Finest Servant

Chapter 270

Chapter 270

Chapter 270 The Eldest Miss Loves to Blush

"Lin San, where are we headed?" the Second Miss asked curiously as she leaned against Lin Wanrong in the carriage.

"We're off to a nice place, one that you'll surely love," Lin Wanrong responded with a hearty laugh. "You snuck away today without informing the Madam and Eldest Miss. They must be terribly worried. Once we've finished at this place, I'll take you home, alright?"

The Second Miss gave a quiet nod, asking, "And what about you? Will you be going back?"

"I'll wander around outside for a few more days. I've been so tired recently, consider this a vacation. Once the New Year passes and we head for the capital, we'll journey together," answered Lin Wanrong. The nature of his relationship with the Eldest Miss was a mix of confusion and ambiguity, which made the decision of whether or not to return all the more difficult.

The Second Miss obediently responded, nestling herself in his arms, "I'll listen to you then. Once we've visited the place, you can take me home. But, you must visit me every day. I still have many questions to ask you. If you dare leave me again, I'll...I'll scold you every day until you come to see me—"

Lin Wanrong couldn't help but chuckle, her threat was rather 'terrifying.'

The Second Miss gave a snort, retrieving a cherished little note from her bosom. She glanced at it, her face a mix of joy and shyness. She raised her small face, shooting Lin Wanrong a glance that was partly angry, partly whimsical, and said in a low voice, "You rascal. After being away from home for so long, you finally write a letter back, but it only has a few words, and you couldn't even be bothered to use a full sheet of paper. Infuriating."

Couldn't even be bothered to use a full sheet of paper? Am I that stingy? Lin Wanrong wondered. He took the note from her hand and read the calligraphic words: Second Miss, I miss you!

This note was written after he received a letter from the Eldest Miss upon arriving in Feng County. He had stayed up all night to write it, then had it specially delivered back by Xu Wei. He remembered it clearly, yet the letter was clearly three sentences long and mentioned three people. How come it was reduced to just one sentence when it reached the Second Miss?

"Second Miss, who gave you this note?" Lin Wanrong asked, puzzled.

"Of course it was my elder sister. She said you wrote me a letter, and my heart leaped with joy. But who knew that upon opening it, it only contained these few words. You heartless man," the Second Miss retorted, her face reddening. She snatched the note back and clutched it against her heart, nestling back into his arms and murmured, "Only a few words written, but it made someone dream about you. How annoying."

Then Lin Wanrong understood. The Eldest Miss must have thought the letter inappropriate and decided to cut the sheet into three strips, distributing one to each person. Even if the form of the paper was somewhat off, it was better than receiving nothing. ‘Damn, why didn't I think of that? The Eldest Miss is too smart.’ Lin Wanrong wished he could laugh out loud, the Eldest Miss was so thoughtful. But he couldn't help wondering where the strip meant for the Madam was. Could the Eldest Miss have kept it? That would be a real piece of evidence.

The carriage they had summoned had traveled only a short distance when Lin Wanrong lifted the curtain. His eyes fell unintentionally on a dilapidated hut at the foot of the hill by the Qixia Temple, where the fleeting figure of a woman in a blue cloth robe appeared and disappeared, seemingly a female ascetic.

She was quite busty! Lin Wanrong, gifted with excellent vision, could clearly discern her form after just a brief glance. His thoughts took a lascivious turn for a moment before he suddenly remembered something and urgently commanded, "Stop, stop the carriage—"

The Second Miss was surprised and asked, "What happened?"

Lin Wanrong said, "I am going to check on someone. Well, not someone's chest, I mean. Second Miss, could you please wait here for a moment? I'll be right back." Xiao Yushuang nodded in agreement.

Lin Wanrong stepped off the carriage and approached the hut. It was decrepit, with winds whistling through the cracks. A woman dressed in a green robe had her hair piled high into a bun and concealed it with a small Buddha hat. Indeed, she seemed like a solitary female ascetic.

As Lin Wanrong studied the woman's face, he was taken aback and gently said, "Miss Tao, is it really you?"

Upon seeing him, Miss Tao's eyes widened in surprise, and she dropped the scripture in her hand. Her face turned beet red as she hurried to her feet, exclaiming joyously, "Lin... Young Master Lin, is it you?"

Looking at the slightly emaciated woman in front of him, Lin Wanrong could hardly believe that he would encounter her here. Miss Tao's voluptuous figure was obscured by a large robe, concealing her attractive figure. Remembering this woman's previous feistiness, Lin Wanrong asked in confusion, "Miss Tao, how did you end up here? What are you doing?"

Tao Wanying softly responded, her voice steady, "I've been here for a few days now. I am currently practicing my faith."

