First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 211 Catching Up

Chapter 211 Catching Up

""What do you mean he became the vampire king!?" Yara and Asmodeus exclaimed.

Seras merely shrugged as she crossed her legs thoughtfully. "It is just as I said. Husband needed more influence and power so Audrina elected to pass the throne to him.

After killing off a few rebellious vampire lords, he was crowned right in front of the castle and over eight million vampires took his blood and became his subordinates."

While Asmodeus was a bit less surprised by this information, Yara was completely blindsided.

"He... made demons... out of vampires...?"

"Ah, he's evolved again as well. I forgot to mention that bit."

Finally, Yara's jaw nearly hit the floor as she stared at her daughter in law who was casually sipping tea opposite her.

Usually, people took years to evolve as doing so was largely considered to be an extremely difficult task.

Yara still hadn't been told of her son's former possession of a system, so this news hit her like a ton of bricks.

"A-Asmodeus did you hear that? Our son is amazing!"

"Hoh? You're surprised? Naturally my boy should be capable of at least this much!"

"Are you acting all haughty like this because one of our daughters is here? You're usually much more-"

"Shhh! Beloved, how could attempt to blow my cover like that??"

Seras merely chuckled, and Asmodeus finally remembered something that he'd noticed earlier.

"Your clothes and even your spear... they are made from my son, correct?"

Seras smiled happily as she brought her hand to the dark fabric that was made from the man she loved more than anything. "Yes, that's right."

"Hm?" Yara tilted her head cutely in confusion. "You mean the reason why you smell like my son isn't because he's been trying to get you pregnant?"

"We were hoping you were trying to give us more grandchildren." Asmodeus added.


Seras pale cheeks soon became as red as her irises. "W-Well I would be lying if I didn't say that was part of the reason... b-but these clothes and my weapon are Valerie's latest pet project!"

While Seras' words were true, they weren't the complete story.

For the two days that Abaddon was unconscious in his dragon form, Valerie like everyone else spent a great deal of time alongside him worried about his wellbeing.

During this time, she found herself mesmerized by the dexterity and toughness of the black scales that coated his entire body.

It was initially no more than a fleeting thought, but after Abaddon told the seven of them about the wars they would be facing in the near future, Valerie's brain began to do what it did best.

It took a few days to conceptualize but eventually Valerie came up with the idea of sanding down his scales until they could be woven into fabric, providing lightness and mobility in addition to unparalleled defense.

Even Abaddon's myriad armor of sacrificial judgement paled in comparison when it came to basic stats, and Valerie was sure that when she found the time to enchant it, the equipment would reach false god grade at least.

Valerie's goal was to outfit their entire army in armor made from their husband's scales.

In doing so she believed she could drastically decrease the number of casualties and make their family's army feared throughout the world.

However, the process behind the creation of such equipment was extremely taxing and time consuming.

After two weeks, Valerie had only made enough outfits for all of the wives and Abaddon himself, making her realize that she needed to rethink the process of her creation a bit.

"They're so well made..." Yara said mesmerizingly.

Seras suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable with Yara's eyes practically glued to her boobs but she knew that her mother in law was not looking at her in a lecherous way.

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in Seras' head and she suddenly fished inside of her storage ring and pulled out a palm sized black stone with eleven blood red dots on it.

"If you like Valerie's outfit, shall I show you what our lovely Lailah has done?"

Both the nephilim and the dragon glanced at eachother curiously before leaning in to get a closer look at the strange object in Seras' hand.


Back in Upyr, Abaddon was alone inside of Audrina's private training room

The red king was sitting crosslegged on the ground, in a deep meditative state.

He looked a bit different from his usual appearance, as he had slipped out of the bright red robes that had come to symbolize him in favor of something much more conducive to training and combat.

Abaddon wore a simple black sleeveless shirt with golden lines tracing his abs and chest.

His arms were covered by disconnected sleeves that stopped at the bicep, and his signature blood red hair was tied up neatly into a ponytail.

At first he found it rather strange to be wearing clothes made out of his own body, but as time went on he eventually began to prefer it.

The clothes were so comfortable and light that sometimes it did not feel like he had anything on at all.

Once again, he had thoroughly underestimated the genius and talent of his beloved wife.

For two weeks, Abaddon had endured a rather hectic schedule.

As soon as he would wake up, he came here to meditate and focus on harnessing and controlling his various affinities.

Around noon he would join Lailah for lessons with her mother, who had been brought here for the time being.

There he would relearn all of his old magic and a few new spells as well, with Lailah and Sei being greatly stunned by his criminally unfair talent and learning speed.

In the evening, he would spar with whoever was available to ensure that whatever he learned could be put into actual combat.

During these two weeks, he had only managed to gain sufficient control over his affinities of fire and darkness, with a partial understanding over his lightning as well.

The first two felt the most natural for him to learn, as they were the elements he was born with, and lightning had felt a bit more natural as well, likely due to it's corruption caused by his mana.

But lightning also had an uncompromisingly wild and volatile nature that was integral to it's being and such a thing was making it rather difficult for Abaddon to control.

'I've spent too much time on this already...' Abaddon thought in frustration.

He had only given himself a week to spend on each of his elements and this roadblock that he'd found himself facing threatened to push back that timeline.

'I said I was fine taking as much time as needed but... somehow this is also making me feel inadequate.'

Finally, he opened his eyes and released a deeply held sigh.

The dragon held out his clawed hand and a bright burst of red lightning sprang out.




Tendrils of lightning struck all over the stone room and created large scorching craters wherever they landed.

Even with the dragon only operating them at 10% power, the damage they were capable of after evolving was on an entirely new level.

Abaddon ignored this as he glared at the electricity with his glowing red and purple eyes.

'My powers are an extension of me.'

'I am the one in control.'

'My powers are an extension of me.'

'They cannot do anything unless I allow them to.'

Unfortunately, no matter how much the dragon repeated his mantra, the lightning showed no signs of obeying.

Eventually, he closed his hand and the tendrils of powerful lightning disappeared, finally allowing the room to heal from the damage it had suffered.

The dragon was becoming increasingly irate.

If he was having trouble with this, how was he going to manage to control the more powerful and terrifying affinities that he had in his arsenal?

Death, space, and blacklight were all in an entirely different league from a mere lightning element, even if it was strengthened by corruption.

The potential for those to go wrong was much greater and any mistakes made would bring about catastrophic results.

Abaddon let out another frustrated sights he ran his hand through his hair. "What am I missing?"

He had considered asking Lisa for advice, but he wanted to discover the solution to this problem on his own, without the backup of his wives.

After several minutes of continued contemplation, Abaddon prepared to try again and held out his hand.

Just as he prepared to call upon his electricity, the device he received from Lailah notified him that he was being contacted.

Soon Abaddon took out his own palm sized black stone with eleven red dots on it.

One of the red dots near the bottom was glowing faintly, and he realized that his wife Seras was the one calling him.

Suddenly the dragon felt much more relaxed and happy as he immediately accepted her call.

The small dot wriggled and shifted, and soon a miniature Seras made of blood was hovering over the black stone.

However, the dragon was rather surprised to see that his wife was sandwiched between the two people he least expected to see.

Yara: "Wahhh! It works!"

Asmodeus: "I can see him! This is incredible!"

Abaddon blinked few times in disbelief before words finally fell out of his mouth.

"Would the two of you please stop smushing my wife...?"

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