First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 232 Too Many Demigods!

Chapter 232 Too Many Demigods!

Slithering silently through the vibrant green grass was another face that no one expected to see.

A beautiful woman with waist length raven black hair, bright green eyes and the lower half of a serpent.

"That's her, right...?"

"The queen of envy!"

"Quick! Tuck your jewelry into your shirt!"

Needless to say, the arrival of Leviathan of the seven sins had put everyone on edge.

None wanted to risk catching her attention and have one of their precious trinkets suddenly go 'missing'.

"I don't recall the two of us being close enough for you to give me nicknames, Leviathan." The phoenix queen said pointedly.

Leviathan however seemed to immune to Valencia's frigid demeanor as she continued to smile at her.

"Would now not be a good time to fix that? Today is supposed to be a happy day you know?"

"Well said!" Cried a loud masculine voice.

Darius happily threw his arm around Leviathan's waist and unleashed another round of merry laughter.

He gestured for another waiter to bring over another tray of drinks, and quickly took one for himself and gestured for Valerica and Leviathan to take one of their own.

While the demon queen accepted, the phoenix still seemed to be rather obstinate and uninterested in mingling with her two fellow rulers.

"You'll forgive me if I'm uninterested in being inebriated in a potentially hostile environment." She explained politely.

Darius shook his head and gestured to the beautiful space around them.

"If you believe nothing I say lass, you should believe me when I say this; absolutely no one will dare to cause you trouble here. This place might as well be holy ground within Antares, and any sort of strife or conflict is unwelcome here."

Valerica and her children glanced at the noble dragons within the crowd and true to what the dwarven king had said, none were looking at them with unkind faces.

While there was definitely some confusion present, there was absolutely no malicious intent.

It would seem that she really was free to enjoy herself, if only just a little bit.

"....One drink."

"That's the spirit!"

"Fufufu~ Drink up now my new friend!"

As the phoenix queen drank amongst her fellow rulers and engaged in idle small talk, they naturally became the main topic of conversation for everyone else.

No one could have imagined that when they woke up this morning they would be standing in the same vicinity as these walking catastrophes.

"This is certainly quite the picture..."

"No one will believe me when I tell this story later..."

"I want to rub elbows with the queen..."

Leviathan briefly glanced around at the surrounding partygoers and frowned slightly when she did not find the man she was expecting.

"Disappointed you didn't find anything worth stealing, lass?" Darius asked with slightly pink cheeks after his 89th drink.

The demon queen chuckled as she glanced at Darius' golden rings and fine robes.

She would have placed more value in those had the dwarf king actually coveted them a bit more.

To him the things on his hands were just old trinkets and Leviathan was not interested in stealing that which others would not miss.

"Actually I was looking around for a certain someone but I see that he is yet to arrive. He's quite the unfilial son if he isn't even going to show up for his parents' wedding."

Both Valerica and Darius ceased their drinking as they realized exactly who this woman was talking about.

These days, he was the most talked about man in the world. And even if the two rulers wanted to ignore his existence, rumors of his dreamlike city that contained the greatest pleasures imaginable would make such a thing nigh impossible.

Not to mention his conquering of Upyr despite not being a vampire.

The two rulers would normally have been concerned about such a drastic shift in power, but their trades with the nation of vampires had been going smoother than ever without any sort of delay.

It left the two rulers with a lot of questions about the new ruler, especially since he had never contacted them to renegotiate a deal.

"The new demon lord, huh..."

"What is he like?"

Leviathan placed a hand to her chin as she closed her eyes to think.

"He is-"

"A headache"

Appearing silently without so much as a gust of wind was the demon king of sloth, Belphegor.

Trailing closely behind him were two of his four lords, Pythias and another woman wearing a dark hood that concealed most of her facial features.

"Everywhere that he goes, some form of turmoil must follow.... He is horribly exhausting..." The demon lord said honestly.

Belphegor's weary and low voice had somehow reached the ears of everyone present and sent them into a small panic.

"Sloth is here too...?"

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised... The groom is their brother after all..."

"Then does that mean all of them are coming?!"

"Don't jinx it!"

While the other guests were envisioning the future of being surrounded by demigods, Leviathan had slithered her way up her older brother's body and come to a rest on his back.

"It's good to see you Belphy! I would have thought that I would've been the only one to attend our brother's wedding."

"Ah, so we are the only ones stupid enough to come... perhaps that is for the best." He wasn't exactly keen on seeing the more energetic members of his family today.

It was already requiring a great deal of effort for him to communicate with his sister and he just wasn't certain how much longer he could endure.

Valerica seemed unfazed by the demon lords sudden appearance as she continued on with her line of questioning. "You say that turmoil often follows your nephew... what exactly did you mean by that?"

Belphegor swatted away Leviathan's hands that were playing with his antlers with great annoyance.

Just as he prepared to answer, he sensed an incoming presence that he knew far too well.

Evidently, Leviathan seemed to have noticed as well and turned to look at the wooden gates that acted as the entrance to the garden.

"Hmm... seems like you'll get to meet him for yourself..."

