Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Vol 2 Chapter 2371: Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye! The news from the mechanical clan! Offend me...

Vol 2 Chapter 2371: Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye! The news from the mechanical clan! Offend me...

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After absorbing the two runes, Wang Teng's eyes fell on the last attribute bubble.

Soul mechanical talisman array!

It is the attribute of this [Soul Mechanical Talisman Array], and its attribute value is several times higher than before.

Suddenly, a large amount of insights poured into his mind, turning into a huge formation phantom, in which there were countless runes, which were being lit up one by one at this moment.

But this lighting up soon ended.

As quickly as it comes, it goes as quickly as it comes.

In Wang Teng's field of vision, it was only a small part of the entire formation, not even one ten thousandth.

Wang Teng was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time.

The last time he absorbed insights, because there were only a few attribute values, the picture he saw was extremely blurry, not as clear as this time.

But the clearer it is, the more unbelievable it is.

The strong impact made him, a holy rune master and a holy array mage, feel a little dizzy.

too big.

This formation is too big.

And its complexity can be regarded as the second time he has seen it in his life.

Only the [Blood Sea Sky-Covering Formation] obtained in the Immortal Blood Sea of the Vampire Clan can rival it.

And even the [Nine Realm Mixed Space Formation] he picked up in every level of the nine levels of darkness could not compare with the above two formations.

The gap is quite large.

No wonder it is an "unknown" level formation.

Wang Teng took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then looked at the attribute panel.

In any case, this is not something he can fully access now. Being able to pick up a small part of the attribute bubbles is already a blessing.

At least...I gained a lot of knowledge.

What's more, this is the mysterious talisman formation of the mechanical clan, which is completely inaccessible to outsiders.

If it hadn't been for this series of coincidences, even Wang Teng himself would have had difficulty getting in touch with him.

Therefore, it is indeed quite good to be able to obtain the attributes of this formation, and Wang Teng feels very satisfied.

[Soul Mechanical Talisman Array] (UnknownIncomplete): 4930/100000 (Entry);

Then he glanced at the attribute panel and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

4930 attribute points, for the upper limit of 100,000 attribute points, it is still a drop in the bucket and nothing.

Wang Teng shook his head and retracted his thoughts. He didn't know when he would encounter this attribute next time. It was useless to think too much.

That's it for now.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, he thought about it, and then controlled this ray of soul power to move towards the place where Lord Xingyun was trapped.

The next step is to prepare for escape.

Not only him, but also Venerable Xingyun should be rescued together.

At this moment, Wang Teng's main soul suddenly froze, looking at the attribute bubbles that suddenly appeared in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

How is this going?

Why does an attribute bubble appear in front of him?

What did he do to make attribute bubbles drop?

Damn it!

Wang Teng's head was full of black questions, but he immediately thought of something, his eyes flashed, and he immediately picked it up.

[Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye*1000]

[Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye*1500]

[Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye*2000]

"What the hell..." When Wang Teng saw the attribute bubble for the first time, he had no other thoughts and couldn't help but curse.

Lord Xingyun is an old man.

What about the promised trust? Where are the friends you made friends with?

That's it! That's it!

Wang Teng felt that his fragile heart was hurt.

The next moment, insights came to him, leaving him no time to get hurt. He had to absorb the insights first.

I saw runes reappearing in his mind. These runes were very strange, intertwined with each other, with a mark as the center, and finally turned into the shape of an eyeball.

Isn't this the rune eye that blended with his soul before?

Wang Teng secretly thought that sure enough, when he saw the attribute bubble, he guessed it and understood what it was.

At this moment, with the absorption of insights, a glimmer of enlightenment also emerged, verifying his guess.

This is the so-called soul liaison device.

Wang Teng's eyes were filled with resentment, feeling that he had been deceived by Lord Xingyun, who didn't even tell him his real name.

He is too naive.

I actually believed it.

This [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] is clearly the soul liaison device mentioned by Lord Xingyun.

