First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 317 Erica Vs. The Most Possessive Wife

Chapter 317 Erica Vs. The Most Possessive Wife

Erica knew full well that what Abaddon was asking of her was deadly serious.

If she gave a wrong answer here, he would no doubt run off and raze Cypress' lands to the ground without a second thought.

"What's gotten into you...? This sudden interest in spirits is..."

Erica's words started to trail off as she recalled what may have been Abaddon's most unfair ability.

Based on everything she learned so far, she could only assume that his sudden interest was related to that.

"Is this so that you can evolve again?"


The phoenix sighed as she flopped back onto her bed, completely unguarded.

"I would like to say that he would tell you easily but... Cypress isn't necessarily your biggest fan after everything that you pulled at dinner."

"The only thing that I should have pulled was his spine from his back. How dare he look at my wife like she's lesser than him?!" The memory alone was enough to infuriate Abaddon.

But because he did not have the time to be upset, he swallowed all of his irritation.

"Yes, I understand that, but I was only telling you the truth. When Asmodeus and I went to visit him to tell him that the war was no longer going to happen, he was less than pleased."


Erica gave Abaddon a brief recount of how the trip to the elven lands had gone.

When she showed up side by side with Asmodeus, the elf immediately sensed that something was amiss and subjected her to an interrogation.

Erica told Cypress that she and Abaddon had come to an 'understanding', but the elf wouldn't hear any of it.

He had seen the demon god's appearance, so he was sure that he must have seduced Erica and she wasn't in her right mind.

The two of them had a rather longstanding friendship, as they had actually traveled the world together when they were young.

As a result, his ego may have been slightly bruised from seeing his oldest friend give into the demands of an infamous conqueror.

But since she had already made up her mind, there was nothing else that could be done.

He had a few choice words for her in the end, and now it didn't seem like the two were on speaking terms.

"Why must everyone mistake me for a tyrannical seducer of some kind..? I just want to live my life normally." Abaddon muttered.

"Did you not steal your fifth wife from another man?"

"No, I liberated her from an insect that was buzzing around her, that was a completely different matter." He said stubbornly.

Abaddon finally closed the book he was reading and glanced at the resting Erica.

"So since you were in a party with him, you must know a fair bit about spirits as well."

"I do know a fair bit, though not as much as him. How badly do you want the information though?"


The phoenix giggled mischievously as she snaked one of her hands across the sheets and toward Abaddon.

After all of this time, she still did not believe that she couldn't have him!

Erica Vermillion had never failed to seduce a man before, so why would she give up now?

"Come on now, I have been continuously giving and giving since we've met. Does my generosity not deserve to be rewarded?"

"I'll send you a Christmas card."

"A what?"


Erica opened her mouth to belt out a retort, when she suddenly saw movement out of the corner of her eye.

High on the ceiling above, there was a small fluffy bat with glowing eyes and a small pair of horns on it's head.

She watched as the creature dropped from the chandelier above and changed in midair.

The creature became a beautiful woman with very fair skin and long silver hair.

Abaddon held out his arms and allowed Audrina to fall delicately into his lap, at which point she gave him a small kiss on the cheek and looked at Erica pityingly.

"Now Erica, I thought we were friends. But I leave you alone with my darling husband for five minutes and you conspire to steal him away from me."

Erica watched the hybrid vampire wipe away fake tears and rolled her eyes at the display.

"We weren't alone if you were hanging from my chandelier the whole time."

"And it's a good thing I was! Who knows how far your attempts to seduce him could have gone??"

"All the way if I was lucky."

"So cruel!"

Abaddon was feeling something strange about this whole situation.

Usually, Audrina was a lot more violent when it came to these sorts of things, but for some reason she was acting like a baby that needed coddling.

He wasn't sure if this was because she really liked the phoenix queen and didn't want to hurt her or if she was trying to gain something out of behaving like this.

Since she looked rather cute, he decided that he didn't really care all that much and instead would just watch things play out.

"Could you please just tell us what we need to know? If you don't then I might have to ask our sweet Claire and Jasmine for help dealing with their horny bitch of a mother!"

Erica finally sat up on the bed and covered herself with a nearby blanket. "You wouldn't dare..."

"There's no telling what I might do if you don't help us!"

The phoenix growled as she looked at Abaddon for backup, but she only found him shrugging silently as he ran his hands through Audrina's hair.

"Urgh, FINE! But this is the last time I tell you anything without receiving something in return!"

"Sure, sure."

Erica stared up at her ceiling as she tried to recall the bulk of what she knew about this particular subject.

"Spirit are... usually all around us, invisible to all but their own. They are beings made up of something called spiritual energy, which is different from divinity, mana, and demonic miasma.

For the most part, they are something like mischievous little imps who roam everywhere and listen to no one. But their exist a higher class of spirits that can be... What are you doing!?"

Erica was forced to pause her story as she realized that there was too much movement going on within her bed.

As soon as she looked for the source, she found Audrina on her knees between Abaddon's legs with her hands on the strings that kept his skirt closed.

