First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 279 Giving The Enemy Notice

Chapter 279 Giving The Enemy Notice

Lillian wasn't quite sure to describe the taste of her husband's flesh.

He'd softened his skin and muscles up so that she could actually bite into him, and as a result the actual meat was rather tender.

The taste of blood was not something that she ever believed she would particularly enjoy, but her husband's blood did not have that same unpleasant metallic taste.

She was not a vampire like Audrina or Seras, so she didn't feel like she had just swallowed liquid crack, but she was at least able to get it down.

As soon as the chunk of flesh reached her stomach, she felt a strange heat spread throughout her abdomen, and her body began to feel a bit heavy.

"I feel a bit odd, darling..." She said sleepily.

Before Abaddon could reach out to pull her into his arms, Eris hesitantly placed a hand on his to stop him. "Wait beloved, give her a moment."

Lillian curled up into a ball and groaned lightly, her body undergoing a change.

First, her arms and legs melted and congealed into the rest of her body.

Afterwards her hair fell out, and large pointed teeth formed in her mouth.

Her body started to grow beautiful bright orange scales, and her eyes became more snakelike and a richer emerald color.

Her tail formed a pointed stinger like that of a scorpion and her skull cracked and broke, and three dragon-like heads took it's place.

While Abaddon had wings in his draconic form, Lillian did not grow any no matter how long they waited.

In the end, she had become a massive snake-like dragon with three heads.

They couldn't exactly measure her but at first glance, she was around thirty five feet long and her body was as thick as a concrete pillar.

She would have looked a lot like Abaddon, but where her husband was fierce and imposing, she was much more regal and soft looking.

Even though she was a monster, she was still the epitome of beauty and grac-


Lillian, who was unused to not having arms or legs, fell over not long after she finished changing and her scales darkened in embarrassment.

"...Please tell me that none of you saw that."

Like clockwork, all three members of her family turned around as if they hadn't been watching the whole thing.

"I-It's kinda hard to keep my balance like this..."

Abaddon stood up and placed his hands on Lillian's body with the intention to help her up.

"Shift your weight like this, and allow your heads to help you maintain your balance.

This is also your body but it's different from your usual one. The key is recognizing the movement necessary for both."

"Thank you, darling... I think I am getting the hang of things."

True to her word, Lillian was able to get the hang of her new form and remained upright, allowing her family to get a good look at her.

"You are very beautiful, sister."

"Mother is rather small for a dragon, even in the shape of one. Why is this?"

"Ah..." Lillian realized that she was indeed a great deal smaller than her husband or even one of her sisters.

"I think I can get to about husband's size, or maybe even smaller if I try..."

True to her word, Lillian shrunk her body until she was around twenty feet, and she said she could probably become small enough to wrap around one's neck with practice.

Abaddon was looking at her with even more of a luster than usual, something that she was able to notice rather easily.

"Husband... if you want then you can..." she said shyly.

At first, he did not understand what she meant, but once she exposed her neck to him he could not help but understand.

Just as she had done to him, he placed his mouth on her cold scales and took a small bite.

Lillian clamped all three of her mouths down so that she did not make a strange noise in front of her youngest daughter, a result of him giving her pleasure so that he did not hurt her.

'Y-You did that on purpose...'

'Did I?'

Once Abaddon had swallowed Lillian's flesh, he realized exactly what a gift she had given him.

Her unique physiology as a constantly evolving creature was transferred into his own body.

Forget merely shrinking and growing, she had literally given him the ability to reshape his being however was needed.

Abaddon held up his hand and a large black blade formed from the length of his arm.

The dragon smiled with a hint of nostalgia as he remembered another game he played back on earth.

His family was captivated by his happy smile, and the enormous blade coming from his forearm.


"Father is always so barbaric. Why is so much of your interest in weaponry?"

"I'm glad to know that I have helped you just a bit after everything you have given me."

Abaddon chuckled as he retracted the weapon back into his body and kissed Lillian on the snout. "Thank you, my love. You have given me quite a gift."

"I owe you several more before we will be even."

Before he could offer a retort, he saw their destination out of the corner of his eye.

Unconsciously he clenched his fists together, while preparing himself for the journey ahead.

- 3 Days Later

Unlike anywhere else in the world, the dwarven land of Apeir is an area made up almost entirely of rocky terrain and mountain ranges.

It made traveling here rather difficult for outsiders, as there were only a few places where they could travel to as they were unused to living in high altitude areas.

But despite the rather harsh terrain, the dwarves have thrived and created one of the most prosperous and populated lands in the world.

Like Luxuria, it is also a rather popular tourist destination, and warriors from all over come here hoping to buy a blade or armor that will help them carve their name into history.

Located on the opposite side of the continent, there was a city carved into the largest mountain of all.

And sitting on the very peak of this structure is a castle so expertly crafted it would put most artisans to shame.

The castle of the Dwarven King had been made with his own two hands and none other outside assistance.

Every stone sculpture, marble flooring, and even his very own throne, they were all made for him, and by him.

Currently, the short king was lounging on his open patio below the sky, a barrel of ale beside him and utterly lacking a care in the world.