At the beginning, he felt a little strange, why did he choose such an ordinary and old-fashioned name, thinking that he was returning to his original nature.

It turned out to be all fake.

And his previous idea was also wrong.

He thought that the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Array] was the one that transmitted signals, but now it seems that it is still a little short of the mark.

[Soul Mechanical Talisman Array] should indeed have the function of transmitting signals, but it needs to be coordinated with this [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye].

One party delivers and the other receives.

But now it seems that the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] is only one-time use and will dissipate on its own after use.

Only the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Array] can maintain its operation.

"If my guess is correct, the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Array] should be in the so-called mechanical nest." Wang Teng's eyes flashed and he thought of something.

Then he looked at the properties panel, and a new line of fonts suddenly appeared on it.

[Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] (Sacred Level Seven Tribulations): 4500/20000 (entry level);

"Seven Saint Level Tribulations!"

Wang Teng was a little surprised, but also felt that it was a little natural.

The seven holy calamities are already quite high.

Although compared with the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Array], the level is much lower.

But this is only a one-time thing after all, and it is gone after use.

Those who can reach the level of Saint Seven Tribulations can be regarded as the top artifacts in the universe, and are not accessible to ordinary warriors.

Many Immortal-level feudal lords may not be able to access the artifacts of the Seven Tribulations of the Saint-level.

"This thing is very special. It is actually made of the power of the soul." Wang Teng absorbed the insights and soon fully understood the structure of the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye].

In fact, when he observed the formation process of this [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] before, he had already learned a little bit about it.

In any case, he had watched the whole process. If he couldn't learn this at all, then others would probably doubt his saint-level status.

Of course, it is somewhat unrealistic to fully condense this [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] after just one observation.

Even with his attainments and talents, he couldn't do it.

This is the seventh calamity of the saint level, and now he can only refine the artifacts of about four calamities of the saint level, which is still far behind.

What's more, it's not enough to just look at the surface. The real difficulty lies within.

If Wang Teng had not had the help of the [Eye of True Sight], he would never have been able to see the specific internal structure.

I have to admit that this [Eye of True Sight] is also a rare help for sub-professionals.

Therefore, Wang Teng must keep trying before he has any hope of success.

Fortunately, now that we have this corresponding understanding, these problems will naturally be solved.

that is

"The proficiency level is a bit low, only the entry level." Wang Teng looked at the attribute value of 4,500 points and the upper limit of attribute value of 20,000 points, feeling a little helpless.

The entry-level artifacts of the Seven Tribulations of the Saint level alone require 20,000 attribute points, which is really difficult.

It's not like he hasn't obtained the attribute bubbles of the Saint-level Seven Tribulations artifacts, such as the [Divine Machine Red Lightning Thunder Eagle], which is the Saint-level Seven Tribulations.

But its entry-level only requires 15,000 attribute points. The [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] in front of you is really comparable to a Saint-level Nine Tribulations artifact.

But its normal to think about it.

After all, this is a soul artifact, and its difficulty is comparable to ordinary artifacts.

"With my current achievements, it is still somewhat difficult to condense this [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye]."

At this moment, Wang Teng felt that he had taken it for granted before.

The more you know, the more you understand how difficult it is.

Saint level seven calamity soul objects require too much soul power.

Just to engrave those runes, with his current soul power, he probably couldn't afford it.

What's more, this proficiency is so impressive, I'm afraid I will fail many times in the middle.

After all, the entry-level level is just the entry-level level, and it is impossible for him to perfectly master the method of condensation of this holy-level Seven Tribulations artifact.

If it were an ordinary utensil, it would be better.

It's a big waste of resources.

But this is condensed from the power of the soul. If there is a slight mistake, it is very likely to harm his own soul body.

The gain outweighs the loss.

Wang Teng's only advantage is that he can make up for the loss of soul power by picking up attributes, but this is not easy.

Not every time you can pick up a lot of soul origin attributes by coincidence.

This thing is something that can only be encountered but not sought.

It is estimated that only on the battlefield, with the death of a large number of warriors and dark species, will it be possible for a large number of soul origin attributes to appear.