"Practicing your faith?" This girl was in the prime of her youth, why would she want to become a nun? Had she quarreled with Young Master Hou? He quickly tried to dissuade her, "Miss Tao, you're at the flower of your age. Why are you thinking of renouncing the secular world? Did you have a dispute with Young Master Hou? Ah, quarrels are common among young people, but you must not do something in the heat of the moment that you might regret for life."

Tao Wanying shook her head and said, "Young Master Lin... Lin, please don't speak nonsense. I have nothing to do with Young Master Hou!"

"Nothing to do?" Lin Wanrong looked at her skeptically and chuckled, "Miss Tao, everyone knows about you and Young Master Hou. Now that Miss Luo has unequivocally rejected him, it's a great opportunity for you. You should be with him, that's the right thing to do. But why are you here alone, practicing Buddhism?"

"Nonsense," Tao Wanying's eyebrows rose in anger, a glint of fury flashed in her eyes, and the shadow of her old temper seemed to flicker, "I used to admire Young Master Hou, but it's far from what you think. After all that's happened, he and I have even less to do with each other. Please don't misunderstand."

Seeing the determination in Tao Wanying's words, and sensing she was not feigning, Lin Wanrong sighed in resignation, "Alright, alright, I won't say any more. Lest in your anger, you draw a blade and charge at me."

Upon hearing Lin Wanrong teasing her about the past, Tao Wanying's cheeks flushed. She said softly, "Lin San, what brings you here? As far as I recall, you are not particularly devout."

"I'm here on important business. But what about you, Miss Tao? What happened? Are you really planning on becoming a nun?"

Tao Wanying sighed lightly. "There have been many issues at home lately. My father lost his position, and my brother has changed for the worse. Our family has fallen from grace; we're not the prosperous family we once were. I realize this is due to my father and brother's wrongdoings. We are being punished by the gods. I am here to repay their debts. I had intended to ask the temple's master to ordain me, but they told me they do not accept female disciples at Qixia Temple. I pleaded to no avail and had no choice but to build this hut outside the temple. I hope to be a practitioner and redeem my father and brother's sins."

Lin Wanrong was indirectly involved in the troubles of her father and brother, but he did not feel any guilt compared to the evil they had done. He nodded, "Miss Tao, you indeed embody filial piety. However, considering your beautiful appearance and prosperous aura, I'm afraid your worldly entanglements are not yet settled. It's unlikely that you'll be able to become a nun."

Tao Wanying chuckled. "You're not a monk, yet you're interpreting my features? If I can't become a nun, it would be your curse. You won't get off easily."

Lin Wanrong had only interacted with her a few times and couldn't claim to know her well. Yet seeing this fiery young woman renounce the secular world to become a nun did not sit well with him. He exchanged a few words with her, but when he saw her wearing the wide Buddhist robe, he didn't know what else to say.

Tao Wanying spoke faintly, "By the way, I forgot to congratulate you on your victory at the poetry contest. Now you have everyone's admiration. You can have anything you want."

"That was all just for fun, it doesn't count. I'm naturally repulsed by the idea of becoming a scholar or a man of letters." Lin Wanrong laughed.

Tao Wanying looked at him, "Are you really going to marry Miss Luo Ning?"

"Well, I suppose so," Lin Wanrong chuckled. He hadn't seen Luo Ning in a while and thought he should find a way to visit her.

Tao Wanying nodded, "Then I wish you a happy marriage. It's remarkable that Luo Ning could captivate someone as carefree as you. The two of you are a perfect match, both talented and beautiful."

"Miss Tao, you don't have to flatter us. Living here in the temple is hard and lonely. Take some time to go out and explore. Your mood will naturally improve. I reckon that in a few days, you won't want to become a nun anymore."

Tao Wanying glared at him, "I won't let you disrupt my resolve. I won't listen to you."

Lin Wanrong laughed and started to walk away. Tao Wanying seemed a bit stunned, "Lin San, are you leaving?"

Her voice seemed somewhat wistful. Lin Wanrong sighed lightly. It was not surprising. She must have been living outside the temple for some time and had few people to talk to. It was harsh for a young woman to keep company with a dim lamp and a Buddha statue, renouncing the world.

"I'm not planning to become a monk, of course, I must go," Lin Wanrong turned to say, noting a shade of desolation in Tao Wanying's gaze. He hurriedly added with a grin, "But don't worry. I'll stay in Jinling for a few more days. If I have time, I will come to chat with you. I'll relay any news from Miss Luo and the others. I believe they'll come to visit you. Having a chat with them will surely lift your spirits."

Tao Wanying didn't respond, only offering a bitter smile.

