Extra's Magic

Chapter 103 Irritated

Glaring at Rose across the classroom, I noticed that she quickly averted her eyes, turning to the front.

'Did she just check my Strength?'

I felt my eyes twitch from the sudden realization that Rose was spying on my Status.

I quickly glanced around the room to make sure no one else had noticed her suspicious behavior.

'Nobody saw it...'

I breathed a small sigh of relief before narrowing my eyes back at Rose. Although I was slightly annoyed, I could only shake my head.

Getting the gist of 'Mana Perception' on the first day was something unbelievable.

Ring... Ring...

The bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Students started packing up their belongings and shuffling towards the classroom exit. As the chatter filled the room, I discreetly caught Rose's attention with a meaningful glance, urging her to follow me outside. Tess, who sat near Rose, happened to catch my gaze as well, but I swiftly redirected my eyes before she could make any assumptions.

I swiftly gathered my books and made my way toward the door, weaving through the departing students. Rose, her curiosity piqued by my silent communication, quickly joined me in the hallway. We walked briskly, trying to put some distance between ourselves and the rest of the class. The hallways were now relatively empty, with only a few stragglers left behind.

Turning a corner, I found a secluded spot, shielded from prying eyes. It was an alcove near a large window, where sunlight poured in, casting a warm glow on the surroundings. Rose and I stood there, away from the hustle and bustle of the school, giving us a moment of privacy.

Once we were alone, I fixed my gaze upon Rose, the questions burning in my mind.

"Why were you checking my Strength, Rose?"

I asked, trying to keep my voice calm and composed, despite the annoyance simmering within me.

Rose shifted slightly, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she met my gaze. Her lips curved into a playful smile, and she replied.

"Oh, come on now, don't be so serious. Can't a girl be curious about her classmates' abilities?"

Her response caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Did she consume too much alcohol or was her character always like that?

"Curious? About my Strength?"

I asked incredulously, trying to gauge her true intentions. It was true that in our world, knowing someone's Strength could provide valuable information about their capabilities, but it was still an invasion of privacy to snoop around without consent.

Rose's smile widened, and she leaned against the wall, her demeanor relaxed.

"Well, you are my compatible person and very mysterious as well..."

We both looked at each other for a few moments. While my face seemed stoic, I was hitting my head against the wall internally. I almost forgot that Rose and the others were just teenagers. I couldn't expect the protagonists to act like the ones at the start of the story. There should be some character development first.

"I see..."

Nodding my head, I took a deep breath, calming myself.

"So how was it?"

I lifted my eyes to meet Rose's, which were now focused intently on me.


Rose asked, a slight furrow appearing on her forehead.

"My strength."

I replied with slight impatience in my voice. Although she had grasped the concept of 'Mana Perception' I didn't know to which level. It could be simply sensing how much Mana I had to accurately measure my Status window.


Rose exclaimed, understanding dawning on her expression.

She straightened up, a serious look replacing the playful one from before.

"It was good, but I'm stronger."

Looking at her smiling confidently, I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed. I didn't mind being weaker than her, at least for now, but I sure didn't like somebody rubbing salt in my wound.

"I see..."

Shrugging my shoulders, I turned to leave, deciding it was best to end the conversation before my irritation grew too much.

It seemed as if Rose wanted to say something else, but I didn't give her the chance.

If I had to be one of those variables that develops protagonists' characters I didn't mind it. Let my first lesson be about not using 'Mana Perception' to spy on others.

As I made my way through the hallway, I felt somebody gazing down at me.


Slightly shifting my gaze to the side, I saw a group of students whispering among themselves, occasionally glancing my way.

One of the students was Rick, the guy I was grouped with within Wildlands. I tried to ignore them and walk by, but Rick stepped forward and blocked my path.


I glanced at him with a calm and collected expression, however, one thing I knew for sure - if he was looking for trouble, he'd better be ready.

I'm really not in the fucking mood.

"What do you want, Rick?"

I asked with a smile. Although, I didn't feel like smiling at all.

I've indeed abandoned them in the middle of the mission, but that didn't faze me at all. It was either I leave the group or most of the students die due to the Abominations.

However, before that, this guy treated me like garbage...

"Where did you disappear when we were fighting the Abomination?"

His voice was laced with malice and accusation, but it didn't affect me.


The Lightning particles crackled around his fingers, whilst my hand in the pocket of my hoodie, touched the Timekeeper's watch, ready to supply it with mana if needed.

"I had an emergency..."

I replied, maintaining a neutral tone and meeting his gaze with a calm expression. Although I wanted to avoid trouble, I really needed to let go of my frustration.


Sensing the tense atmosphere between us, the group of students surrounding us took a step back, giving us more space.


Before anyone could even react Rick, suddenly, launched his fist toward me, trying to land a punch on my face.


However, I was ready and activated the Timekeeper's watch to slow down time.

I could see their moves of Rick in slow motion, allowing me to easily dodge the punch and simultaneously land a powerful counter on his jaw.


Like a rag doll, Rick was thrown back against the wall with a loud thud, unconscious and out of commission.

'Maybe I've put too much Mana into that punch...'

Flexing my stiff hand, I allowed myself a small smirk and turned to the rest of the students who were staring at me in shock.

I was about to walk away when I noticed a lone girl staring at me from afar with a curious expression.


Turning away from those azure eyes, I disappeared into the crowd, leaving behind the students to deal with their fallen comrade.

I knew that my actions would probably have consequences, but I couldn't bring myself to care, at least for now.


"305-306... Huff"

Lying on the ground, I panted heavily as I pushed myself up from the dirt. My body was sore and aching, but I couldn't allow myself to stop now.

Unless I wanted to get a beating from Robbin of course!

"Come on! Another 200 Left!"

Looking at me from the sidelines, Robbin's eyes glinted with determination as he encouraged me to keep going.

After knocking Rick unconscious I immediately went to meet up with Robbin, since I had to attend my training with him.

And, of course, he forced me to do twice the amount of training I usually do, so I could 'catch up'.


I gritted my teeth, determined to push through the exhaustion. Despite the weariness in my muscles, I knew that training was essential for my growth and survival in this new world. I took a deep breath, channeling my mana to replenish my energy reserves and steady my focus.

"Remember, focus on your form and breathing!"

Robbin called out, his voice cutting through the air.

"Maintain a steady flow of mana throughout your body. It's not just about raw strength, but also about control and precision."

I nodded, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. With renewed determination, I resumed my training, pushing my body to its limits. I started with basic exercises, honing my agility and reflexes through a series of dodges, rolls, and jumps. Robbin observed my movements, occasionally offering guidance and corrections.

It was tiring, but I didn't dare to stop.

Looking at me with a critical eye, Robbin suddenly spoke up.

"You better perform well in the midterm exams, kid..."

His eyes scanned my body, his Mana scanning and analyzing every movement I made.

"If you manage to get in the top 50 I will personally teach you a Battle Art..."

Robbin scratched his chin thoughtfully, the expression on his face inscrutable. Although he was a tough and demanding instructor, I knew that he only pushed me so hard because he believed in my potential.

Or rather he saw me as a pawn that could be promoted to a queen if nurtured properly.

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