Finest Servant

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 The Proposal

The seven characters Lin Wanrong penned were, "Fog Dances Over The Horse Stable, Veiling My Abode". The phrase was already extraordinarily difficult to correspond with, but what made it even more challenging was that it was a homonym to the second phrase created by the professor, yet its artistic conception was a notch higher.

[TL: It read W w w w w w w.]

Luo Ning exclaimed in admiration, "Brother Lin, no one under heaven could surpass you with just this phrase alone." Qiaoqiao nestled closely against Lin Wanrong, clutching his arm with her small hand, her eyes shimmering with happiness.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Miss Luo, please convey this phrase to your teacher. I do not desire to be exalted high in the tower. All I ask is that she refrains from speculating about others' thoughts at will."

Luo Ning nodded, "Brother Lin, your uniqueness never ceases to amaze me. I promise to deliver your message."

After exchanging some pleasantries, Luo Ning and Qiaoqiao both expressed surprise at his exploits in Hangzhou. Lin Wanrong recounted his journey and the trials he'd faced, particularly his confrontation with Tao Dongcheng at the Sunshine and Rain Restaurant. The tale had already made its rounds in the Jinling business community, but hearing it directly from him made it all the more thrilling.

The logic of washing hands with boiling oil left Luo Ning in awe, "Everything follows the laws of physics, which isn't wrong. However, knowing and mastering those laws is no easy task. Brother Lin, you indeed have a wealth of experience and knowledge. Tao Dongcheng, crafty and cunning as he is, was ignorant of these laws and thus, it's only natural that he suffered. By the way, Brother Lin, does the diamond brought by the Westerner truly hold such great allure?"

With a faint smile, Lin Wanrong retrieved the agate diamond given by Tavernier from his chest. Both Qiaoqiao and Luo Ning gasped in surprise, even Qingshan and old Dong, who were resting with their eyes closed, were left staring in disbelief.

The diamond was transparent and brilliant, radiating a splendid array of colors under the light. It was an absolute weapon against women. Even a disinterested lady like Qiaoqiao couldn't resist its charm. Luo Ning, despite being the most talented woman in Jinling, was also visibly excited, her eyes filled with affection for the gem.

"Big brother, where did you get this stone? I want to mine some too," Dong Qingshan drooled over the gem.

"You could try mining in South Africa," Lin Wanrong mopped his forehead in exasperation. He hadn't expected the diamond to have such an immense appeal, even to Qingshan. Revealing the diamond so early was a bit of a mistake. He only had this one diamond, but he was betrothed to three or four women. The allure of diamonds to women was undeniable. What would he do if Qingshan, Second Miss, and Qiaoqiao all wanted a diamond? Would they start a fight over it?

"Big brother, is this a diamond? It really is stunningly beautiful," Qiaoqiao said in a daze.

Lin Wanrong nodded, "Indeed. This gem is known as the Agate Diamond. It's extremely rare, even in the West. I only have this one piece."

Luo Ning sighed, "It truly is incomparably transparent and regal. As Brother Lin said, a diamond is forever, one gem is passed down eternally. There couldn't be a more fitting statement."

Seeing Qiaoqiao's love for the diamond, Lin Wanrong handed it over, "My darling, this diamond, I'll give it to you."

Qiaoqiao was stunned for a moment, forgetting even to chide him for flirting with her in public. She asked in a mix of surprise and joy, "Big brother, what did you just say? Are you really giving this to me?"

Luo Ning, who had heard everything, looked at the sparkling diamond with a hint of envy in her eyes.

Lin Wanrong nodded, smiling gently, "Yes, it's for you." Qiaoqiao was the first girl he fell in love with in this world, and she was so endearingly innocent and devoted. It was only fitting that the diamond was gifted to her.

A deep wave of joy flickered in Qiaoqiao's eyes as she snuggled against him, whispering softly, "Big brother, you're so kind."

She held the diamond in her hands, gently caressing it. A fleeting reluctance flickered in her eyes before she handed the diamond back to Lin Wanrong, saying firmly, "Big brother, I can't accept this diamond."

Surprised, Lin Wanrong asked, "Why?"

Blushing, Qiaoqiao looked at him and said, "Big brother, you said yourself there's only one diamond. I can't be so selfish. The diamond should be given to Sister Qingxuan. She's of noble birth, and this diamond suits her perfectly."

Touched, Lin Wanrong wondered where he could find another girl as adorable and considerate as Qiaoqiao. She was already looking out for her sisters, even before they were married. She was truly a gem.

Seeing Qiaoqiao's refusal, Luo Ning felt curious and asked, "Qiaoqiao, who is this Sister Qingxuan you mentioned?"

With a shy glance at Lin Wanrong, Qiaoqiao whispered, "She is big brother's intimate friend."

Luo Ning gave Lin Wanrong a look, murmured an acknowledgment, and then fell silent.

Lin Wanrong tightened his grip on Qiaoqiao's small hand, whispering in her ear, "My sweet girl, you don't need to worry. When the next batch of diamonds arrives, I'll save one each for Sister Qingxuan and Sister Yushuang. I promise they won't be any less beautiful than this one. This one is meant for you, and it carries a special meaning. You must accept it."