Returning to the carriage, the Second Miss was leaning against the wall, dozing off. Lin Wanrong gently touched her nose and chuckled, "Wake up, little one."

As the Second Miss opened her eyes to see him, her face flushed slightly. Quickly wrapping her arms around his, she said with slight embarrassment, "I was up early today, didn't sleep well last night, and fell asleep while waiting. Have you finished meeting your friend?"

"I have." Compared to Tao Wanying, the Second Miss was indeed fortunate. Lin Wanrong pulled her into his embrace and softly said, "Keep sleeping, I'll watch over you."

The carriage entered the city, stopping in front of a grand mansion. As the Second Miss stepped out, she gazed at the large vermilion gate and asked curiously, "Lin San, whose house is this? It's even larger than ours!"

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "This is Lin's mansion. From now on, you are part of this household."

"Lin's mansion?" The Second Miss paused, then understanding dawned, and she exclaimed, "Lin San, are you serious?"

"Of course, this will be my home in Jinling from now on," Lin Wanrong said with a smile.

Giggling, the Second Miss darted into the mansion. It was beautifully constructed, expansive, with pavilions, bridges over flowing streams, far grander than the Xiao family residence.

Excited, she took Lin Wanrong's hand, her face flushing as she said, "Lin San, are you planning to marry me here?"

"Certainly," he replied, "This house is too big, it would be a waste not to bring a wife here. When the time comes, I'll even build you a dog park, where you can keep all sorts of dogs—wolves, mastiffs, heh—"

At his words, her face lit up. She nestled into his chest, smiling shyly, "Alright, once I've finished my education in the capital, I'll become your wife."

"Hahaha," Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "It's not just you, there are a few more wives waiting! Good thing I bought a big enough house, marrying ten or eight wives would be a breeze."

He spent a delightful day with the Second Miss, flirting, taking minor advantages, utterly joyous. The Second Miss still had a bit of childish temperament, insisting on dividing the rooms. Lin Wanrong chuckled at this. Why divide the rooms? Wasn't it better to live together? Eat from the same pot, sleep in the same bed, that was true intimacy.

He spent a whole day with the Second Miss, making up for his negligence in the past days. Only when the night lamps were lit did he take the reluctant Second Miss back home.

Standing at the door of the Xiao Mansion after several days, he felt a bit unfamiliar. Gazing at the vermilion gate of the Xiao Mansion, Lin Wanrong shook his head helplessly. He had deceived the Second Miss, stolen the heart of the older sister. Was there a more impressive servant in the world than him? This Xiao family, was it destined to be mine?

Upon receiving the news from the servants, Madam Xiao hurriedly stepped outside. At first glance, she saw her daughter standing at the door and exclaimed in surprise, "Yushuang, you're finally back—"

With reddened eyes, the Second Miss threw herself into Madam Xiao's arms and cooed, "Mother, I just went out to play, don't worry."

"You naughty girl—" Madam Xiao affectionately patted her little bottom, mildly scolding, "You sneak out without notifying anyone at home, causing your sister and me to worry ourselves sick."

The Second Miss blushed, stuck out her tongue, and nestled into her mother's shoulder, making a face at Lin San.

Did Madam Xiao also enjoy patting Yushuang's little bottom? The touch was indeed pleasant. Lin Wanrong chuckled lewdly a couple of times, winked at the Second Miss, who, embarrassed, burrowed into her mother's arms and whimpered, "Mother, he's bullying me—"

"Lin San, come here!" Hearing her daughter's coquettish complaint, Madam Xiao couldn't help but smile. Seeing Lin San standing at the door in a daze, she called him over.

"What can I do for you, Madam?" Lin Wanrong walked over and asked.

Madam Xiao lovingly stroked her daughter's hair, her eyes filled with a gentle light. She nodded, "Lin San, I owe you a lot for Yushuang. She's young and her character is still forming. If anything goes wrong, you'll have to bear with her. She's been taken care of by me and Yuruo since she was little. Now, all her thoughts are on you. I have no choice but to ask you to take good care of her."

Madam Xiao's words were so explicit that even the tough Lin Wanrong could only nod in agreement. The matter with the Second Miss was already settled, and Madam Xiao was still reminding him in front of her, leaving him no room to refuse. Lin Wanrong smiled bitterly in his heart. Madam Xiao was best at this kind of veiled manipulation. She was tying him firmly to the Xiao family.

The Second Miss also understood the meaning of her mother's words. Her heart pounded, but she dared not speak. She hid in her mother's arms, not even daring to lift her head.

"Yushuang—" With a cry of surprise, the Eldest Miss rushed out of the mansion, heading straight for the Second Miss, not caring that her pleated skirt was touching the ground.

