Eye System

Chapter 136: Third Eye Part 1

Chapter 136: Third Eye Part 1

As Lex was travelling at high speeds towards the direction of the underground coves, Ella had teleported back to Angela.

Ella's skill or ability was very mysterious and profound and it merely required her to place a mark on her targetted location to be able to teleport to them through space.

Unlike Lex's Body Jolt Skill, her skill or ability was a direct trip through space instead of carrying her along space.

It allowed her to form a gate between the space she was in and her intended destination, while Lex was merely carrying himself and jolting himself forwards in space, but not teleporting to a different space.

"So, is Lex okay," asked Angela worriedly as soon as she saw Ella appear beside her.

The large influx of evil energy, that was caused by Lex and Mason, was sensed by Ella who swiftly carried Angela away.

But the energy had also awakened the unconscious Angela, that was in Ella's arms, and allowed her to witness the sheer size and power of the explosion.

"There is no need to worry, Lex is fine" reassured Ella.

"But, he won't be returning" stated Ella.

"What, why," asked Angela baffled and slightly upset by his sudden disappearance that was now the second time.

"Well, there is a massive incoming threat in 6 months and he must strengthen himself while we prepare the continent to join together and defend itself" explained Ella.

Angela couldn't help but sigh at her words, it was as though Lex and everybody around him couldn't take a break from the endless barrage of problems, obstacles and complications.

"So, what must we do to prepare" asked Angela, returning to a calm and cold attitude that she knew made her more mature and useful to Lex.

"We must form a stronghold in the centre of the continent, gathering enough manpower to be able to defend themselves and prepare for the looming threat. However, to do so we must gain the help and power that the Gamma country has" stated Ella.

Hearing her words, the bad memories that she had of the gamma country began to return. 

Angela was only able to keep calm with the coldness that her methods provided, giving her an uncaring and emotionless attitude.

Despite its inhumane effects that also temporarily changed Angela's personality, like Lex's Void Mentality, it granted her mental fortitude and allowed her to always be able to keep her composure.

"Do you think you are ready to confront your past" asked Ella supportively.

"Yes, I have had enough of running and if they don't cooperate, I don't mind battling against my family and forcefully taking what we need" declared Angela.

Despite her strong front, it was obvious to Ella that she was very anxious to see her horrible family after such a long time.

"I will be there with you and will help you along the way" reassured Ella.

Her words told Angela that she would be on the sidelines and would leave the main action and talking to Angela, but also reassured her that she would be there to help her if she needed help.

After thanking Ella gratefully, Angela and Ella set off towards the gamma country where they would aim to gather as much strength and resources to ultimately form a stronghold.

"The gamma country is the most central country on the continent and should have the best defences, if we bring along the entirety of the Earth Country and any survivors we can form a tight and powerful stronghold in preparation for the coming of the enemy" decided Ella.

Angela nodded in agreement and was also quite pleased with herself as she was finally being relied on and trusted by Lex who had given her such an important task.

While travelling towards the Gamma country, Ella filled her in on everything that she knew of the situation and how dire it really was, while also talking about each other's affiliations to Lex and other general topics.

Meanwhile, Lex was still travelling at top speeds in the direction that the system had pointed him in and he remembered following the Armadillo beast to, and knew he still had a long way to go.

The Armadillo beast had a strong life force and will, making it very hard to kill and Lex chased it for hours until its injured body finally gave in and it was trapped in a closed-off underground cave. 

Knowing this, Lex decided he would use it as a perfect opportunity to ask the system about what exactly he had gotten himself into with the deal he made with the Eye System.

[Eye Demon, after reaching the underground coves I will find a secluded space for me to complete my end of the deal] stated Lex to the restless Eye Demon before beginning his questioning of the system.

[System give me a run down of what exactly forming a third eye involves, the process and what the Eye Demon stands to gain from the deal] asked Lex curiously.

{Ding, the forming of the third eye is an incredibly rewarding process. It requires the host to have extremely high Eye Knowledge, power and cultivation in order to do so and the host will be forming a third eye extremely early.

The host is only capable of doing so with the assistance of the Eye Demon and this opportunity that presented itself. It will grant the host extreme power when activated and will deepen the link between the host and the Eye Demon, making it not only a soul bond but also a physical bond.

However, the downsides are that it is irreversible and the Eye Demon will gain part or almost complete control over the third eye and after activating it the host will also be partly giving control to the Eye Demon and will enter a state of fusion with the Eye Demon.

Also, the third eye will be astronomically weaker than it should be when formed by an Eye Master at a much higher level of cultivation, however, luckily it has the ability to grow with the host and will make the host more familiar with the ability and new part of your body} explained the system.

{Ding, the process is quite simple in your situation, you will merely have to use all your system points, energy within your body and Eye Energy Reserves, absorbing the energy of all the beast bodies and cores within the inventory and the assistance of the Eye Demon and the blood crystal to barely be able to form a replica of a true third eye.

It will stay at that level and will need to be cultivated and strengthened by the host until the host has reached a level of power capable of forming a true third eye} added the system.

[What, I have to use so much] screamed Lex within his mind.

He literally had to use everything he had that was valuable and had energy within it during the process, merely to form a replica of a third eye.

[So, what do I and the Eye Demon gain] asked Lex after calming down, still salty about all the resources he had to lose.

{Ding, the host will gain a base for a true third eye that can be grown and be strengthened along with your body. Its activation grants the host extreme power and boosts all the host's attributes and mostly the host's Eye Powers. It also grants the host the ability to use a third Eye Power through the third eye and also has many other functions and abilities that are yet to be unlocked by the host} stated the system.

{Ding, while for the Eye Demon, it stands to gain less than the host and is merely gaining some physical footing within the host's body and will be given the opportunity to reside within a powerful vessel that will be used by the host.

It will also make it so that the Eye Demon won't have to enter dormant states and will allow it to experience the feeling of ownership over the third eye. But it is still owned overall by the host} continued the system

It seemed like the perfect opportunity that he needed to have a rapid rise in strength, despite the cost, and just as he thought the barrage of information was over, the system had one last piece of information.

{Ding, just to add, the host mat suffer extreme pain and strain because of the use of the third eye as the host's weak body cannot take the burden of even a fake third eye and requires extreme amounts of energy to activate that the host must have prepared in the Eye Energy Reserves. If not the host will have to resort to burning your own life force, which is extremely hard to recover and requires rare and legendary treasures} added the system.

Lex wasn't shocked much by the system's addition and was expecting it to have side effects on his body, but it also made him excited to form it and in the future gain a true third eye.

After weighing what he gained and what he lost, Lex was happy with the decision of forming a third eye without the Eye Demon helping him out, so overall he had gained much more than the Eye Demon.

With everything he needed to know about the process, Lex boosted his speed, excited to form the third eye and not wanting to waste time that was of the essence.

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