Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 5: Lords Incurable Disease (4)

Chapter 5: Lords Incurable Disease (4)

'In a place like this, discussing nutrients and similar topics usually doesn't make a difference. There's no point in saying things that people can't comprehend,' thought Dominic, who had never intended to delve into his major in the first place.

Instead, he broached the subject of 'constitution,' a form of pseudoscience. From Dominic's perspective, where he had to discern what the Lord should and shouldn't consume, there was no simpler explanation. It was also something that the inhabitants of this world would find acceptable.

"Is there genuinely a concept of ingredients tailored to one's constitution?"

"Indeed. Doesn't the mana you practice with every day contain various energies?"

"Of course. Mana comprises the five elemental energies."

"But doesn't each knight have a particular energy that suits them exceptionally well?"


Blond knight Ian Hanover nodded in agreement.

The young village chief was correct.

Individuals with the ability to harness mana often found a particular energy that resonated especially well with them. Wizards and warriors who reached higher levels frequently exhibited more potent abilities when they tapped into this compatible energy.

"It makes sense for mana to be influenced by one's constitution, and the same goes for food ingredients that have grown absorbing the world's mana. Their effectiveness also varies based on constitution, doesn't it?"

"Hmm, you have a valid point."

Observing Ian's demeanor soften, despite initially regarding him as a nuisance, Dominic secretly reveled in his small triumph.

"I initially thought you were a peddler, but you do raise some intricate questions. So, you mean to say you'll select ingredients that align with the Lord's constitution?"

"Exactly, Chef. You catch on quickly."

The chef also nodded, appearing to grasp the situation readily.

"I've heard that when the Lord was younger, he achieved a remarkable status as a knight. Is that correct?"

"Absolutely. He even served as the captain of the royal guard."

"Indeed, that's impressive. However, since he retired, his training regimen must have decreased, right?"

"He still maintains some personal training, but it's hard to compare it to his active-duty days. The training routine of an active-duty knight is truly beyond imagination."

Ian now appeared quite forthcoming in his responses, likely because Dominic was inquiring about well-known facts within the castle.

"What about his dietary habits? His training has diminished, but I assume his food consumption hasn't decreased by half, has it?"

The chef replied, "I can't speak for the Lord's earlier years, but according to the butler who has served him since his time in the capital, it seems you're correct. His eating habits haven't changed significantly. He even seems to have gained some weight recently."

"By how much?"

"Well, I can't give you an exact figure, but the tailors recently had to craft an entirely new set of clothes for him."

"Hmm, his physique has indeed undergone considerable changes. So, how much does the Lord typically consume in one meal?"

"About one and a half times the amount an average person would eat."

"He truly is a hearty eater. Does he include meat in every meal?"

"He's quite fond of it. Either meat or fish is a must every day. If not, he looks for snacks."

Upon hearing this, Dominic turned to Ian for confirmation.

Ian nodded and added, "When he hasn't been feeling well lately, he deliberately increased his meat intake."

"Really? Deliberately increased it?"

The chef explained, seemingly surprised by Dominic's reaction, "It's common knowledge that you should consume meat or fish when you're unwell. It provides the strength to overcome illness. You must be aware of that... you're not really a peddler, are you?"

"No, I'm not."

"Very well, then."

Considering all this information, the situation appeared rather serious.

'Is he deliberately trying to develop gout?'

The Lord's fondness for meat was renowned throughout the territory. It was likely a dietary habit he had maintained since his youth. Additionally, the chef mentioned that he had a strong liking for alcohol.

However, during his youth, he was an active knight who dealt with mana. Compared to ordinary people, he probably had a more robust digestion, which caused no issues back then.

'But the problems began with his lifestyle changes after retirement.'

After retiring and returning to his hometown, his physical activity drastically decreased, but his eating habits remained largely unchanged. Furthermore, he had more leisure time, leading to an increase in his alcohol consumption.

Moreover, as a body that had not reached the level of a Sword Master naturally aged, things that had previously posed no problems started to deteriorate one by one.

'One day, the pain must have struck suddenly.'

If he had adjusted his diet at the onset of his first gout attack, he might have been fine.

However, the prevailing wisdom in this world, 'You should eat well and rest when you're sick,' exacerbated the situation.

'If he had consumed less and been more active from that point onward, he might have fared better...'

It's all water under the bridge now.

Nevertheless, Dominic resolved to completely overhaul his dietary habits and incorporate some divine power treatments.

While medicine in this world wasn't as advanced as in his previous life, divine power and healing abilities did exist. However, they were not panaceas, so unless he changed his fundamental lifestyle habits, seeking help from a priest would merely provide temporary relief.

So, it all boiled down to changing dietary habits!

"Alright, starting today, we'll remove all red meat, oily fish, shellfish, and alcohol from the Lord's menu."

"What? What are you saying? Impossible! What should I serve then? The Lord won't stand for this! Are you planning my funeral, you scoundrel!"

The chef was instantly furious when Dominic made his announcement.

