Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 73: The Uchiha's Stunt and the Audacity of the Bandaged Cunt (1)

Chapter 73: The Uchiha's Stunt and the Audacity of the Bandaged Cunt (1)

The Senju Clan has a clan meeting every week that is now also participated by the 'Young Master' who had become a Chunin. Tsunade may be the Legendary Sucker before being the Legendary Sannin but she kept her promises. The moment Nawaki became a Chunin, she had the teenager enlisted to meetings and went out of her way to even let the youth get accustomed to its formalities and other clan members in a formal manner so that when he comes to the age and becomes a Jonin, he can quickly take over things from Tsunade.

Each clan has its own system 'independent' of the village's regulations but most of the derogatory customs of the past were now heavily revisioned by the village. As such, while the Hokage generally needs to be the strongest in the village did not translate to the same situation for clan heads. Most clans, large enough, had the main family and a branch family.

The Branch Family came into existence when outsiders were married to the members of the main family and their subsequent lineage was given their own space even if lower. Of course, some clans were discriminative of branch families and some were not. Despite their recent penchant for arrogance and actively getting into conflict with whoever may look at them the wrong way... Uchiha was a clan that did NOT discriminate among their own.

Senju, too, did not. As such, even if the Main and Branch Family system was present in their clans, there was hardly any difference.

Not only that, unlike the Inuzuka clan that could challenge the clan patriarch or matriarch anytime with the consequence of being executed should one fail after such a traitorous act, Senju Clan fully supported the Main Line, of which, only Tsunade and Nawaki were left.

Sure Tsunade was strong, but she was appointed the Interim Matriarch when she was only 17. Still, it didn't matter to her. Nawaki was showing promise. Of all his problems with boasting his skills during dinner being the greatest, the youth was working hard. He'd grown more focused and even if he, like she used to, sucked at politics, he had a team of experienced Jonins and merchants ready to assist him.

Even if Tsunade with her resources relocated most of the civilians systematically so that they can be back to their business, she retained a few merchants this time around who were well-versed with the country's situation and had trusted connections outside... it wasn't really a spy network at the moment but Tsunade was aware that she alone cannot find the culprit who was most likely behind the death of her parents, too.


"Hey... the hell is wrong with your face?" Tsunade slammed the cup down on the table with her cheeks flushed. As much as she would love to get her buzz on in a private restaurant, the stares she and Nono, who accompanies her, would get on her nerves. So, her Guardian and her Secretary now keep her company as a drinking partner late at night while Kai idly ignored Tsunade's words and continued to stare at his cup of sake. Sure, he drinks. It wasn't really an achievement. Mikoto wouldn't let him... well, she didn't know he had his first drink the second day after his return... but still, his dazed look brought a slightly more sober Nono and Tsunade to look at him again.

Sensing their curiosity miles away, Kai muttered, "I was thinking to buy a load of chakra ores..."

Tsunade instantly rolled her eyes. Kai had a good amount of saving after completing over a thousand D-ranked missions and many C-ranked ones, too... but it was nothing compared to the pockets of clans like the Senju. And Chakra Ore cost a lot!

"Is it because of that stack of papers you took from the archives?" Tsunade inquired, referring to the only legacy that would need such resources. Kai did learn most of his skills from the clan's archives instead of wasting his own SP so Tsunade was rightly aware of just how... deep Kai's knowledge and skills were at such an age, and admittedly, this brought an even more ugly emotion within Tsunade to 'keep' him out of the 'sight' of this world.

"Yeah..." Kai pouted sourly as he looked at the skill still in its infancy.

[Study of Chakra Weapons (1/100)]...

Unlike the stack of parchments that held nascent seals that worked well with chakra weapons of various kinds, Kai was aware that all the 'written' knowledge of this profession would be his the moment he steps on it. He just... underestimated the requirements he would need to level this skill up.

Lord Second kept his side purely theoretical, but once [The Way of Chakra Weapons] became [Study of Chakra Weapons,] the requirements changed, too.

Instead of 'studying' or performing the same seal, Kai had to... forge. Fuck. The skill turned from the easiest to grind to one of the hardest. In fact, he was aware that he wouldn't be able to forge a million weapons, even if Senbon needles to complete the skill... and what hurt him the most was that skill turned from Rank B to A as its SP requirements to skip the grind grew from 14 to 25.

That shit hurt.

"Forget it, even the clan's reserve of these ores is only controlled by our forger and they have their own skills passed down the family. If I try to take it away, well, they won't make a fuss, but they would feel sour itself." Tsunade emptied her cup again and eyed the duo in front of her as they sat on their comfortable sofa, "By the way... how did the training go for the both of you?"

As she spoke, Tsunade's amber eyes narrowed down further... She had always scoffed at Kai's 'dreams' but... something that happened this morning really placed things in perspective that she can no longer laugh at his dreams anymore...

Placing an index over her chin, Nono acted cutely like she always does and hummed, "Well... we had some genjutsu... battle..."

Kai stifled his giggle while Tsunade gave the duo a deadpan and mumbled dryly, "Right... battle... as if the two of you don't share the genjutsu to explore the limits of your senses, right?"

