Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

#The Wizard and the High-Level Talents (2)


Perot, who had been seated on the cliff overlooking the sea for some time, savoring the picturesque view, swiftly turned her attention elsewhere when she heard a hearty rumble emanating from her stomach.

Wizards might lead solitary lives, away from prying eyes, but Perot was well acquainted with the pangs of embarrassment.

'I wonder if there is any place that sells decent food.'

After all, sustenance was a necessity.

With a vigorous wave of her arm, Perot descended towards the nearby village.

Even if the quaint and charming village had subpar fare, she was prepared to endure it for a few days.

'If it's truly inedible, I'll simply prepare a meal myself. I've managed to master the intricate realm of magical engineering, so cooking should pose no challenge,' Perot mused, approaching the village with unwarranted confidence.

Then, a delightful whiff of freshly baked bread wafted into her nostrils.

"Ah? What's this delicious smell!"

She inhaled deeply, yet the scent of bread dissipated like a mirage in the desert.

"Hey, kid!"


"Is there a bakery nearby?"

"A bakery? We don't have one in our village."

"What? Then what was that delightful scent just now?"

Perot hurriedly interrogated the local children but didn't receive the response she had hoped for.

"I'm pretty sure I caught a whiff of something delicious! Do you happen to know any skilled cooks around here, especially when it comes to baking bread?"

"Something delicious... hmm..."

She figured that if there was such an enticing aroma, the person responsible for it must have gained quite a reputation in the village.

'I could just ask them for a taste of their freshly baked bread and offer something in return!'

However, the child continued to shake his head.

"We don't have anyone like that. Maybe you should ask the elder brother."

"Elder brother?"

"Yes, that would be the village chief."

Perot couldn't help but wonder, 'Isn't a village chief usually an older man or a somewhat stern middle-aged figure? What does 'village chief is a brother' even mean?'

"The village chief prepares delicious meals every day. He shares them with the fishermen, and if there's any left, he gives some to us too. But not today."

"Yeah, there weren't any leftovers today."

"Let's ask him to make more tomorrow!"

"I hope it's that amazing stew we had before."

"I'm craving chicken skewers!"

Children's attention spans are notoriously short.

After providing Perot with information about the "village chief brother," the children swiftly returned to their own activities.

'So, there's a good cook around here, huh?'

She felt relieved.

Considering that the village chief had specifically requested her assistance, he would probably be willing to share some of his freshly baked bread.

'Hmm, what kind of bread could it be? It must be as delectable as it smells!'

Humming a tune, Perot made her way to Dominics kitchen, as directed by the children.

"It's mine; I'm the eldest!"

"Hey, I baked it! You should give in."

"Hmm, I've only had two so far..."

However, as she passed by the kitchen window, she stumbled upon an unexpected scene.

'What? Is there only one piece left?'

She witnessed three men engaged in a heated argument over the last slice of bread.

Panic set in.

'I haven't had a meal since this morning, and it doesn't look like there are any restaurants around here. Darn it!'

Her Master had always told her, "Perot, if only you could control your insatiable appetite, you could overcome any obstacle."

But once again, Perot failed to heed her Master's advice.

Her voracious appetite was a problem that couldn't be easily solved with a few words of wisdom.


A sharp, brief whistle escaped her lips, and the last remaining waffle, which had garnered the attention of three individuals, levitated and made its way through the window to Perot.

It all transpired in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you for the meal!"

The final waffle, generously slathered with apple jam, vanished into the mouth of a wizard Dominic had never encountered before in his life, accompanied by an unnecessarily dazzling golden glow.

"...A thief...girl?... No, Thief, Sir! ... No, a, a wizard?"

Dominic was flabbergasted.

If witnessing magic unfolding before his eyes was astonishing, it was even more astounding that this 'magic' had been wielded simply to pilfer a piece of bread!

'Aren't wizards supposed to be rational, cold, guardians of truth and order or something?'

The wizard, who was hastily devouring the stolen waffle while also keeping an eye out in case it was reclaimed, appeared far from rational.

"...This is delicious..."

"Oh, yes. Thank you."

After finishing the entire waffle, the wizard managed to regain her composure and offered words of appreciation.

Dominic, who observed her, found himself speechless.

'Even if this is a rural village, did they really send an inexperienced wizard?'

Sensing the doubt in his gaze, the wizard swiftly introduced herself.

"I apologize; I was so famished that I momentarily lost my composure! ... I'm Perot Dianne, a 3rd-class wizard. I've come here in response to a request from the Mercenary Guild."

"Ah, I see! You're a wizard. Thank you for coming all this way. I'm Dominic, the village chief of Evergreen."

