Feasting Lord in Another World

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

#Diet Turns into Money (2)

To Dominic's surprise, the noble ladies' reactions were even more dramatic than he had expected.

"I believe I'll need to return to Evergreen immediately after today's party concludes."

"So, are you relinquishing your role as the lady's dietitian? Weren't you quite enthusiastic about the prospect of receiving one gold coin every week?"

Ian regarded him with suspicion.

"I can forward the lady's dietary plan as I do for Lord Theodore every week via correspondence. The salary might see a slight reduction, but given the earnings I'm poised to make, it's a minor concern!"

"I fail to comprehend your meaning."

"I'm not asking for your understanding. By any chance, do you have any acquaintances among the noble ladies?"


"Tsk. With that countenance, do you not possess a girlfriend either? If you have no use for it, consider passing it to me. I can certainly put it to good use."


Ian, whom Dominic had hoped would be of assistance, turned out to be entirely unhelpful.

"Well, it's fine. Hearing about such matters through rumors might even make them more believable. Anyway, I have to go; I'm quite busy!"

Even though the event hadn't concluded, Dominic hastily departed the temple and made his way toward the Lord's castle.

He needed to submit his resignation, bestow gifts upon a few maids he had grown close to, request some favors, and compose a letter to the lady...

It felt like he needed ten bodies to accomplish everything.


That night.

The temple's blessing ceremony for the newborn continued with a lavish party in the main hall of the Lord's castle.

The eagerly anticipated celebration of the Count's family was so grand that it left the attendees in awe.

However, the attention of a few noble ladies was drawn elsewhere.

"Did you find out?"

"Yes, they say there's someone who professionally manages her food."

"Manages her food? You mean a chef?"

"No, not a chef. He provides a personalized diet that benefits the Countess. What did they call him? A nutritionist?"

"What's that? Regardless, what's in a name? Can we bring him here?"

"I already checked, and they mentioned he'd return to his village after the morning ceremony."


Countess Noella had dispatched her reliable maid to uncover the secret behind the Countess's postnatal care. She believed that if something extraordinary was happening, the household staff would be aware. And she was correct.

A few staff members from the Count's residence had divulged information about Dominic.

"Do you also know where he lives and who he is?"

"Yes. But there's an issue."

"An issue?"

"He's the village chief of a small village within the Count's domain."


If he had been a commoner or even just an ordinary citizen, Countess Noella could have easily brought him into her territory. However, his role as a village chief complicated matters.

The village chief was responsible for overseeing local affairs and reporting to the Lord's castle, playing a crucial administrative role within the territory.

By gathering information from each village, one could gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall situation in the territory.

"Will it be difficult to bring him?"

"If the Sinclair Count's family objects, we might face repercussions."

Even the slightest misstep could lead to accusations and consequences. Of course, if the Count's family turned a blind eye, there wouldn't be any issues. However, rumors had already connected Dominic to both the Countess and Lord Theodore.

Bringing someone like him without the Count's permission would undoubtedly lead to controversy.

'I might become the center of rumors once more.'

Countess Noella didn't want to be known as 'the one who abducted another noble's village chief just to lose weight.'

Yet, she couldn't simply give up either.

'Maybe he can transform my physique too?'

Should she abandon someone who might resolve her long-standing insecurity? In the bustling ballroom, she hesitated.

Little did she know that there were others with similar thoughts scattered throughout the room.



The following morning, in his humble hut-like abode, Dominic's attempt to catch up on some much-needed sleep was abruptly disrupted by an early morning commotion.

It was Calron.

"Calron? What brings you here so early in the morning?"

"Lighten up! Is it that terrible to see me? Hahaha!"

With boisterous knocks that nearly shattered the window, Dominic had no option but to rise.

Still rubbing his drowsy eyes and without even splashing water on his face, he unlatched the door. Familiarly, Calron settled into a chair at the dining table and chuckled.

"Aren't you curious about what transpired in the village during the month you were away?"

"Well, I figured if something significant occurred, you'd send a letter. Since I received none, I... Would you like some water? Or tea?"

"Beer would hit the spot."

"Drinking alcohol in the morning? Just have some water."

As Dominic set down a glass of water and let out a yawn, he probed further about the matter.

"So, what's the news? If you're here this early, it must be something important, right?"

Though he displayed clear irritation, Calron remained undaunted.

"Yes, indeed. Hahaha!"


Calron produced a small pouch from his pocket and tossed it across.

"...What's this?"

"What do you think?"

"Oh! Is this the money?"

"Exactly! Haha! It's the earnings from selling seaweed! It was sent a few days ago from the Anton Trading Company. This is your share. Give it a look. I've counted it multiple times, but there could be errors."

"It should be accurate. But what's the deal with the Anton Trading Company? I heard Anton severed ties with his grandfather?"