"I'll take full responsibility. If the Lord gets upset, you can blame it all on me."

"Well, if you insist... But young man, you should cherish your life! You have many years ahead of you. Why intentionally provoke his anger?"

"It's not to provoke anger. If the Lord does indeed have gout, these ingredients are practically poison."

"Poison, you say? Meat and fish?"

"Specifically, red meat, organ meats, and fatty fish."

Ideally, he should also reduce white meat and lean fish, but abruptly asking a meat enthusiast to stop eating everything might lead to an unhealthy dietary pattern.

"So, for now, we'll reduce the consumption of chicken, lean fish, and eggs by half."

"My goodness, you're cutting back on those too?"

"To manage his weight gain."

"Ah, okay, I understand."

The chef listened reluctantly as Dominic began to outline various recipes.

Meanwhile, the blond knight Ian observed from a distance.

'What is he trying to achieve...'

Dominic appeared timid yet strangely dignified. The young village chief seemed to be both feared and underestimated, like a broom lying in the kitchen.

Ian revised his judgment of the young village chief from 'a bothersome hindrance' to 'bothersome but intriguing.'

Unaware of Ian's observations, Dominic was fully engrossed in conveying the dietary plan he had formulated to the chef.


Dinner time was the part of the day Lord Theodore looked forward to the most.

He anticipated juicy meats and high-proof whiskey that warmed his throat, often accompanied by appetizers like clams or shrimp, and occasionally grilled offal.

But tonight's dinner table felt strangely unfamiliar.

"Is this really my dinner?"

Lord Theodore's daughter-in-law, the current Countess Sinclair, expressed her delight, applauding with enthusiasm.

Indeed, unlike the usual dinner table with its monotonous, dark colors, this feast of naturally colored ingredients was undeniably appealing.

'I should give it a try first before making any judgments.'

Skeptical, Lord Theodore had entrusted his meal to a young village chief in his twenties, who was neither a healer, pharmacist, nor known as a cook.

To be honest, he hadn't set his expectations too high. After all, despite correctly identifying the symptoms of his illness, he had lived long enough and had enough experience to doubt that a simple change in diet could cure a disease that even the high priests of the temples couldn't.

"...Hm! This isn't wine."

The beverage, with a more refreshing red hue than his usual wine, turned out to be non-alcoholic.

"It seems to be pomegranate juice?"

"I believe so. It has a tart taste, quite appetizing. Father, what do you think?"

His son and daughter-in-law, who typically didn't indulge in alcohol, seemed quite pleased with the pomegranate juice.

Feeling a bit betrayed that it wasn't wine, Lord Theodore took another sip.

'Not overly sour, with the sweetness of ripe fruit... and even a slightly bitter aftertaste. Hmm, it's complex, like a fine wine.'

The pomegranate juice, with its well-balanced trio of flavors, felt like a satisfying introduction to the meal.

"What's this?"

Next, Lord Theodore pointed to a light green-colored soup.

"It's made from finely chopped white mushrooms, asparagus, and broccoli sauted in olive oil. Then fresh milk and cream are added and boiled. Please give it a taste."

As Dominic explained, Lord Theodore took a spoonful of the light green, creamy soup into his mouth.


His eyebrows moved with surprise.

The nutty flavor filled his mouth, akin to enjoying nuts. Furthermore, the smooth yet rich texture!

Despite vegetables being the primary ingredients, it possessed a flavor even more intense than clam chowder.

"The main course is cod steak, infused with five different herbs."

After enjoying a vibrant salad filled with an assortment of vegetables and savoring the creamy soup, the chef timed the arrival of the main course perfectly.

Next to the impeccably cooked, substantial cod steak, there were roasted seasonal vegetables and mashed potatoes that teased the taste buds even more.


The cod's skin, grilled at high heat to a crispy perfection, emitted a delightful crunch as it shattered in his mouth.

Then, the fish's thick, moist, and tender flesh seemed to effortlessly dissolve in his mouth, sliding down his throat.

The blend of rosemary and dill, basil and thyme, along with high-quality black pepper, melded together in a way that wasn't overwhelming, leaving behind a fresh yet captivating aroma that lingered even after the fish had vanished from his mouth.


Lord Theodore's fork finally halted after clearing every morsel, including the dessert fruit.

Dominic could already sense the satisfaction on his face, but he still felt the sweat forming on his palms, wondering what this influential man would say.

"It was a quite satisfying meal."

There were no surprises.

Lord Theodore was thoroughly enjoying his dining experience without feeling overly full. A contented smile graced his face.

Dominic, too, let out a sigh of relief.

'I made it through.'

Abandoning the initial plan of creating an entirely vegetarian meal had turned out to be the right choice.


Dominic's expression suddenly shifted.

"But" is typically followed by significant statements.

"Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether this will have any impact on my illness. Ian!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"If our guest gets lost wandering around this vast castle all night, that could pose a problem. Send a guard to ensure he doesn't leave his room."


'Ah, darn it.'

It's back to confinement once again.

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