Full Attributes Martial Arts (All Attributes Martial Path)

Vol 2 Chapter 2368: Proficient in the secret method of the Soul of the Bone Demon Prison! How do I prove that I…

Vol 2 Chapter 2368: Proficient in the secret method of the Soul of the Bone Demon Prison! How do I prove that I…

"Venerable Starfall!"

"Finally found."

A light flashed in Wang Teng's eyes, and he couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Looking back, this journey was really not easy.

It can be said to be a lot of hurdles.

First, he escaped from the Demon Prison of Bones, then he had to search for it, then he had to climb over the barrier, and finally he had to enter the body of this giant skeletal tiger.

It's okay to enter its body, but after entering, you have to be careful about the runes and bone chains here.

If anything went wrong in the middle, he wouldn't be able to get to this point.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Fortunately, he overcame all these difficulties one by one and finally arrived here smoothly.

The Bone Demon God probably never imagined that someone could cheat all the way and pass through countless obstacles. What's even more outrageous is that he hasn't discovered it yet.

"Master, what should we do now?" [Tiger Demon Soul] also came nearby and asked: "Do you need my cooperation?"

It has seen the extraordinaryness of this mysterious master, and its sense of belonging has become deeper, otherwise it would not take the initiative to ask for help at this time.

The previous process is actually relatively simple, but the final connection is the most difficult part.

If it were before, it would not have opened this opening, because doing so would undoubtedly increase its risk of exposure.

But now it's different, the mentality changes everything.

In order to show off in front of this mysterious master, it went to great lengths.

If you don't risk everything, where will the power of your soul come from?

Wang Teng glanced at it. At this moment, he felt that this majestic dark evil winged tiger seemed to have the potential to be a dog licker, and its transformation was very smooth.

"Not yet, just stay here for now."

He said very calmly.


"Oh, okay." [Tiger Demon Soul] didn't expect such a response. He was confused for a moment, and then stepped aside in a daze.

Wang Teng is actually quite satisfied with it.

Have discernment.

Know the current affairs.

The unruliness he showed towards the little shadow snake before was not shown at all here. He changed quickly, which was good.

These thoughts flashed through Wang Teng's mind, and then he ignored the other party and looked at the cage made of bone chains in front of him.

From his perspective, this was no longer a simple cage, it was clearly a scaled down version of the [Bone Soul Locking Prison].

Based on nine hundred and ninety-nine white bone chains, an invisible soul-locking prison was created.

Ordinary people may not be able to see the existence of the Bone Soul Locking Prison, but Wang Teng seems to be able to see an illusory and invisible hall standing in the void in front of him.

At the same time, there are many attribute bubbles floating around those bone chains.

Even the [Tiger Demon Soul] can't see all this.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly and said silently in his heart: "Evolution of all things!"

The aura of his soul changed again, from the aura of [Tiger Demon Soul] to the unique aura of [Bone Soul Locking Prison].

Fortunately, he had just obtained the relevant attribute bubbles, and he was no longer unfamiliar with the [White Bone Soul Locking Prison], so he was able to evolve it smoothly.

In just a moment, [Tiger Demon Soul] could no longer feel the aura of its new master, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Teng moved forward quietly, picking up the attribute bubbles around him.

In an instant, a large amount of [Bone Soul Locking Prison] insights poured into his mind, and then a terrifying bone palace appeared.

This bone hall gradually solidified from the original illusion, and the countless runes on it manifested one by one, becoming the solid nourishment of this hall.

Wang Teng was shocked. The runes contained in this [Bone Soul Locking Prison] were many times more than the previous [Black Water Prison].

It's hard to imagine that they actually come from the same divine soul secret method.

But this is also a good thing. The more runes it contains, the more powerful it is.

"Wait a minute, what a fart."

Wang Teng suddenly realized that the stronger this [Bone Soul Locking Prison] is, the harder it will be for him to awaken the soul of Lord Xingyun later, which is a rip-off.

After a while, the realization disappeared, and the images in his mind slowly dissipated.

But Wang Teng was very happy, because just now, the hall had completely solidified, and the runes contained in it were completely lit up.

Chains of white bones shuttled through the hall, like giant white bone dragons, as if they could trap everything, which was very strange.

[The Soul Secret Technique of White Bone Demon Prison] (God LevelIncomplete): 4500/50000 (Proficient); (Black Water Prison, White Bone Soul Locking Prison)

"I'll go, I'm proficient!" Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel and felt even more happy.