"Yes. Business took off faster than expected, so they decided to go their separate ways. He's young but quite decisive. Just like you. Young folks these days are brimming with energy. Hahaha!"

In response, Dominic chuckled and examined the contents of the pouch.


"See, it's more than you anticipated, isn't it? While you were at the Lord's castle, our fishermen put in some serious work."


"Everyone was overjoyed. We made a lot more than our typical fishing earnings. Houses hosted fish feasts. All thanks to the knowledge you brought."

"So, I got compensated for my technical advice without lifting a finger."


The seaweed supply arrangement with the young merchant Anton was not directly with Dominic but with the fishing community of Evergreen. This was a result of Dominic's insistence.

[How can I personally harvest, clean, dry, and package seaweed every day? It should naturally be managed by our fishing community. They should share the payment. I'll have a separate income contract with the community for technical guidance.]

The unfamiliar concept of 'technical guidance' was novel to both Calron and Anton, and it even perplexed Anton's grandfather, who had spent his entire life in commerce. Dominic was unwavering in formalizing this.

'I need to set a precedent if I want to be fairly compensated for my future work.'

In this world, the notion of exchanging money for intangible 'technical' services was rare. When Anton asked how it differed from simply hiring someone, Dominic struggled to explain, "It means my knowledge and skills are being utilized, not that I'm continuously engaged in labor."

However, things fell into place more smoothly than expected.

[It's akin to contracts for the use of creation magic by wizards!]

It was at that moment that Dominic realized there were already knowledge workers in this world.

He resolved to use the wizards as a model in future negotiations.

'Thanks to that, I secured a solid contract with the lady. Hehe.'

While it was unlikely that a noblewoman like the lady would swindle him out of a few gold coins, having a contract provided peace of mind.

"Thank you, Dominic."

Calron expressed his gratitude genuinely, his voice tinged with emotion.

"When I disbanded the mercenary group and purchased this land to establish the village, I promised everyone that we wouldn't go hungry without resorting to violence. But it wasn't easy."

Today, Calron's wrinkles appeared more prominent than his bulging muscles.

"Just when we thought we had enough, those monster turtles would appear, and we'd deplete all our saved resources until they departed. Then we'd save up again for a few years, only to spend it all once more... But thanks to you, that vicious cycle has been broken. Thank you, Dominic."

Touched by Calron's heartfelt words, Dominic struggled to find the right response.

But in the end, he couldn't find the words.

This outcome wasn't something he had foreseen when he first embarked on this journey. It had all begun with a simple desire to make seaweed soup after encountering some seaweed.

'I need to give this more consideration.'

The people of Evergreen village were the first to extend a hand and share their sustenance with him in this new life.

Though he had unexpectedly become the village chief, he wanted them to savor their favorite fish without anxiety.

After Calron departed, Dominic sat in contemplation at the dining table for a while, only venturing out of his dwelling when the sun was high.

"Dominic! How have you been?"

"Oh, ma'am, hello! Have you seen any of the fishermen?"

"They should be at the shore by now. It's seaweed harvesting time, isn't it?"

"Thank you!"

Dominic quickened his pace.

Observing his departure, Ian, who had been strolling around the vicinity, followed suit.

"Oh? You're still here? I thought you had left when I didn't see you this morning."

"I had some matters to attend to."

"I see."

If it had been a regular day, they would have exchanged a few more jests, but Dominic was in a rush and didn't have the luxury for it. He wished to put into action what he had been contemplating all morning as soon as possible.

"Hey there!"


Approaching the gathering of leading fishermen almost in a sprint, Dominic immediately addressed Calron, gasping for breath.

"We need to construct a building!"

"What? What are you suddenly talking about? What kind of structure? A new house?"

While they were primarily fishermen, they were proficient in constructing sturdy buildings.

Evergreen had originated as a refuge for wanderers, former mercenaries, and skilled laborers who had fled from the oppression of the nobility. The fact that they had managed to establish a village-like settlement in what was once desolate terrain was solely due to these individuals wielding their tools and constructing it themselves.

"It's not a dwelling for me. Take a look here!"

He presented Calron with a roughly drawn sketch based on his vision. For a moment, Calron, appearing perplexed, scrutinized it closely, his expression becoming more earnest.

"Come over here and check this out!"

At Calron's invitation, a few others approached to examine the drawing.

"...It appears quite sizable."

"It doesn't resemble a castle or mansion... a training area? No, the open space seems too compact for that."

"What exactly is this, Dominic? What kind of structure are you planning to build?"

Though they couldn't discern its precise purpose, they could sense it wasn't a mere joke. The sketch might have been rudimentary, and Dominic might lack architectural expertise, but the earnestness with which he had drawn it was evident.

"If this endeavor succeeds, our village won't have to fret about food in the future."

Dominic tapped his chest and smiled at the inquisitive onlookers.

"Do you believe in me?"

...Even if it sounded somewhat reminiscent of the words of a cult leader.

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