Finest Servant

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Beat the Bastard

Luo Min chuckled, expressing awkwardly, "I slipped down to the riverbank earlier, carelessly stepping into the mud. How clumsy of me, how very clumsy."

Upon seeing the old man's rare show of modesty, Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "I don't mind what I've seen, but the patrol officers from the Supervision Bureau...if they were to catch sight of you in this state, I'm afraid it might cause some complications."

Luo Min responded, "Why am I working so hard? Isn't it for the betterment of the people of Jiangsu province? Even if these imperial inspectors report this to the Emperor, I would dare to stand by my words."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Report to the Emperor? I believe that's the day you're eagerly waiting for. A light scolding in exchange for the Emperor's recognition of your benevolent deeds, indeed, a profitable business."

Lin Wanrong was all too familiar with this ruse. The sly old fox could sugarcoat his words all he wanted, with claims of "benefitting the people of Jiangsu," but Lin Wanrong didn't believe a word of it. Stripped bare, it was nothing more than a bid to climb the political ladder.

Knowing he couldn't deceive Lin Wanrong, Luo Min gave an embarrassed smile and admitted, "I won't hide it from you, Little Lin, there's some truth in what you're saying. But if I can climb the ranks while also benefitting the people, why wouldn't I do it?"

This old Luo was quite honest with Lin Wanrong. He must have been an ambitious man in his youth, but now, looking at his large belly, one could tell that those ambitions had long since soured within him.

Luo Min summoned Luo Ning to bring him a clean official robe. Seeing Lin Wanrong observing Luo Ning, Luo Min gently asked him, "Little Lin, what were you discussing with Ning just now? She seemed rather pleased."

When had he become 'Little Lin' from 'Young Master Lin'? They had only met twice. This Luo Min was rather presumptuous.

"Nothing much. Just some ideals, and life," Lin Wanrong unabashedly replied.

"Is that so?" Luo Min squinted in disbelief.

"What did you think we would talk about?" Lin Wanrong asked with a grin. The more he looked at Luo Min, the less he appeared to be Luo Ning's biological father. How could such a sleazy character father such a beautiful daughter? He reckoned the Luo siblings must take after their mother.

"Ning not only takes after her mother in looks, but also in character. Independent, decisive, and a bit aloof. I rarely see anyone converse with her so easily," Luo Min sighed, as if reminiscing about his long-deceased wife.

Lin Wanrong had no interest in engaging in gossip, so he quickly got to the point, "Governor Luo, you invited me here. I assume it's not merely to have a heart-to-heart conversation, is it?"

Luo Min burst into laughter, "I was so engrossed in our chat that I nearly forgot the main issue. Little Lin, how do you find the works on the embankment?"

"Pretty good, indeed. Large scale, plenty of people, very lively," Lin Wanrong feigned ignorance.

Luo Min forced a smile, "Is that all?"

Lin Wanrong asked curiously, "What else does Governor want me to notice?"

When one fox encountered another, the contest was one of patience. But Luo Min was restless, unable to hold back, "I won't hide it from you, Little Lin. I asked you here today for your insights on a matter - how we can quickly raise some silver."

I knew this old fox was up to no good, Lin Wanrong thought as he curiously asked, "Raise silver? Governor Luo, you are the Governor, the chief officer of Jiangsu province, controlling all fiscal authority. Why are you worried about silver?"

Luo Min sighed, "Young man, you're unaware of the hardships I face. The position of Jiangsu Governor may seem glorious, but it's far from easy. True, 'when Jiangnan is rich, the world is content,' but the annual tax revenue from Jiangsu is always closely monitored from above. With the instability in the north, a war with the nomads on the horizon, and the turmoil caused by the White Lotus cult, there are countless places where money is needed. The tax revenue from Jiangsu province goes entirely to the national treasury, not leaving a single coin in surplus."

There was some truth to his words. The lucrative position of Jiangsu Governor was undoubtedly targeted by many. Any shady dealings would need to be handled with utmost care. Moreover, with the current national crisis, and Jiangsu serving as the granary, it was normal to contribute more.

"This year, the Ministry of Household allocated only ten thousand taels of silver for the river defenses in Jiangsu province. Take Jinling city as an example, if we don't rush to repair the embankments before winter, once the rainy season hits next year in the fourth or fifth month, the Xuanwu Lake will overflow, coupled with the floodwaters from the upper Yangtze. The city would be flooded both inside and out, causing catastrophic destruction. This is no exaggeration," Luo Min said helplessly, worry etched deeply on his face.

"Repairing the water system for just Jinling city and the embankments along the Yangtze River costs over a thousand taels of silver daily. Our Jiangsu province has a thousand-mile riverbank that passes through over twenty counties. Besides the Yangtze, there are also the Huai River, Tai Lake, and Hongze Lake needing maintenance. Adding it all up, there's a shortfall of over two hundred thousand taels of silver. What am I to do?" Luo Min lamented.

