First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 237 Who Died?

Chapter 237 Who Died?

"I-It's Beelzebub." Leviathan said with great difficulty. "He has already..."

Asmodeus nodded before she could finish and stood up just as Yara came rushing to his side. "Are they alright? What's happening?"

"It's them."

The nephilim did not elaborate further, but with all things considered he hardly needed to.

The look on his face was so frightening that Yara immediately knew who he was speaking of.

Asmodeus opened up a dark grey portal to the domain of gluttony and prepared to walk through it.

He had nearly entered and come out the other side when he sensed movement coming from behind him.

Turning around, he was surprised to find his wife Yara with an even more irritable expression than the one he had.

Following closely behind her was their only child, Abaddon.

Concerned for their safety, he immediately tried to persuade them not to follow."The two of you should-"

"Don't even try it."

"I have long outgrown the age where you can order me around."

Both of them breezed past the stunned nephilim without waiting for a reaction.

Scales had already began to grow over Yara's face, and her eyes were glowing a rich violet color.

"You aren't the only one whose still upset about that day, and you aren't the only one to lose something."

If he thought he was going to leave her behind on their wedding day, he was sorely mistaken.

Now more than ever, she would be by his side until time had stopped completely.

Yara passed through the portal without another word, leaving only Abaddon just outside of it.

He briefly glanced over his shoulder at his wives and children who were all giving them worried looks as if they wanted to come with him.

With a shake of his head, he immediately stopped them from following as he passed through himself.

As Asmodeus stood there in shock, he received a hard smack on the back from an irritated Helios.

"The fuck are you doing? Do you think I entrusted my daughter to you so that you could let her fight on her own!? Go after her NOW!"

Despite Helios' booming voice that threatened to shatter his eardrums, Asmodeus could not help but smile when he finally realized how foolish he was being.

It was just as his wife had said, he was not the only one to lose something that day.

His wife and child had both suffered from his absence, and Asmodeus was sure that the anger of the two was no less pure than his own.

"Sure thing, father. We'll be home in a moment." He said with a smirk.



When Abaddon passed through his father's portal, he appeared silently next to his mother as they took in the scene in front of them.

What was formerly the castle of gluttony was now a heap of smoldering ruble, and the air was thick with the stench of burning corpses and blood.

All around them were the mangled burning bodies of demons, and it seemed like none of them had experienced a painless easy death.

As Abaddon felt a strange energy trickle into his body, he knew that his blessing from Maliketh had already activated in this wasteland filled with bodies.

50 yards away from them were the culprits of this unprovoked destruction, and Yara trembled with rage at the mere sight of them.

"What is this...? Wasn't expecting there to be such a fast response."

"More demons? Good, I'm not quite done."

"Open your eyes meathead, that one is not a demon."

"We do not have time for this!"

Surrounding the dead body of the giant blue skinned demon lord were four humans in bone white armor.

They were a woman and three men, all of whom had long silver hair and blinding gold eyes.

"Wait... I know you!"

One of the archangels stepped forward and it was someone that Abaddon remembered all too well.

His appearance was different as he was less bulkier than before, and he seemed to be slightly weaker too but there was no mistaking it.

'Braun IronBlood...'

Abaddon could tell from the being's soul alone that his was the same archangel that Audrina had killed all those months ago.

When his soul wasn't present after eating his heart, the dragon expected that he was still alive somehow and he seemed to have been proven right.

He just hadn't expected to run into him so soon.

In the next second, Asmodeus appeared through the portal with a very displeased expression that was quite different from his usual friendly appearance.

The archangels seemed to recognize the one they had once served alongside and each exchanged their own individual greetings.

"Ah... Brother Asmodeus, it's been quite a while."

"We had thought you long dead already."

"How regrettable that you have instead fallen back into your filthy surroundings after everything that we had given you."

Their words only served to anger Asmodeus even further and he quickly called his weapon to his hands.

Two giant black axes connected by a metal chain fell into his waiting grip, and the air immediately became filled with a sense of danger.

"Nineteen years... You lot are the reason I was kept away from my loved ones for nineteen whole years..."

From behind Asmodeus, eight wings appeared from his back.

Half were as white as the moon, and the other half were as black as night.

"Do you have any comprehension of what it was like...? Locked inside of my own mind, unable to follow the desires of my own heart...? It was excruciating."

"You were called by god to serve a higher purpose! That is a fate far more glorious than your endless debauchery!" Braun argued.


