Finest Servant

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

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Chapter 127 Display of Strength at the Society (Part 2)

Everyone present were daughters from prestigious families. When they saw a decent-looking servant stepping up to the podium, they all found it somewhat peculiar.

Lin Wanrong was a character who, in his managerial days, presided over dozens of subordinates, chatting incessantly daily as if it were a routine affair. How could he fear such a minor scene?

Stepping onto the stage, his gaze swept across the crowd, and he smiled faintly, saying, "Ladies, hello. I am Lin San, a humble servant of the Xiao family. Everyone calls me Brother Lin."

Curiosity etched on their faces, the crowd watched him intently. Luo Ning saw his natural demeanor and cheerful smile, thinking to herself, was this man born without a hint of fear? As the Eldest Miss saw him take the stage, facing the many gazes with not a trace of trepidation, she felt a sense of relief mixed with bewilderment.

Lin Wanrong smiled at Xiao Yuruo and said, "Our Eldest Miss has visited many places, numerous times around Jiangsu and its surrounding provinces. But she has not had the opportunity to share her travel experiences with you all. Why is this? Because she is the head of the Xiao family. She has to work tirelessly for the livelihood of the family. The scenic mountains and rivers are indeed magnificent, but she simply doesn't have the time to appreciate them, as her responsibilities are too heavy, and most of her time is spent on the road."

Lin Wanrong's voice was deep and resonant. The young miss bit her lip, holding back the hot tears threatening to spill. The audience fell silent. Most of the attendees were women. With just a few sentences, Lin Wanrong had elicited their profound sympathy. Considering that Miss Xiao, like themselves, was a delicate woman yet bearing such a tremendous burden, how could they not admire her? Even the reputed number one scholar of Jinling, despite his eloquent tales of travels and fun, was nothing more than living off his parents money. Comparatively, the difference in stature was evident.

Luo Ning also snickered discreetly. The cunning merchant indeed had impressive skills; these few words had subtly lowered the reputation of Young Master Hou without directly maligning him.

"Missing out on the beauty of the magnificent mountains and rivers is indeed a regret for the Eldest Miss. But it is a blessing for the hundreds of people in the Xiao family. It is due to her hard work that the Xiao family is well managed, that everyone is dressed in beautiful silk, and everyone uses this unique and ancient perfume. She missed a scenic view but propped up a sky. The young miss's regrets cannot be called regrets. She is a typical representative of our Chinese women who are hardworking, tenacious, and indomitable. Who says women are inferior to men? I think women can hold up half the sky."

A torrent of applause erupted. Lin Wanrong's flattery, though a bit blatant, struck a chord with every woman present. In this era, women's status was incredibly low. Even though these young ladies seemed glamorous, no one could make decisions about their own lives. Who would dare say that "women can hold up half the sky"? But this man had done it. Despite his lower status, he was a man after all. The ladies in the audience were immediately filled with gratitude.

After Lin Wanrong finished speaking, he was bathed in cold sweat, goosebumps prickling all over his body. He had flattered people countless times before, but this instance was unbearable even for him. Damn, he was erecting a monument and writing an epic for the Eldest Miss, even though he was typically a staunch advocate of patriarchy. Now he had to come here to champion feminism, the cost to his dignity was high indeed.

Luckily, his skin was thick beyond measure, rivaled by none. He had managed to gather the ardent gazes of all the young ladies onto himself. With a faint smile, he waved to the crowd.

The Eldest Miss stared at the arrogant man, her face flushed red with restrained emotion. She thought, This man has lavished me with endless praises, proclaiming that 'women can hold up half the sky,' uttering falsehoods with a straight face, not even blinking. She didn't know if she could trust him anymore.

Hou Yuebai and Yu Wenpo, the two scholars, wore ghostly pale expressions, looking extremely displeased. This servant showed no respect for propriety, promoting feminism and contradicting ancestral norms. It was an outrage.

Seeing the fervor among the crowd, Lin Wanrong was extremely pleased. Damn, the girls of this era were much easier to deceive than in his time, by at least a hundred or a thousand times.

