Finest Servant

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 An Exchange

As the crowd pondered, they saw a servant boy approach, bringing with him a seemingly suitable response. However, when they noticed the object in his hands, a piece of charcoal disguised as a writing brush, they couldn't help but shake their heads in amusement. This was no writing brush; it was quite clearly a charcoal stick.

Once the servant boy finished writing, all eyes descended upon his work. To their surprise, the characters appeared lively and spirited, like a dragon in flight and a dancing phoenix. The seven characters that he had etched onto the white paper perfectly matched those of the previous line, long, long, long, long, long, long, long.

"What do you mean by copying the previous line?" one scholar queried.

Lin Wanrong grinned cheekily, "Copy? You seem to misunderstand, my friend."

Several other scholars responded impatiently, "Leave, don't waste our time here. Did you even solve the couplet?"

Lin Wanrong disregarded them and turned to the elderly man, "Elder, what do you think?"

The elder laughed, "Young man, did you really just copy the previous line?"

I've been playing with such word puzzles since my childhood, Lin Wanrong thought, feeling somewhat bemused by the elder's cunning. However, he just smiled and said, "If the elder thinks I copied, then I copied. All literature under the sun is fundamentally a copying of sorts, what's the harm in me doing the same?"

The elder stroked his beard and smiled, "This young man certainly has some understanding. In that case, please recite the couplet. If you're correct, I'll certainly gift you this 'Misty Rain over West Lake'."

Lin Wanrong responded with a smile, "The upper couplet is: long surge, long surge, long long surge'; the lower couplet is: surge long, surge long, surge surge long'. The horizontal inscription reads: 'Surge long, long surge'. Elder, is my recitation correct?"

The elder glanced at him and laughed, "I have traveled through many provinces, and this couplet has been posed over a dozen times. Today, you are the first to solve it correctly. You are indeed exceptional."

Upon hearing Lin Wanrong's recitation of the couplet, the crowd suddenly understood. It was a homophonic couplet, symbolizing the surge of the Qiantang River, perfectly complementing the 'Misty Rain over West Lake'. It was strikingly apt.

As the meaning of the couplet dawned upon them, they felt it was a simple puzzle with little worth. The scholars began to lament, how could they not have thought of this? They had allowed this humble servant boy to win the 'Misty Rain over West Lake'.

The Eldest Miss also realized the solution, stifling a laugh as she looked at Lin Wanrong. He must have known the answer to the riddle beforehand, which was why he was so confident.

The elder laughed heartily, "Such wisdom you have, young man. This 'Misty Rain over West Lake' indeed finds its rightful owner. Please accept it."

The old man was genuinely talented, the landscape painting was purely scenic, very natural, and it was the kind that calmed the heart, it could fetch a good price. Lin Wanrong was about to gleefully accept it when several scholars interrupted, "Elder, we do not accept this."

The elder, surprised, asked, "Why do you not accept?"

One of the scholars protested, "Although the couplet was a stroke of genius, the person who responded did so cleverly, hence we are not convinced. This 'Misty Rain over West Lake' is no common item, we wish to admire it. Please, elder, propose another question so we may compete again."

The elder laughed, "How can one stand without his word? I did say that whoever solved the couplet would receive the 'Misty Rain over West Lake'. Now that this young man has done so, how can I go back on my word?"

Lin Wanrong nodded in agreement. The old man truly had some honor. Considering this, I must sell this 'Misty Rain over West Lake' at a good price to not let him down.

The elder glanced at Lin Wanrong and continued, "However, since you, scholars, have shown such enthusiasm, I am quite delighted. So, let's do this. Let the young man who won the painting propose another couplet. If anyone can answer it correctly, I will paint another 'Misty Rain over West Lake' right here on the Su Causeway. I assure you that the two paintings will be completely different in artistic conception and taste."

A sense of pride appeared on the elder's face, seemingly confident in his painting skills. Painting two 'Misty Rain over West Lake' paintings at the same time, in the same place, but with different aesthetics and taste the significance of this was clear to all present. Yet no one doubted the elder's abilities. His deft execution in the previous painting demonstrated he still had more to offer. Furthermore, even if the two paintings were identical, given the elder's skill and technique, it would still be a major selling point, a treasure coveted by art lovers.

