First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 240 Unprecedented Destruction

Chapter 240 Unprecedented Destruction

When Ouroboros appeared in front of the planet that seemed to be calling out to her, she found it to be rather cute and very nearly decided to nibble on it.

But because she had more pressing matters, the serpent ultimately elected not to do something so unnecessary.

Flying forward, she shrank down into a white mass of energy as she tried to descend upon the planet below.


As soon as Ouroboros got too close, it ran face first into a shield of energy that seemed to be nearly impenetrable.

'Troublesome...' The serpent didn't get out much, as it did not really have any real need to do so.

As such, she was completely unaware of the laws separating gods from mortals, and even more so unaware that the world she was currently trying to invade belonged to the mother goddess herself.

Most gods would have given up after running into a setback like this, but Ouroboros was certainly not like other gods.

This was the first time in all of it's existence that it had felt some form of desire and it absolutely had to act on this strange feeling.




The primordial beast that was currently no more than a bundle of energy began to repeatedly smash itself against the barrier, and the sound of the collision echoed throughout all of time and space.

It was unknown if this endeavor would produce any results, but Ouroboros would be damned if she had come all of this way for nothing.






On the ground below, Abaddon was still locked within a trance and his father was still desperately trying to pull him out of it.

The only good thing about this awful situation was that Yara remained unconscious and unable to see her son's altered state, or her panic would have been immeasurable.

But right now, Asmodeus was panicking enough for the both of them.

"Abaddon! Abaddon, you have to wake up boy!"

"Father, where is my true gluttony...? Why am I no longer whole...?"

"I swear that if you live through this I am going to kill you myself!"

The nephilim was completely lost in his own despair and unsure of what to do.

In all of his life, he had never seen a situation as strange as this one.

He wasn't sure if incapacitating his son would harm him, or whether he should allow him to continue his ramblings until he eventually returned to normal.

Abaddon fell into a silence and stared up into the starry sky above, his mind recognizing an incoming presence that he should have had absolutely no knowledge of.

"It is here... I have not been left alone..."


Asmodeus followed his son's gaze into the sky and he very nearly shit his pants.

Amidst the cluster of stars in the night sky, bright red serpentine eyes as large as the moon were staring down with eyes that seemed to contain no small amount of contempt and curiosity.

Asmodeus' knees began to tremble horribly, and if his son wasn't close by to help him remain upright, he would have long fallen over.

But other inhabitants of Dola were not so lucky and they either fainted or filled their underwear beyond capacity.

"Not even a true dragon can make me feel this helpless... don't tell me that's...!"

Asmodeus had begun to shudder like a newborn in the middle of winter, and he was entirely unwilling to even voice the worst case scenario out loud.

Just like humans, dragons have their own gods that they worship and praise.

And if one of them had set it's sights upon Dola, this entire world was going to cease to exist within seconds.

"No, no, no, don't be silly." Asmodeus said as he tried to calm himself down.

Even the dragon gods must adhere to the transcendental laws of the divines, and they cannot interfere in the fates of worlds without very specific conditions being met.

But as Asmodeus remembered the earlier events of this night, he realized that one of these conditions had already been fulfilled.

Abaddon seemed to have a connection to this god, and as a result could act as a stable foothold for it to descend upon this land.

"...Christ..." He muttered.

The nephilim shook his head as he realized that things did not appear to be heading in that direction yet.

'E-Even still! Without the permission of the mother goddess, no higher entity is allowed to-'

Suddenly, the night became almost as bright as day as the eerie red eyes suddenly became a blinding white light that no mortal could ever gaze upon.

In the next moment, the entire earth began to tremble as the ball of energy began trying to break through the barrier.




The god began to throw itself against the barrier recklessly and without end, and it seemed like Dola was going to fall into ruins before the beast could even set foot here.

Asmodeus separated from his son's side and moved to Yara to keep her out of harm's way.

As soon as his wife was within his arms, there was finally a change in the world around them.


Once Asmodeus heard the sound of something beginning to break, his immortal blood ran cold.

Everything that happened next seem to occur in the blink of an eye.

A large crack suddenly opened up in the sky above and the mass of energy immediately shot through it and descended towards it's origin like a meteor.

Abaddon held out his arms like he was a loving father anticipating his child's embrace and showed no signs of being afraid.

"You have not forsaken me... my infinity..."

Ouroboros rushed headfirst into Abaddon's body, and as soon as the serpent merged with his being there was an explosion that could not be described by any other words than catastrophic.


Two hundred miles.

In the span of three entire seconds, two hundred miles of earth were utterly eviscerated.

All that was left behind was an enormous crater with a depth of around eighty meters, of which Abaddon was in the center of, completely unconscious.

Asmodeus took deep shaky breaths as he tried to process everything that had just happened in front of him.

He was hovering silently above the enormous crater with an unconscious Yara in his arms, and his ears and eyes were both still ringing from the terrible explosion.

For the life of him, he couldn't understand why he and his wife were still alive.