"I'm sorry about the bread. I'd like to pay for it."

"No need. It was just a piece of bread, after all."

"No, I'd feel better if I paid for it. By the way, did you make this? How is it made? Can you make more? Will you sell it? How much does it cost?"

The most pressing question for Perot, who had regained her composure, was this one.

'It was a flavor I've never experienced before! What was that sweet square thing? Definitely not candy.'

Wizards, by their very nature, had to use their intellects extensively. If they encountered a complex formula, they'd stay awake for days trying to decipher it; that's the kind of people they were!

Hence, beverages that banished sleep and fatigue and sweet treats that comforted weary bodies and minds were indispensable for wizards.

'If the snacks are of this quality, I won't miss a thing for three months. I was worried, but thankfully, it's delicious.'

Perot had a particular penchant for snacks among them. She might skip meals, but she'd never skip snacks; she was a bonafide sugar addict!

"By the way, the mercenary guild mentioned room and board. Does that include snacks?"

At that moment, Dominic realized how to take full advantage of this wizard's skills.

'If handled properly, one person could fulfill three roles.'

In a village teeming with physical laborers, the white-collar workers had been pushed to the sidelines!

Highly skilled individuals who could shoulder all the responsibilities had arrived, lock, stock, and barrel.


A few days later.

Children from the village began trickling into a small warehouse that the fishing community had been using.

From kids who were constantly sniffing to fairly large boys and girls who would soon become adults.

"Alright, everyone, take out your homework. Quickly, quickly!"

"Yes, teacher!"

"Let's see."

Ian and Dominic watched them with contentment from outside.

"How did you come up with the idea to teach the children reading and math?" Ian inquired.

"It was necessary to train Laki as a useful assistant. Besides, what harm is there in teaching a few more kids while I'm at it?" Dominic replied.

"But still..."

"These kids will all grow up to be proficient clerks," Dominic continued, his tone softening. "After all, the wizard will be their teacher, right?"

"I'm relieved. I was concerned that some households might not send their kids."

"Who would turn down free literacy education?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Very young kids may be one thing, but soon-to-be adults already contribute as one person."

Dominic crossed his arms.

"Some people might think it's better to work during those few hours in the morning."


"Unexpected circumstances often catch people off guard."

Fortunately, the event Dominic had been worried about didn't come to pass.

The prominent members of the fishing community, true to their nature, thought, 'If we need assistance from the children, we might as well close up shop!'

And what about the village women?

An elite among elites with a white face from the capital!

A wizard of no less than 3rd-class is personally teaching the children! And that too, for free!

["Don't you see our village transforming? If you want to secure a job up there, you need to know how to read and calculate, you little rascal!"] they would chide, persuading their hesitant children to attend the classes.

"Perot seems to have a talent for teaching beyond what I expected."

"That's true. I initially thought she was a bit odd, but seeing her now, she seems perfectly fine. I almost feel guilty for enticing her with snacks."

"...Different people have different motivations."

Perot willingly took on the role of teaching the children, lured by the promise of an additional snack every day.

Despite Dominic's initial concerns about whether it would work, Perot seamlessly integrated into the village atmosphere.

"Now we need to start preparing for the grand opening."

"The grand opening?"

"The construction is nearly complete."


Dominic gestured toward the construction site on the outskirts of the village.

A resort was under construction there.

"We need to hire staff, provide training; there's a lot to do."

Above all, making a strong first impression was crucial.

"Since it's something unheard of in this world, we need to create a spectacle right from the start... Is there a good way?"

Promotion was the challenge at hand.

He was confident that he could satisfy the customers once they arrived, but the unresolved issue was how to attract the first customers.

"Our target audience is married women, correct?"


"Have you considered writing a letter to the Countess?"

"I haven't ruled that out, but the 'before-and-after' scenario might not be so compelling."

"'Before and after'?"

"Yes, something along those lines."

The nearly completed resort was designed as a relaxation facility for postpartum recovery among married women. It aimed to offer the ideal diet and postpartum recovery programs for noblewomen who were experiencing significant physical changes after childbirth. Simultaneously, it sought to foster a close-knit community among noblewomen who had given birth around the same time.

"Inviting expectant mothers would be ideal... Wait, no, why limit ourselves to just mothers? While the maternity care center serves as the inspiration, there's no rule stating that we can only accommodate mothers. There are plenty of people in need of rejuvenation."

For a facility that didn't exist in this world, there was no need to strictly adhere to what was done in South Korea.

"Countess Noella!"

As soon as he shifted his thinking, Dominic thought of someone who could help him resolve his dilemma.

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