son brought back by our boss's second uncle last year?

Jia Tianxia was surprised to encounter Mu Cheng here.

“Go inside. I'll inform the manager,” Loong Xiaoyi instructed, opening the door and nodding toward the room.

“Alright, thank you.”

Jia Tianxia wasted no time in entering the room.

Elina's heart raced, and sweat formed on her forehead. The self-defense knife in her pocket felt damp from her grip.

“Don't blame me for what's to come, Jia Tianxia. You brought this upon yourself. Isn't it better to stay alive?”

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