From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables

Chapter 97 - 97: 065 Descending the Mountain (First Watch)

Chapter 97: 065 Descending the Mountain (First Watch)

Translator: 549690339

In the midst of summer, lush little flowers lined both sides of the mountain path, their vivid colors dancing in the wind, an invigorating sight to behold.

The sun blazed overhead, scorching the earth, while cicadas incessantly called out, adding to the stifling heat of the afternoon.

At the foot of the mountain, a few bent figures could occasionally be spotted in the farmland, faces to the dirt and backs to the sky.

A tall, slender figure walked between the fields, holding an umbrella to protect from the sun. It seemed as if a cool breeze followed in her wake, even the sun above didn’t feel as scorching.

The end of the field led to the entrance of Baitou Mountain. Quickly, the silhouette ascended the stairs, dwindling into a small dot.

“Is it Master Ming Jing coming back?” A middle-aged woman in the field looked up at the figure in the distance.

“It seems so. Hurry back and tell Grandpa Geng Zi, and let him bring Geng Zi up the mountain,” another replied.

The woman promptly left the field and rushed toward the village, muttering, “Amitofo, Master Ming Jing has finally returned.”

Upon reaching the entrance of the village, she shouted loudly, “Master Ming Jing is back!”

The quiet village suddenly buzzed with activity as villagers awoke from their noon naps and asked, “Is Master Ming Jing really back? Am I not dreaming?” “You’re not dreaming! Sister Cui Lan just saw her, cutting grass in the field. She saw Master Ming Jing going up the mountain. How could she be mistaken?” The sister from across the street locked her door. ‘Master Ming Jing is back. I must go to the temple to burn some incense, praying that she will bless our family.”

The neighbor quickly closed their door and went inside, “Wife, stop sleeping. Hurry up and get up. Master Ming Jing is back.”

The woman in bed stirred groggily, “What?”

She suddenly came to her senses and exclaimed, ‘Master Ming Jing has returned! That’s great! We should bring our child and pay our respects to Master Ming Jing.”

The news in the village spread like wildfire, and a wave of excitement filled the village as word of Master Ming Jing’s return reached everyone.

Stone steps had been built, leading to the top of the mountain, seemingly endless.

Alongside the steps were vast, dense woods that blocked out the sun, repelling the sweltering heat and bringing with them a sense of coolness.

The young girl ascended the stairs with poise and elegance, at a leisurely pace.

The hem of her skirt brushed against the steps, lifted gently by the mountain breeze.

After a seemingly long climb, the monastery entrance finally came into view.

Ming Jing adjusted her skirt, smiling softly as she approached and knocked on the monastery door.

“Someone is here!” A crisp voice rang out from within, and the sound of approaching footsteps grew closer.

With a creak, the door opened just a crack, and a little head peeked out.

On seeing the person standing at the entrance, the girl’s eyes widened in disbelief before rubbing them once, then twice.

Ming Jing shook her head with a smile, “Don’t you recognize your Senior Sister anymore?”

Upon hearing the familiar voice, the girl burst into tears and slammed the door shut.

Ming Jing, with a face full of dust, froze for a second before hearing the girl’s excited shouts from inside, “Third Sister, Fourth Sister, Second Sister is back!” Ming Jing shook her head with a wry smile.

As she entered through the monastery gate, she felt as if nothing had changed since her departure.

The next moment, two shadows rushed towards her like whirlwinds and embraced her tightly, sobbing uncontrollably.

“Second Sister, sob, you’re finally back.”

“Second Sister, I missed you so much. Please don’t leave again.”

An eight- or nine-year-old girl ran over but did not embrace Ming Jing like the others. Instead, she stood three steps away, her lips pursed and eyes fixed on Ming Jing, looking extremely awkward.

“Why did you come back from your wealthy life? What are you doing here?” The girl said coldly.

The girl who had been hugging Ming Jing’s waist the whole time looked up and glared at her, ‘Ming Ti, don’t talk to Second Sister like that. She’s not happy either.”

“Hmph. She seemed to be enjoying her life in that wealthy household. She’s just here to see if we’ve starved to death,” Ming Ti retorted.

The little girl who had been hugging Ming Jing’s leg angrily ran over to Ming Ti and scratched her, “Hmph, don’t talk about Second Sister like that. You’re mean.”

Ming Ti rolled her eyes, “You’re so dumb. She’s not our Second Sister anymore. She’s a rich lady now. We, a group of little nuns, are beneath her.”

The little girl burst into tears, “Second Sister will always be our Second Sister.” Ming Jing sighed softly, walking over and gently patting the little girl’s head,

speaK1ng sortiY, “Don’t cry. your sister will never leave you..”

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