Festering Desire

Chapter 96: Danger Danger

Half an hour later, Lilith woke up with a carefree yawn as if she had just returned from a good dream. Seated against the wall, the first thing she noticed was the giant gaping hole twitching down at her crotch, still lavishly flowing out viscous white ooze in a steady stream.

Needless to say, she immediately understood what had transpired given her plentiful experiences with the stud. The aftermath of that ecstatic bliss was still reverberating throughout her body.

"Girl, you are finally awake, huh." Ayaka was the first to recover.

"Awwww!! Who are you? You are so cute!!"

The moment Lilith caught her eyes on Ayaka, she ambushed the petite fox girl with a pair of soft plushy marshmallows and hugged her head deep into the cleavage. Fortunately, a spirit does not need air to survive; but it was still a daunting experience to be buried by the two enormous spheres of jiggly fat nonetheless.

"Let me go!! I am the esteemed guardian of the Halfmoon family, if thou are to be married into the household, thou better show some respect." Sounds of struggle were muffled from the inside; once she carelessly fell into the titty demon's grasp, Ayaka in her current feeble state was powerless against the tyranny.

"But you are soooo kewt!! Just like a kitsune!" Lilith continued to rub her cheek against the fluffy fox fur.

"*Cough* Lilith, how are you feeling?" Upon the pleading gaze from the fox spirit, Leo gently asked.

"Hmm?" There was an intermittent pause of thought.

"I am feeling... stuffed from the inside, like a hammer had been rammed into my womb. It also feels like my organs were dislocated, but there is a gentle healing warmth spreading inside my belly, giving me tingling and spiky pleasure, as if I am in heaven... ah...." Lilith reported with a crimson face; it was not often that she was asked to describe how she felt.



It was not the answer they were expecting to hear but it was an honest answer nonetheless. Hence, further waking the succubus from the reminiscence of her earlier bliss, they proceeded to question how she ended up wearing the mask.

The story was rather straightforward.

When the girl was first transported to the dark realm, she was immediately attacked by a man with a bloody machete wearing the exact white mask. And after easily defeating the butcher, she curiously examined the object; but it was then, a sudden urge overwhelmed her mind and forced her hand.

Lilith had no recollections to what happened next; only hazy images of blood and murder were left in her memories as she randomly roamed the darkened school. Though the trail of monster corpses left in her wake explained the story quite well; it was fortunate that none of the surviving students met the succubus while she hunted for blood.

However, looking at the mask again, neither of them felt it aroused anything in their mind. The smart thing to do would probably be to discard the artifact, but Lilith was keen on keeping it instead. Ayaka nodded her head in understanding; despite its potential danger, an artifact of this grade was rare to come by. An artificer could surely modify its properties.

"So, what now? How do we get out of this place?" After confirming the succubus was her usual self, Leo questioned the spirit.

"We were pulled into this realm by an unknown sinister power, nullifying its source should immediately return us to our world. Well, that's the fastest option if we could find it. Otherwise, we could just sit here and wait, or look for a natural portal somewhere."

"Wait?" Both Leo and Lilith said in confusion.

"Yes, the dimension of shadows is repulsive to the living, well that's just my observation. But usually, stay alive long enough and eventually you will be ejected from this place one way or another."

The existence of the realm had always been a mystery nobody ever figured out even in the elder days. Its connection to the real world had long been severed until the return of Anima. According to the myths and legends, they were known as hell, the netherworld or the afterlife as the people of old would describe it.

Though, there were many differences between worlds she knew back then to the present one, as if the place was only newly birthed. Perhaps, every age, a reflection formed out of the darkness of mankind was created, and for each age that passed, a layer was added to the abyss.

"But boy, right now isn't there another girl that you saved waiting for you?" Ayaka playfully teased, wanting to see how the succubus girlfriend would react.

And in response, the girl casually sniffed her nose near her boyfriend, catching the whiff of a certain young lady through the heavy stench of his pheromone.

