First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 157 [Bonus ]Apology Gifts

Chapter 157 [Bonus ]Apology Gifts

A small knock at the door prompted Abaddon to get up and let in his expected helpers.

Before the door was even fully opened, Nita, Rita, and Tita could smell the thick musk of sex that spilled out of the room.

Tita : "Master went overboard again, huh?"

Rita : "Master definitely went overboard..."

Nita : 'I am so jealous...'

Abaddon scratched his cheek in mild embarrassment. Even though he was a grown ass man, he felt bad whenever his three adorable maids had to help clean up the aftermath of his rampant lust.

But Nita's thoughts that she was not even making an effort to hide were reminding him these girls were not nearly as innocent as their appearances would suggest.

He moved aside and let the three girls into the room. "Help me take them to the bath."

Abaddon picked up Valerie and Audrina since these were the two he'd gone the wildest on.

The other three girls were picked up by one of the maids and the four of them made the journey down the hall.

When Abaddon entered his luxurious bathroom that was more like a miniature hot spring, he was briefly surprised to find that the water was already hot.

Sensing her master's surprise, Rita offered an explanation. "We recognized master's embarrassed tone when he called for us so we prepared the bath in advance."

The dragon could do nothing but chuckle. Had he truly become so easy to read?

Abaddon lowered his wives into the steaming water and the girls behind him did the same.

He delicately began to scrub their bodies, taking special care not to be too rough and damage their beautiful skin.

? Dried cum and sweat were covering almost every inch of their bodies so they had to be washed from head to toe.

Even in their sleep, the girls had small satisfied faces as if they were having the most pleasant dream.

As always they were thoroughly exhausted so the girls weren't going to wake up anytime soon.

Abaddon suddenly felt three gazes focused on him and knew their source. "What's wrong? Why are you girls staring at me?"

Nita : "Master... you know you can leave this to us, right?"

"I do."

Rita : "Then may we know why you insist on joining us every time?"

Tita : " Do you worry we would not take care of the ladies to your liking?"

The demon lord fought the urge to laugh. "I assure you girls it is nothing so complicated."

He returned his gaze to Audrina's long silver hair that was coated with bubbles and his eyes took on a delicate look that was reserved only for his family.

"These women are my treasures. As the one responsible for bringing them to this state I should naturally take care of the aftermath, right?" He delicately washed Audrina's hair and scalp, careful not to get any soap in her eyes or nose.

Once he rinsed her hair, he then moved to Valerie and began giving her the very same treatment. "I would do this all alone if I was able, but before I could take care of all five of them the water would become cold and one of my lovely wives might get sick."

The maids briefly glanced at the unconscious women in the bath and recalled memories of their frightening battle prowess.

They could not imagine one of their warrior queens being incapacitated by a case of the sniffles.

The girls found themselves continuing to steal small glances at their master long after it had become silent.

His every action was gentle and done with exquisite care and they almost couldn't believe what they were seeing.

They had never seen any man, human or demon, who cared for his women as much as their lord did.

He truly treated these women as priceless treasures and they found themselves harboring jealous feelings.

Any one of them would give anything they had for him to see them the same way.

Abaddon sensed their feelings through his connection to them but for the first time in a long time, he did not know what the right thing to say was.

Normally, he has no problem rejecting women in whatever manner necessary.

But when it came to his maids he did not wish to hurt their feelings.

At some point, they too had become part of his invaluable treasures and even though he held no sexual attraction for them, he did enjoy their company and conversation.

He already had in mind the last two women he desired and he would not take any more wives after them.

Silently he wished for his maids to find their own happiness, for they too deserved to be looked at as priceless treasures.


Once Abaddon finally finished bathing the girls, they were returned to their now clean room to rest while he went to his study.

Sitting down in his large leather chair, he decided to open up his system and buy his wives some gifts as an apology for his war on their wombs.

After the last battle he had a ridiculous amount of SC to spend and it was practically burning a hole in his pocket.

[ Shop ]

- Current SC : 698,250.

[ Black Meteor Kanabo Art ( 25,000)

-Description : A destructive and powerful combat art that utilizes a spiked club.

[ Nightshade Ring (17,000)

-Description : Anyone you make inhale the fragrance of the ring will become delirious and susceptible to any and all orders for two hours.

[ Skill : True Phoenix Heart (50,000)

- Description : Your heart becomes that of a phoenix. Upon death your body is immediately resurrected no matter how grievous the injury. When reborn all fire affinity attacks gain a 300% boost for fifteen minutes. ( Can only be used once every two months.)

[ Abyss King's True Death (100,000)

-Description : A fragmented relic from Lucifer's battle with Maliketh, the first abyss king.

[ Affinity Stone : Water ( 7,500)

-Description : A stone that gives one the affinity of water when crushed.

[ Sacred Beast Egg (40,000)

-Description : Inside of the egg there is a random sacred beast. The strength of the beast inside is dependent upon the amount and quality of mana that it is fed.


Abaddon sighed in mild frustration.

Unfortunately the gift he really wanted to get for his wives was a skill and not an actual item that he could give to them.

'Damn it... that could've been really useful too.'

Even though they had eaten phoenix hearts already, they would only get a one time do over from death, but this skill had no such restriction.

[ Notice : Skills purchased can be shared with connected individuals.

Greed immediately shone in the eyes of the young dragon as a wide smile made it's way past his lips.

'Buy black meteor kanabo art, sacred beast egg, true phoenix heart and abyss kings true death.'

[ Spend 215,000 SC?


There was a flash of sudden light and a pitch black greatsword that was terribly damaged arose from the shadows at his feet.

At the same time he reached out to touch it, a sweltering heat arose from within his breast and a large black egg appeared in his lap.

Abaddon briefly analyzed the egg and he did not find anything particularly special about it other than it being quite large.

Truthfully he wasn't even sure what a sacred beast egg was.

But Mira had seemed like she'd missed having a pet lately so like a good father he of course had to get her something.

'I should find something special for Thea as well.'


Bonus chapter 2/2.

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