First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 185 [Bonus ]Setting Sail!

Chapter 185 [Bonus ]Setting Sail!

Abaddon was currently absentmindedly staring at the vanishing coastline that was the demon continent of Samael.

He was currently traveling with Seras, Audrina, and Eris along with Zheng and twenty five of the wraith moons as well as Absalom and twenty five of the rabisu.

Thea and Mira were interested in traveling, however neither one of them was particularly interested in being stuck on a ship for ten whole days so Abaddon would simply bring them over through a portal once he'd arrived.

Apophis on the other hand did not seem to be interested in traveling and instead asked his father for ideas or things he could do to better comprehend emotion.

Of course, Abaddon encouraged him to spend ample time among their family as well as their people and observe them as best he could.

In truth, Abaddon still had not developed an opportunity to bond with his son as much as he had his daughters.

The serpent's robotic like nature made it hard to tell what exactly he was thinking, making it slightly difficult for his father to interact with him.

And it was perhaps because Abaddon had no real experience with good father figures that he was consistently at a loss for what to do.

His human father was a scumbag, not even worthy of the air he breathed.

Asmodeus was kind to him at least, however he did not know how to accept such kindness after surviving without it for so long in both of his lives.

'I should make more of an effort... with my father and my son.'

In al honestly, the dragon did not know where these thoughts were stemming from.

Perhaps there was something about being on the water that allowed him the calm of inner reflection.

The girls were in their cabin, probably giving Seras the same initiation that all of the wives received, while the subordinates he'd brought on board were either resting, avoiding him out of fear, or working on other tasks.

As such, the dragon had the entire upper deck to himself for the time being.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind and Abaddon reached inside of his storage ring and pulled out a very old spell book.

[ Spell : Gate of Tartarus

- Description : ???????????????

[ Do you wish to learn this spell?


[ Error! Spell cannot be learned.

[ Host does not meet the necessary physical requirements to learn this spell.

"Still the same, huh?" Abaddon muttered.

This wasn't the first time he had tried and failed to learn this spell.

After completing the four dungeon trials, Abaddon was halfheartedly sorting through his rewards when he attempted to learn this spell for the first time and was alarmed to find that he couldn't.

His only hypothesis was that this spell was so powerful, even his body could not bear the burden of knowing it.

A frustrating thought for most but Abaddon merely decided to use it as another source of motivation for the future ahead.

'But for a spell like this... just how strong do I have to be?' He wondered.

He wasn't even sure what the spell did since there was no description, but given the name alone it wasn't hard to make a guess.

"Enjoying the view?"

Seras silently approached Abaddon from behind and came to stand directly beside him.

"I am... Are you girls done chatting already?"

For once, the battle hardened vampire dragon shuddered when she recalled the sheer obsessiveness she'd just experienced.

"We are... it was a most enlightening conversation."

"Oh? Care to tell me what-"

"I have been sworn to secrecy." She denied immediately.

Abaddon merely laughed and did not press the beautiful woman further, before falling into silence as he watched the waves alongside her.

For a long time, the two simply remained motionless as they silently appreciated the beauty of the ocean in front of them.

It seemed like the two were going to remain like that forever until Seras' voice finally played amongst the sound of crashing waves.

"You know for a long time, I lived without understanding the meaning of love or romance and thought that people who enjoyed such things were merely deluded or lacking any other sort of motivation in their life.

How can a person devote the entirety of their being to someone when there are so many more things one could do with such time? I always believed that the energy spent in relationships could be better utilized in growing stronger or accumulating wealth." Seras explained.

Suddenly she leaned her head against him and her words became much more tender and less cynical.

"And then I met you and my thinking changed seemingly overnight. Even though I thought I could never be attracted to one who was so much weaker than myself, within two weeks of training you I found myself unable to think of anything or anyone else."

Abaddon tried to remember the specifics of his training but if he was honest, it was all blur.

He remembered some of the more strenuous activities he endured but other than that, his mind's sole focus was on growing stronger so that he may return to see his family.

"I doubt you even remember, you had begun acting like some sort of golem after a month together and then you eventually stopped speaking altogether after a while."

