First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 246 War For Supremacy

Chapter 246 War For Supremacy

Seras sighed as she walked through the halls of her home in Luxuria.

She loved everything about this place, as it was beautiful beyond belief but more than that it was the first place where she'd felt like she belonged other than the battlefield.

"Are you alright, sister?"

Seras was so absorbed in her thoughts, she did not notice Eris sneaking up on her with their youngest daughter in her arms.

Mira was happily nibbling on a cookie, and it was very clear by the crumbs on her cheeks that this wasn't her first one.

"I'm fine. I suppose I'm just a bit worried about our husband is all." Seras held out her hands and took Mira from her other mother, and she once again marveled at her new look.

All of her children were now the spitting image of her husband and had become noticeably more charming as a result.

"I can understand that." Eris replied honestly.

The girls already knew that today was the day that Abaddon intended to declare his desire to unify the demon race under him.

They of course wanted to come with him, but he adamantly refused, much to their disappointment.

"I do not understand him sometimes." Seras said with a sigh. "After becoming a true dragon, I feel so powerful that even Satan is likely not my match, and yet he still did not wish to take myself or even Audrina to act as his backup."

"Well... you know that the demons largely only respect strength. They will not follow a king who has to rely on the powers of others."

"But as his wives, are we not part of his strength?"

"We are." Eris said warmly. "But the world must see that even without us at his side, our husband is a man capable of accomplishing great things with no more than his own body."

Seras understood that, but she didn't particularly like it.

She had spent her entire life embroiled in one battle after another, so being asked to stay out of one was still taking some getting used to.

"Come with us. You shouldn't sit around here wallowing in unnecessary thoughts." Eris suddenly intertwined her arm with Seras' and began pulling her towards the front door.

"Okay... where are we going?"

"Big sister Thea has a date with Nita today and we're going to go spy on them!" Mira said excitedly.

"I-It's not spying per say, more like affectionate observation!" Eris defended.

Seras chuckled as she was led out the door by her sister and the two of them prepared to descend into the city below.

"W-Wait, don't pull me so fast!" She said with a smile. "I've been feeling a bit nauseous ever since this morning you know?"

The dark elf immediately froze in her tracks and turned around slowly to face her dragon sister.

"Seras... what did you say?"

"Hm? I just said that I've felt a bit nauseous since this morning."

"Sister... dragons don't just wake up feeling nauseous. I would wager that such a thing is even more unlikely for true dragons."

It took a while, but eventually Seras was able to grasp the full weight of what the dark elf was implying, and her eyes became as wide as saucers.

"Y-You think...?"

Eris brought her hand to Seras' pale muscular stomach, and a dull green light began to emanate from her palm.

A shocked and disbelieving smile appeared on Eris' face as she told her sister what she already knew.

"Seras... you're pregnant."


Abaddon had yet to move or say anything ever since Lucifer had begun trying to intimidate him.

If he was honest, he wasn't really fazed by the fact that the sin of pride knew that he was no longer a sin.

He was more surprised by the fact that it had taken them this long to notice.

"How silly."

Remaining seated on his throne, Abaddon's body began to change as his skin darkened and he grew an additional set of muscular arms.

His horns became darker and thicker, and a mesmerizing third eye opened up in the center of his forehead.

"Proclaiming I lack the right to be a sin because I have progressed my powers far beyond your feeble vision? Your attempt to intimidate me is as illogical as it is useless."

Lucifer's hands began to glow with a blinding light and he gave Abaddon a pitying expression.

"Just like your father. You will not learn the difference between us until I-"

"That's enough. We aren't here to fight over needless things, are we?" Leviathan said exhaustedly.

"No! Let them fight! Let wrath free you from the shackles of useless rationality and reason! Show us your glorious hate!" Satan roared.

Abaddon could feel a force attempting to worm it's way into his mind, seemingly acting as a means to stoke his anger and engage in battle.

'The sin of wrath... that could be most helpful for my armies.' He thought.

"Your relationship with the dragon god, as well as what your powers have become is inconsequential..." Belphegor muttered as he looked at Abaddon.

