First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 300 Travel Plans & A Small Letter

Chapter 300 Travel Plans & A Small Letter

"So did you guys fuck or what?"

After being punished and leaving the bath, Lusamine asked the pair of Malenia and Abaddon the question that had been plaguing her mind ever since she found them together.


"Don't be stupid."

The accusation was denied almost as quickly as it was formed, and it left the charming succubus dealing with a tiny amount of skepticism.

"Okay then, do you mind telling me why you're suddenly back to your 'holier than thou' act? Cause slutty you was a lot more fun!"

Malenia shook her head in disappointment while maintaining her ever-present regal aura.

"Because Abaddon is a true friend... he has unbound me from the sin of lust and returned me to my original self."

Lusamine made another disbelieving face as she pointed her finger at the hulking black demon in between them.

"This guy?! A true friend? He still treats me like something he stepped in!"

Malenia shrugged as if she did not quite have the answer behind his change of heart either. "I don't know what to tell you. Maybe try being nicer to him?"

Abaddon glanced at Lusamine out of the corner of his eye without uttering a singe word.

Truthfully, he didn't hate Lusamine and even considered her to be something like extended family, but he would never tell her that.

Making fun of her served to add a few extra centuries onto his already immortal lifespan.

Besides... sometimes she genuinely deserved it.

"Is that true? Does my widdle nephew want me to be sweeter to him?" She asked in a babyish tone of voice.

Abaddon growled before grabbing the annoying succubus by one of her horns.

"W-Wait, wait! I was just joking!"

"As am I."

Before she could stop him, her body was casually tossed through a portal and she vanished without a trace.

'Kanami, I just sent you a little present. Discipline her for me, would you?'

He immediately received a reply from one of his most trusted aides and the leader of the Euphrates and a smile formed on his lips.

'At your command, god.'

Based on Abaddon's cheerful demeanor, the angel at his side knew that Lusamine couldn't have been sent anywhere good.

And there was only one place she could think of that was just dangerous enough to give one of Luxuria's generals a sufficient punishment.

"You didn't."

"I did." Abaddon confirmed.

Malenia sighed before she started heading downstairs and towards the Euphrates' barracks.

She told herself that she was going out of a desire to prevent her friend from getting hurt but... she also wanted to laugh a bit too.

Abaddon did not stop her, as he also had something he had to do and now would be the perfect time.

Closing his eyes, he contacted his two eldest children telepathically.

'Children, where are the girls? We need to talk about-'

Thea: 'KYAAA NOOO!!'

Apophis: 'Father, why now!? Could you not have picked any other moment?!'

Abaddon came to a stop in the middle of the hallway as he initially did not understand why his children were reacting this way, but he quickly reached a conclusion.

Shame, frustration, embarrassment, a fair amount of lingering arousal, he could sense all of it from within their minds.

Even without looking through their senses, it wasn't hard to pinpoint what they were doing.

This was the problem with telepathic communication.

Sometimes, you contact your children right as they are about to reach orgasm with their partners.

Oopsie daisy.

'Ah... I'm sorry, I'll just-'



Abaddon did not even bother to offer up a retort and instead left the minds of his children without another word.

He had unsurprisingly started to feel extremely guilty.

He could only imagine how terrible it would be if he heard Asmodeus' cheerful and hyperactive voice play in his head in the midst of intimacy with his wives.

He would probably want to kill himself out of sheer discomfort.

'They... they're growing up too fast.'

Abaddon shakily walked outside into the backyard where he collapsed beside his locust, Bagheera.

"You're lucky that you aren't a father, boy... It's not as easy as they make it look on tv."

Bagheera twisted it's monstrous face in confusion as it did not quite understand what 'tv' was but it recognized that it's master was in distress nonetheless.

The nightmarish creature lay beside him a few moments later, and it's reassuring presence helped him to close his eyes and forget the unpleasantness he'd just caused.

An hour later, Thea and Apophis emerged into the backyard with Claire and Jasmine in tow.

They hadn't exactly been having sex for the entire hour, that was just the amount of time it took for them to work up the courage to face their father.

And judging by the way he was still pretending to be asleep on the ground, he hadn't exactly had enough time to fully get over it either.


Bagheera nudged Abaddon slightly like it was trying to wake him up, and he finally ran out of time to feign unconsciousness.

"Ah, you all are here..."



Looking up, all four kids were trying not to meet his gaze.

