Finest Servant

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Chapter 193 Immortal Master Lin San (Part 1)

Damn it, I'm well aware of your antics, don't play your tricks in front of me. So, you want to show off, huh? I can play the game better than you. Lin Wanrong muttered under his breath, though his face feigned confusion. He looked at Zhao Kangning, feigning puzzlement, and said, "Oh, is the Young Prince speaking to me? Could it be that the Young Prince recognized me from before? This, this is indeed an honor."

Zhao Kangning chuckled, "Even if we were strangers before, I'm afraid no one is ignorant of you today. Lin San, your column couplet skills are indeed extraordinary. If you have leisure time in the future, I'd like to have a good chat with you."

"Thank you for your kindness, Young Prince," Lin Wanrong chuckled, "But you are a Young Prince, the Emperor's grandson, the essence of our nation, dealing with a myriad of affairs every day, truly tireless. I, Lin San, am merely a commoner. How dare I strike up a conversation with you?"

Zhao Kangning naturally didn't catch the sarcasm in his words. He simply nodded, waved his hand, and his attendant promptly brought forth a painting. Zhao Kangning received it and said with a smile, "Governor Luo, I admit defeat in today's couplet competition. This is 'Returning Home in Wind and Snow,' a painting I obtained from Mr. Wenchang years ago. Let's take this as a prize and give it to you."

Luo Min quickly declined, "I can't accept it. The couplet contest was between Lin San and Mr. Shen, unrelated to me. How could I accept such a reward without contributing?"

Zhao Kangning nodded and chuckled, "I gave my word, and I must honor it. Lin San, I'll give 'Returning Home in Wind and Snow' to you instead."

Lin Wanrong, eager for the opportunity to profit, accepted the painting, saying jovially, "Thank you, Young Prince, for this excellent painting. However, being a crude man, I can hardly appreciate such fine art. It would be impolite to hoard your generous gift. So, how about this: today is the old lady's birthday. I'll 'borrow flowers to present to Buddha,' giving 'Returning Home in Wind and Snow' as a birthday gift to the birthday lady."

A gasp echoed from the crowd. Lin San's maneuver was impressive; how could a mere servant receive a gift from the young prince? But by quickly giving it to the old lady, he pleased both parties, satisfying everyone involved.

The old lady, being a connoisseur herself, chuckled and said, "Oh, Brother Lin, you are too courteous. How could I accept this?"

Lin San replied seriously, "Honorable birthday lady, this is your due. Today, my match with Brother Shen was not only for entertainment but also to celebrate your birthday. Your blessings are as immense as the sky. Offering a beautiful painting to you, the birthday star, is the right thing to do."

Luo Ning smiled sweetly and added, "Grandma, this is Brother Lin's heartfelt gift. Please accept it."

The old lady was overjoyed, unable to contain her smile. "Well, since you insist, I won't stand on ceremony."

She had someone take the painting. The hall immediately buzzed with excitement. Today, Young Prince Ning brought his entourage to celebrate her birthday, and Lin San defeated the couplet king Shen Banshan. The talented men from the South were genuinely pleased.

As the guests had a few cups of water wine, and seeing their high spirits, Zhao Kangning said, "With such lively festivities today, I'd like to join the fun. I've brought a few entertainers with me. Why not let them perform some tricks to liven up the atmosphere? What do you think, Governor Luo?"

Seeing that Zhao Kangning wasn't proposing a challenge, Luo Min felt relieved and smiled, saying, "Your Highness is very polite. I'm much obliged."

With a wave of Zhao Kangning's hand, several street performers appeared, setting up their acts in the courtyard. There were rope jumpers and tightrope walkers. Cheers and applause filled the air, and the place was instantly abuzz with activity. The old lady was naturally delighted by the spectacle, and even Luo Ning found it fascinating.

From the sidelines, Lin Wanrong nodded to himself. It was clear that Zhao Kangning had come prepared. Not only had he brought the couplet king Shen Banshan, but he also arranged for quite a few street performers. His intentions to curry favor with Luo Min were plainly apparent. Lin Wanrong wondered what Luo Min thought of all this.

Seeing that everyone was engrossed in the spectacle, Zhao Kangning felt satisfied. He waved his hand again, and the performers retreated. In their place, a Daoist priest, an image of immortal refinement with white beard fluttering, entered the courtyard. He greeted the old lady, saying, "I am Xuan Xuanzi from Songyun Temple, here to wish you a happy and long life."

The old lady quickly smiled and said, "Please, honorable Daoist priest, you mustn't bow."

Zhao Kangning stood and introduced him, "Old Madam, this is Daoist Xuan Xuanzi, renowned for his spiritual power. I invited him to perform a ritual blessing for your birthday."

Xuan Xuanzi, his hair and beard all white, had the air of a true Daoist immortal. Lin Wanrong thought to himself, Damn, just by dyeing your hair and beard white, you can pass as a Daoist priest? Damn, this incense money is really easy to earn.

The old lady, being a devout believer, was thrilled to see such a dignified priest blessing her longevity. She quickly offered him some ritual cakes and blessings. Xuan Xuanzi said, "On the grand occasion of your birthday, I have nothing to offer. So, I will perform a ritual, and thereby establish a good relationship with everyone here."

He asked for a bowl of clear water and three wooden chopsticks of equal length. He dabbed some water on the chopstick tips and between the chopsticks. He then stood the chopsticks together and smiled, saying, "Please, everyone, watch closely."

In the attentive gaze of the crowd, he slowly inserted the chopsticks into the water-filled bowl.