"As for traveling and sightseeing, it's actually the favorite pastime of idlers, such as myself," Lin Wanrong changed his tone, subtly taunting Hou Yuebai. Dammit, if it weren't for his father being a county magistrate, what could he sightsee? Writing bird poems all day, he was nothing more than a pretty face.

Hearing his self-deprecation, everyone in the room gave a good-natured smile.

"When I was young, my father took me to many places. He once said something that I remember vividly to this day. He said, 'Humans are the most ignorant, for they never know their own ignorance.' I didn't understand it back then. By the time I realized its meaning, I could no longer see him." Lin Wanrong feigned wiping a few tears from his eyes.

A smile hovered at the corners of Luo Ning's mouth. This Brother Lin was born to be a smooth talker. His words were both humorous and profound. Even if they were false, others could understand, far more brilliant than Hou Yuebai's blunt truths.

The young ladies in the room had never seen such a bold and witty servant. Not only was he not timid in front of so many people, but he also spoke humorously and eloquently, uttering such profound words. He far exceeded their expectations. Even Miss Wanying, who always defended Hou Yuebai, had to admit that this servant's words were quite charming and captivating.

"Actually, Great Hua is vast, and so is the world. There are many things we have never seen or even thought about that exist in this world. Let's talk about Great Hua. Everyone knows about Huangshan, Taishan, and Wuyi, but have you ladies ever wondered, what lies beyond these great mountains?"

Lin Wanrong sighed, then continued, "In the far west of Great Hua, there is a towering peak called Mount Everest. Its cliffs rise thousands of feet, perennially covered with snow, reaching three chi and three fen into the clouds. It is the highest peak in the world, revered by all. To the north of Great Hua, there is the Tianshan Mountain range and a snowy sea, which hosts a heavenly lake known as the legendary Yaochi [Jade Lake], a year-round snowy landscape rich in snow lotuses. 'The bright moon rises over Tianshan, amidst the vast sea of clouds. The long wind blows ten thousand li, through the jade gate pass,' that describes the beauty of Tianshan. To the south of Great Hua, it extends thousands of li, reaching the southern sea, commonly known as Hainan. On Hainan Island, there are places like Tianya Haijiao [The end of the sky and the corner of the sea], Five Finger Mountain, Wanquan River, which connects to the vast ocean. On the coast of Great Hua's eastern sea, spanning ten thousand li with abundant resources, it directly faces small nations like Goryeo, Ryukyu, and Dongying. It is the throat of our Great Hua's maritime route."

Having said all that in one breath, Lin Wanrong felt extremely satisfied inside. If he didn't give these young misses a strong dose of reality, they would continue their narrow view of the world for who knows how long.

What he said were things unheard and unseen by everyone present. Mount Everest, bright moon over Tianshan, the edge of the sea, Ryukyu, Dongying, all these names struck them with awe, and silence fell upon the hall.

Even Hou Yuebai wore an uncomfortable expression. He had thought his knowledge was broad enough. Yet, in front of this servant, he felt utterly insignificant. Goryeo, Ryukyu, Dongying - he had heard of these places, but he hadn't expected this servant to possess such knowledge.

"Lin San, have you been to all these places?" a curious voice asked. Lin Wanrong looked over and saw that it was Miss Wanying, who had a fondness for Hou Yuebai. A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, as though she yearned for these places.

"I've been to Tianshan, Hainan Island, and the Eastern Sea. As for Mount Everest, I wish I could go there, but unfortunately, I lack the capability," Lin Wanrong joked. These were places he had visited in his previous life, so the memories were fresh.

"But life is short. If we wanted to visit all these places, I'm afraid two lifetimes wouldn't be enough," Miss Wanying murmured.

"The length of life isn't the issue. The important thing is to believe in one thingwe're always on the road!" Lin Wanrong exclaimed.

The Eldest Miss was both moved and puzzled. How did this bad man know so much? Had he really been to all those places?

Lin Wanrong noticed the puzzled and bewildered looks from the crowd, even from someone as wise as Luo Ning, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh. He slowly said, "Everyone's focus is on Great Hua, but has anyone ever thought that the world is so vast, could there be only one Great Hua in existence?"

