First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 183 A Look At Luxuria

Chapter 183 A Look At Luxuria

Seras was absolutely elated.

It had been the longest two weeks of her centuries long life but the moment was finally here.

Tonight was the night Abaddon was supposed to be recalling her back to his home.

She was not exactly sure what would happen, but she was so desperate to see the man of her dreams that she would settle for doing just about anything.

'What should I wear?'

'What do I do if he wants to have sex?'

'Will he think it's strange that his master is a virgin?'

Seras' mind was filled with dirty thoughts and insecurities.

After being alive for over 2,000 years, she knew it was bit unusual for her to still be a virgin.

Even though many men had tried, most either were not up to her standards or were intimidated by her reputation and bloodthirsty personality.

Just when she was about to give up, she was asked to train Abaddon and had been unable to shake him from her mind ever since.

It wasn't just his outward appearance, his single minded desire to grow stronger for the sake of his wives and children was incredibly admirable and she could not recall ever meeting a man like him.

Dragons seek power as a means to stand above all others as supreme existences.

Vampires mostly have no interest in growing stronger but the few that are do so in the hopes that they may obtain an abhorrent amount of wealth, sex, and blood.

For one to be solely motivated by familial ties was not only unheard of but most would even consider it to be strange and a sign of weakness.

"AAARRGGHH!! WHAT THE HELL DO I WEARRRR!?!?" Seras was very nearly ready to tear her hair out from frustration.

She didn't want to show up in front of him wearing her simple armor after all of this time!

A new body meant an opportunity to wear bolder and sexier clothes that would make Abaddon go positively wild!

'What kind of outfits would he like best...?'

Seras thought hard about Abaddon's wives and the sorts of clothes she'd seen them wearing.

Suddenly, it were as if a lightbulb had gone off inside of her head and she had a genius idea.

In the back of her closet was a simple red dress.

She normally would not have even considered wearing such a thing, believing it did not suit her but she suddenly knew exactly how to mold it to her liking.

Taking one of her claws, she easily sliced through the thin fabric and turned it into a two piece.

Slipping the fabric onto her exposed body, Seras then twirled around a bit in the mirror before realizing she still felt a bit too restricted.

Luckily making a thigh high slit in her dress turned skirt solved that problem easily.

As soon as Seras was satisfied with her outfit, a starry black portal opened up in her room and her heart began to beat wildly.

When Abaddon stepped through the portal, he was surprised to find his master turned romantic interest wearing a sexy two piece outfit.

Her red crop top stopped just below her enormous breasts, giving him ample room to see her muscular stomach and unblemished pale skin.

As soon as he saw her, he could not suppress the small smile that formed on his lips.

"Am I to assume you chose this outfit with me in mind?" He asked.

Seras however was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his guess was right on the money.

"My, aren't we confident? I'll have you know that you are not the only man in my life."

Unfortunately, her joke had touched Abaddon in a rather sensitive place and his eyes began to glow bright enough to light up the dark room.

An unholy suffocating pressure left his body that was felt by every single soul in the castle.

"Who dares to even breathe around the woman I have my eyes on?"

Just because Abaddon did not raise his voice, didn't mean he wasn't threatening.

The chill coming from his words was enough to freeze a lake of salt water.

Far from being afraid, Seras was incredibly aroused and entertained.

She had never sensed such concentrated malice from him before, and knowing that it was over her made it that much more exciting.

'Hmmm should I continue this game?' Seras contemplated giving Abaddon a random name but she was almost positive that person would end up dying over her unfunny joke.

Finally she decided to drop the facade and gave him a mocking smile. "I didn't think one little joke would make you so upset~ Can you dispel your aura now? I can practically hear my subordinates pissing themselves."

The dragon frowned as his aura was dispersed, though his anger was still simmering silently.

Had Seras not been joking, he would most definitely had killed someone tonight.

"Your jokes are in poor taste."

"I will apologize in whatever manner you find suitable." Seras said with a smirk.

The demon lord rolled his eyes before grabbing Seras' hand and pulling her into the portal. "I'll hold you to that on our date."



The first time Seras traveled to Luxuria, she already found the place to be plenty beautiful.

Though when she looked at it now the place was nothing short of transformative.

"What... happened here?"

Abaddon smiled when he saw Seras' shocked face.

"Valerie is a very hard worker."