The chopsticks were somewhat skewed. Xuan Xuanzi walked around the bowl several times quickly, muttering incantations, "Supreme Elder, Three Pure Ones, swift like the wish-granting command, stand-"

Strangely enough, the three chopsticks stood upright together in the bowl.

The sight of chopsticks standing upright in water was considered an auspicious omen. A murmur rippled through the hall. This Xuan Xuanzi was truly a magical priest with extraordinary powers.

The old lady excitedly said, "Honorable priest, please have a seat. Someone, quickly bring incense for the priest."

With a stroke of his long beard and a smile on his face, Xuan Xuanzi looked like an enlightened immortal.

Lin Wanrong chuckled. Damn, this 'priest' is even better at pretending than me. What kind of bullshit mystical abilities and divine skills are these? Could you please show us something more advanced? I stopped playing this 'chopsticks standing in water' trick when I was ten.

The Eldest Miss noticed his lack of respect for the priest and whispered to him, "What are you laughing at? Be careful, or the priest might punish you."

Ah, this is how feudal superstition was bredimmortal master, what a laughable title! If he could claim such a title, then I might as well declare myself as the Supreme Venerable Lord Lao. Lin Wanrong chuckled until his belly hurt, yet out of his respect for the codes of the jianghu, he didn't expose the charade.

Zhao Kangning was smiling when he suddenly noticed the disdainful look on Lin Wanrong's face. He couldn't help but snort softly, and then smiled, Lin San, do you have any objections to the immortal master's methods?

To be frank, Lin Wanrong's tricks were just as cunning as placing a chopstick upright in a bowl of waterboth were tricks of the trade. He and the so-called Xuan Xuanzi were both making a living out of these arts; traveling the jianghu, not revealing others' flawsthat was a matter of principle.

"Well, very good, very good," Lin Wanrong said with a laugh, yet his face betrayed no respect. All were in the same line of work, as long as no one was exposed, no one could fool another.

Seeing Lin San in his green clothes and small hat, Xuan Xuanzi realized he was merely a servant. He slightly shook his duster and said, Ignorant boy, how dare you disrespect the Three Purities, my Daoist deities.

Luo Ning, noticing the animosity from the immortal master towards Lin Wanrong, hurriedly approached him and said, Big brother Lin, this immortal master might possess some magical powers. Don't offend him carelessly, be careful he might cast a spell on you.

Hmm, this girl isn't too bad, she's worth the care I've given her, Lin thought. He chuckled, "No worries, he is Immortal Master Xuan Xuanzi, and I am Immortal Master Lin Santhe two of us worship in the same temple, we won't be in each other's way."

Luo Ning covered her lips and giggled, "Brother Lin, I can't tell which of your words are true, and which are false."

The Eldest Miss overheard their conversation and gave a small cough, "Lin San, the Young Prince is watching you."

Luo Ning was startled and looked up, indeed the Young Prince, Zhao Kangning, was watching them with a smile.

Zhao Kangning signalled Xuan Xuanzi with his eyes. Xuan Xuanzi stared at Lin Wanrong and said, Young benefactor, could it be that you harbor some doubts about the Three Purities? I would advise you, with your current cultivation level, it is better to doubt yourself than doubt the Daoist deities.

Lin Wanrong raised his eyebrows, Damn, I was being considerate of you, and your master instigated you to provoke me? He snorted, then whispered something to Luo Ning.

Luo Ning asked with confusion, "Brother Lin, what do you need brine for?"

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Nothing much, I just want to play the part of an immortal. Ask Luo Yuan to find a tofu shop and prepare some brine. As for the rest, you'll know soon."

Luo Ning left with lingering doubts, while Lin Wanrong glanced at Xuan Xuanzi and chuckled, "Is the immortal master addressing me?"

Xuan Xuanzi gave his duster a slight shake and said, "Indeed."

Lin Wanrong shook his head. Why bother? He originally intended to avoid Xuan Xuanzi, but this fake immortal master, encouraged by the young prince, deliberately sought him out to provoke trouble. Lin Wanrong took a step forward and said, "I am a humble servant who holds the utmost reverence for the Three Purities. And of course, I am also full of admiration for you, Daoist Master."

Immortal Master Xuan Xuanzi's face showed a self-satisfied grin, his right hand habitually stroking his long beard. Then Lin Wanrong continued, Immortal Master, is the trick of the standing chopstick in the water a result of your magical powers?

Xuan Xuanzi nodded and said, "I have been practicing diligently since childhood, over sixty years now. Only through multiple divine instructions from the Supreme Venerable Lord Lao in my dreams, was I able to attain such minimal power. I'm ashamed, truly ashamed."

He's a sham, and I despise him. Lin Wanrong initially wanted to let him off, but the old man directly initiated conflict under Zhao Kangning's instigation. He had no choice but to reveal some of his real skills.

"Having attained such power after more than sixty years of practice, the Immortal Master is indeed formidable!" Lin Wanrong gave a thumbs-up with a laugh.

The old Daoist smiled complacently, but then heard the servant say, "I've been practicing diligently for the duration of a tea ceremony. Today, I take the liberty of trying this magical trick of standing a chopstick in the water."

Upon hearing Lin Wanrong's words, everyone in the hall was shocked. They had all just witnessed the immortal master's magic firsthandwasn't this Lin San courting his own doom? The Eldest Miss looked anxious, stamping her foot lightly, thinking, You're so rash.

Xuan Xuanzi's expression changed upon hearing this. Lin Wanrong chuckled and picked up three clean square-headed wooden chopsticks, nodding to the crowd and saying, "Please watch closely."

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