First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 181 No More Drinking

Chapter 181 No More Drinking

Azrael was... stumped to say the very least.

After leaving behind his power with his oldest brother, he easily slipped into Asherah's world and wasted no time in finding Abaddon.

There was something screaming out to him that he was missing an important aspect of all of this.

His city was easy enough to find, it was the only place in the entire world that was radiating such pure demonic energy.

The angel of death was in Luxuria mere hours upon arriving, and he was incredibly surprised to see the first of the chalkydri petting a guardian lion alongside two young girls and a serpent.

Throughout the entire party, he did not take his eyes off the dragon for one second.

He became more and more uncertain that this was the beast he had come to have killed.

Forget a dragon that wanted to end reality, Abaddon did not even seem like a demon to him.

He even had a human daughter for crying out loud!

The dragon was the textbook definition of a perfect family man. He was gentle with his daughters, and even more so with his wives.

Everyone looked to be extremely happy in the presence of one another.

None of this made any sense!

Was this truly the being who abhorred all life??

'Could his original personality been restored? But how is that possible??'

As Azrael watched the dragon drunkenly fall onto the ground next to his daughter, he realized there was no way his father could be unaware of this being's existence.

Putting a hit out on him suddenly seemed like the last thing he was supposed to do.

Finally, the angel's frustration over the unknown reached a fever pitch and he vowed to get some answers.

Even if it meant he had to barge into his father and mother's final resting place.


[ Skill : Poison Resistance Lvl.1, has been acquired!

Before Abaddon could even open his eyes, the robotic sound of the system's voice multiplied his headache twofold.

Sitting up, he rubbed his temples as he tried to piece together his fractured memories.

After the third drink, his memories became hazy and he was not sure exactly how much of what he was recalling was real.

'I can't believe I got so drunk...'

"Finally awake?"

Abaddon looked to his side to see Eris lying in bed next to him.

Interestingly enough, the rest of his bed appeared to be empty.

"I am... Where is everyone else?"

The dark elf reached out and began to caress her husband's abdomen. "Hmm... Should I say that they are a bit preoccupied?"

Before the dragon could ask what exactly they were preoccupied with, Eris began pinching and pulling at his flawless skin.

"Hmph, What kind of husband gets black out drunk on our wedding night? I should punish you!"

Even though her tone was accusatory, Abaddon knew that she was not actually upset with him.

Nonetheless, he wrapped her in his arms as a way to 'appease' her.

It was at this moment that he discovered she was naked in bed with him, and her face blushed considerably to show her shyness.

'Now that I'm the only one here it feels a bit embarrassing...' When she saw all of Abaddon's wives crawling into bed naked, she did not want to seem prudish so she followed their example.

Now that her husband was awake and pressing his body against hers, she felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

'I-I wonder if he likes it?? Elves are naturally taller and slender s-so I'm not as curvy as everyone else...'

Before Eris could think about any more nonsense, the sensation of something hard and large poking her nether regions made her mind go blank.

"Since we have a moment alone, I would be more than happy to make up for last night."

'I-It's here!' Eris screamed internally.

During her meeting with the wives last night, she received a crash course on what it was like to have sex with Abaddon.

The stories waffled a bit between animalistic mating and tender intertwinement.

However the one thing both stories had in common was that the pleasure was incomparable to anything any other man could offer.

All of the women recalled the times they'd been taken with dreamy faces and twitching vaginas.

As someone who had never particularly enjoyed sex, Eris thought they may have been over exaggerating.

But when the usually motherly and composed Lisa began to drool, she realized that there may have been more truth in these stories than she had originally believed.

It seemed like the two were finally going to embrace one another and cement their relationship when the sound of small rapid footsteps could suddenly be heard.

"Oh? Seems like he finally escaped." Eris said as she covered herself with a blanket.



The one who suddenly stormed into the bedroom was a young boy who looked to be no older than two.

He had long red hair that trailed below his back paired with tanned skin and green eyes.

His clothing looked to be muddled after the ancient Egyptians and consisted of a loincloth and golden jewelry.

If Yara were around, she would say that this young boy looked almost exactly like Abaddon when he was young.

"Father, control your women! They plague me endlessly!!" His small voice said.