This made Nono blush a little heavier but she had no denial. Nono was of the same age as Kushina and despite growing prettier and prettier, she was more perverted than Kushina, Mikoto, and Tsunade combined. And while others blamed Jiraiya for Kai's current state... as a 'Bro', she saw right through it. Kai was a perverted way before he met Jiraiya...

Of course, she didn't mind that. The things the two of them have done...

The thought of it made Nono smile somewhat mischievously as she drank her cup down entirely!

Tsunade eyed the duo and scoffed internally. Well, who was she to get in the way of a young 'fool' eager to waste his essence... and again, she glared at the boy who missed no chance at glancing down over her cleavage every time she bent slightly to pour herself another cup of sake.

It was honestly... annoying at best.

"Hmm... well, you should know that Yata Uchiha sent an invitation to me, the Senju Guardian, and you, my Legacy Guardian, for a visit. He heard about your little stunt with Mikoto..."

Kai blinked and his grin widened before he chuckled and nudged Nono's shoulder, "Hear that? I told you harem is possible if done right~!"

How the boy confidently expected that things would go his way was not something Tsunade wanted to get into. And again, how SHE herself was ONLY annoyed when Kai took a rather bold glance in her direction with his gaze only holding provocation wasn't something she wanted to think in her currently buzzed state.

"Just don't screw things up tomorrow," Tsunade advised while Nono leaned back and slumped into the sofa, "Tsunade-sama, shouldn't you get married, too? I thought that's why you started wearing such clothes..."

Just like Kai, Nono stared down at Tsunade's cleavage as the woman rolled her eyes, "I wear this because mesh armor and flak jackets are suffocating! And don't you bring up the fact that I can always revert to the state when I wasn't so stacked. Ya think I grew up just to act like I didn't balloon up?" As dangerous as the idea felt in her heart, Tsunade glared at the duo and cupped her breasts from under, and jiggled them to give the duo an eyeful whose stare was stunned at first, then heated the next second.

Sure... she may have accidentally let her nipples slip out somewhat at times given she would widen the collar of her cut-sleeved kimono blouse but... she IS drunk, right? Not that... she could do anything about it. Her hazy amber gaze stared at the duo agape before amusement flashed in her pupils and she hummed with a rather teasing tone, "And, no more talk about my marriage. It's a surefire way to invite all sorts of political troubles... I'd think after Nawaki takes over, so, I have time."

With eyes narrowed, she stared at Kai, "But you willingly stepped up for it... remember, Uchiha rarely has boyfriends or girlfriends. Sure, Mikoto is a sweetheart and a tame one compared to the rest... but if you're only in it to 'fool' around, better to make things clear tomorrow. Uchiha is known for their strict traditions in this regard."

Kai gave Tsunade a sidelong glance and scoffed, "Tame? Mikoto? She's getting more and more dangerous. Besides... I am a traditionist, too... I just know it from the heart that my unknown father was a strict man who would think I'm pathetic if I don't have... uh, 20 women? Yeah, let's say 20 for now..."

Nono snorted softly hearing this, muttering, "No one can handle 20 kunoichis..."

"Listen to your 'bro'," Tsunade added sarcastically, "You're still growing but by the end of it"

Cutting her off in the middle, and rocking a stunning boner he got from Tsunade 'playing' with them just a few moments ago, Kai stood up and pressed one of his feet on the edge of the table as both girls glanced at the 'youth's' manhood before brought back to their senses with his resonate and passionate, even if drunken, speech

"Nobody thought I can master the entirety of Senju Legacy or become the youngest Jonin! Why should I stop now? I have to make my ancestors proud! Hear me ye who witness my divine charm and strength, I shall bed many, marry even more, and appear in the lurid dreams of all the women"


"Sir, my intentions are as pure as the petals of the daisies in this bouquet." Kai handed Mikoto a bouquet he got this morning from the Yamanaka flower shop, ran by a familiar face from the academy Inoichi Yamanaka.

He and Tsunade wore a set of more conservative and modest clothes as Mikoto's expression brightened when she held the bouquet while Tsunade had the urge to roll her eyes as if Kai hadn't delivered one of the most 'ambitious' speeches, yesterday night. More so than Hiruzen's Hokage Acceptance speech.

Yata, Tsunade, Kai, and Mikoto took the chance to observe each other and their surroundings.

Well, there were a few Uchiha shinobi keeping guard around Yata's manor including one particular chakra signature that Kai took note of. While their chakra signatures still felt indignant mostly, Fugaku was only here to fulfill his duties. Being a rather notable talent, he always wanted what was the best for himself and the clan in a manner that didn't screw one or the other, unlike someone Kai was planning to 'liberate' some resources from.

Yata himself had a calm demeanor but deep down, Kai could sense the father's innate frustration. Having his somewhat grown long black hair tied back into a slick ponytail with not a single strand over his pale and sharp visage, a trait shared with many Uchiha except a few notable ones like Fugaku, Yata wore a dark brown keikogi (training gi) alongside black Hakama (Plated wide-ended trousers). His feet, under the trousers, were adorned by a wooden sandal.

