First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 175 You’re Not Funny!

Chapter 175 You’re Not Funny!

"Thea has been missing for five days... It seems as though she disappeared in the middle of the night." Lailah finally said with great difficulty.


The streets became so quiet that citizens could hear the blood flowing inside of their own bodies.

Even the wind had ceased to blow, seemingly not wanting anything to do with the city that had come to a complete standstill.

Expanding his senses, Abaddon realized he could not sense any trace of Thea.

Glancing at the faces of his family, his grief was multiplied.

Lisa, Audrina, Valerie, Bekka, and Lailah all looked absolutely heartbroken.

But it was perhaps Mira's face that affected him the worst.

His little girl was holding back tears as she stared back at him, and the was enough for him to finally snap.


A dark pillar of pure hatred burst from Abaddon's body and pierced the sky above.

The wind that disappeared earlier had returned with a vengeance, wrapping Abaddon up in a fierce whirlwind that made it hard for the weaker citizens to even remain upright.

"Who dares... WHO DARES!?!?"

Abaddon's roar of hate and anguish pierced the sky for miles, striking immeasurable terror into the hearts of all of those that heard it.

The dragon's murderous aura was so palpable that it had actually become physical. His desire to run rampant wrestling with his need to find his oldest daughter.

'Who do I need to kill?'

'We can kill everyone!'

'I will dye this world red until she is returned!'

His wives and daughter truly did not know what was going to happen next.

They had all spent a great deal of time with Abaddon and seen many different sides of his personality.

But none of them had ever seen him as angry as this.

They were absolutely certain his next action was going to be something catastrophic and bloody, resulting in the deaths of either a great many people or whoever was responsible.

Whichever came first.

Surprisingly, the exact opposite happened.

As Abaddon raged and lamented within his own mind over his missing daughter, his face suddenly showed traces of disbelief, then shock, followed by mild annoyance.

His fearsome aura was absorbed back into his body and he gave his wives a blank look.

"...You girls are not funny." Abaddon said dryly.

Lailah : "..."

Bekka : "..."

Lisa: "..."

Valerie: "..."

Audrina: "..."

"...Eh?" Mira asked for the group.

The dragon sighed as he rubbed his temples. "I'll admit, it was a good prank and I'm impressed that you got Mira and the rest of the citizens to play along as well but don't scare me like this, okay? I nearly lost all control there."

He didn't know how his family was able to fool his senses so well but he had to admit, he was partially impressed.

By now, everyone in the street was looking back and forth between each other.


Play along?


Why would the king even think that his demons would play with him like that?!

There were less painful ways to die!

Valerie finally recovered from her stupor and stared at her husband like she was having a hard time keeping up. "My love...What the fuck are you talking abou-"

"Thea!" Audrina suddenly exclaimed.

The rest of the family looked at the vampire queen in the same manner they were looking at Abaddon.

It took them a second, but eventually they could all feel it.

Thea's aura that was nowhere to be felt a moment ago, was suddenly back stronger than ever and coming from their very own house.

"It's really her!"

"My baby!"


"Mommy's coming dear!"

"She's back!"

In synchronicity, all of the women in the family began running or flying towards the manor as fast as they could.

Instead of following them immediately, Abaddon apologized to his citizens for scaring them and opened a gate right to Thea and Mira's room.

He wasn't sure whether he should chastise his little trouble maker for going along with this outlandish idea or applaud her for somehow being able to hide from even his senses.

'Is training with Absalom truly going so well?' He wondered.

Upon stepping through the portal, Abaddon was greeted by the girl's usual bright pink room that was littered with stuffed animals.

However, there was one thing inside that did not seem to belong.


Instead of taking the front door, Abaddon's wives and daughter had flown straight onto the balcony and busted into the girls' room.

"Thea! Where have you... been?"

All of the women came to a stop beside Abaddon who was also having trouble believing what he was seeing.

Sitting comfortably on the bed was a young woman who was seemingly around sixteen years of age.

Wearing simple black pants with a white button up shirt and a blue vest, her outfit was no anything remarkable.

No one could pay much attention to that however, especially not when the young girl was so beautiful.