The scholars happily agreed. The elder looked at Lin Wanrong and laughed, "Young man, can I ask for this bold request?"

Lin Wanrong, who had a fond impression of the elder's amiable demeanor, smiled and replied, "Since the elder has spoken, how can I refuse? But, elder, if no one can answer my couplet, you should give me the second painting."

Upon hearing this, the Eldest Miss broke into a charming smile. This Lin San really didn't like to suffer losses. His statement had placed him in an invincible position: if someone got the answer, he would lose nothing; if no one did, he would get the second 'Misty Rain over West Lake'. Given his cunning nature, he would not make it easy. The scholars had indeed met their match a person bad to the bone.

The elder laughed heartily, demonstrating his boldness, "Young man, feel free to propose the couplet. If no one can solve it, not to mention one, I can make ten paintings."

This man is confident! Thought Lin Wanrong. Even my 'Food for Immortals' couplet hasn't been solved by anyone yet. However, today you've been generous, elder, so I'll give you face and make it a simple one.

Lin Wanrong strolled a few steps and smiled, "Since today is about homophonic couplets, let me dare to propose another of the same kind."

In the past, it was always the scholars testing others, but today, it was Lin Wanrong's turn to test them. With a sly grin, Lin Wanrong picked up a pencil, and a few of the sharper scholars hurriedly spread out white paper. With a faint smile, Lin Wanrong wrote, "The sea water ebbs day after day."

This couplet was Lin Wanrong's favorite when studying language in middle school. They were word games, which perfectly suited his playful nature. How could he not enjoy them?

Upon seeing Lin Wanrong's words, everyone fell into contemplation, including the Eldest Miss and the elder. With the precedent set earlier, they all knew that this was a homophonic couplet, but how to interpret it, how to read it, was a significant challenge. Most couldn't even figure out how to read it, let alone come up with a corresponding couplet.

The Eldest Miss gave a slight smile. After a moment's thought, she understood how to read the couplet, but forming a matching one was beyond her abilities. She couldn't help but glance at Lin Wanrong with a smile. This man was quirky and unpredictable, and she wondered where he got these obscure and eccentric couplets.

Lin Wanrong glanced around, seeing that apart from the Eldest Miss and the elder, the other scholars looked troubled, apparently at a loss.

"Anyone able to form a response?" Lin Wanrong laughed. He found delight in stumping the scholars, teaching them that there were always people superior and things beyond one's understanding. This would prevent them from always looking so high and mighty, as if the world would stop spinning without them.

The scholars were left speechless. Just moments ago, they had accused Lin Wanrong of trickery, but now, they couldn't even find a trick to grasp. They felt their study of poetry and literature had been in vain.

Seeing no one respond, Lin Wanrong turned to the elder, laughing, "Elder, since no one has responded, I will take this second 'Misty Rain over West Lake'."

The elder quickly said, "Wait, wait, young man, please allow me to think a little more."

Lin Wanrong appreciated the elder's attitude. This was a truly learned and insightful man, humble, approachable, and experienced. His learning, demeanor, and charisma were something those pompous scholars couldn't compare with.

Lin Wanrong smiled lightly, "Take your time, elder."

The Eldest Miss stepped forward, laughing, "Enough is enough. This elder is kind. Do not make it harder for him."

Lin Wanrong shook his head and said earnestly, "Eldest Miss, you are mistaken. I am not troubling him; I am respecting him."

The Eldest Miss was taken aback, then gradually understood. For someone like the elder, being asked a challenging question was the greatest pleasure and comfort, a real mark of respect.

The Eldest Miss shot Lin San a glare and said with a laugh, "You're always good at arguing, fine, you're right."

Upon seeing the Eldest Miss's glowing cheeks and her radiant smile, even more enchanting than the peach blossoms in March, Lin Wanrong's heart skipped a beat. He thought to himself, "What's going on? My resistance to this young girl seems to be decreasing. If it continues, I might willingly let her have her way with me in a few days."

The Eldest Miss felt a tremor in her heart as she noticed him staring at her. Her cheeks flushed as she huffed, "What are you looking at? If you keep staring, I'll gouge your eyes out."

"I'd still keep looking even if they were gouged out," Lin Wanrong laughed.