Abaddon blinked his eyes several times to get used to the sight in front of him, yet no amount of blinking could have made this scene make sense.

"Hello Apophis, I see that you have finally escaped their clutches." Eris said sweetly.

Before Apophis could respond, Lisa appeared in a flash of lightning and scooped him up into her arms.

"I found you, little one! Why are you running from your mothers, huh?"

"Release me! The constant smothering of all of your breasts has sapped eons off my immortal life!"

Lisa however proved to be immune to the taunting of the young serpent. "Aww, is someone a bit cranky? Would you like to take a nap?"

"I would like to be left alone!"

In another moment, a furry black meteor leapt into the room. "Using your lightning is cheating, Lisa!"

Soon the two were in a tug of war match with the small boy in between them as a prize.

Just as Abaddon was going to ask what was going on, all of the women in the manor burst into his room, clamoring to hold the young child.

Not just the wives, Thea, Mira, Lusamine, and even the triplet maids had also followed the infant's trail.

"He's so cute!"

"Apophis~ Come to Auntie Lusamine!"

"Look at those cheeks!"

"I wanna hold my brother too!"

Eventually Abaddon grew tired of the yelling and he slowly began to release a cold aura that chilled the room to grab everyones attention.

"I'm sorry but I have a bit of a headache so can someone calmly explain what is going on." He asked as he rubbed his temples.

Apophis took this as an opportunity to free himself and climbed up onto his father's bed.

"I took this form in the hope that it would help me to better understand emotions but all it has done is make these women behave irrationally!"

Abaddon's headache suddenly multiplied from the sheer insanity of what he was hearing.

Familiars were not typically capable of changing their forms like this.

To make matters even stranger, Apophis had lost his robotic way of speaking and was seemingly developing his own personality.

"How is this possible..." He muttered.

"I just told you."

"I mean... never mind."

Abaddon finally rose up out of bed and picked up his son with outstretched arms.

After taking a moment to study him, he reached an inescapable conclusion. 'I have to admit, he is a pretty cute kid.'

Cuteness aside, he attempted to Apophis why he was under attack.

"Everyone's just excited because they haven't had the chance to play with a baby in a while. They mean you no real harm."

The gears within Apophis' head of red hair began to turn as he processed his father's words.

"So then... If I were not in the form of an infant, they would not act like this?"

"Hm? I suppose not."


Apophis' body once again released a blinding glow and in a moment, Abaddon was holding a young boy that appeared to be around the same age as Thea.

His formerly childish body had now become rather manly and even though he was a bit thin, he still displayed his own sturdy muscles.

'I...I don't have the mental capacity to deal with this today.'

Placing his now teenage son onto the ground, he turned around and got right back in bed before closing his eyes and laying next to Eris.

There were limits to what a hungover man could deal with and Apophis had already surpassed those limits without even meaning to.

"Aww... We never get to have a baby in the house..."

"His cheeks were so fluffy looking..."

"Why is Mira the only one that's still small!?"

None of the girls were awed by Apophis' ability to change his form at his leisure.

They were all much too hurt by the fact that they'd lost the ability to cradle a baby for the first time in forever.

Lailah was... more devastated than others.

"My sweet boy... he's grown up already? Is it already time for him to leave the nest and make a family of his own?!" Tears had already begun to well up in the corners of her eyes.

She was planning on making him a little onesie just a few minutes ago!

Now he was almost a full grown man that was too big to need his mother!

"Time is truly so cruel..."

"He's still your familiar, Lailah." Valerie reminded.

It wasn't like Apophis could up and move away since the lives of the two were directly intertwined.

"Oh... r-right..."

One by one, all of the women left the room with disappointed faces, leaving behind only Apophis' two sisters who were both giving him curious looks.

Neither of them had ever had a brother before, and now that he was suddenly here and not a snake, neither of them truly knew what to do.

Faced with no real ideas, Mira decided on her favorite past time.

Walking up to her brother, she took one of his larger hands in her smaller ones.


Apophis looked at her strangely before Thea also placed a hand upon his shoulder. "Don't think about it too much, let's just get to know each other better, alright little brother?"


With his three children leaving to fill their stomachs, Abaddon relaxed and slipped peacefully back into dreamland.

'A few glasses of alcohol reduced me to such a state as this... I hate drinking.'

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