"The answer is no." Knowing that further questioning wouldn't yield anything useful, he decisively stated, "Our Great Hua is just nestled in a tiny corner of this world, in a place called Asia. It is connected to other continents through oceans and lands. Europe, America, and Africaeach place has its civilization and nations. The European continent is filled with strong characters, boasting figures like Napoleon, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Roman Emperors, and events like the Renaissance and Industrial Revolution. They have white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. The African continent is mysterious, featuring the endless Sahara Desert, ancient cannibal tribes, and people with dark skin and shining eyes. The American continent is wild and exotic, with the enigmatic Amazon rainforest, countless indigenous tribes, bloody massacres, and people with brown skin that inspire endless longing. The Chinese civilization, Babylonian civilization, Mayan civilizationcountless civilizations and languages have emerged in our world. We have, however, been limited by our narrow perspective, never venturing out and losing the courage to explore. This is why we've isolated ourselves, leading to problems that have lasted for thousands of years."


Absolute silence.

Lin Wanrong's words were like a heavy bomb, leaving everyone present dizzy and confused. It was a hundred times more complex than any geography of Great Hua they knew. Blonde hair, blue eyes, black skin, brown skincould such people truly exist? It was difficult to believe. Everyone in the room felt their brains were inadequate.

"Brother Lin, is everything you said true?" After a long silence, Luo Ning was the first to recover and asked softly. She was deeply shocked by Lin Wanrong's words. She had heard of people with blonde hair and blue eyes but never met them. And black-skinned Africans, were they really that black? It was hard to believe.

"The folly of mankind lies in not realizing its own ignorance," Lin Wanrong sighed, using this phrase to answer Luo Ning's question and conclude his earth-shattering speech.

He felt he had lost control, even a bit sorrowful. He had spoken so much, carried away by his feelings. He didn't know whether this different world had Napoleon, Rome, or Babylon, but the fundamentals never changea strong Europe must exist. He had so much more to say, but seeing the bewildered eyes below, he wisely stopped. Speaking about world geography to others was like explaining poetry to himlike playing a lute to a cow.

To be honest, looking at these talented men and women hiding in their corners, spending their days crafting romantic poems and songs, he felt a deep sense of sorrow and helplessness. If he were born in their time, would he be one of them?

A sense of loneliness that he had never felt before lingered in his heart. Amid the currents of history, he felt for the first time how insignificant he was.

He sighed. Forget it, he wasn't here to save the world, so why should he care so much? If he could just earn and spend money, find Qingxuan, and marry a dozen or so wives, then he would not have lived in vain in this lifetime. Save the world, save Great Hua? Damn, if your underwear was on the outside, would you think you're a superhero?

"Brother Lin, the people you mentioned with blonde hair and blue eyesI've heard of them. Are they Europeans? And where is Europe?" Luo Ning continued to ask, her question echoing those of the others present.

He had once discussed this topic with Qingxuan because she had Mr. York as a teacher, so she had understood immediately. However, Luo Ning wasn't as fortunate as Qingxuan. Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "Most of them are Europeans. Europe is far away from us, and with our current level of sailing technology, I'm afraid we can't reach Europe. But countries in Europe such as Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal have advanced industries, superior shipbuilding skills, and excellent smelting and forging techniques. If we are not vigilant, Great Hua will suffer in this regard."

Upon hearing this, Hou Yuebai scoffed and said, "These are just bizarre skills and tricks, nothing more. How can they compare to our magnificent empire, endowed with natural treasures and inhabited by talented scholars from generation to generation?"

Exasperated by this pompous scholar who clearly didn't understand the gravity of the situation, Lin Wanrong grew furious and retorted, "What do you mean by 'bizarre skills and tricks'? Young Master Hou, are you overlooking the countless ancestors of our Great Hua? Relying on your modest talent, a mere glowworm's light, how can you compete with the shining moon? To say that there is a vast difference between you two would be a compliment to you."

Upon hearing Lin Wanrong's words, everyone present was astonished, and the women in the audience looked at this remarkable servant with incredulous eyes. He had such a low opinion of the number one scholar? Now, this was going to be interesting.

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