Lin Wanrong pondered for a moment before speaking, "Governor Luo, forgive my frankness, but water management is a long-term project, which cannot be accomplished overnight. It might take at least ten years, if not a hundred. There's no point in hurrying."

Luo Min nodded, "I am aware of that, but I do not wish to repeat past mistakes. Four years ago, a great flood struck. To save Jinling, we were forced to release water from the upper-stream county, flooding miles of fertile land. I feel immense guilt towards the people of Jiangsu."

No wonder he was so troubled. There had been a devastating experience in the past, releasing floodwaters from the upper-stream to protect key locations was a last resort, and the resentment from the common people was understandable.

Lin Wanrong replied, "Governor Luo, I admire your determination. However, for the matter of raising funds, you should discuss it with the prefectural officials. I'm just a small domestic servant, at best managing an inn and earning some petty cash. Talking to me about these matters isn't beneficial."

Luo Min sighed, "Little Lin, I won't hide it from you. I've done everything I could solicited donations, levied assessments, tried all sorts of means but how could I possibly fill a gap of hundreds of thousands of taels of silver? Without the silver, the construction of the Yangtze River embankments will stop within days. If we don't repair these embankments before the frost, we'll be helpless when the flood comes next year."

"Little Lin, my daughter Ning mentioned your quick wit and resourcefulness. She has sought your help before. Therefore, I implore you to lend a hand in this. It would benefit the people of Jiangsu." Luo Min's words were earnest, so sincere that Lin Wanrong couldn't discern if they were true or not.

So, it turned out Luo Ning had recommended me to her father as a money-making genius, Lin Wanrong thought. But no matter how capable I am, can I conjure up tens of thousands of taels of silver in the blink of an eye? If I had such power, I wouldn't be here talking nonsense with you, I'd be back home counting my silver.

"Governor Luo, I have no position, power, or money, how am I supposed to help you?" Lin Wanrong said with a bitter smile.

"You may lack position, power, and money, Little Lin, but you possess intelligence and wisdom, which are priceless," Luo Min flattered.

From Luo Min's demeanor, it was evident he was desperate, or else he wouldn't be seeking help so frantically. Having grown up near the river, Lin Wanrong knew all too well what the embankments meant to ordinary people. He sighed internally, wondering if he really needed to play the savior this time.

Lin Wanrong paced back and forth on the embankment, lost in thought, while Luo Min remained silent. Luo Ning, who was on the other side, looked up at the two men on the embankment, their brows furrowed with worry. She sighed inwardly. Was there truly no solution, even for the cunning Lin Wanrong?

After walking a few steps, Lin Wanrong turned around, his gaze firm. "Governor Luo, I can suggest a plan. But whether you can execute it, and whether you fear being scolded, that will be your problem."

Luo Min replied with joy, "Just speak your mind. I, Luo Min, have been criticized more than once or twice. Another time won't make a difference."

Lin Wanrong nodded. Aside from his sizable belly and sly nature, this old Luo didn't seem to have any other flaws.

"Governor Luo, how much manpower is still needed to repair the embankments?" Lin Wanrong asked.

"We need at least three thousand able-bodied men," Luo Min answered, "But our funds and provisions have already been exhausted, I fear further conscription is no longer feasible."

"If you're looking to pay for manpower, of course it won't work. But there are plenty of able-bodied men in Jiangnan that you don't need to pay for. Why not utilize them?" Lin Wanrong suggested.

Delighted, Luo Min asked, "Where could I find such men?"

"The Jiangsu Commander-in-chief has three battalions of soldiers under his command, totaling tens of thousands of men. They're eating military rations without a war to fight. Why not have them repair the embankments?" Lin Wanrong proposed casually.

Luo Min was taken aback. Using soldiers for water conservation works was a bold idea. There was no precedent in the dynasty for such a move. Could it work?

Luo Min sighed, "Little Lin, you're not familiar with the workings of the officialdom. The Jiangsu Commander-in-chief, Cheng De, although nominally under my control, has never been willing to heed my orders. I fear it would be difficult to conscript his soldiers."

Lin Wanrong shook his head, "Governor Luo, that's a problem for you to consider. I'm only here to provide ideas."

As Luo Min wore a worried frown, Lin Wanrong chuckled, "Everything depends on our actions. If Cheng De doesn't obey the command, then sue him. Say nothing else, but focus on his disregard for the lives of the people. Bring this to the capital, all the way to the Emperor, and let everyone know, let the people of Jiangsu recognize him. Who knows, someone might dump night soil at his door in the middle of the night."

Luo Min understood his implication. The plan was to tarnish Cheng De's reputation, preferably sullying his master's name in the process, forcing them to dispatch their troops for the water conservation project.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Min declared, "Then, I'll issue an order to Cheng De tonight, while simultaneously sending an urgent eight-hundred-li report to the court, asking for a military order from the Ministry of War, and also petitioning the Emperor."