Tavernier had already left for Hainan with some Great Hua artisans, arranged by Xu Wei, to repair his ironclad ship. Lin Wanrong had already made arrangements with Tavernier to use Hainan as a port for exchanging silk, fabrics, perfumes, and soaps for diamonds. The remaining diamonds with Tavernier were small and nowhere near as good as this one. To find another diamond comparable to this agate diamond, they had to wait for Tavernier's next visit.

Finally, Qiaoqiao gave him a look and hummed softly in acknowledgment, her face blushing as she clutched the diamond tightly in her hand.

Lin Wanrong turned his head and addressed Dong Rende, "Uncle Dong, I have a favor to ask, I wonder if you could oblige?"

Dong Rende chuckled, "Wanrong, just speak your mind, why the formalities?" Ever since the rumors of an intimate relationship between Qiaoqiao and Lin Wanrong surfaced, he had dropped the formal address and had started to refer to him simply as "Wanrong".

Lin Wanrong then declared loudly, "I wish to ask for Qiaoqiao's hand in marriage, Uncle Dong. Please betroth her to me, with this diamond as the betrothal gift."

Qiaoqiao let out a small gasp, her face flushed like a red flame. She quickly lowered her head in embarrassment, not daring to look at him. Holding the diamond tightly in her hand, she nestled quietly against Lin Wanrong.

Their daughter had already run away with this man, what more could Old Dong say? Thereupon, he nodded with a smile, "This should have happened long ago. Now that Qiaoqiao has accepted the betrothal gift, is there any need for me to say anything more?"

Laughter filled the room. Qiaoqiao was already engulfed by a great wave of surprise and sweetness. Hearing everyone's laughter, she ran off like a startled rabbit, darting towards her room upstairs.

As Lin Wanrong watched Qiaoqiao's charming retreat, joy welled up in his heart. Turning to Old Dong, he said, "Uncle, after the New Year, I have to go to the capital. Consider today as the formal betrothal. When I return from the capital next year, I will marry Qiaoqiao."

A slight noise echoed from upstairs, as if something had fallen. Lin Wanrong hurried up the stairs, only to find Qiaoqiao clumsily cleaning up a broken tea cup.

Seeing him, Qiaoqiao could no longer contain her emotions. With a sob, she threw herself into his arms, murmuring, "Big brother, are you leaving?"

Lin Wanrong knew she must have overheard him downstairs, and her surprise had led to the broken teacup. Feeling both guilt and concern, he held her softly, whispering, "Silly girl, I'm not leaving until after the New Year. Why are you worrying so much?"

A sob caught in Qiaoqiao's throat, tears streaming down her face as she said, "Big brother, I'm afraid"

"Afraid of what?" Lin Wanrong asked, surprised.

"Afraid you won't want me anymore when you come back from the capital" Qiaoqiao choked, her face wet with tears.

"You silly girl, always overthinking things," Lin Wanrong kissed her forehead, whispering, "You're my little treasure, gentle and obedient. I barely have enough time to cherish you. How could I not want you?"

Qiaoqiao lifted her head to look at him, saying, "There are plenty of beautiful ladies in the capital, and you're so talented. I fear you won't want to come back."

"Silly girl, why would you worry about that? I've already asked your father for your hand today. You're already my wife. When I return from the capital, we'll get married." Wiping the tears off her face, Lin Wanrong smiled, "I'm going to the capital to find Qingxuan. Once I find her, I'll bring her back and marry both of you."

Qiaoqiao's face turned a shade redder. Nestling against him, she whispered, "Big brother, whether you come back or not, Qiaoqiao will always belong to you. In life and in death, I'm always yours, always waiting."

Touched and exasperated, Lin Wanrong gave her a light pat on the bottom, "You silly girl, stop spouting nonsense. What's all this about life and death? Do you think I'm that heartless? I might have a broad love, but my principle has always been to honor the old while welcoming the new. I'll never let you down."

Blushing, Qiaoqiao buried her head in his chest, whispering, "Big brother, I was wrong. You're always the best to Qiaoqiao. I'll always belong to you."

Even though Qiaoqiao was clever, her humble background made her feel inferior when compared to Second Miss Xiao and Xiao Qingxuan. Her deep love for Lin Wanrong had amplified her fears, making her worry he might not return.

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Lin Wanrong's heart surged with emotion. Gently lifting her chin, he leaned down and captured her rosy lips in a kiss. Qiaoqiao responded shyly, her heart pounding as they embraced tightly. Lin Wanrong slid his hand under her clothes, slowly tracing down her waist, continuing until he held her soft and round bottom, smooth and warm as jade. A slight tremor passed through Qiaoqiao's body, but she allowed him to continue without protest.

It was fortunate that it was only afternoon and Old Dong and Luo Ning were still outside. That was the only reason Lin Wanrong, reluctantly, had to stop his roving hands. After comforting Qiaoqiao, he felt a wave of relief. It was good that he had explained the situation to her beforehand; otherwise, if he had suddenly left for the capital, the poor girl might have been distressed enough to throw herself into the Qinhuai River.

When Lin Wanrong came out with Qiaoqiao, her face was still flushed red. Luo Ning looked at them with a smile, saying, "Congratulations, Brother Lin, and congratulations, Sister Qiaoqiao."

Shyly, Qiaoqiao replied, "Sister Ning, you're also teasing me."

With a charming smile, Luo Ning looked at Lin Wanrong, "Brother Lin, tomorrow is my grandmother's birthday. I hope you'll arrive early."

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