"...I'm sorry."

"Ha! It's fine! I was a bit bothered by it back then but I like to believe you've made it up to me in the time sense." Seras' cheeks became slightly red as she remembered the first time Abaddon had ever looked at her as an object of lust.

If that weren't enough, the small kiss they'd shared a few weeks ago had thoroughly paid his debt.

"For the first time in my life, I became frustrated that I could not get a man to look at me." She said with a sigh.

"I thought maybe it was just a simple frustration and I would get over it with the passage of time but... Then I saw you reunite with your wives and daughter."

Without realizing it, Seras had tightened her grip on Abaddon's arm.

"You were more alive and showed more emotion than I had seen from you in months. It was like you were suddenly a completely different man. The way you embraced them, the way you smiled at them, I've never been more jealous of anything before."

Seras suddenly grabbed Abaddon by the face so that the two were looking eye to eye.

"For the first time, I realized what it meant to love someone. I still have all of my ambitions, goals, and hobbies, but now they all seem dull until I think of doing them alongside you."

In all of the time he'd known Seras, Abaddon could not once recall her speaking so fervently as she was now.

He'd seen her bloodlust, her actual lust, her drill sergeant like demeanor and even her sometimes childlike personality.

He could see how much effort she was putting into her words to properly convey them and part of him wanted to say that she did not have to go this far for him.

Luckily, she was just about done.

"I enjoy fighting, I enjoy bettering myself, and my goal is to ascend from this world and become a goddess unlike any that has ever been seen before. Will you walk beside me as I pursue this dream of mine?"


"Ehhh?!?" Seras looked to be on the verge of crying hysterically.

How could he have rejected her so pointedly yet again?!

Why was she still not good enough??

Abaddon suddenly smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"I won't walk alongside you, it'll be a race. A good competition will help keep us motivated in the long run. If you don't work hard I may leave you behind, my wife."

Of course, Absddon would never in a million years leave any of his women or children behind.

However, he was merely saying so in the hopes of keeping the flames of her competitive spirit alive.

Their relationship would lose it's value if she ever lost herself in being with him.

When Seras heard the words 'my wife' she naturally froze up a bit before a helpless smile spread on her lips.

"You're such... a jackass."

Before Abaddon could respond, Seras grabbed him by the face and pressed her lips against his.

His hands found her slender and muscular waist as he pulled her in to deepen their already passionate kiss.

Abaddon could feel her arousal building and building everytime their lips and tongue clashed.

Without even realizing it, Seras' fangs had grown in her mouth, causing her to accidentally cut Abaddon's lip.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I swear it was an..."

When the smell of Abaddon's undiluted blood hit the air, Seras brain temporarily stoped working.

Almost like a reflex, her tongue darted out to taste the blood that had stained her own lips and it was too late to go back.

When Seras tasted the most delicious blood imaginable, her eyes immediately rolled back into her head on an almost euphoric high.

'It's delicious!'

'Why is it so good?'

'I want more... so much more!'

Right on top of the deck, Seras pushed Abaddon down without a warning and straddled him before licking and sucking his neck.

The dragon was quite attracted to women who were more assertive in the bedroom so he had absolutely no problem with the way things were going.

Seras found a spot on the opposite side of his neck from where Audrina had bitten and bit down hard.

She only had half a second to be surprised by the hardness of his skin before a fresh wave of blood filled her mouth and her entire body shuddered uncontrollably.

'Mine! Mine! Mine!'

[ The individual : Seras Bloodflame, is attempting to mark the host as her fated mate.

- She will be able to find the host at all times and will follow the host even in death.

[ Accept the connection?

'Of course.'

Abaddon immediately felt another unbreakable bond forming between himself and Seras.

Along with that feeling came a sense of completion and fulfillment.

He felt as if the last piece of himself had finally been inserted and he had been made whole.

"Hey!" Audrina suddenly screamed.

Both dragons looked up to see the vampire queen giving them both annoyed looks.

"Are the two of you going to have fun out here by yourselves or are you going to let Eris and I in on the fun too??"

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