Unexpectedly, after absorbing the insights just now, the proficiency of this [White Bone Demon Prison Soul Secret Technique] was directly upgraded from the proficiency level to the mastery level.

I just focused on absorbing the insights, but I didn't notice the level improvement.

But this is fine, now it is the same as the [Mysterious Technique of Soul Taming], both have reached the proficiency level.

He knows very well how useful the mastery-level Soul Secret Technique is.

If he hadn't reached the proficiency level of [Mysterious Method of Taming Souls], he really wouldn't have been able to pass all the difficulties in front of him so easily.

Now that the [White Bone Demon Prison Soul Secret Technique] has reached the proficiency level, it must be able to cope with the situation at hand.

Wang Teng looked at the scene in front of him again, his eyes flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

The runes on the bone chains were all reflected in his eyes. No matter how hidden they were, they could not escape his [Eye of True Seeing].

In addition, there are also runes that have not been manifested in the void, but they cannot be hidden from his eyes either.

Those invisible runes are part of the [Bone Soul Locking Prison]. If the Bone Chain is an overt method, then the Bone Hall is a hidden method.

The two are actually one, but the reality is difficult for people to see clearly.

There really is something to this Bone Soul Locking Prison.

The corner of Wang Teng's mouth curled up, and then he looked above the golden figure's head.

A miniature version of the skeletal giant tiger is crouching in mid-air, exuding a dark and dead aura, exactly the same as the [Soul of the Tiger Demon].

This should be the split soul of the Evil God Tiger Demon Seal Soul.

But judging from this aura, it was much more powerful than his [Tiger Demon Soul].

No wonder I could pick up so much soul power before, but now the two are simply incomparable.

Only a huge gap can cause this large one-way flow of energy.

If the gap between the two sides is very small, then he will definitely not be able to pick up so many [Soul of the Tiger Demon] attributes.

"With my current evolution, the soul of this evil tiger demon seal probably won't be able to detect me."

This is why Wang Teng did not let [Tiger Demon Soul] intervene.

The existence of [Tiger Demon Soul] can be regarded as a hidden trump card. Waiting until it becomes stronger and then using it may play a greater role.

Just stay aside for now.

At this moment, Wang Teng no longer hesitated, and immediately controlled the power of his soul to touch the void ahead.

The situation this time was a little different from when he escaped from [Black Water Prison] before.

The Bone Demon God's control over the [Black Water Prison] is obviously much greater than that of the [White Bone Soul Locking Prison].

Even for demon-level beings, it is obviously not that easy to control the secret method of the soul.

There is an accepted fact in the universe.

At the same level, the difficulty of controlling the soul secret method is higher than that of ordinary exercises and combat skills.

Of course, people with high soul talents will tell others.

So at this moment, in Wang Teng's eyes, the void in front of him actually has loopholes.

After all, his insights came from the Bone Demon God.

He himself knows best where there are flaws in his control of the [White Bone Soul Locking Prison], but now he has one more Wang Teng.

Wang Teng quickly found a loophole. Without hesitation, he followed the loophole directly into the void like a loach.

The Demon God of Bone Guo was not alarmed.

The process was smooth.

Then he observed again and found the loophole again. He approached one of the bone chains and directly attached to the bone chain.

Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect that it would be much simpler than before.

The next thing is to awaken Lord Xingyun.

At this time, he merged the power of his soul with the bone chain, which was equivalent to having come into contact with the soul body of Lord Xingyun, and he immediately passed on the information.

Lord Xingyun was instantly alarmed. Although he was in a deep sleep, he fell into a deep sleep on his own initiative to resist the infection from the outside world.

Therefore, whenever there is any disturbance in the outside world, he will wake up immediately.

However, Wang Teng immediately sent another message, asking him not to make too much noise and continue to pretend to be asleep.

Lord Xingyun quickly understood and still maintained his original appearance.

Only two people knew that they had actually made contact.

"Wang Teng, how did you escape?!" Lord Xingyun was extremely surprised. He didn't expect to hear Wang Teng's voice.

He couldn't understand why Wang Teng could find this place so tightly.

And wasnt Wang Teng also trapped by the demon?

How did you escape?

"I have my own means of escape." Wang Teng said directly without any nonsense: "Senior, time is tight and I don't have time to explain too much. I need your help now."

When Lord Xingyun heard this, his heart suddenly tightened, but he did not rush to respond, but asked: "How do you prove that you are Wang Teng?"


Wang Teng was stunned.

How can I prove that I am myself?

