First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 166 Queen Vs. Queen!

Chapter 166 Queen Vs. Queen!

Sei was transported into an empty black realm devoid of any and all life.

In the sky above was the mystifying scene of the aurora borealis dancing about madly.

If Sei was not so angered with how she had been brought here, she may have even found this place to be quite comfortable.

Suddenly, Audrina descended from the sky above.

Different from her usual appearance, she was wearing completely black battle armor that was molded from the shadows itself.

The armor clung to her tightly, yet it also gave her body the looseness and mobility needed to make agile and impossible movements.

On her head of silver hair there was a red crown that appeared to be made of crystallized blood.

She was utterly fearsome and beautiful.

"What is this?!" Sei was immediately on the offensive.

Her hands glowed wildly and she unleashed two blasts of cyan energy.

As the projectiles traveled, they took the form of two massive hounds who were eager to bite down on the descending vampire.

"This is judgment."

Audrina held out her hands and jagged daggers made of darkness appeared in her palms.

Faster than the speed of light, Audrina sliced off the heads of both hounds and appeared in front of Sei.

"For the crime of harming my sister and disrespecting my husband, you will pay with your life."


The sound of metal clashing against a solid surface could be heard and Audrina gritted her teeth in annoyance.

A barrier of golden light separated the vampire queen's blade from the witch queen's neck. Sei was not going to go down easily and even if Audrina had dragged her into this space, that did not mean she was helpless here.

"You're delusional!"

In a burst of golden energy, Sei manifested millions of swords of pure light in the sky.


At her command, the swords shot towards the vampire queen at a speed that was comparable to her own, and it required a great deal of effort on Audrina's part to dodge them cleanly.

With a great distance now between them, Audrina hurled her daggers at Sei as her body twirled in the air to avoid the last of the swords.

"Have you given up already?"

The witch queen manifested a powerful wind that blew the daggers off target, sending them clattering to the ground behind her.

Audrina did not look discouraged in the slightest as black chains burst from her hands and found her lost daggers.

Not willing to let her opponent claim her weapons, Sei fired off several shots of light to shatter the chains and was surprised when they merely reformed.

With her weapons now possessing an unfairly long reach, Audrina began to use them like a bladed whip as she sought to spill first blood in this battle.

"You may as well allow me to kill you now! If husband finds out you are here with your wrinkled hands out looking for a tribute, the consequences will be unimaginable!" The vampire taunted.

She twirled her weapons so fast she had whipped up a bladed whirlwind. If a mortal wandered even an inch too close, they would find themselves reduced to shreds in an instant.

Sei was holding her own however as she had constructed a golem of pure light to protect her from the relentless onslaught.

"Do you actually think I would fear he who is not even a demigod? As delicious looking as he may be, he is only a pretty ornament!"

With every taunt slung against her husband, Audrina's face became uglier and uglier as her features became more and more bat-like.

Her ears and teeth lengthened, her eyes changed from a beautiful violet to an unholy black while her nose grew intricate lines and grooves.

"Fucking bitch! He may not be able to kill you now but can the same be said for your daughters? Your citizens?"


Audrina had unknowingly stepped on a sore spot and Sei's avatar reflected her anger when it's color went from a dull gold to a fiery orange.

The golem finally stuck out it's hands and caught Audrina's bladed whips after failing to do so several times before.

With a yank, Audrina's weapons were pulled from her grasp and the golem sent a meteoric fist barreling in her direction.

Audrina's body broke apart into a swarm of bats to avoid the attack and the golem merely struck the formless ground beneath her.

She reappeared on top of the golem's fist that was embedded in the ground and began running up it's arm.

Shadows swirled around her hands until they took the form of wispy black claws that were several times larger than her own.

When she reached the golem's shoulder, Audrina did a massive leap in the air that sent her high above Sei and her protective sentinel.

Summersaulting in the air, the vampire used her built up her momentum and brought her fist down right on the skull of the golem.


When Audrina's fist connected with the massive avatar, it's solid surface cracked under her might and it's entire body shattered only a few moments later.

With nothing else left to protect her, Sei had no choice but to take Audrina's fist that was still barreling towards her at a frightening speed.


When the blow connected, the witch queen was knocked comically onto the ground beneath her.

Even though she was dizzy from the blow, Sei still maintains the presence of mind to prepare another attack.

As her hands once again began to glow, Audrina appeared over her in an instant and plunged her hand into her stomach.


