First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 171 Battle With A Death God!

Chapter 171 Battle With A Death God!

Abaddon fought the urge to scoff outright when he heard the challenge directed to him by the armored behemoth.

"You are not capable of harming me. There are rules even the gods must abide by." He reminded.

The god did not deny his claim and was not even remotely surprised he knew of such a thing. "Indeed there are. However there are loopholes in everything."

It seemed as though the god was not going to elaborate any further and Abaddon had no choice but to confront him in a head on fight.

The dragon sent a mental command to the armor Valerie had crafted for him and it suddenly appeared on his body in a flash.

"Let's begin."

Abaddon's body crackled with red lightning and he disappeared from his opponent's sight.

The dragon reappeared behind the armored god and lunged out with razor sharp claws.

Unfazed, his opponent simply sidestepped and slipped the shaft of his bident in between the dragon's legs.

Abbadon's momentum did not cease and his body tumbled forward, leaving him sprawled out on the ground.


"Loopholes." The god reminded.

Abaddon needed no further explanation as he quickly recovered back onto his feet.

'So that's how it is... He cannot attack me himself but he is able to use my own attacks against. me.'

Armed with that knowledge, he decided there was no use in trying to impress the god in a physical confrontation.

"Abyssal chains."

Dark black chains covered in red miasma shot out of the shadows at the god's feet and ensnared the entirety of his body.

'Is he an abyss walker as well?' A sniff in the air was all that was needed to disprove that theory, which left only one possible answer. 'A candidate for the throne of the abyss...'

It seemed like the more the god learned of this strange hybrid, the more intrigued he became.

The desire to unearth even more secrets was becoming uncontrollable.

Before the god could break himself free of the dark chains, Abaddon flung a small black hole at him that earned a small cry of shock.

'Quite dangerous... he could kill even a minor god with that.'

Unfortunately for Abaddon, the man in front of him was no minor god.

He easily snapped out of his chains like they were made out of tissue paper and held out a gloved hand.

The god closed his fist and Abaddon's black hole simply... fizzled out.

It was as if it were never there at all.

Abaddon kept a cool head and tried to bombard the god with everything he had.

The dragon held out both of his hands and twin tornadoes of fire erupted from his palms.

Before he could throw them at the annoying god, he lifted up his black metal helmet and blew out the massive columns of flames with the same amount of effort it would take a human to blow out a match.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Try harder, hybrid."

Instead of letting his anger swallow him, Abaddon decided to give the god exactly what he was asking for.

'Malenia... fly very, very far away.'

The fallen angel recovered from her orgasmic stupor when she heard the voice of her beloved master in her head.


'Just do it!'

It was very rare for Abaddon to be as serious as he was now, perhaps that was the reason why Malenia obeyed his orders without another word.

With Malenia flying away as fast as she could, Abaddon could finally try his next attack without restraint.

"Have you given-"


A column of dark fire erupted from Abaddon's body that pierced the dark sky above.

In a moment, the flames dispersed and Abaddon appeared as a massive dragon with two heads.

Initially, the death god was unimpressed but the longer he looked at Abaddon's draconic form, the more a certain memory began to pop into his head.

'T-This can't be...'

He was missing his other five heads, some extra wings, and there was no large eye in the center of his chest but other than that, there was no mistaking it.

This was certainly the beast that the all father himself defeated at the beginning of creation.

But that should have been impossible!

His remains are all sealed in various places within different pantheons of the gods so how is it possible that he is alive here and now?

Abaddon did not realize the spiral he'd sent the god into by simply changing and he simply began gathering energy to unleash another experimental attack.

Darkness, fire, space, death, ice, lightning, blood.

The dragon of despair and horror sought to combine all of his elements into one devastating attack.

Flying up into the sky, Abaddon began channeling energy into his two ferocious mouths.

The god of death finally noticed that the dragon he was so worried about was gathering an inconceivable amount of power for a mortal.

'Something is wrong...'