"Governor Luo, according to our laws in the Great Hua, what is the penalty for disobeying the imperial order?" Lin Wanrong asked lightly.

"A light punishment would be dismissal from office, a severe one would be execution," Luo Min replied.

"So, if you get the military order and Cheng De refuses to dispatch his troops, executing him on the spot wouldn't be excessive?" Lin Wanrong suggested, half-seriously.

Luo Min was taken aback. Indeed, this Young Master Lin was ruthless. He nodded, "According to the law of Great Hua, that's correct."

With a sly smile, Lin Wanrong said, "Governor Luo, I've given you a solution for the people problem. Whether you can solve it depends on you. Now, let's talk about the money issue."

Luo Min nodded. As Lin Wanrong had said, if he didn't show firmness to Cheng De, the latter would never yield.

"Governor Luo, in your opinion, what is the most profitable business in Jinling City?"

Luo Min pondered for a moment before answering, "Restaurants!"

Lin Wanrong almost spat blood. This old fox, was he eyeing my restaurants? He chuckled awkwardly, "Governor Luo, please stop joking. In Jinling City, the most profitable trade is the brothels. Along the Qinhuai River, brothels are aplenty, easily more than a hundred. They're veritable gold mines. Of course, the girls in the brothels sell their smiles and offer fleshly pleasures. They should make some money. But most of the silver doesn't end up in their hands. Can't you think of a solution from this?"

A light flashed in Luo Min's eyes, "You mean, levy taxes?"

"Not necessarily increasing the tax, but possibly creating new types. Governor Luo, land along the Qinhuai River is worth its weight in gold. There could be many reasons for taxation, such as property tax, land value increment tax, industry additional tax. The list is endless, I can't even count them all," Lin Wanrong said with a laugh.

The prospect of levying new taxes on brothels was indeed appealing, but as Lin Wanrong pointed out, even though it would only affect a small number of people, the backlash could be significant.

Noticing Luo Min's hesitation, Lin Wanrong silently cursed, 'This old fox, always wanting to appease everyone and remain a well-praised official. Is there such a cheap thing in the world?'

Luo Min nodded, "Little Lin, you make a valid point. Not only brothels, but also all industries making excessive profits can be heavily taxed. This way, it will not affect many, yet could gain public support. What do you think, Little Lin?" As he spoke, he squinted at Lin Wanrong, a significant look on his face.

A jolt of apprehension ran through Lin Wanrong. 'Damn, this old fox isn't planning to impose heavy taxes on my perfume and soap business, is he? I may have shot myself in the foot this time.'

Yet, Luo Min seemed to see through his concern, slyly chuckling, "Little Lin, your restaurant's profits are minimal, and the Xiao family's ventures are just starting. These taxes won't affect you for the time being."

'This old fox, benefiting from me and then acting like he's doing me a favor,' Lin Wanrong thought, both amused and annoyed. Just as he was about to retort, Luo Ning personally brought over two cups of aromatic tea. She smiled sweetly, "Father, Brother Lin, you must be tired. Have some tea."

After receiving Lin Wanrong's advice, Luo Min was in high spirits. Taking a sip of the tea, he said, "Ning'er, Young Master Lin has been a great help."

Luo Ning, who had been eager to hear their conversation, looked at Lin Wanrong with excitement, "Really, Brother Lin?"

Before Lin Wanrong could reply, a cacophony of noise and angry shouts echoed from a distance.

The three looked up to see a middle-aged commoner who was carrying a bag of mud. He had been so absorbed watching the scholars draw that he lost his grip, and the mud fell onto Hou Yuebai's table, smearing the landscape painting.

The commoner, a simple commoner, had never caused such a calamity before. His face went pale, and his legs shook. Trying to wipe the stains with his sleeves, he only managed to make the painting dirtier.

"Young Master, I didn't mean to..." Terrified, the old man fell to his knees, repeatedly bowing and crying.

Just as a warrior cherishes his sword, a scholar values his painting. Hou Yuebai had specifically made this landscape painting to impress Luo Ning. Seeing it ruined by a commoner, he was furious. He viciously kicked the old man in the face, shouting, "You lowly mud-legged peasant, is this painting for the likes of you to see?"

Crack! Enraged, Lin Wanrong flung his teacup onto the ground, took several strides forward and grabbed a young man carrying a bag of mud. "Brother, do you want to earn some silver?"


Lin Wanrong pulled out ten taels of silver from his pocket, picked up a rock, handed them both to the man, and said, "I'll give you ten taels. Come with me."

"What do you want to do, brother?" the man asked.

Gritting his teeth as he glared at Hou Yuebai, Lin Wanrong replied, "I'm going to beat the hell out of him."

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