Finest Servant

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Persuasion

"Marriage?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed in surprise, "Madam, you jest. I am still young and it is not yet time to consider such matters. Perhaps we could discuss this in another decade or so."

Madam Xiao laughed at his blatant sarcasm, "Lin San, don't get irritated with me. Initially, I worried that Yushuang was too young to understand the matters of the heart. I feared she might be misled or fall into deception. That's why I spoke to you the way I did. But, in recent times, her feelings for you have not waned but intensified. During your absences, she missed you every day and prayed for your well-being. I've seen it with my own eyes, engraved it in my heart. She genuinely cares for you; it's not just a young girl's infatuation. And, seeing how capable you are, not only in helping our Xiao family out of our difficulties but also rapidly advancing under Mr. Xu, I find no reason to intervene between you and Yushuang. I am Yushuang's mother; naturally, I want to see her happily settled. Since she fancies you, I don't wish to create obstacles. So, why not lay it all out? What do you think?"

‘The Madam is quite the tactician,’ Lin Wanrong thought, laughing as he said, "Madam, is this proposal your idea or Second Miss Xiao's?"

Madam Xiao replied, "It's my idea, but I am sure that Yushuang would not oppose. I know my daughter's heart. She would leap with joy upon hearing this news."

Lin Wanrong shook his head, walked a few steps, and plucked a weed from the roadside, asking, "Madam, do you see what this is?"

Madam Xiao, puzzled, glanced at him and said, "This is a weed, Lin San. Why do you ask?"

Lin Wanrong replied, "A wilted weed cannot regain its vitality by merely watering it. When winter arrives, it chooses to decay, desiring a rest. Madam, you're intelligent, you surely understand my point, don't you?"

Madam Xiao thought deeply for a while before sighing, "Lin San, you're not a weed, you're a towering tree. Even in the harshest winter, as long as your roots are intact, you'll flourish again when spring arrives. I understand your meaning. You're tired, aren't you? You wish for a rest?"

Lin Wanrong just smiled, not uttering a word.

"Lìn San," Madam Xiao said, "If you're tired, you can rest. However long you need. My only hope is that you don't abandon our Xiao family."

"Surely, you jest, Madam Xiao," Lin Wanrong chuckled, "The Xiao family is affluent and influential, it should be me begging you not to abandon me."

Madam Xiao gave him a playful glare, "One moment you speak so poignantly about the little weed, making one appreciate your candid personality. And the next moment, you're using sarcasm? I understand better than anyone that without your aid, the Xiao family would have been reduced to someone else's plaything, let alone flourishing. Lin San, to tell you the truth, my agreement to your relationship with Yushuang stems from my desire to keep you with the Xiao family forever."

‘So you finally speak the truth,’ Lin Wanrong glanced at Madam Xiao.

The Madam lightly lifted her long skirt and slowly took a couple of steps forward, gazing at the landscape in the distance with a soft sigh, "Lin San, as you see, over the past decade or so, my Xiao family lacked robust men, depending entirely on Yuruo and me for support. We're women, and even though we have achieved something, there are countless people waiting to laugh at us. Yuruo and I are both ambitious. We made a vow never to let anyone look down on the Xiao family, which is why she turned out to be stubborn and reluctant to yield. She started traveling with me across the south and north to learn about running a business at the age of thirteen. Her temperament is more resolute than gentle, cherishing her dignity and refusing to be looked down upon. That's why you might think she's too domineering, never admitting her mistakes. But I know my daughter, she's fragile inside and often suffers in silence. I hope you can understand her, bear with her, and help her when you can. The bitterness and hardships we've experienced, running this big household as a mother and two daughters under the mocking gaze of others, as a man, you won't understand."

A faint glimmer of tears emerged in the Madam's eyes, she softly spoke, "For over a decade, my Xiao family has endured ridicule and scorn, merely due to the absence of a male figure. To be honest, in my years of widowhood, I've seen countless people covet my wealth and beauty, bending over backward to please me. If I were so inclined, a single word from me would ensure no one dares to laugh at us again. But Guo Junyi, that's me, is not such a capricious woman. No matter how hard or exhausting the situation is for the Xiao family, I would not compromise my integrity for wealth and honor. Lin San, I'm not shy about sharing this with you. If you want to laugh, go ahead. I've grown used to people mocking me. I hardly care anymore."

Seeing the sorrowful expression on her face, two lines of tears flowing down, resembling pear blossoms in the rain, a picture of pitiful beauty, yet adding an additional touch of allure. Lin Wanrong thought to himself, ‘How can I find it funny? Not bursting into sympathetic tears was already a testament to my resilience. You've targeted my tender heart perfectly.’