It was outrageous that this outrageous question actually appeared on him.

However, after he thought about it, he understood the concerns of Lord Xingyun, so he told what happened to Lanji Void Fortress one by one.

He really didn't know how to prove himself, so he had to use this method.

Fortunately, the two parties have cooperated before, and only the two of them know some of the details.


Lord Xingyun breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to really be able to escape from the devil."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need to contact the outside world. I wonder if seniors can do it?" Wang Teng said.

"Contact the outside world!"

Lord Xingyun immediately said: "If it is other matters, I may not be able to help now, but if we just contact the outside world, we may still be able to do it."

Wang Teng was surprised and happy, but immediately realized something and asked doubtfully: "We?"

"To be more precise, it should be you." Venerable Xingyun said: "I am trapped now and naturally cannot contact you, but since you can move freely, you should be able to do it."

"How to do it?" Wang Teng's eyes flashed and he asked directly.

"There is a soul liaison device hidden in my soul world, just in case. If something happens, I can send the news back to the machine clan."

Lord Xingyun explained and said helplessly: "If I hadn't encountered a demon-level existence this time, I wouldn't have had time to use the soul liaison device."

"Soul liaison device!" Wang Teng looked surprised.

Does the soul still have a liaison device?

And the machine race actually has such a thing!

It sounds very profound and mysterious.

Anyway, he had never heard of it before, and he had to admit that the mechanical race did have many mysterious things that outsiders could not imagine.

"Is this soul liaison device reliable?" Wang Teng still asked worriedly.

"This is the secret of my mechanical clan, but now that the situation is urgent, I will tell you."

Lord Xingyun hesitated for a moment before explaining:

"Although the soul communicator is called soul, it actually does not use the power of the soul, but can send a special signal."

"This kind of signal can only be received by the mechanical mother nest of my mechanical clan, and outsiders cannot detect it at all."

"Only the mechanical mother's nest can accept it. This mechanical mother's nest..."

Wang Teng was very surprised. Could this "mechanical brood" be the core of the mechanical clan?

What is the signal that only the "Mechanical Mother Nest" can receive?

However, he was still a little worried and said: "But the signal was transmitted from your body, and now the demon has taken control of your body..."

Before he finished speaking, Lord Xingyun naturally understood what he meant and said:

"Don't worry, our clan already took this into consideration when we developed this soul liaison device."

"So even if it is transmitted from my mechanical body, it will not arouse the suspicion of the controller."

"To tell you the truth, even if I hadn't already known about the existence of this soul communicator, I wouldn't have felt anything unusual when it was transmitting information."

"You can't even feel it yourself!" Wang Teng was really frightened this time.

What kind of method is this?

It's a little too outrageous.

There is a saying that goes well, its nothing if you can hide something from others, but its really awesome if you can hide something from yourself.

Doesn't this describe the situation at hand?

"So you can rest assured." Lord Xingyun added: "Besides, I feel that the demon's control over my mechanical body is not perfect."

Wang Teng nodded, no longer doubting anything, and asked: "I wonder where the soul liaison device is located? And how to activate it?"

Lord Xingyun immediately told Wang Teng the hidden location of the soul liaison device, and then paused.

"As for the starting method...that's all."

It sighed, and finally taught Wang Teng a complex mark made of mechanical runes.

Wang Teng's eyes were strange, and he felt as if he had obtained something extraordinary, but he didn't think much about it. He was quickly attracted by the mark.

"How about it? With your rune skills, can you engrave it?" Lord Xingyun was quite confident in Wang Teng's rune skills, but when things came to a close, he felt it was extremely risky.

I wonder if the other party can do it?

"Senior, don't worry, it's not a big problem." Wang Teng smiled lightly.

"" Venerable Xingyun.

It seemed like he was pretending.

"Be careful. In order to keep it confidential, the soul liaison device of UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net is unique."

"Originally I could open it with the power of my soul, but now that I'm trapped, I can only use this special rune mark."

"But in this case, we must ensure the accuracy of the rune imprints. If there is a slight error, the soul liaison device will self-destruct."

Lord Xingyun still reminded him.

"I understand." Wang Teng nodded.

To be honest, if he hadn't already mastered the mechanical runes, I don't know how much time it would take to learn this mark.

Ordinary saint-level rune masters may not be able to fully master it in a short period of time.

According to Lord Xingyun, if this mark cannot be perfectly engraved, the soul liaison device may not be used, which is indeed a bit difficult.

But again, he couldn't be bothered by his words. (End of chapter)

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