First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 275 Abaddon Declares War!

Chapter 275 Abaddon Declares War!

Lillian took a deep breath as she tried to use her powers just like she'd practiced.

Dark brown feathered wings burst from her pale back, and she prayed to those above that flying was as easy as her family made it look.

Flapping her new limbs, she shakily rose into the air until she could see above the manor.

On the roof, she saw three silhouettes huddled closely together, staring up into the sky that was currently displaying a fireworks show.

Abaddon was in the middle of two girls, with both of their heads resting lightly on his shoulders.

The three of them sensed Lillian approaching, and turned around showing very different expressions.

Abaddon had a tired yet warm smile on his face, while Malenia and Thea looked to be in some kind of distress.

"Big sis Lillian! There's something wrong with master! He's being super nice to me today, he only hit me once for saying nasty stuff!"

"Mama, he has not let me go ever since we returned... my butt hurts and I am beginning to miss my wife and Jasmine."

Abaddon looked somewhat offended as he looked back and forth between the two girls.

"I am beginning to feel like the two of you are averse to spending time with me."

""Never."" the two girls said in unison.

Thea suddenly hugged her father warmly and spoke to him in a gentle voice full of innocence.

"I know what this is about... but nothing happened. I am still fine and no one has taken me anywhere."

Abaddon gently returned his daughter's hug and tried not to let his inner voices spill out.

'But my daughter... what would become of you if that were not the case..? What would become of me...?'

It was a nightmare that he didn't even want to give energy to, but every time he looked at his daughter's face the fear that he would never see it again would creep into his heart.

And he had no idea what he would become if he ever lost a single member of his precious family.

Somehow, Thea was able to slip out of his grasp and took Malenia by the hand, dragging her away.

"We will be inside if you need us. It seems like mother has something to say to you anyway."

"W-Wait, little niece! I'm not quite ready to go yet!"

"Auntie, please learn how to read the room..."

"I'm dyslexic, I can barely read books!"


"No, I just be saying shit sometimes."

Thea rolled her eyes and chucked the perverted fallen angel over her shoulder before leaping off of the roof and leaving her parents alone.

Lillian giggled cutely before finding her place in Abaddon's lap, and silently watching the beautiful fireworks show that seemed to enhance the already mesmerizing sky.

Ten entire minutes went by, and neither of them seemed to be interested in speaking first.

Their only concern was in enjoying the warmth of each other's body and watching the show above them.

"No matter the amount of hours that pass, I cannot forget what has occurred today... It is boggling." He finally said.

Lillian winced as she locked her delicate fingers with his and tried to ease his nerves. "Darling..."

"I have been insulted a lot in both of my lives, both to my face and behind my back. But never in either of my lives have I endured such humiliation.

A man dared to come in to my domain... and lay down terms that he told me I had no choice but to accept, and left with a stupid smile and an armful of pastries."

Even though Abaddon's words were not spoken forcefully, Lillian could still feel a great anger bubbling beneath him.

After all of this time spent observing him as a man and a child, she no longer had any inclination over what he would do.

"It's as humbling as it is funny... These gods and higher beings... they are nauseatingly annoying, like mosquitoes consistently buzzing around my ears.

I can no longer allow their existence to stand... they must all be excised like the infections that they are."

"Husband... what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that they will be put down or made to lie down. Every loa, angel, god, demigod, monster, demon, spirit, horseman, giant, all of them.

They will not respect our dream of living peacefully, nor will they give it to us for free, so I will mold the life that we desire out of their immortal blood."

Lillian knew that her husband was serious about what he was saying but she still couldn't believe it.

Abaddon was truly declaring his intention to wage one sided war against every higher being.

But the more she thought about it, she realized that this must have been a long time coming.

From his first encounter with a god in the dungeon of black winter, to his falling out with Lucifer, and even being a pawn in the game of the abyss, every meeting he'd had with a higher had been deplorable.

But today, the encounter with Samyaza had finally acted as the straw that broke the camel's back.

The notion that he should continue to throw away the lives of billions of his own people all for the dream of an immature archangel was enough to drive him insane with rage.

And there was an entire realm of beings just like him... all o them selfish and egotistical and thinking of nothing but furthering their own ideals.

'I will destroy everything that they have until the quiet that I love has returned... I will be the beast of calamity that they already believe me to be.'

Despite how angry he felt inside, he brushed Lillian's hair aside tenderly and left a small kiss on her nape.