The death god had decided that this game had gone on long enough.

Just as Abaddon was about to unleash a devastating breath attack, the god snapped his fingers and expelled both he and his angel from this realm.

When the lands were quiet once again, the god finally took off his helmet and clutched his head in disbelief.

"This is inconceivable... this doesn't make any sense!" He roared.

The dragon was seemingly reborn, yet it did not have even a tenth of it's former memories or powers?

Could the creator have had some sort of hand in this?

The god did not know the answer but one thing was for sure, this was not information he could keep to himself.


Abaddon opened his eyes in his human form. He was standing in front of an ornate black chest in what he could only assume was the boss room.

"Master you were incredible!" Malenia excitedly jumped onto Abaddon's large back and began obsessively rubbing her face across his muscles.


"Please master just a few more seconds! Oh yeah! That's the stuff!"

The temperature in the room suddenly began to drop as Abaddon began releasing icy cold air.


The fallen angel hurriedly separated from her master and huddled up in the corner of the room, shivering like she'd been locked in a freezer for several hours.

With the leach separated from his skin, Abaddon finally had a moment to think.

'Why did he suddenly send me back?'

It did not make any sense that the opponent that had been provoking him so adamantly before had sent him back before he could even attack a final time.

What had changed?

Was the sight of a two headed dragon really something so rare that even a god was shocked?

He did not believe that to be the case at all.

Was it a fear of his final attack? Even if it was going to be devastating, Abaddon knew full well that it should not have been too much for someone like the king of the underworld to handle.

"Damn it... DAMN IT!"


Abaddon finally exploded from the frustration of the unknown and punched a nearby wall in frustration, destroying it entirely.

"M-Master?" Malenia asked shakily.

"Everywhere I turn, I am plagued with more and more questions as the days go by, yet I seem to be no closer to receiving any answers."

It was incredibly frustrating to feel like you were constantly in the dark about something, even more so when it was your own life that was in question.

He had done a remarkable job so far of not letting his ignorance get to him, but it seemed as though today's events were simply too much.

Small footsteps resounded against the stone floor of the dungeon as Malenia slowly approached her frustrated master.

Instead of placing her hands somewhere they did not need to be, Malenia simply placed a single palm on his back.

"I do not know what questions my master has, but I do know that all things are revealed in time. You may have a great many responsibilities upon your shoulder, but you should remember you are only eighteen. Please be patient."

"It is because I have a great many responsibilities that I do not have the luxury to be patient, Malenia."

"Fufufu~ My master's naivety is cute too. Patience is not a luxury, it is an integral part of being alive. Things will not always come to us when we want them to and we must accept that.

Buttt that does not mean we are free to sit on our hands and do nothing. How will you prepare while you wait? What efforts will you take to improve yourself in that time? Those are the only things that truly matter, dear master."

Abaddon stared at Malenia like she'd just grown a second head.

Was this truly his perverted fallen angel?

Had she always been so... thoughtful?

The scene of her masturbating with his cloak suddenly came to mind and he decided this must have been some sort of new development.

Nonetheless, her words had resonated with him and he already felt his emotions beginning to stabilize.

"I'll take your words to heart, Malenia."

"I would hope so, dear master~"

With his focus back on the foreseeable path forward, Abaddon finally cracked open the massive ornate chest and took out his rewards.

Sitting inside were three ancient spell books, each more interesting than the last.


[Spell : Raise Undead

[ Spell : Summon Legion.

[Spell : Gate of Tartarus

For now, Abaddon would store these away and decide what to do with them later.

Turning back towards Malenia, he finally retrieved his cloak from her tight grasp and hung it over his shoulders.

"Let's hurry and visit the last two dungeons and go home."

The fallen angel didn't know if she was imagining it or not, but her master's tone seemed to be a bit softer now.

He did not talk to her in the same way that he talked to his wives or his children, it was more like he had begun to see her as somewhat of a friend.

To others it may not have been much, but to Malenia? It was everything.

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