Finest Servant

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Chapter 170 The Temptation of Qin Xian'er

Qin Xian'er had risked her life to save him time and again, with deep affection and profound sincerity. Even if he were as emotionless as a rock, he would have been moved by her actions, let alone that Lin Wanrong was such a mischievous man, who wouldn't pass up an opportunity for a bargain? This was like a spark to dry kindling, igniting immediately.

Lin Wanrong's large hand gently explored her back, although separated by clothing, he could still appreciate the softness and smoothness of her skin. He wondered what kind of skin care method this girl used, as her skin was as tender as water. Lin Wanrong sighed inwardly while his hands playfully unfastened the row of clasps on her clothing, allowing his hand to slide in.

Qin Xian'er's body trembled. She gave him a gentle glance, her eyes as soft as water, her face flushing with an infinite bashfulness. Her lips parted slightly, exhaling a breath as fragrant as an orchid, a faint scent that made Lin Wanrong's heart itch with anticipation.

He slowly traced his hand down Xian'er's shoulder, experiencing a sensation as delicate and smooth as silk. Her skin was translucent like jade, incredibly smooth, without a single flaw. Touching her felt like caressing the softest silk, an utterly soothing sensation.

Darn it, I've hit the jackpot, Lin Wanrong thought. Even if one put aside Xian'er's incomparable beauty, her exquisite skin alone was a rare treasure, something that few could match, and could even compete with Qingxuan. This Xian'er was indeed a great treasure. Lin Wanrong swallowed, feeling entirely justified in his attraction toward her. His hand gently stroked her back, slowly sliding down, touching her soft and slender waist.

The moment he touched her waist, Qin Xian'er froze, unable to move, her body trembling slightly. Her face turned as red as the sunset, her luscious lips parted slightly, releasing a soft moan, like a barely audible whisper. A sensation as hot as fire quickly spread throughout her body.

Her eyes shimmered like water, her face tinged with an unusual pink blush. She gazed at Lin Wanrong in a daze, her lips parted slightly, even her breath was hot.

"Young Master" Qin Xian'er's voice came in a breathy moan. Lin Wanrong's heart skipped a beat, he pulled her tightly into his embrace, feeling the pressure of her chest against his own through the fabric. His heart burned with desire, his hands instinctively moving forward, just about to reach under Xian'er's intimate clothing, when he spotted a large official ship slowly approaching from the distant lake.

Lin Wanrong quickly came back to his senses from the heat of desire. What's going on with me? he thought, Getting carried away in the heat of passion, all while still in wet clothes? Xian'er is still in danger. Recently, his resistance to beauty was declining, and he was letting his lower body command his upper body - truly shameful.

However, the scenery in this forest was indeed good. Next time, when the mood strikes, he would bring Xian'er here with all the necessary preparations, to do what lovers do - surely that would be a marvelous feeling. He chuckled to himself twice, somewhat admiring his own lewdness.

Qin Xian'er felt the wandering hand on her body abruptly stop. In a rush, she stole a glance at him and found his eyes slightly squinted, a smirk of satisfaction surfacing on his face. She couldn't fathom what wicked idea was brewing in his mind.

Even though Qin Xian'er was filled with countless affections for him, she couldn't allow herself to surrender to him so recklessly in the wilderness. What on earth would that lead to?

Heat flushed her face, a mix of embarrassment and joy. At least the Young Master knows to show me some consideration, she thought to herself, oblivious to the fact that Young Master Lin was contemplating their next fun-filled rendezvous in this familiar spot.

"Xian'er, quickly get dressed. Don't catch a cold," Lin Wanrong said with a grave face, as if it was someone else who had unbuttoned her just moments ago. He wore the soaking wet clothes of a household servant, yet managed to look so decent and refined, which was quite amusing.

Inwardly blushing, Xian'er sneaked another glance at him, wondering how thick-skinned he could be, so effortlessly shrugging off his recent actions. But what she found most endearing about Lin Wanrong was this very character of his, seemingly never serious, yet exceedingly comforting. Talking to him, one could hardly know what sorrow was. In contrast, she could not find the same appeal in any of the prim and proper Young Masters who often appeared before her.

Qin Xian'er lowered her gaze, her face was as red as a beet. Lin Wanrong, knowing her shyness, grinned cheekily, "Let me help you." She let out a soft hum in response, her head still bowed low. He started fastening the buttons he had undone.

However, the buttons on a woman's attire of this era were not easy to unfasten and even more difficult to re-fasten. Without knowing the knack, he expended a tremendous effort to fasten just one button, which was quite an embarrassment.

Watching his clumsy actions, Qin Xian'er wanted to laugh but managed to hold it back. Her heart was filled with warmth and joy. If no other woman was to entangle with him, spending her entire life in this manner wouldn't be a waste of her existence.

Lin Wanrong was frustrated by these confounding buttons, he complained, "Xian'er, where did you buy this dress? Its quality isn't very good."

