First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 35 The First Mission.

Chapter 35 The First Mission.

General POV

After Bekka passed out, Exedra gingerly laid her down in the bed under the covers before he resumed sex with Lailah.

This pattern went on throughout the entire night.

When one would faint from pleasure, almost as if by prior agreement the other would wake up and receive the same treatment.

Exedra showed no signs of exhaustion even after several hours.

On the contrary he looked full of energy and like he could keep going endlessly.

After the seventh hour when the sun was showing signs of rising, Exedra pulled out of the still spasming Lailah to see that Bekka showed no signs of waking up and her chest was steadily rising and falling.

"Haaa… I think I might've overdone it." He said as he looked at the state of his wives and then the room.

There wasn't a surface or an item that wasn't wet or broken in some way.

The bed was the worst of all and it was covered in fluids from all three of them.

"I'm never going to be able to look our innocent little maids in the eye after they clean this." He thought with a sigh before he grabbed some tissues from the corner of his room that saw the least amount of damage.

As he prepared to clean his wives up he received some surprising messages from his system.

< Passive Skill Unbound : Grandson Of Igrat.

< Mission Received!

- Conquer the Dungeon of Black Winter

< Rewards :

- Instant level up x10

- 5,000 Shop Currency

- One Random Lottery Prize

< Time Limit :

- 48 hours.

As he looked over the notifications that popped up in my vision, he cocked his brow in apparent confusion.

'System what do you mean skill unbound?'

< A skill that has been unbound is a bloodline trait that was formerly dormant in the host's body. It is not the same as your locked skill, True Demonic Dragon.

'Okay… do I have any other dormant skills?'

'The system does not know.'

Sigh, of course it wouldn't be that easy.

'Well how'd I get this one?'

< Host performed an action that awoke the dormant magic in his bloodline.

'Show me the skill information.'

< Cannot analyze skill.

What the hell?

Since when can my system not see something going on with my body??

'Why can't you see it?'

< Host must be atleast stage three before skill details can be revealed.

The questions just kept piling up in his mind.

'I have to get stronger as quickly as possible.'

Unanswered questions made him nervous.

He then turned his focus to the mission and it's rewards and was mildly surprised.

The dungeon of black winter was a medium difficulty dungeon not far from the castle.

It's a relatively small dungeon with only fifteen floors.

Despite that, the size and strength of the monsters are no joke.

Whole parties of up to seventy have been almost completely wiped out and he and Bekka are going alone.

"Looks like something exciting will happen today." Exedra cleaned his wives up and tucked them into bed in the driest spots he could find before he looked out the balcony towards the horizon.

He'd finally be starting my journey towards gaining power and the thought left him strangely excited.

He thought back a little on his old life and smiled bitterly.

The difference was so great it was almost laughable.

'Come to think of it…am I thirty seven?!' I thought with an incredulous expression.

After he died as Carter, when Exedra's memories were uploaded, he lived through seventeen years of his existence from his birth to the day he collapsed and gained his body.

While thirty seven isn't really all that high a number for a race like dragons, the sudden realization that he was now a middle aged man took the wind out of his sails a bit.

"Well whatever." As he gazed at the sun rising slowly over the horizon, he felt like life in this strange world was only just beginning, but was nonetheless extremely excited for whatever was to come.


POV : Exedra

This morning was.. eventful to say the very least.

After last nights activities, both of my wives slept like beautiful little logs until eleven.

Normally this would've been fine but little Mira wanted to make breakfast for her new mommies and daddy and was slightly sad when I told them they were exhausted from a very strenuous workout.

My mother simply snickered like a fourth grader and Lisa had a furious blush on her face.

She's been looking at me funny all morning I wonder if she heard us last night?

'She should've joined if she did..' I thought before I quickly turned my thoughts to other places.

Eventually, after Bekka and Lailah showed no signs of waking up anytime soon I had to go and wake them up myself.

Lailah : "Mmm… no more… broke me.."

Bekka: "few more minutes…mmmh I can go again…"

I felt slightly guilty seeing this sight.

Maybe I went too hard on them for our first time?

I was eventually able to wake them up and assured them I wasn't going to do anything to them though I couldn't tell if they were disappointed or relieved.

I sent both the girls to the bath and finally let the maids in to clean my room.

Even though I avoided making eye contact, I could still feel some intense gazes coming my way so I left in a hurry.

Eventually I went out to the garden with my mother and Mira while I was waiting on Bekka.

Apparently Lisa spends most of her time in the library which doesn't really surprise me.

I should pay her a visit as well when I have time.

As I say with my mother and my daughter for tea, I once again brought up my father.

" Mom did dad ever speak about his family?"

She looked at me strangely before she answered. "No… he didn't."

"Mom I need to know.. what kind of demon was dad?"

She seemed to be slightly surprised by my questions and at first I wasn't sure she'd answer.

After a moment a small blush crossed her face before I understood why. "He was an incubus."

My expression immediately became one of surprise and then quickly disgust as I could see my mothers eyes get hazy like she was having fond memories.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked. The thought of my parents bumping uglies is really ruining my morning.

Putting that aside, I was greatly surprised my father was an incubus.

They're extremely rare and usually they aren't all that powerful and end up getting kidnapped and sold to rich women.

The fact that my father was so powerful was either due to his blood being extremely pure or his evolutions.

Based off the skill I'd gotten this morning I'd say it's the former.

"Daddy, what's an incubus?"

I heard the cute little voice of Mira ask me a question I never wanted to hear in a million years.

I pulled her into my lap and looked her deeply in her eyes.

"It's a type of monster you must always run away from. They're very icky and can make you sick." I put on my best spooky voice for added effect.

"I-is it a scary monster?" She asked sheepishly.

I nodded furiously "Mhm, yep very scary. But for worry your dad here can blow them all away."

I said as I puffed out my chest to look powerful in front of my daughter and the effect seems to have worked.

"Woahhh! Daddy's strong!"

My mother rolled her eyes at our display before she resumed her normal expression. "But why do you ask about-"

"Husband!!" My mother was interrupted by a frantic Bekka running towards us.

Her pitch black skin glistened beautifully under the sun and her long flowing hair blown by the wind made her look equally majestic.

She wore glittering black armor that suited her wonderfully and gave her a ferocious and wild look.

Across her back was a new giant war hammer I'd bought for her yesterday in preparation for the dungeon and as an apology for breaking her previous one in our spar.

"Mommy Bekka you look so cool!" Mira rushed off my lap and ran to admire her new mother's badass set of armor.

"Aww thank you my little peach!" She scooped Mira into her arms and began to plaster her face with kisses.

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