Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 100: kamikaze prince

Chapter 100: kamikaze prince

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When the long-haired, green-haired hand stretched out, an extremely yin and suffocating aura swept out in an instant. In an instant, Lin Fengchen and other five strongmen of the city lord's mansion only felt their hearts tremble, and the profound energy in their bodies swept out. , at this moment, all stagnated.

That weird hand, with extreme speed, instantly grabbed towards Lin Fengchen and the others. The speed was so unbelievable that Lin Fengchen and others did not react, so they were directly caught by this weird hand. .

Then, a horrifying scene appeared. Lin Fengchen and the others didn't even have time to let out their screams.

In just a moment, Lin Fengchen and the others were left with only a bare skeleton.

After absorbing the flesh and blood essence of Lin Fengchen and others, the hand quickly retracted, and the dark coffin lid was closed again. The whole process only took a few breaths.

And this count of breaths directly led to the death of the five peak powerhouses of the princely realm, or died in such a miserable way. If anyone saw such a scene, they would be scared to tremble.

The corpse soul glanced at the five skeletons indifferently, and his face did not fluctuate in the slightest. He gently grabbed the black coffin, turned his back and walked towards the direction of the Immortal Sect.

Under the setting sun, his shadow stretched long.


In the imperial capital of the Divine Wind Empire, in a splendid palace, the prince Mu Xingchen is sitting at the desk reading a book. He is only twenty-five years old. He is very handsome. The imperial robe he wears is inlaid with various jade beads, adding a touch of luxury Air and majesty.

Under the pair of sword brows, his eyes focused on the book in his hand, and there were two beautiful palace maids beside him, rubbing his shoulders and beating his back.

The book he read was the Empire Magazine Weird Talk. For a prince, such a book was simply a waste book, but he read it very seriously.

"Prince, the guillotine asks to see you."

A little **** ran in and said softly.

Mu Xingchen didn't look back, waved his hand, and said softly, "Let him in!"

Guillotine, these three words are simply taboo in the Kamikaze Empire.

This is not a knife, but a nickname for a person. He is a powerhouse at the level of the Xuanhuang Realm. He burns, kills, loots, and commits all kinds of evil. Once he is targeted by a guillotine, even death is a luxury.

At the same time, he also established an organization of killers called the Decapitation Organization, which decapitated the head immediately after the knife was fired, and accepted various assassination missions. The success rate of assassination was over 90%, and it was well-known throughout the Kamikaze Empire.

But no one could have imagined that the organization was under the control of Mu Xingchen, the prince of the Kamikaze Empire.

Soon, the Guillotine Knife walked in with great steps. He was dressed in a red robe, as if bathed in blood. Beneath his long black and beautiful hair, there was a stern face, and a scar spanned his entire face, making him He looked extremely vicious.

He also had a machete as long as a man on his waist. As soon as he entered the palace, a chill appeared out of thin air, causing the two palace maids to tremble involuntarily.

"This hall didn't say, there is nothing important, don't come to this hall." Mu Xingchen glanced at the guillotine and said casually.

The Guillotine knelt down on one knee and said solemnly, "Your Highness, there is news for the Fifth Prince."

Hearing this, Mu Xingchen immediately put down the book in his hand, looked up at the guillotine, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and asked with a frown, "Tell me, where is the fifth brother in this hall?"

The fifth prince of the Kamikaze Empire is famous in the entire Kamikaze Empire, but his name is not a prestige, but a laughing name.

Just because the cultivation talent of the fifth prince of the Kamikaze Empire is extremely low, he is like a waste, and he is ridiculed by countless people.

In the imperial family, but without the slightest cultivation talent, it will only be a nightmare.

If it weren't for the fifth prince's mother, but the current queen, the fifth prince would have been expelled from the royal family long ago.

People in the entire Divine Wind Empire knew that if it wasn't for the low cultivation aptitude of the Fifth Prince, Mu Xingchen would not be able to hold the position of the Prince at all.

"The fifth prince joined the Immortal Sect."

Guillotine said quickly.

"The Immortal Sect? Is it the Immortal Sect that has recently gained fame and even killed the general of the Shining Sun Empire and the two top legions?"

Mu Xingchen's body sat up a lot, his brows furrowed deeper, and he opened his mouth to ask, an inexplicable chill appeared in the whole hall.

Both the Guillotine and the two palace maids couldn't help shivering.

The prince of the Divine Wind Empire, Mu Xingchen, has the most terrifying cultivation talent among all the princes of the Divine Wind Empire. Even the princes of the other two great empires cannot compare to Mu Xingchen.

He is now twenty-five years old, but his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Xuanhuang realm, and his strength is even more unfathomable. When he does things under his hands, everyone is walking on thin ice, even a figure like a guillotine. Mu Xingchen said the wrong thing in front of him.

Guillotine did not answer, he understood that Mu Xingchen was not asking him ~ but thinking.

"Apart from that, is there any news?" Mu Xingchen narrowed his eyes and asked aloud.

"The fifth prince followed the disciples of the Immortal Sect to participate in the Demon Sealing Conference of the Shining Sun Empire, showing the cultivation of the princely realm and winning the top three names in the Demon Sealing Conference."

Guillotine hurriedly said, his head was lower, and the whole person was extremely respectful.

When they heard the words of the guillotine, the expressions of the two palace maids also changed, and the hands they were kneading became extremely soft.

Mu Xingchen's expression did not change, but at this moment, a bone-piercing cold swept the entire hall, and the temperature in the hall dropped a lot at this moment.

There was also a heavy repressed breath, which made the Guillotine and the two palace maids almost out of breath.

"Qianlong Shengyuan, these five brothers in this hall are lucky."

A sneer appeared on Mu Xingchen's face, and he said without the slightest emotion.

"Did Hidden Wind Pavilion also get the news?"

The Hidden Wind Pavilion, the largest intelligence organization in the Kamikaze Empire, is under the control of Emperor Kamikaze, and together with the Falcon Pavilion of the Shining Sun Empire and the Chasing Cloud Pavilion of the Qingyun Empire, it is called the most terrifying intelligence organization in the three empires.


The guillotine felt trembling all over his body. The prince didn't have the anger he imagined, but it scared him even more.

Prince Mu Xingchen is moody. When he is angry, he may be fine, but when he is neither happy nor sad, he really doesn't even know how he died.

One second you are still admiring you, the next second, your head may move directly.

"After raising you for so long, it's time for you to act." Mu Xingchen glanced at the guillotine indifferently, and muttered softly.

"This subordinate understands that this time, the subordinate let Duanhunwei and Duanmingwei take action, and the subordinate has spent a lot of wealth to hire the Sky Splitting Organization." Guillotine respectfully saluted.

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