"Oh, is it Marin?" Lilith never failed to amaze the boy on this front.

"Ah... that's right. We left her alone for too long, let's go check on her."

Thus, with the forgetful stud finally remembering the unconscious girl he left behind, the group set out into the darkness once more.


Meanwhile, on the second floor, near the intersection in-between the domains, a certain goddess of immense beauty was followed by two ladies walking timidly behind her back, who were startled by every little thing hidden around the corner.

After recognizing Leo's scent and sensing his presence nearby, Komi took the girls she accidentally saved to search for her master on the other side of her private chamber, a zone she didn't know existed until now.

The big girl had always returned to her true giantess form within her domain out of habit, but Rika insisted that she shouldn't be walking around with a naked body. Hence, Komi assumed her shrunken form and wore the tight uniform back on her overly voluptuous figure; which in hindsight, wasn't any less indecent than just being naked.

Knowing that the goddess was somehow related to her young master, the girl felt a lot of reassurance in her mind. At the same time, she was impressed how he managed to acquaint with such an amazingly powerful being.

"Rika, just who is she? Can we trust her?" Yuri whispered; she felt unease by Komi's assertive presence.

"I don't know, but she is our best chance to survive in this place."

As they kept walking down the endless hallway, the three eventually ran across a giant spider looking abomination that was trying to break into a classroom. Needless to say, within the next minute, Komi was already wiping off the dirt after soiling her hand and nonchalantly chucked the raw anima core into her mouth.

The process of murder should not be detailed here for legal purposes; the shivering from the two ladies at the back already suggested the horror that took place.

"Is that thing gone?" Moments later, a head peeked out from the classroom door.

"You are... Timmy! Yes, that thing was... killed." Yuri wasn't sure if the word was fitting.

"Great! Guys, we are safe. They have an anima user with them." Timmy pointed his signature thumbs up inside, there was another group hiding within the classroom.

However, while the students were rejoicing for their survival, Rika heard a silent whisper from afar. A voice that only she could hear amongst everyone else, and it seemed to be drawing her somewhere into the dark.

"Save me...! Rika! Save me...!" The girl recognized the voice; it was from one of her best friends, Katy.

Instinct told her that it was obviously a trap and she pondered deeply in her mind. But before she even realized, she found herself alone in another classroom and separated from the group. And not far in front, her friend was seen tied to a rope up on the ceiling with a chair beneath barely tipping her toes.

With her voice impeded, Katy was struggling for her life and begging for help, but another part of her was frantically shaking her head, as if insinuating the girl to not come any closer.

Besides the young lady, were her ex-boyfriend, ex-ex-boyfriend and her number five back up also hung by their necks, dangling limply at the back. A certain existence purposely kept her alive and possessed the girl in order to lure in more prey. Katy had already witnessed their death, with their souls devoured by the unknown entity.

Those who recognized her voice and had deep relationship with her would inevitably fall for the spell; and Rika was no exception.

With cold sweats dripping down, the shrine maiden in training prepared the talisman in her hand and remained silently still. Rule number one of exorcism was to remain calm at all times and not to be subdued in fear. Activating her vision, a dark miasma with the face of another woman was seen surrounding her friend; it emanated an aura of deep grudges and hatred.

"You can see me?" In a distorted feminine voice, the miasma floated forward, leaving its host and formed into a pale and white phantom of a young woman.

Alerted by danger, Rika immediately channeled her talisman; the runes imbedded within began to glow, forming a ring of light around the spirit's body. However, a dark aura quickly expanded and overwhelmed the spell.

"It is useless." The female spirit stepped forward, causing the rookie shrine maiden to inch backward in fear. "But you look really special; with you, I might be able to break free of this place."

But it was then, the woman's movement suddenly froze, while Rika bumped into something soft and voluminous at the back of her head; it felt as if she could completely sink inside of its warmth.

Feeling the tender heap of plushiness squeezing on her cheeks, the girl instinctively knew that she was already safe without looking back.

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