"Unusually cloudy today... I suppose that was your doing, eh lad?"

The dwarf was seemingly speaking to nothing but thin air and the dark grey clouds overhead.

"What's taking you so long? You came here for a chat did you not?"

Suddenly, a creature cut through the clouds and descended onto the open stone space.

It was a serpent like dragon with four frightening heads and eyes embedded in his chest and wings.

The creature landed on the ground without a sound, and it tucked its wings inside of it's body as it coiled around itself.

"Well now, aren't you special. You were quite a bit different the last time I saw you." Darius muttered.

The last time he'd seen Abaddon, he was sickly and had a body on the verge of collapse.

Even if Abaddon had shrunk down to around forty feet in length, he was not fooled in the slightest by the size of this creature.

He was quite a bit stronger than before and while it wasn't enough to intimidate Darius, it was rather unsettling.

Just by looking at the dragon he could feel a number of negative emotions trying to worm their way into his mind.

"Bit surprised to see one of the kings here, most of all yourself. I didn't think one like you would be interested in-"

"There are no more kings, I am all that remains. The demons are united under myself and my family." Abaddon corrected.

"Ha! It's a bit funny to hear you cracking jokes like that but I must admit that... Oi are you fucking serious?"

Darius wondered if he was finally buzzed enough to the point where he was hearing things that obviously couldn't be true.

"Do I seem like I'm joking?" Abaddon said with a hiss.

By now the dwarven king had noticed that Abaddon was not quite as harmless as he remembered.

'To outlast even demigods... my that is...'

"Sensational! I suppose congratulations are in order! To my hall, we drink!"

Abaddon tried to tell the dwarf he had no interest in drinking, but Darius was surprisingly fast and ran before he could get the chance.

Left with no choice, the dragon shrank down into his usual appearance of a black skinned man wearing a thick fur cloak and a ceremonial black dress.

Following the dwarf inside, he found that he had indeed travelled all the way to a lavish dining hall with a long wooden table.

Save for a few maids, there was no one else present inside of the marvelous room.

"Come, come! Sit right here! My maids, bring us the finest drink in my collection, ten bottles!"

However, the maids seemed not to want to leave the room, as none could take their eyes off the charming demon who was unlike anything they had ever seen.

'He's so... tall...'

'I thought my husband was muscular, but this...'

'I wonder if the king will give me to him as a gift...?'

Darius finally realized the girls were still locked in place and clapped their hands loudly to bring them out of their trance. "Hey! Let's not keep the guest waiting now, yea?"

Almost on cue, the maids seemed to realize that they were indeed keeping the man of their dreams waiting and a few of them peeled off to go and procure the alcohol.

"I've never seen them act like that before." Darius muttered. "What've you got that I haven't?"



'He's quieter, it makes him interesting.'

'You're a bit of a manwhore.'

'I wonder if he uses his tail to...'

If Darius could have heard the thoughts of his subordinates, his gold teeth would have fallen out of his mouth from the shock.

"I did not come here to drink, Darius. I came to make a declaration."

"I don't like work talk, boy. It shortens one's lifespan!" Darius said dismissively.

The dwarf king suddenly stood up from his seat and kneeled down behind Abaddon, staring directly into his shadow.

"Hey, would you girls like to drink with me since your husband isn't in the mood? Be a shame to bring out this good stuff and not indulge in it!"

For a moment there was nothing but silence in the hall and it seemed like the old man was speaking to no one but the floor.

A moment later, his shadow stretched and eight women took shape, with Audrina at the head.

The beautiful vampire was undeniably pissed.

'Old fuck, there's no way that you should have been able to sense us in-"

"Oh, you all were actually in there? I was just fucking around!"

It was famous knowledge that the dragon known as Vovin didn't travel anywhere without his seven brides, so Darius was merely making a practical joke.

How was he supposed to know that they were actually here?

"Hey... you all look a bit different since the last time I saw you..." Darius realized upon closer inspection.

His eyes landed on a new woman with creamy white skin and wild dark black hair. Her green eyes were both cat-like and reptilian in nature, and her arms and legs were covered in beautiful orange scales.

On her head, she had both demonic horns and cute and fluffy tiger ears.

Truthfully, Lillian did not look like this naturally, but she altered her body so that she could feel closer to her husband and sisters.

"Hm? You're new. Does that mean you're taking more wives, Abaddon? Cause I have got a daughter that-"


As soon as the words left Darius' blubbery lips the girls turned their faces up in horrifying scowls that would have made even the devil step back.

The combined pressure of all of them came with a sense of dread that could stop a heart.

And naturally, Darius was not an exception to this sense of fear.

While most of Abaddon's wives would be easy for him to subdue, Seras and Audrina would not.

Out of all of his wives, they were the most powerful, and in a class all of their own.

"Ah, kidding again! My, my, you're just like that golden boy, not an ounce of humor within your whole-"


Abaddon had finally had enough, and his voice was serious and without an ounce of lightness.

Finally, the dwarven king realized that he could not put off business matters any longer and sighed in defeat.

"Alright, Abaddon and company. Let's get down to business then."

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