To put it bluntly, it is built with life.

Even though he usually seems to be able to pick up soul attribute bubbles casually, only he knows best, which time is not a special situation.

That is to say, he encountered more special situations.

"I still have to strive to improve my soul realm." Wang Teng felt a little melancholy.

Again, if you want to improve your soul realm, you must improve your martial arts realm. There is no other way.

All in all, this [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] is probably unable to be condensed for the time being.

Wang Teng was disappointed in his heart. If his soul power was sufficient and his proficiency was higher, he would not be in such trouble.


I thought I could condense a [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye] to see if I could communicate with the so-called mechanical mother nest.

Now the plan is ruined.

Just when Wang Teng was disappointed that he could not condense the [Soul Mechanical Talisman Eye], there was a rare fluctuation in the core of the mechanical territory.

It was a dark void that usually seemed to have no light, cold and dry.

There are only a large number of mechanical bodies floating in the void, densely packed, like various stars.

No, those are some stars made by machinery.

Mechanical planets, mechanical meteorites, mechanical star rings...the list is endless.

In addition, there are various spaceships, battleships, mechanical bodies, and even mechanical creations whose details are unknown, floating in the void with no known purpose.

In such a starry sky, if ordinary warriors were to step into this place, they would probably be shocked from ear to ear.

The silence reached the extreme, and the coldness reached the extreme.

It was a silent feeling of shock.

It is silent, but it brings strong impact and vibration to people's soul.

And if you look down from an endless height, the shocking feeling will probably be even stronger, enough to be remembered for a lifetime.

This is the core of the mechanical clan.

And located in the center of this core, a giant mechanical city is looming like it is hidden in the void.

Looking from a distance, it seems that only a corner of it can be seen protruding from the void, while most of it is still hidden deep in the void and cannot be seen by outsiders.

But just that corner is enough to make people unable to look directly.

Magnificent, spectacular, majestic

It seems that no words can describe it perfectly.

At this moment, the corner of the giant mechanical city suddenly lit up with a light from the top.

This ray of light was so astonishing that it seemed to illuminate the entire void, alarming all the mechanical creations here.

Rays of light of different colors lit up all around, and they all looked at the giant mechanical city in the center, like... gazes!

"The Brood has received a request for help and has launched a god-level rescue operation."

"Those who offend my fellow tribesmen will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

A voice that seemed to have no emotion came from the giant mechanical city, echoing in the void.

But if there are warriors from other races here, they will find that they can't hear anything at all.


The mechanical creations here all responded.


The silent words echoed in the void, but they were full of murderous energy, making the void suddenly fall into a terrifying and chilling atmosphere.

This kind of chilling was probably enough to frighten an immortal-level existence out of fear, leaving an indelible ~The next moment, an invisible wave came from the giant mechanical city, and above its head An illusory divine kingdom seemed to appear on the sky, disappearing in a flash.

In the kingdom of God, a space passage was opened, and a figure that was not tall, but looked extremely majestic appeared out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air.

Also disappearing was the illusory Kingdom of God.

Everything was like an illusion, incredibly fast, as if it had never happened.

The void completely returned to calm, and those lights disappeared, just like before, falling into silence.

In a certain void in the mechanical territory, the Star Mechanical King suddenly stopped and his eyes widened.


He seemed to have received some incredible information, and his eyes were full of disbelief. After a while, he slowly exhaled and regained his composure.

"Has it actually come to this?"

"Even the brood was disturbed."

"And that adult was actually born, this..."

Star Tool King's heart was still agitated, and he didn't know what to feel.

Things seem to be getting out of control.

But soon he also received the message, and his heart was shocked. He finally understood why the Brood was so aggressive.

"This battle will probably be earth-shattering."

The Star Tool King took several deep breaths before finally calming down. With a flash of his eyes, he immediately sent a message to several other immortal-level venerables who were rushing to the Chaotic Sky Star Territory.

After they receive the news, I wonder what their expressions will be? ()

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