It seemed like everyone in the garden had noticed that their were about to be some new arrivals and they subsequently kept their eyes on the entrance to see just who had come.

The wooden gates swung open with a low creek and eleven individuals walked through.

As always, the first one to step into view was a young girl with long black hair and a captivating smile filled with sharp teeth.

"Uwah! So pretty!"

The young girl spun around in wonder as she admired the beautiful scenery that had left her totally in awe.

Following closely behind her were a handsome young man and a beautiful young woman.

The two of them smiled fondly at the infectious cuteness of their younger sibling without even paying much attention to the garden itself.

All three of them were wearing bright red clothes made from only the finest silks and fabrics, heightening the monumental beauty of the trio to even more unfair levels.

Without even meaning to, Apophis and Thea had attracted a great deal of attention.

Suddenly the older beings in the crowd wondered if it was at all possible to connect to Luxuria through marriage and checked their children's appearances to make sure they were presentable.

But as always, when the wives finally stepped into view they lost the ability to think about anything else.

All seven women were walking closely together, and seemed to be giggling about something privy only to their minds.

Each of their heavenly bodies were adorned with beautiful white and gold dresses that had been specifically hand picked by their mother in law.

The dresses were cut in the middle to show off the girls' impressive busts and a bit of their abdomen.

On each of their heads were gorgeous silver crowns with the same design but differing gems as customization.

Despite their regal and unapproachable aura, the seven women seemed unconcerned with their status and were simply behaving like a group of sisters.

Walking slowly behind them and enjoying the curvaceous view was their husband, and the man who seemed to be the sole focus of Dola these days.

Abaddon's usual red robes had been confiscated, and replaced with these shining white ones of virtually the same design.

The edges and his belt were woven with golden fabric, and the inner material of his robe was adorned in the same bright red coloring as his hair and eyes.

On the collar of his robe hung two red tassels handcrafted by demonic dwarves, and a strange insignia painted across his back.

With his hair tied up and his red horns glistening underneath the sunlight, Abaddon had charmed his way into the hearts of every being present without even looking in their direction.

"It's the red king..."

"Is that truly prince Exedra? How can a person change so much?"

"He's so handsome..."

"I'm wet."

"I'm hard."

As the guest all found their eyes glued to Abaddon, there was one person in attendance whose eyes were focused on someone else entirely.

"Eris...?" Pythias said in a hushed whisper.

His wife was actually here, and she looked happier and more beautiful than he had ever seen her.

The death knight was not an idiot, and it didn't take him long to realize what he was seeing right in front of him.

Suddenly, the two finally made eye contact and Eris lost her captivating smile.

She came to a dead stop on the grass, and it didn't take her husband and sisters any time to notice what she was staring at.

Naturally, all of the wives knew about how the lovely dark elf had ended up in Luxuria in the first place.

They had heard all of the details from Lusamine, and of course a personal testimony from Eris herself.

Out of all of the wives, Eris was the one that everyone was the most protective over as she had the most timid nature and gentle heart.

As such, the thought that someone would actually want to hurt such a woman filled them with an indescribable anger.

Eris gave her ex a cold and empty look before turning away from him without a second thought.

Once upon a time she might have felt more sympathetic or guilty but that time has long passed.

Since marrying Abaddon, she has known an indescribable happiness the likes of which she'd never known.

The fact that the sex was indescribable and the two's souls were now literally intertwined was only the tip of the iceberg.

Abaddon loved her and cherished her in a way that Pythias never did.

He saw her as more than his possession, she was his wife and partner in every sense of the word.

He was attentive, caring, and generous with everything that he had.

Eris had finally understood that the happiness she thought she'd had before was not true bliss.

This was undoubtedly the married life that she had always dreamed of having.

"Are you alright, sister?" Audrina suddenly asked.

She and the rest of the wives had not taken their eyes of the dark elf for a second and waited to see some sign of turmoil.

Eris smiled warmly and nodded without any semblance of hesitation. "I am. Is there anything for me to be upset about?"

"Fufufu~ I guess not."

It seemed like things were going to end there, but Audrina was nothing if not an agent of chaos.

Before Eris knew what was happening, the vampire had grabbed her by the face and kissed her on the lips. "Mmf?"

Since none of them were exactly shy about PDA, Eris did not resist and allowed Audrina to slip her tongue into her mouth.

After a few seconds of giving every man in the crowd ample fap fuel for the night, the two girls separated and Audrina gave the dark elf a guilty smile. "You looked so cute I just couldn't help it!"

"Honestly... You're too much."

Audrina had served as a bad influence for some of the wives and after a brief nod to confirm they were thinking the same thing, Valerie and Bekka kissed Eris as well.

As Pythias watched this scene from a mere fifty feet away, his ghostly pale skin had become a bright red as he trembled with visible anger.

'T-That whore! Does she think I'll just stand by and watch this?!' The death knight roared internally.

Pythias took a single step forward as he prepared to go and grab his wife by her hair before he was filled with an indescribable sense of dread.

'If you take one more step, you die.'

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