Creamy white skin, immaculate blond hair and sky blue eyes were only the tip of the iceberg.

The young girl exhumed a natural kindness and charisma that made her extremely likable even if she did not utter a single word.ραпdα `n?ν?| сom

"Thea?" Abaddon hesitantly called out.

Unsurprisingly, the young girl smiled before she stood up and dove into her father's arms.

"I'm sorry for leaving, but I'm home now..."

- A few moments before.

Thea stood face to face with the woman who had trained her for all of these years.

After uncountable hours of torture discussed as physical training, she had finally deemed her pupil's progress to be satisfactory.

"The day has finally come where I have nothing left to teach you, Thea. I must say that you have surpassed all of my expectations."

Thea however did not look happy for some reason, a fact that her master did not miss.

Taking her face into her hands, she once again tried to prepare her for what she already knew was coming.

"Do not mourn me. You know that I am already long gone."

A single tear fell from Thea's face. "Master I don't think-"

"You need not think on this child. You must return to your family, and I must finally find my eternal rest." She comforted.

The woman raised a clawed hand to Thea's face and gently wiped her tears. "If you spend your time mourning someone who has already long died, how do you intend to lead a fulfilling life?"

The weight of those words hit like an anvil but still, Thea could not help herself.

In the five years she'd spent in this realm, she and her master had become very close when she wasn't trying to kill her with training.

There was no way that her departure was not going to affect Thea at least a little bit.

"Let this be the last time you cry, Thea. My inheritor cannot be one who is so easily overwhelmed by her emotions."

Finally, her words seemed to strike a chord with Thea as she regained control of herself and the look she gave her master suddenly changed.

No longer was it a heartbreaking one that could not bear to see someone dear to her go.

It had turned into the look of someone who knew how to appreciate something beautiful, even if they knew that they were never going to see it again.

"I promise you master, it will be." Thea said confidently.

A satisfied smile spread across the face of the beautiful and otherworldly woman.

"Then are you ready for the transference?"

After taking a deep, shaky breath, Thea nodded. "I am."

"Then... It was a pleasure to teach you, Thea."

With that final goodbye said, the woman brought her lips to Thea's and her body immediately began to break apart.

Starting at her feet, her body became pure stardust that swirled and circled around Thea's body.

Their kiss lasted no longer than a few seconds before her entire body became intangible and she could no longer be seen.

The stardust that was formerly her master found Thea's left wrist and took on the form of a silver bracelet, the sign that the transference had been complete and Thea finally had the prize she sought.

In doing so, Thea's body had been changed right down to the very fundamentals of her being.

The six endings have a special ability to become one with their wielder, giving them powerful abilities and limitless potential.

She was still human, but now she was a living weapon as well.

Alone again, Thea stared up into the sky above.

Her master had the special ability of speeding up time within her divine realm.

Here five years had passed, but outside it had been no more than five days.

It would be several hundred years before she was able to bend the time inside to her will like her master but for now, it was nice that she had a quiet place that was all her own.

With the silence setting in, Thea thought of the family that she had left behind in her world.

She wondered just how badly she might have scared her family when she disappeared so suddenly in the middle of the night.

"I've wanted to see them so badly for so long but now that the moment is here, I feel a bit nervous..."

However her fear of being chastised was completely suppressed by her desire to see her loved ones after so long.

In a family where every member is stronger than the next, she felt like she had finally earned her place among them.

"Let's go home."


Abaddon couldn't believe it.

This mature young woman clinging to him so tightly was actually his daughter.

It was hard to accept but her smell, aura, and voice were all exactly the same.

But there was one major difference.

The power coming from her body was on an entirely different level from how it was a week ago.


[ Thea T******t

[ Race : Human / Inheritor of The Witchblade

[ Status : Sentimental

[Age : 16

[ Times Evolved : N/A

[Health : 89,000

[ Strength : 45,000

[ Endurance : 45,000

[Agility : 45,000

[ Mana : 45,000


Someone sent me a magic castle yesterday....

A. Magic. Castle.


I'm sure I gotta sound like a broken record by this point but I'm truly truly grateful to all of you who support me in this endeavor of mine and motivate me to create.

This is a dream come true holy shit.

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