"To change the current state of my Xiao family, we need the support of a man. Not just any man, but one who is brave and resourceful, daring to shoulder the responsibility, willing to bear all hardships for a widow and her daughters. Who could this man be?" Madam Xiao glanced at him with a gentle smile. Her tear-stained cheeks bloomed like peach blossoms after rain, stunningly flawless.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure. Bravery, resourcefulness, and willingness to bear responsibility—don't most men in the world possess these qualities? Madam, you can just randomly pick one," Lin Wanrong cheekily suggested.

The Madam's beautiful eyes glared at him fiercely, "If all men in the world had such qualities, then everyone would have food when hungry, clothes when cold, no one would steal, and there would be no need to lock the doors at night. Talking to you, every word you utter is feigned confusion, which is extremely infuriating." The Madam humphed, turning her head away, ignoring him. Her full bosom heaved, resembling a young maiden in the throes of spring.

Lin Wanrong let out a couple of dry laughs, "Madam, you do know I'm a modest man. Are you suggesting that I should immediately admit that I possess these virtues as soon as you mention them? Please, is my modesty also a fault?"

The Madam slowly turned around, her gaze fluid, the corners of her eyes still moist. But a smile had already returned to her face, "Speaking of humility, there's no need to bring you into the conversation amongst all the people in the world. In fact, we of the Xiao family owe thanks to our little Yushuang. If it weren't for her unintentional recommendation of you, I can't imagine what state the Xiao family would be in now."

Thinking back to his first meeting with the Second Miss, the little girl unleashing her ferocious dog, Lin Wanrong couldn't help but chuckle, sighing, "Of all in the Xiao family, the Second Miss has the best judgment. Madam, no offense, but you and the Eldest Miss could learn a thing or two from her."

Madam Xiao covered her mouth with a delicate hand, giggling softly, "You, when we talk, your 'humility' indeed shines through." Her face was radiant with a joyous smile as she looked at Lin Wanrong, "Lin San, how old are you this year?"

"Sixteen, I just came of age, why do you ask?" Lin Wanrong said, feigning innocence.

The Madam chuckled, a teasing look in her eyes, "You jester. If you're sixteen, then I'm merely twenty."

Lin Wanrong's eyes widened, and he gave her a thorough look, swallowing hard before declaring loudly, "What? Madam, you're not twenty? My heavens, that's outrageous! You clearly look as young as the Eldest Miss."

The Madam sighed, gazing at him, "Your words, they could bewitch all the women in the world, and I wouldn't be surprised. But I find it strange, you look no older than in your twenties, yet speaking with you is more challenging than dealing with any old fox. I wonder where you learned such cunning. I heard that yesterday, you went through four challenges and took first place in the Jinling Poetry Competition. Even Governor's daughter Miss Luo gave you her mandarin duck handkerchief, wishing to be paired with you. Yet, you still act so unserious. For someone as talented as you but so unrestrained, I doubt there's a second man like that in the world."

"Madam—" Lin Wanrong moved closer to her and said earnestly, "Life would be devoid of meaning if it's too serious. Like you, remaining chaste for the late Mr. Xiao might seem serious, but it's the most joyless thing in life. You are a normal person and have the right to pursue your own happiness. To give up happiness for the sake of maintaining an utterly useless chastity, that is, in my opinion, too serious, so serious that it's unbearable."

"You, you—" Stunned by his shocking words, Madam Xiao looked horrified. Her ample bosom heaved in anger. She pointed at him with trembling fingers, "How could you say something like that?"

"Am I wrong?" Lin Wanrong spread his hands, feigning innocence. "Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. That's what I've always thought, and that's how I've always acted. Is that wrong? If pursuing happiness is a mistake, then I'd rather keep making that mistake."

Listening to his eccentric views, Madam Xiao shot him an angry look, swiftly boarded her palanquin, and barked, "Back to the mansion—"

As Lin Wanrong watched Madam Xiao's retreating figure, he shook his head helplessly. ‘I didn't do anything, I merely engaged in an honest discussion about the definition of happiness with you. If you don't want happiness, that's fine, but is there any need to be so angry?’

Madam Xiao hadn't traveled far when a sudden realization struck her. Wasn't the purpose of her journey to persuade Lin San to return home? How was it that after exchanging only a few words with him, she had been the one to hastily retreat, unable to withstand his words? His influence was profound. After their brief conversation, she found herself questioning whether she had been persuading him, or he had been persuading her.

She laughed bitterly to herself, ordering the bearers to halt the palanquin. She lifted the curtain to gaze outside, only to see Lin San on a swift horse, traveling faster than her. In a matter of moments, all that remained was a blurry figure receding into the distance. Shortly thereafter, he disappeared from her sight...

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