After getting her materials and a capable working crew, Valerie was like a machine.

In a single week, she and the dwarves under her command had implemented a plumbing system, replaced the old stone in the roads, built several new buildings while upgrading most of the old ones, and they even had time to start developing a new base for the army.

"This architecture... I've never seen anything like it before." Seras said in awe.

Her surprise was understandable since Valerie had based these designs off of the buildings she'd seen in her husband's memory.

Seras suddenly craned her neck to the side when she sensed several pairs of eyes on her.

On top of a nearby building, two figures flinched before disappearing from her sight.

"Ignore them. The wraith moons are in charge of monitoring any visitors that might pose a potential threat." Abaddon explained.

In a minute, the two black clothed figures from before appeared in front of them and kneeled onto the ground.

"We apologize for any disrespect to the king's guest." The man said.

"Our curiosity got the better of us." The woman confirmed.

Seras wasn't really all that bothered by the fact that she was being spied on, she was more preoccupied by the fact that these were no doubt the strangest beings she had ever seen.

The man was a vampire but his red eyes contained dark black sclera that gave him a fearsome appearance.

The woman was seemingly a phoenix, yet instead of fiery red and orange feathers she had ones that were dark purple, her sclera were also black.

Seras could clearly feel the demonic influence coming from these two and she was completely unsure how such a thing could be possible.

"It's fine..." Seras muttered as she continued to stare at the strange hybrids.

""My king, we wish you good health and a peaceful night.""

When Abaddon nodded in acceptance, the two disappeared in a blur and left the two dragons behind.



"How is it possible for those two to have demon blood inside of them?"

As far as hybrids go, those with demon blood were extremely rare if not entirely impossible.

Demons already have relatively low fertility and that paired with their natural chaotic mana makes it impossible to see hybrids of certain races.

"I wonder that as well." Abaddon replied with a small smirk.

Before Seras could ask any more questions she was pulled by the hand through the streets. "Come along, there's more to see."

In Luxuria, the city only truly came alive at night.

There was a thriving night market and an even more popular red light district that drew in most of the visitors.

Seras passed more jewelry sellers, street performers and food vendors than she could count.

'The lights, the people, the atmosphere... it's all so beautiful.'

The vampire dragon was utterly enchanted.

The charm of this city had her so engrossed that she never wanted to leave.

And the sight of a ruler walking around freely amongst his people made her realize that this place was truly unlike any other.

Abaddon may have been feared but he was apparently also quite the beloved ruler.

A great number of children approached him on the street without fear and asked if they could ride on his back sometime to which he shyly agreed before their parents pulled them away apologizing.

Seras found herself enjoying a great many sides to her former student as he continued to show her around his city.

When the two finally came to a rest underneath the qlipoth, Seras finally could not hold back her building elation.

"This place is so beautiful! I have never been so enchanted by a place before!"

Abaddon smiled helplessly as he stared up into the sky.

Truthfully, the city was turning out better than he could've imagined.

The rumors spread by the army of greed had done their job in ensuring that Luxuria received a steady stream of visitors and traveling merchants.

Those that wanted to apply for permeant residence drank Abaddon's blood from the fountain of rebirth and became demons that were officially under his authority.

In a perfect world, he would be satisfied with this and spend the rest of his days alongside his family.

But with threats like the ones he faced looming over his head, he could not be satisfied with this meager progress.

[Abaddon T******t]

[ Evolution path : ??????????? ( Unseen Horror of Realities)

[ Second Stage Conditions :

- Pass the hidden trial of four dungeon masters. (4/4)

- Bring 50,000 demons under your rule. (4,869 / 50,000)

- Eat the hearts of five stage four beings (0/5)

As Abaddon looked over his progress so far, a sudden idea popped into his head.

'My wife, I need to see you for a moment.'

After sending out a quick mental summon, a pile of shadows rose up from the ground beneath their feet and Audrina appeared holding a sleeping Mira.

"You called, my love?"

The vampire queen soon realized they were not alone and smiled warmly at Seras.

"It's good to see you, Seras. Are you joining our family already?"

Seras' cheeks reddened slightly before her eyes found Abaddon who was looking up into the sky absentmindedly.

"I have a question for the both of you."

As both girls awaited his next words, they ended up being something neither of them expected.

"How difficult do you think it will be for me to be recognized as king of the vampires?"

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