"I know that you did not sign up for such a costly war, my love. But I assure you that I only do this to-"

"Husband... I understand. I had never dreamed of judging you for the decisions you make, and I know that you only do this so that you might better protect our family from harm.

I will grow alongside you and my sisters... I want to fight alongside you so that our fates are truly ours to decide, and no one else's. I love you, I love all of you... I want to help protect us."

Truth be told, the last thing that Abaddon ever wanted was for any of his wives to be anywhere near a battlefield., least of all Lillian.

After already losing her once before, he knew just how horribly he would react to losing her once again.

But... he had never stood in the way of any of his wives' pursuits, and he did not believe he should start now.

He loved them because they were women with their own desires and ideals, so he had to let them be themselves regardless of the potential risk.

But of course, he would always remain overprotective while doing so.

Having the ability to teleport while also being connected to them had a tendency to turn him into a helicopter husband.

Bekka : "I don't mind teaching you how to fight. We can start now if you like."

Seras: "No fair, I wanted to teach her!"

Lisa: "I thought you were going to teach Gabbrielle?"

Seras: "She's not interested!"

Lailah: "I wouldn't mind showing you how to use a bit of magic, sister. You need only ask."

Eris: "Neither would I."

Valerie: "I'm not very good at teaching others how to make things, but I can teach you how to better hold your alcohol."

Somehow, Abaddon's remaining seven wives had snuck up on the two of them, with each of them having something they wanted to say.

However, they were completely caught off guard to find their husband in the middle of a chat with Lillian, declaring his intention to wage war on every mythological being.

Lailah stepped forward gracefully, and she sat beside Abaddon and rested her head on his shoulder. "Were you serious, husband?"

"I was... I will never allow anything like what has happened today to ever occur again. I will not ask you to fight, if you-"

Bekka and Seras suddenly grabbed Abaddon by each of his horns and gave them a playful tug.

"It's a good thing you're beautiful, cause you're not very bright."

"Did you truly believe that we would sit silently and do nothing? You know that we aren't those kind of women."

Abaddon suddenly felt like a man who'd been chastised and wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry.

"My apologies.... will you girls release me now?"

Bekka and Seras glanced at each other briefly as if they were considering his proposal.


"Not yet."

"Wonderful." He said as he rolled his eyes.

Lailah giggled and silently regretted the fact that she could not take a picture to save this moment forever.

"If you wanted to burn every stretch of land in the three realms, we would all stand beside you. We are your lovers, the mother of your children, and your most devoted soldiers.

Wherever battlefield you may end up on, you will find us not far behind. That is what it means to be in love and married, no?"

Lailah's hand unconsciously traveled to her pubic area, where the tattoo that linked her to her husband and sisters sat beneath her dress.

When she became emotional or passionate about something concerning her family, her hand often went there out of sheer instinct.

For some reason, it made her feel calmer, and more complete within.

Abaddon displayed a smile full of razor sharp teeth that sent a shiver down the spines of all of his wives.

"We'll have to up our pace from here on out, and we can no longer afford to be as gentle with our enemies as before. Are all of you prepared?"

As a response, Abaddon received eight gorgeous smiles that were equally as sharp and frightening as his own.



They have been called a great many names all throughout history and mythology.

The daughters of destiny, the Moirai, the Norns.

But most within the realms know them simply as the fates.

Their job is simple and yet incredibly complex; they weave the tapestry of life for every living being, deciding their lives and everything that will take place within it, all the way up to their dying day.

As Clotho spins ones thread of life onto her spindle, her sister Lachesis decides the length of life allotted to each person, and the youngest sister Atropos is responsible for ending lives by cutting the threads with her serrated scissors.

They were given this job long ago, before time was even thought to be recorded.

And for an incalculable number of millennia, they have performed this task flawlessly without any major hiccups or interruptions.

Even now, they sit in a realm of darkness all their own, three hag-like women surrounded by trillions upon trillions of red strings, the lives of mortals and immortals alike.

They have done this since the first life was created, and they will do this until the last life is extinguished.

But for the first time ever, something unimaginable happened within their realm.

"What is thisss..."

"This cannot be...!"

"How is this possible...?"

The fates, the women who had seen every conceivable path for every living being throughout history, were now watching as eighty percent of the red strings that belonged to the gods began to turn black, and fell over limp.

None of them had any idea what to say, and they briefly wondered if they had gone senile.

A calamity was coming the likes of which even they could not forsee, and the fallout would undoubtedly be catastrophic.

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