His children looked like they were going to die of embarrassment at any moment, and the phoenix sisters weren't too far behind them.

Especially Jasmine.

Who would have expected that her first time with Thea would have started off so magically only to be interrupted by her father in law.

"Children... I'm sorry if I-"

""""Y-You don't need to apologize, we can just move on!""""

"Oh... right then."

The dragon still said a silent apology in his mind.

If he didn't he didn't know how else he could move past the overwhelming awkwardness.

"Right... We'll be traveling to Renanin soon. I was curious about what you girls were planning to do."

"Ah... what do you mean?" Claire asked.

Abaddon gestured for all of the kids to sit down with him, and he started to explain his line of thinking for the future.

"I'm sure that your mother will not react kindly to you returning with us and bringing promises of war. So if you like, you are free to depart a few days before and act as if you knew nothing of our coming.

When the battle is over, I tell Erica that my intention is to have all of you wed. She doesn't have to know about anything that has taken place here, and your relationship with her will not be jeopardized."

Claire and Jasmine were both surprised and extremely touched that Abaddon had put this level of thought into their relationship with their mother.

It was a very firm reminder that their place in this family was already unshakable.

Of course, they had no reason not to accept his idea.

"But... we can't." Jasmine said with a bittersweet smile.

Clair nodded in agreement at her side, and Abaddon had to admit he was slightly taken aback.

"May I ask why?"

Claire: "We haven't done anything wrong... We have not given away any intel, secrets, strategies, or anything of that sort, so we have nothing to feel guilty for. "

Jasmine: "And... we do not want to pretend that what's happened here was a lie for even a second. We love your son and daughter, and we love the place you have built. We are not ashamed of it."

Abaddon had to admit that the conviction of the girls was more than a little touching, but he was still worried about how the phoenix queen would react.

"Are you not worried about your mother's reaction at all?"

Jasmine faltered just a bit, but Claire tightly grabbed her hand as a way to reassure her, and her nerve returned.

"We are, but... she is not unreasonable. Whatever it takes, we will convince her that have not betrayed her, or our homelands."

Apophis and Thea took the hands of their betrothed, and waves of calm washed through both of their bodies.

The girls were clearly afraid, and why wouldn't they be when they loved their mother dearly and would never want to cause even the slightest bit of strife with her?

But in Luxuria, they had found a love that was worth suppressing their fear for.

And they would not let go of this just as they would never let go of their relationship with their mother.

After all, they were princesses.

They were used to getting everything they wanted.

"...My son and daughter have indeed chosen wonderful wives." Abaddon said proudly. "I'm glad that you have become apart of our family, girls."

Claire and Jasmine smiled happily in response, just as they were grabbed by their partners and pulled into tight embraces that turned into kisses.

'I... still had more to say but I guess I'll go now.'

Abaddon quickly made himself scarce by turning himself into mist and letting his body be carried by the wind.

Seeing the wholesome love of his children made him miss his wives more than a little bit, and he silently wished for them to wake up sooner.

'I should go watch them while they're sleeping.'


Okay, I know I know today's chapter is a short one but it's my 300th chapter today so it's kinda a special occasion and I had more stuff to say.

The further I get into writing this novel, the more it becomes necessary for me to stop and reflect like this.

It feels like if I don't I can lose sight of everything that I want my novel to be, or even why I started writing in the first place.

I won't lie, there are some days where I wake up and I have no fucking clue what to do next, but I almost feel like I owe it to y'all to get something out anyways.

But I digress, I don't wanna waste this word count by talking about all of my difficulties, and instead I wanted to express my gratitude.

I've made a LOT of mistakes when writing this novel and I feel like it's still a far cry from deserving all of the success it's gotten, but by some miracle you guys have accepted it anyway.

This thing that I started as a way to pass the time has become bigger and more widely successful than I could have ever dreamed.

Every day I am grateful for every unlock, powerstone, golden ticket, and gift that you guys send me and it has never gone unappreciated for a single second.

So, to the people that comment on every chapter and I interact with everyday, and the people who I've never gotten the chance to speak to, I send you all a sincere thank you.

Was this too long?

I don't really know how to be real with you cause I didn't wanna hit y'all with a 30 page essay saying how grateful I was.

Know what? Imma trim it a lil bit, brb.

Alright cool, I think it's good now.

Again, thank you for 300, and let's try to make it to 4.

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