"How rude, I've never met a man as despicable as you," the Eldest Miss couldn't withstand his gaze and quickly retreated a few steps, turning her head away and softly warning, "If you continue to act so frivolously, I'll ignore you."

Well, Lin Wanrong thought, that was a weak threat. But seeing the faint anger on the Eldest Miss's face, he knew that he couldn't tease her too much at once. Girls tended to be shy, so it was better to tease them a little every day, allowing her resistance to gradually break down until he breached her boundaries.

As Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, the Eldest Miss saw a lascivious look on his face and quickly stepped back, her heart pounding. His lecherous gaze was just too irritating.

As Lin Wanrong was lost in his fantasies, the elder suddenly clapped his hands and exclaimed with joy, "I've got it!"

His voice was so loud that it startled everyone who was deep in thought. The elder looked elated as he took a fine brush and swiftly wrote beneath Lin Wanrong's couplet, "The floating clouds dissipate day after day."

Lin Wanrong was momentarily stunned. This old man indeed had some skills; the couplet was impeccable, as if made for each other.

Upon seeing the elder's response, everyone heaved a sigh of relief, though there was also a hint of disappointmentthe dream of acquiring 'Misty Rain over West Lake' had completely shattered.

The elder, full of joy, looked anxiously at Lin Wanrong and asked, "Young man, what do you think of this lower couplet?"

Seeing the elder's excited expression, as if he were a child, Lin Wanrong nodded and smiled, "Elder, your talent is highly commendable. I'm truly impressed."

"No, no, no," the elder said, shaking his head, "Young man, it's your ability to come up with a suitable response, incorporating the previous couplet into this one. That's the true talent."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, claiming the credit for his good education. He didn't know how to write the characters for 'shameless', but he claimed it was his own learning that deserved praise. However, he appreciated the elder's flattery, and laughed heartily, "Elder, you flatter me, let's say we're equally talented."

Seeing the two of them praising each other, the others were left puzzled as to how to read the couplets but were too embarrassed to ask. They had no choice but to listen to the two men's conversation.

The elder spoke excitedly, "In the past, when I made drawings, I never signed them. But today, here by the Qiantang River and on the Su Causeway, I've met such a talented young man. This is truly serendipity. I might need to break my rule."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Elder, you flatter me. Your painting is incredibly good. It should sell for..."

The Eldest Miss quickly glared at him, and Lin Wanrong suddenly realized his mistake. He had almost blurted out something he shouldn't have.

The elder gave a small smile, "Young man, do you intend to sell this painting of mine?"

Huh, the more we talk, the smarter this old man seems to be, Lin Wanrong thought, intrigued. This elder was no ordinary man. He chuckled awkwardly and said, "Elder, you are so just. If I were to lie and deceive you, it would be highly disrespectful. To be frank, my knowledge of poetry and painting is rudimentary at best. This painting would be wasted on me. Why not set a price and sell it to someone who can truly appreciate it? Wouldn't that be beneficial to both parties?"

In this era, scholars highly valued their ink treasures. Many were reluctant to link their works with money, believing that it would tarnish their integrity and degrade their creations. Lin Wanrong's proposal startled the Eldest Miss, who thought, "You usually are quite cunning. Why are you so brash today?"

Though the Eldest Miss had some insight in judging character, she was not as adept as Lin Wanrong. Seeing the elder's affluent attire but peaceful demeanor, Lin Wanrong saw no need to hide anything and told him directly.

The elder laughed heartily, "Young man, your honesty is admirable. If this painting could be converted into real gold and silver, it would indeed be a wonderful thing. Business is about transforming goods into money. If everyone in this world had your mindset, our Great Hua would surely flourish."

His words delighted Lin Wanrong. From the elder's response, he not only didn't find it disgraceful, but he even seemed pleased, seemingly having no objection to the idea of business. This was indeed a rarity.

"You're a businessman, aren't you, young man?" the elder asked.

Lin Wanrong nodded. The elder laughed, "Since you do business here in Jiangnan, perhaps we might meet again someday. I'll certainly sign my work today."

He picked up a small brush and wrote four characters in the corner of 'Misty Rain over West Lake'. With a smile, he tossed the brush aside and left nonchalantly.

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