The wave of power that washed over him a second ago was so terrible that he should have already been reduced to atoms.

So why wasn't he?

As his eyes slowly regained focus, he was able to grasp the answer.

He didn't know when they'd appeared, and he didn't even hear them make a sound.

But before he knew it, he was staring at the backs of an older couple.

One was a woman wearing blue robes and a matching veil that covered any identifiable facial features.

The other was a man who wore simple robes of the purest white and neither his face, nor any other identifiable features could be seen.

It was as if the entirety of the man's head was no more than a blur.

But despite the fact that the both of them clearly wanted to remain anonymous, the feeling that Asmodeus got when he looked at the two of them made their identity loud and clear.

On one hand he felt a complete and total revulsion, and on the other he felt like he should be embracing this man as a father and ruler.

"Y-You... why?"

Yesh glanced over his shoulder and analyzed Asmodeus carefully.

While he was nephilim, he was not the kind that would pose a threat to this reality and as such, he would allow him to continue existing.

A chill ran through Asmodeus' spine, and he couldn't help but feel like he'd narrowly avoided some great catastrophe.

Yesh and Asherah decided not to waste any more time and descended into the crater where Abaddon lay.

After Ouroboros returned to her origin, Abaddon had regained a fourth head and another pair of wings.

While that normally would have been a good thing, the state of his body made celebrating rather difficult.

All across his nightmarish figure were cracks that seemed to be leaking a golden energy.

Chunks of his flesh were literally falling off and disintegrating, and Yesh and Asherah immediately knew the reason why.

Abaddon's original body was specifically made to handle abhorrent amounts of divine power and energy, but as of right now he was still mortal and such a drastic influx was already beginning to kill him.

The only reason he had not died instantly was because Ouroboros' power was initially his to begin with.

But even if his body and soul wanted to welcome it's return with open arms, there was a limit to just how much strain they could bear.

Yesh slowly descended to the ground and shakily held out a hand as if he wanted to pet Abaddon, but his wife stopped him just before they could make contact.

This whole day was already a mess, and she couldn't have him making matters even more complicated.

Ouroboros' return home very nearly destroyed the barrier protecting Dola, so Yesh and Asherah were left with no other choice but to allow her to enter so that less friendly beings could not take advantage of the chaos and interfere with this world as well.

But because a god as powerful as Ouroboros was not supposed to be here, they had no choice but to leave their resting place to enact judgment.

And even now, the two of them had already begun to feel the effects of breaking their own laws and leaving the tree of life but they had absolutely no choice.

The significance of this world, of Abaddon, was too great to simply let it all perish from such a variable as this.

Yesh had never expected that Abaddon would still have a lingering connection to his fragments and be capable of calling them.

If he continued to assemble his pieces and evolved as well, then the creator could no longer guess just how mighty his first creation would become.

Asmodeus watched as the creator waived his hand and a dull glow began to emanate from the body of his son.

His body finally ceased to deteriorate, and his regeneration began to take effect not long after.

Once he was whole again, his body returned to his usual appearance but he looked... much more sickly.

His body had become much thinner and he had lost a great deal of muscle mass, and his hair had become white with streaks of red.


Asmodeus finally came out of his stupor when he saw his son's deplorable state and immediately rushed to his side.

"Hey! Why is he-"

As soon as the nephilim turned around, the ancient couple had disappeared and left no traces of their arrival behind.

Asmodeus was left alone in the crater, with both his wife and son unconscious and showing no signs of waking up anytime soon.

The stress of the day finally caught up to him as he let a single tear fall from his black and red eyes and let out a horrible scream that contained all of his anguish.


High in the sky, Yesh heard Asmodeus' wail of pain but he could do nothing for him.

He had already sealed away Ouroboros' power within Abaddon's body and ensured that it would not destroy itself, but everything that occurred after this would be totally out of his hands.

'I wish that I could walk you through what is to come my child but I have already done too much...'

The creator clutched his chest in pain and was reminded once again that he had been here too long.

After taking one final look at Abaddon, he too vanished from this place and returned home.


Once again, Abaddon opened his eyes in a black space.

He could see himself now or, he could see what he used to be.

An enormous white dragon with twelve huge wings and seven heads on a serpentine body.

He appeared to be fully grown in this memory, as he was large enough to swallow even planets as if they were gumdrops.

In his vision, he was talking to the same man that he seemed to care for greatly and the conversation seemed to be rather serious.

When the scene changed, Abaddon's former self was somewhere... dark.

It was so far removed from creation and light that they appeared to be no more than stars within his vision.

He appeared to be guarding some kind of massive gate, although he wasn't sure where it led or what was inside.

But nevertheless, he guarded that gate faithfully for a countless number of eons.

As Abaddon watched his past self slumber, he began to hear whispers of what he knew instinctively was his former name.

They started off quiet and unintelligible at first, but eventually he could hear them loud and clear as if they were screaming right into his eardrums.





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