In stark contrast, with a sweet smile and a rather satisfying intent, Mikoto had her dark-blue hair tied into an elaborately braided bun. Her face had the slightest touch of make-up, which, in Kai's humble opinion wasn't needed, and her lips looked far juicier with that red lipstick covering them. As if noting his gaze onto her lips and recalling how Kai hadn't really threatened to go any further but just satisfied her with that kiss during their date... and then some more after their missions later... Mikoto narrowed her eyes and puckered her lips slightly. Unlike Yata, she wore a white Keikogi with a brilliant red hakama while holding the bouquet of flowers.

"I don't care what your intentions are..." Yata remarked sourly. Well, he did ask the boy's intention but even if the 'youth' looked sincere... his appetite made Yata more than frustrated and envious. As if a dumb little fresh-face can get a harem... right?

As he spoke, Mikoto smiled at Tsunade and greeted her, "Sensei, it's really good to see you."

Tsunade admitted she'd been a little more interested in her... research. Those 'goodies' were just a source of great curiosity, after all! So, she hadn't been able to take time out of her schedule during the day to teach Mikoto, Kushina, and Nono more than she already did. But aside from the Mystical Palms and Chakra Scalpel, Tsunade made sure that her apprentices knew how to disperse chakra at once for strong, disastrous hits.

Tsunade smirked and replied casually, "Well, this is certainly nice. Uchiha-san really loves the role of interrogation to the point he'd have his daughter's suitor threatened at the doorsteps, huh..."

Mikoto didn't know if she should feel embarrassed by her father's behavior or the fact Tsunade so eagerly made them look like a couple... even if it was true.

Yata scoffed lightly, observing the 'enemy.'

As usual, Tsunade packed dangerous weapons in front of her. Her blonde hair hadn't changed its style as she wore her hair in two low pigtails while her body was adorned in a verdant green kimono with a light yellow waistband that tightened around her abdomen to accentuate her voluminous bosom while revealing her slender form rather proudly as the tight fit of the kimono made sure to pull enough attention to her hips that flared out hips and juicy buttocks that strained the fabric from behind.

On the other hand, Kai was rather happy about his outfit as it made him look like a man of a tradition. He wore a slightly different black gi over his muscled and vascular form while his training mesh armor was only apparent from the slightly loose intersection of the training gi in front of his torso. The red swirling Uzumaki pattern over his right chest was embroidered with a white vajra symbol of the Senju inlaid over it. Instead of a more traditional hakama, Tsunade sent him a pair of straight black trousers that ended around his ankles and revealed a pair of wooden sandals that did the 'cloking' noise with each step.

With the four staring at one another for the longest time Yata's quiet gaze boring into Kai, and in return, Tsunade's gaze boring into Mikoto, as if the two adults were trying to assess if one was good for the other or not, it was actually a baby's loud cry that broke into the tense situation as Yata's expression changed and he hurried into the entrance while adding, "Mikoto, show the guests to the living room."

Seeing her Sensei and Kai get confused, Mikoto smirked, "It's Sarachi. My Step-mother wanted dad to change him before you guys came here but... he just wasted all his time here... heh," she smirked, "Please, come in..."

She whispered while her gaze fell on Kai for a second only to be interrupted by Tsunade clearing her throat with a smug expression. Interrupted before she could even fully eye her 'soon-to-be'... Mikoto's cheeks flushed and she shot a pouty glare toward Tsunade.

"It won't do us any good to stand here, right? How about this, you be quick on your feet now and I'll get you two 5 minutes while we talk inside."

Mikoto's lips twitched as she asserted, "Sensei... nothing like that happened"

"Kushina made quite the show when Kai skipped into the Senju compound while cheerily declaring every misdeed he violated your lips with..." Tsunade cut Mikoto off while the latter's eyes grew wide and her Sharingan came to life with all the three tomoes in each eye revolving around the central pupils.

"You did what?!"

"Relax," Kai smiled breezily, "I got the situation under control. Kushina slept happily after."

Although, this only raised more questions! Yet, Tsunade, as if fully intending to let the Uchiha know how the Senjus roll, even if Kai did not have any Senju blood running through his veins which she checked to see if he had any existing clan connection after his consent, planned to be on his side and narrowed her eyes, "Chop-chop, Mikoto. You can tie him up and punish him later~"


More questions appeared in Mikoto's head. Did Jiraiya suddenly enter Tsunade's mind? That can't be true. Her sharingan would have seen through the genjutsu if any affected Tsunade.

"To be honest, I read that kind of draft from Jiraiya-san... I'd rather be the one holding the leash..." Kai smiled innocuously, further making Mikoto feel... a little worried about her future while she looked at the flowers in her hands.

Pure? Her perky white ass! Kai was 'purely' perverted at this point! Mikoto groaned inwardly as her gaze inadvertently passed by his lips as she turned around. A perverted brat... with a really good technique...

So... it was still a balanced situation overall.


Shoutout to Moonspellz, Chaotic Theif, j n, and Rockgeek!!

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