Audrina ignored Sei's wails of pain and lifted her limp body up in victory.

"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam."


As a response, Audrina wormed her hands around inside of Sei's stomach until her hand was wrapped around her spine.

The vampire took one of her fingers and used it to catch some of the blood that was running down her arm and tasted it.

'The blood of a demigod should be heavenly, but everything in comparison to my husband's tastes revolting.'

"Get on with it you fucking leach!" Sei taunted as blood trickled from her mouth.

The fact that she was still able to converse was a testament to her strength on it's own. The rate at which energy was leaving her body was truly frightening.

Audrina took a moment to bask in this spectacle.

There was truly nothing she took greater pleasure in than besting someone who was supposedly her 'equal'.

This battle only served to confirm what she already knew, that even though the two women were demigods, their power was not at the same level.

As Audrina prepared to rip Sei's spine out of her body, a thought suddenly occurred to her.

"You know... maybe I was a bit hasty." The smile on her face sent shivers down the witch queen's spine.

"As much as I may hate you... I know a wonderful woman who hates you even more. Your fate is better suited to be in her hands, no?"

As the vampires words sank in, Sei's eyes widened in frustration. "You think that insect is worthy to judge me?! She is nothing!"

"Then that will make you less than nothing, won't it?"Audrina teased.

By injecting a bit of her mana into Sei's body, Audrina was able to suppress her magical abilities, effectively rendering her harmless.

"W-What are you doing?! Just kill me and get it over with! I will not beg that bitch even if you-"


A hard smack on the side of the irate woman's neck sent her hurtling into dreamland.


When Audrina rose from the shadows in the waiting room, she found everyone still there exactly as she had left them.

Sei's daughters saw her unconscious body that was dangling in Audrina's arms and they immediately became hysterical.


"Mother no!"

As soon as the girls looked like they were going to make a move, Zheng and Lusamine drew clean, shallow slices around their necks to persuade them not to.

"Relax you little harlots. Your mother is very much still alive." Audrina said as she rolled her eyes.

She casually tossed the witch's body to the girls and they only barely caught her.

While the girls tended to their mother, Eris stared at the vampire who wasn't showing the slightest bit of fatigue.

'He truly has such amazing women around him... I want to be one of them!' She thought passionately.

"What do you want us to do with them?" Lusamine suddenly asked.

Audrina opened her mouth to answer, when the sound of the door slamming open could be heard along with the pitter patter of little feet.

Mira and Thea soon arrived in the waiting room with everyone else in two very different states.

Thea was a bit dirty with a few scratches on her body and wearing boyish training clothes with her hair tied behind her head.

Mira was wearing her signature battle armor and was covered in animal blood. In her tiny little arms were the heads of all the beasts she'd hunted alongside the cookie brigade.

"Mother! We came back early!"

"Mira killed so many animals! Look!"

Immediately, Audrina's queenlike aura disappeared. "MY BABIES ARE HOMEEE!!"

Faster than either of the girls could react to, Audrina had both of the girls in her arms and was showering their faces with kisses, not minding the dirt or blood on them at all.

"Hehehe! I missed you so I asked general Absalom if I could come home early today!"

"Mira wanted to come home and eat cookies with mommy!"

Audrina was over the moon.

Her babies missed her so much that they abandoned their plans to be with her!

How could she not be touched!

"Aww my girls are the sweetest! Come to the kitchen with me and we can eat all of the tea and cookies you want!"

Mira heard absolutely nothing after the words 'we can eat cookies' were mentioned.

Thea however was not ruled by her stomach and her craving for sweets and had finally noticed the room they were in was not quite empty.

"Are we... interrupting?" She asked shyly.

"How could you ever? We were just about done!" Audrina would never let anything get in the way of her precious family time.

Turning to Lusamine, her orders were short and sweet. "Toss the three of them in the dungeon and seal their mana. Lailah will decide what to do with them when she returns. "

Audrina immediately turned to head to the kitchen when Mira suddenly called out to one of the women in the room. "Eris! Do you want to come and eat cookies with us?"

The beautiful dark elf was immediately flustered. "U-umm I don't think that I-"

"That's a great idea, Mira!" Audrina agreed. She loved her daughters but there was truly nothing like adult company.

"You should come along with us. This'll give us a chance to get to know each other better, yea?" Audrina smiled politely at the elf but it was clear that she wouldn't be taking no for an answer.

Eris opened and closed her mouth several times before smiling helplessly in the end.

"If you'll have me... I would be honored."

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