As soon as the words left his mouth, a column of silver flames shot out from Yara's palm and collided with the bodies of the four humans and thrown up a cloud of smoke and ash.

In all of his life, Abaddon had never seen his mother in the state she was in now.

The dragon princess was breathing rather heavily, and every exhale sent sparks of silver flames crackling into the air.

Her entire body was trembling with an unfathomable level of anger, and it seemed like she was hardly even aware of her surroundings anymore.

She couldn't think, she couldn't speak.

Her sole focus was on seeing the demise of the ones responsible for all of her years alone.

Unfortunately, when the dust cleared the humans remained alive behind a thick golden shield.

Each of them looked to be surprised at the power of an attack that came from what they had assumed to be a normal stage 1 dragon.

If they had been paying a bit more attention, they would have noticed a dark red tattoo glowing right below her navel.

But before they could react, Asmodeus appeared directly in front of them while smashing his axes into the golden dome protecting them.

"I was called by god, huh? I'll have to send you to him so that you might give him my grievances personally."




Asmodeus continued to chip away at the shield's durability without rest, and it seemed like it was finally going to give way at any moment.

"Drop the shield! We killed him once and we can do it again!" A man ordered as he drew his sword.

"No, you idiot! He still has the power gifted by his eminence!"

"We have what we came for, we're pulling out."

The eyes of the archangels drifted towards the deceased body of Beelzebub lying a few feet away from them outside of the dome.

It didn't take Asmodeus very long to figure out what they were planning to do with his brother's body.

And his already awful mood became even more deplorable as a result.



Asmodeus finally shattered through the golden barrier and immediately began his horrendous onslaught.

In the blink of an eye, he had cut off the head of one archangel and buried his axe in the stomach of another.

While one was killed instantly, the other seemed to have suffered no more than a flesh wound and drew his weapon for a counter attack.

"No, no, no!"

"Leave him! We have to pull out, now!"

The two remaining archangels pulled out glowing white stones from their pocket and promptly rushed towards the body of Beelzebub.

But just before they could reach their objective, a horrifying monstrosity appeared in between them out of thin air.

A 7'0 tall demon with deep black skin, glowing tattoos and four arms stood with a horribly unsettling third eye in the center of his forehead.

He stood in between themselves and the fallen demon lord, seemingly daring them to take another step.

"We have no time to play with you, little lust king!" Braun roared. "Your woman is not here to protect-"


Abaddon instinctively lashed out, and released a beam of destructive demonic energy directly from his third eye.

Since Braun was part archangel with resistances to demonic miasma and magic, his body was not immediately disintegrated and instead sent flying several feet backwards

The mention of Audrina had struck a rather sore spot for Abaddon.

Whether it was Lucifer, Braun, or anyone else who did not know him personally, he was tired of people demeaning his own efforts by insisting on his sole reliance upon others.

It was maddening beyond belief.

"Incessant little voices that mock and belittle me without end... For every one of you that dares to sling mud upon my name, I will purge you from creation entirely."


While Braun recovered, his sister in arms finally drew her weapon, a frighteningly long claymore, and rushed at Abaddon.

She swung her sword to cut him cleanly down the middle, but the demon king's scale coated arms caught her weapon and held it in place above his head.

Panic began to set in to the eyes of the archangel as she quickly realized that this fight was not going to go as desired.

'Damn it... since Asmodeus has already killed Johnathan, we can't fuse!' She thought in dismay.

Without their greatest weapon, these humans turned archangels were in no way capable of overwhelming Abaddon, or even Asmodeus.

'Is dying here our only option...??'

While death was not permanent for them, it would serve as a stain on their honor and sully the name of the great ones and lord Samyaza himself.

Just as the human woman thought of their leader and god, his smooth androgynous voice began to echo in her head.

'Come home, Sabine. It is our loss for the day.'

'Lord Samyaza....'

It was regrettable, but the archangel called Sabine could not ignore the orders of her eminence and had no choice but to forfeit the battle.

She tried to wrest her blade free of Abaddon's grip, but when that tactic proved to be ineffective she realized she had no choice but to leave her weapon behind.

Just as Sabine reached inside of her pocket to take out the glowing white stone, she received a hard kick to her side that knocked the air out of her lungs and sent her tumbling onto the ground.

Searching for the culprit, an eerie chill ran down her spine when she found Yara approaching her silently and without the slightest trace of fear.

All that could be seen in the darkness of the night was her frighteningly cold expression and violet eyes that seemed to peer through one's very soul.

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