"Sister—" The Second Miss also called out and threw herself into the Eldest Miss's arms.

Xiao Yuruo tightly hugged her sister, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said, "Good sister, I was wrong yesterday. I shouldn't have blamed you like that. I apologize to you. Can you forgive me?"

Xiao Yushuang laughed, "Sister, I'm not blaming you. I just sneaked out to play today!"

The Eldest Miss hummed in response, saw Lin San standing there smiling at her, and her face immediately turned red. Her heart started to race, her body heating up. She took the Second Miss's hand and asked, "Yushuang, where were you today? How did you meet him—how did you meet Lin San?"

Xiao Yushuang shyly replied, "I met him at Qixia Temple. Sister, when you went to the temple this morning, I saw you too."

"What?" Xiao Yuruo was taken aback, her face turning red instantly. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest. If Yushuang was there too, then didn't she see everything that happened between her and Lin San?

"However, at that time, I wanted to see him, so I didn't dare to come out and talk to you. Sister, you won't blame me, will you?" The Second Miss's words eased the Eldest Miss's heart considerably. She hurriedly said, "You silly girl, what are you talking about? You're my sister, no matter what you do, I won't blame you."

As she said this, she stole a glance at Lin San, only to see him smiling at her and her sister, his gaze intense. The Eldest Miss's heart pounded, and she quickly lowered her head, squeezing Yushuang's hand painfully.

Lin Wanrong looked at the two beautiful sisters in front of him, one innocent and pure, the other mature and shy. Although they were born of the same mother, they had completely different charms.

The Eldest Miss was blushing more and more. He was overjoyed, thinking that he was not wronged for being a servant in this house. He was involved with both the Eldest and the Second Miss, touching and teasing. Who could compare with him? He thanked old Wei, old Xu, old Luo, and the Madam—

In the midst of his pride, he saw the Second Miss beckoning to him, saying, "What are you looking at? Come here—"

Lin Wanrong walked over solemnly and asked, "Second Miss, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yushuang glanced at him shyly, then said to her mother and sister, "Mother, sister, from now on, we are a family. Can we all stop being strangers?"

The Madam looked at her daughter lovingly and laughed. "Good, good, of course. What Yushuang said is right."

The Second Miss hummed in agreement, her face flushed. She took Xiao Yuruo's hand and said, "Sister, he likes to make trouble. That day, he deliberately angered you. Don't take it to heart. From now on, let's all get along well. Don't let him provoke you anymore, okay?"

Xiao Yuruo didn't know what to say. She had been held by him that morning, and now seeing him made her heart beat uncontrollably. She couldn't understand her sister's words, didn't dare to agree, and didn't dare to disagree. She just stood there, head down, not speaking, a far cry from her usual strong and decisive self.

The Madam and Yushuang saw the Eldest Miss's current state and found it strange. Madam Xiao asked, "Yuruo, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Oh, I think the Eldest Miss might be so happy to see the Second Miss return that she's acting like this. Isn't that right, Eldest Miss?" Lin Wanrong "understandingly" made an excuse for the Eldest Miss.

The Eldest Miss looked at him with both embarrassment and annoyance, her face turning a shade of red. Seeing his bright eyes, she quickly turned her head and whispered, "Yes, sister, it's good that you're back. From now on, we'll be a family, live happily, and never part."

Xiao Yushuang softly agreed, whispering, "Sister, Lin San is also our family. He will never leave us either, okay?"

The Eldest Miss stole a glance at him and softly said, "If he wants to stay, he can stay. Who dares to drive him away?"

The Second Miss giggled and hooked her finger with her sister, saying, "Then it's settled. Lin San, you hook fingers with my sister too—"

"Okay!" Lin Wanrong agreed without hesitation, his face very serious.

"No—" The Eldest Miss's voice was as thin as a mosquito's, her face flushed like a peach blossom, her heart pounding like a drum. She turned to leave.

Yushuang was quick to react, pulling her back and laughing, "Sister, please forgive Lin San. Hook fingers with him!"

‘Yes, hook fingers, the more the better.’ Lin Wanrong was itching in his heart. The Eldest Miss was so shy that she didn't dare to lift her head. Under the half-pushing and half-pulling of the Second Miss, her finger touched Lin San's big hand.

The Eldest Miss quickly withdrew her finger, glared at him fiercely, her face burning. She took Yushuang's hand and said, "Sister, don't mind him, let's go in."

"It's strange, what's wrong with Yuruo today? Why is she blushing so much? Something's not right!" Madam Xiao looked at her two daughters' figures and said. Lin Wanrong chuckled, ‘Don't ask me, I don't know, I really don't know!’

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