"But what we absolutely need to know is what you saw when you traveled to Beelzebub's domain...?"

Abaddon needed only a second to think about it before nodding. "You are owed that information at the very least."

Lucifer grumbled in annoyance as he took his seat once again and waited to hear Abaddon's retelling of the night Beelzebub died.

"It was those humans that are masquerading as archangels. They reduced gluttony's castle to rubble, and when we arrived they were in the process of fleeing with his body."

Leviathan: "Don't tell me..."

"Yes, they intended to make him a nephilim as well. They were killed but that does not appear to be a sufficient enough deterrent for them. They will try this again."

Satan: "Let them come! I am eager to feel their skulls turn to dust beneath my feet!"

"Did you not hear me?" Abaddon asked in annoyance. "The pigeons are very nearly immortal, your attempt to wage a one-sided war with them will not only waste your energy, but it will also put you at risk of being taken as well."

"AWW! Is our youngest worried about his uncle?"

"I've changed my mind. You are free to die at your leisure."

"Hahaha! I like you, whelp!"

Abaddon merely rolled all three of his eyes and Belphegor used that moment to pose a question.

"You seem to have some sort of plan on your mind, destroyer... I'm curious to know your thoughts..."

Finally, they had come to the moment where everything would change.

It may not have been ideal for them, but in order to press forward Abaddon absolutely had to unite the demon race.

No matter who would try to stand in his way.

"No longer will we engage in this tiresome and never ending war with the humans. To put an end to this nonsense once and for all, the demons will have to be united under one single ruler."



'Hm... that was about the reaction I'd expected.'

As soon as Abaddon voiced his declaration, a beam of blinding light and a wave of insufferable heat rained down on the throne where he was previously sitting.

The dragon was able to relocate in the blink of an eye using his electricity, and he now sat cross legged on what should have been Beelzebub's empty throne.

Satan: "Sorry about that, nephew... you made such a funny joke just now that my hand accidentally slipped."

Lucifer: "As did mine."

Both demon lords were giving Abaddon some unfriendly glares and trying to crush him under their pressure.

He knew that those attacks from before were nothing more than love taps disguised as warnings but he couldn't care less.

He couldn't back down.

"I refused to sit by for a millennia squabbling with the humans like children. Changes need to be made, and rather substantial ones at that."



Two more explosions came for Abaddon's body, both of them more powerful and faster than their previous ones.

"You're much too weak to even think of ordering us around!"

"You think because you now lord over the leeches that we will allow you to do the same with the demons? Your wife is in no position to hand over our crowns to you."

It was evident that Lucifer and Satan were beginning to lose their patience, and even greed's face seemed to be turning ugly as well.

The attacks simply passed through Abaddon's body, as he had already activated his mist body spell.

Since he was now out of places to sit, he elected to stand with his hands clasped behind his back.

"You would deem me unworthy? That's fine. We'll hold a fair contest to determine the next ruler."

All of a sudden the demon lords looked to be visibly less upset, and instead of attacking Abaddon they were instead waiting to hear what he would say next.

The dragon held up a single clawed finger as he came to stand in the middle of the demon lords.

"One week." He said. "Over the next seven days, our non aggression pact will be lifted, and we may engage in unrestrained warfare.

If you are forced to submit, you are disqualified from ruling and you will obediently fall under the rule of the new king."

It was regrettable but in order to unite the demon race, a great many demons would have to die beforehand.

Primordial demons such as the sins would only respect one who was greater, as such there was truly no other way than to beat them into submission.

But Abaddon would try to do so by losing as few of his own men as possible.

"Are there any objections?" Abaddon asked casually.

Belphegor seemed like he couldn't care less about all of this but Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, and Lucifer seemed to be giving this a great deal of thought.

Ultimately because they were demons, they could not ignore the need they felt to be superior.

Plus they weren't exactly a closely knit family after all of these eons spent together, so they had no real qualms about bringing one another to the brink of death.

Unsurprisingly, Satan was the first to show a wide, battle crazed smile as he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Hahaha! This is a grand idea indeed!! When do we begin??"

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