"Hm? Don't worry, we're listening." she said absentmindedly.

"That is not the point here!"

"Well what do you want from me? We're married so something of this nature is hardly unexpected."

"Yes, but with me in the room!?"

"You can look, but if you touch him I'm going to kill you."

"You are insane!"

She looked at Abaddon to see what his expression would be like and found a complicated light in his eyes.

Obviously he knew something of this nature was highly inappropriate, but he could also tell how his wife was feeling.

Inadvertently, it seemed like he had made her just a tiny bit jealous by looking at Erica so casually.

Now, she was trying to establish dominance over her by marking claim to what was hers.

It wasn't necessarily right, but it was understandable.

Especially since he would likely want to do the very same thing were he in her position.

As such, he did not make any moves to stop her and instead curiously watched her to see just what she would do.

"I'm listening, Erica. I know it's strange but please put up with it for now."


Erica's brain suffered a hard reboot as Abaddon's nude body was revealed by Audrina.

Her eyes were locked on the flacid member between his thigh that was already significantly longer and thicker than her ex husband's.

She watched with morbid fascination as Audrina opened her mouth wide and took his member into her mouth without sparing a second thought.

It was actually a little scary.

"Spirits, umm... Are divided into high and low tiers. High tiered spirits can only be found and contacted in the spirit realm..."

"Spirit realm..?"

Erica suppressed a shudder when she heard the sound of Abaddon's voice.

Usually he was a cold and unapproachable man who only showed her a maximum of five expressions, but now his breathing was a bit labored and his voice was huskier.

She was honestly starting to get lightheaded.

"It's something like an alternate dimension... I don't know the specifics but apparently it is somewhere that only the elven kings are allowed to visit.."


Abaddon inadvertently released a small groan as Audrina became more aggressive with her fellatio.

She incorporated her hands into the action as she took him as deep into her throat as possible while flooding his mind with alluring possessive words.

Listening to her and Erica was one of the most difficult things he'd had to do in recent memory.

'You're my husband, so you can only look at the girls and I. Ignore her right now and only focus on me~'

"Although if I had to guess... I would say that it likely has something to do with that big tree that the elven capital is centered around..." Erica continued.

'I belong to you, just as you belong to me. Use me to your hearts content, I want to feel your desire to possess me~!'

"At Cypress' coronation, he entered a small opening in the roots and did not emerge for hours... b-but when he came out, he was significantly more powerful than before..."

'I can feel that you're close~ Give me everything that you have darling and I will accept it gratefully!'

"If you want to learn more about spirits and their interworking then I suggest that you start there... Although I highly doubt that Cypress will allow that so you will need to convince him that you mean no harm..."

'I love you, my husband~!'

Abaddon finally hit his limit and he roughly grabbed Audrina by the back of the head and forced the entirety of his length down her throat.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she had her own orgasm from such rough treatment.

The obscene sounds in the room came to a stop as Abaddon dumped his load directly into Audrina's stomach without even allowing her to swallow.

Her body went limp as she drowned in the ecstasy that came with being used so freely by the one man she adored most.

Abaddon pulled himself out of his wife's throat and she licked her lips in satisfaction.

Her hands ran along one of his thighs and she sank her teeth into his femoral artery.

As the dragon caught his breath and tried to regain some semblance of composure, Erica's eyes were still locked firmly between his legs.

Or to be specific, the towering organ that was still glistening with Audrina's saliva.

Even though she had just watched everything that occurred very closely, she had no understanding of how Audrina could fit it all inside of her mouth.

Once again, she felt like she had been beaten at something but couldn't begin to understand why.

"So...the tree in the center of the elven capital is where I need to go?" Abaddon said, his breathing already returning back to normal.

"Y-Yes, that's right... but like I said, Cypress will likely be less than hospitable."

"I'm not worried about such a thing."

Audrina finally had her fill of blood and other of her husband's liquids and she removed herself from between his legs.

Abaddon had to admit, even though he knew that they couldn't go any further, it was incredibly disheartening to see her getting up while he was still hard.

He had no choice but to use blood manipulation on himself and circulate his blood towards other parts of his body so that he could calm down.

"Is my love unsatisfied? Do you crave more of me?" Audrina asked seductively.

Just for good measure, she pulled her skirt down enough so that Abaddon could see just how wet she was.

Coincidentally, this was also how Erica learned about Abaddon's secret fetish.

"You hardly need to ask." Abaddon said disappointedly. "Unfortunately, we don't have the time for any of that, my love."

Abaddon finally got redressed and stood up from the bed.

He casually lifted Audrina into his arms and held her possessively next to his chest.

"Thank you for your help, Erica. I'll pay you back some day."

"Not like this though~" Audrina reminded.


The dragon opened up a portal within Erica's room and walked through it without looking back.

When the loving couple were finally gone, Erica did the only thing she could after seeing such an insane display.

She fainted.

Audrina Tathamet: 1 - Erica Vermilion: 0.

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