Holding back her laughter, Qin Xian'er replied, "It's made by Xiao's tailor shop, the material isn't really the best."

Embarrassed at his own remark, Lin Wanrong grumbled, "Forget about what I just said." Seeing him deflate for once, Qin Xian'er covered her mouth, giggling delightfully.

Lin Wanrong was slightly flustered by her laughter. He thought to himself, 'Didn't the lady who designed this dress ever consider us men? Is it not deliberately making things difficult for all men? This is a serious issue. I'll have to suggest to the designer when I get back. Women's clothing should be vastly improved. All women should know, not only are they understanding, but us men can also "understand clothing".'

In the end, it was Qin Xian'er who had to do up all the buttons herself. Blushing, she looked at him and said, "Young Master, the official ship will catch up with us soon. We should leave quickly."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Well then, let's go. But I must declare in advance that I absolutely won't be visiting the stronghold of the White Lotus Cult." Qin Xian'er giggled and took the lead, guiding Lin Wanrong along their path.

They ventured out of the dense forest, walked for a good half hour, and as the path twisted and turned around the mountains, the landscape suddenly opened up. An endless expanse of fields lay before them, soothing to the heart and the soul. Nestled within was a narrow path, flanked by a smattering of burnt wild grass. The path, however, led straight to a serene and peaceful village. The intersecting lanes of the fields, the green willows, the red mulberries, the crows of roosters, the barks of dogs, fishing, and farming activities, a few tendrils of cooking smoke gently curling up in the fine drizzle, all presented a picture of tranquil idyll.

Lin Wanrong, puzzled, inquired, "Xian'er, where are we?"

Qin Xian'er gave him a sidelong glance and answered with a faint smile, "This is Longhong Village."

"Longhong Village?" Lin Wanrong queried, unfamiliar with the name.

"This is my hometown," Qin Xian'er softly stated.

"Your hometown?" Lin Wanrong was genuinely surprised. He had interacted with Qin Xian'er numerous times at Miaoyu Pavilion and had been impressed by her refined manners, scholarship, and perception. He had assumed that she was from a wealthy family, not from a small village.

"I was born by the Yangtze River, Xian'er was born by the West Lake. We're quite a match, I guess," Lin Wanrong grinned cheekily.

Qin Xian'er responded with a slight nod, "This is my mother's hometown. Although I wasn't born here, my mother's hometown is also my hometown."

Xian'er's mother? That would be my mother-in-law, then. Is Xian'er bringing me here to meet her parents? he pondered.

Sweat, I've met so many aunts since coming to this world, but I've never officially visited my mother-in-law. Xian'er is rushing things a bit too much, isn't she? We haven't even sealed the deal yet. After we've consummated our marriage and the rice has been cooked, then I can pay a visit to my mother-in-law in a dignified manner.

"Xian'er, is your mother at home now?" Lin Wanrong inquired.

"My mother passed away many years ago," Qin Xian'er's eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she spoke softly.

Lin Wanrong gently took her hand, "Don't be sad. Your mother's spirit must be watching over you from heaven. Otherwise, how could you have met me?"

Qin Xian'er, teary-eyed, chuckled, "You really do have a thick skin."

Seeing her cry and laugh simultaneously, with a delicate charm in her demeanor, Lin Wanrong's heart fluttered slightly, prompting him to ask, "Is your father home then?"

Qin Xian'er's face turned stern as she fiercely responded, "I have no father."

Her determined expression, the rage blazing in her eyes, took Lin Wanrong aback. Xian'er had always been gentle and pleasing; why would she change so drastically upon the mention of her father?

Seeing Qin Xian'er gritting her teeth, her face pale, tears trickling down her cheeks, Lin Wanrong understood that there must have been some distressing matter involved. He tenderly stroked her hand, "Xian'er, I was wrong to ask about this, I apologize."

Qin Xian'er, however, swiftly covered his mouth, "Young Master, it's not your fault. I'm the one who is wrong, please don't be upset with me." Seeing Lin Wanrong nod with a gentle smile, Qin Xian'er continued, "I have never had a father, only my mother. This Longhong Village is my mother's old residence, and it's the only home I have. Every year, I return to stay for some time. Over the years, you are the first guest to visit here."

Lin Wanrong nodded with a slight smile, "So you're saying, this house, it only has you living in it?"

Qin Xian'er hummed in affirmation, her face blushing slightly, as if she had thought of something.

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, 'If it's just Xian'er living there, then wouldn't it be a case of a lone man and woman, like dry tinder meeting a raging flame, like an adulterous couple? 'Heavens above, it seems you've destined me to finish the work left undone by the lake.'

Qin Xian'er's face turned bright red, and she darted forward a few steps. Suddenly, she turned back, flashing a charming smile at Lin Wanrong, "Young Master, come quickly!"

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