Eye System

Chapter 145: Angela's Return

Chapter 145: Angela's Return

Angela and Ella only stopped rushing away from the royal district after they felt that they had reached a safe distance and were out of range to be found by the searching soldiers and guards.

Stopping and hiding within an empty house, Angela and Ella began to recover their energy, that they had used massively while escaping as quickly as they could.

They heard guards beginning to search the area and the commotion that they left behind and knew that if they stayed there any longer, they may not have been able to get away.

"I don't know how I lost control" mumbled Angela, remembering how the skill she used sucked so much of her energy to unleash such a powerful attack, that affected the temperature of the whole area and engulfed it in ice.

"Don't worry, you have gotten rid of one thing that may have been holding back your cultivation as cultivation not only requires talent and energy, but also emotional and mental stability to be successful" stated Ella reassuringly.

Angela saw Ella as another person that she owed massively and just like Lex, she didn't understand her abilities or know how capable she was, but she did know that she would aim to surpass her and assist her in the future.

After a few hours of cultivating to recover their energy, they were both fully recovered.

They both would have liked to continue to rest after travelling for an entire month while only stopping for cultivation and hardly anything else, but they knew that in their current situation, there was no time to waste.

"Are you ready to confront and negotiate with your parents" asked Ella.

"And if you are, we should leave now and avoid any guards or soldiers that we see along the way back to the royal district and we should wait until night just like last night" added Angela.

Angela and Ella were only able to get to Jackson's residence without being noticed because of Ella's proficiency in stealth and the cover of the night, that helped them to camouflage with their black robes.

"Agreed" affirmed Angela, standing up and putting on her robe, ready to leave.

Angela and Ella didn't run at full speed and only took alleyways and scarcely populated areas to reach the royal district.

Along the way, what they had seen was the security tightening as more soldiers patrolled the streets, but also observed that there were less soldiers and gathered that most were stationed around the royal district.

"It will be much harder to get into the royal district and we may have to rethink our plan and expose your identity early on to be able to get to your parents" stated Ella, beginning to think that it was unfeasible to be able to successfully sneak into the royal district a second time.

"Okay, that could be an option, but I am unsure how my parents will react and I must make sure they don't know of my ice abilities" stated Angela.

Angela retracted the purple jade embedded into her forehead, that had mysterious applications that she was yet to know of, and completely allowed her warm saint healing spiritual root to take over.

Angela was becoming more and more proficient in the use of her spiritual roots and as she did so, her hair became completely golden, like it was before she gained the Jade Empress's inheritance and found out about her other spiritual root.

Observing Angela, Ella saw the cold aura that Angela unconsciously imbued be completely retracted and saw her entire temperament completely changed and her aura became warm and welcoming.

Although her eyes didn't match the aura she emitted and were filled with determination and still hadn't gotten rid of the cold effects her cultivation method had.

"Great, you should be able to waltz directly into the royal district and to your parents and shouldn't be stopped by anybody as you are a royal, while I follow behind you as you guard and or companion" planned Ella.

"Then it is decided" agreed Angela as she took off her robe and threw it away.

Angela was nervous to show herself to her country again, but with Ella and the Jade Empress supporting her, and Lex relying on her, she felt capable of overcoming anything.

Angela walked through the streets confidently, followed closely behind by Ella who kept on her black robe, that completely covered her face and body, showing only her slim figure.

She was instantly recognised by many as the princess of their country from her golden hair, but wasn't treated with any respect and instead was cursed at by the crowds of people that recognised her identity.

"Where were you during the battle and while we were being killed", "You left behind your country when it was in danger then came back after the danger subsided", "....", ....

The curses from the people that recognised her didn't affect her much as she was defending the Earth Country the entire time and had saved tens of thousands of lives, but did tell her the current state of her country.

It was obvious from the way they treated her, that the people of Gamma country had a grudge and strong hate towards the royal family, that failed to completely protect them from the Voltiac Guild, and were starting to become restless.

Since the attempted invasion, they hadn't heard from the king and queen who were living luxuriously within the royal district, while the people began to run out of food.

With the loss of family members and the destruction of their homes, along with the hunger they were going through because of the lack of food, they could snap and attempt to revolt at any moment.

Seeing the state of the country first hand, Angela and Ella saw their chances of the Gamma Country's cooperation rising massively as the desperation of the people was obvious to them.

All soldiers and guards that she came across were shocked after seeing her but treated her respectfully and formed a group around her that escorted her and her companion towards the royal district.

After less than an hour of walking through the country, the news had reached the king and the queen.

"Sir, sir, Angela has been sighted and is heading towards the oral district" informed them a messenger hurriedly.

"What, Angela has been sighted and is heading towards here" exclaimed the king in shock.

"Are you sure" asked the queen.

"Yes, miss" answered the man.

"Go in a carriage and receive her, then bring her straight to us" ordered the queen.

The messenger nodded and rushed off to complete his orders.

"It can't be a coincidence that Jackson was killed and Angela appears. Has she really become so capable" mumbled the king.

"We will wait and see when she arrives" stated the queen as they sat patiently in the throne room, awaiting their daughter's arrival.

A golden carriage, led by gracious white horses, rushed out of the royal district, driven by the messenger, and headed towards where Angela was.

It took an hour for the carriage to reach where Angela was walking towards the royal district and seeing the carriage in the distance, Angela knew that her parents had heard of her return,

She was anxious, excited and curious to see their reaction to her return, but was still focused on her aim.

The large carriage halted before Angela, who was being escorted by a group of shoulders.

She was respectfully welcomed onboard by the messenger and entered the luxurious carriage followed by Ella, who was her companion.

Without wasting any time, the carriage turned and rushed straight back towards the royal district.

Angela sat comfortably inside the large carriage that could hold 10 people and Ella kept her distance from Angela and kept the act of her being an assistant of Angela.

After an hour, they finally reached the royal district and they were allowed in by the guards and went straight to the most central and largest building that also had the royal chambers within it.

Reaching a halt, the messenger jumped down and respectfully opened the door for Angela and her companion.

"Please follow me to meet the king and queen who wish to see you" stated the messenger respectfully.

Angela followed by Ella exited the carriage and calmly followed after the messenger.

He led them through the luxurious royal district to the royal throne room.

Angela and Ella weren't shocked in the slightest by the gold and luxurious decorations within the royal district that glimmered with the light of the sun, and were more focused on the situation at hand.

Reaching a large golden door that was enough to fit an elephant through, the messenger finally stopped and they reached their destination.

"I have returned and have bought along with me princess Angela and her companion" announced the messenger respectfully.

"You may enter" stated a voice.

The voice instantly resonated with Angela and she recognised it as her cruel mother, who was the one that was most insistent on her engagement with Jackson.

The messenger scurried off after completing his task, and left Angela and Ella standing outside the door.

Angela's heart began to beat rapidly as she started to become nervous, but after receiving reassuring words from both the Jade Empress and Ella, she steeled her will and pushed open the door.

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