Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4758: The four clans quit the temple

Chapter 4758: The four clans quit the temple

Before the Ziwei Tiangong, at least three thousand gods of the Tiangong gathered.

Three thousand gods, the devil is naturally fearless, but the opponent is backed by the Ziwei Temple and can enter the Ziwei Temple at any time. With the help of the formation of the Ziwei Temple, it is not so easy to deal with.

The other one, the four thousand seven hundred and eight hundred gods behind, will be chasing them, and will form a double-sided attack on them. So when they see this situation, the demons resist the urge to go out and fight with the gods of the heavens and control the Yinxu Demon Fort. Turned the direction and rushed in the other direction.

"Kill, don't let them run away."

"Stop them!"

The **** masters behind the Heavenly Palace immediately slew them, roaring towards the Yin Ruins Demon Fort, and the three thousand **** masters in front of the Ziwei Heavenly Palace also slew to the Yin Ruins Demon Fort.

The two divine master armies of the Tiangong add up to nearly 8,000 divine masters, and their strength is far above the devils side. The devil will naturally not be so stupid. Stop and fight with each other and fly forward. If you see the planet occupied by the Tiangong , And attacked by the way.

"We chase separately, otherwise, the demons won't stop at all."

Bai Zhan Tianjun proposed.

"Yes, a group of people pursued, another group took a detour."

Another powerful Tianjun also nodded.

Immediately, the two groups of gods separated, a group of 3,000 people, detouring in other directions, planning to double-team the devil.

The remaining batch continued to pursue.

With the demon's warlike nature and hatred of the Celestial Race, as long as they see that the opponent is not flanking, they will fight with each other.

Sure enough, a fight broke out shortly afterwards, and the two sides lost hundreds of **** masters respectively, and finally found another group of **** masters chasing after them, and the demons entered the Yin Ruins Demon Fort and escaped.

The people of Tiangong continued to chase.

Just going around in this way, a few months passed.

During the period, several fights broke out from above, and the losses on both sides were not small, but the Heavenly Palace army was always difficult to double-team the devil.

In the past few months, earth-shaking chaos has occurred in the universe.

The source is naturally the strong ones who escaped from the prison.

Especially the 918 powerhouses of the Divine Master Realm, entrained the hatred of the heavens, and launched crazy revenge.

The various places of the heavenly palace in the universe, the resource planet, the holy place for cultivation, and even the important place of the heavenly palace, such as the City of Dreams, have all been attacked.

The Tiangong suffered heavy losses, and a large number of **** emperors or the existence of **** emperors were killed, causing a sensation in the universe.

Soon after, Tiangong sent strong men to hunt and kill those who escaped from the prison.

From time to time in the universe, wars between gods and lords broke out, the starry sky shook, the planet was destroyed, and all races were anxious.

Especially the creatures with low cultivation bases are even more frightened, because the fluctuations caused by the battle between the gods and masters are too great, they can easily destroy the planet and destroy the living creatures. In this series of wars, I don't know how many creatures have been involved.

But soon after, an even more explosive news spread throughout the universe and caused a sensation.

The fighting saints, one of the top ten races, released the news. The Celestials are despicable and shameless. For the treasure, they will freely shoot against the fighting saints, kill and fight against the saints, and will also fight against the genius of the saints. Wuji was detained in a jail for several star years, conservatively tortured.

Therefore, the fighting saints decided to withdraw from the temple.

Before this news was released, those fighting saints who had participated in the besieging and destroying the garrison of the heavenly army had quietly retreated.

Afterwards, all the powerhouses of the fighting saints entered their home planet, and the entire fighting mother star moved towards the ruins of the universe and entered the ruins of the universe.

The entire fighting saints left the starry sky of the universe and moved to the ruins of the universe.

And only one day after the fighting saints released the news, the Buddhas, demons, and spirits released news one after another. Because the Heavenly Palace detained their people at will, and even secretly killed their people, they planned to leave the Heavenly Palace and fight against each other. Like the war saints, they took the home stars of all races into the ruins of the universe.

As soon as the news came out, the universe was in an uproar.

Among the top ten races, four races have left the palace and entered the ruins of the universe. This is an unprecedented event.

Calculated like this, plus the Yaxian tribe, the top ten races are still under the orders of the Celestial race, only five races.

At the same time, the various races are also heartbroken. The Celestial Race actually does such a thing to each race secretly, and even sacrifices their lives for the Celestial Race.

Are the various races in the universe really ants that can be deprived of at will in the eyes of the Celestial Race?

Many powerful races have different minds, and want to learn from the four races and enter the ruins of the universe to develop.

Now that the universe has changed drastically, the ruins of the universe are no longer dead and silent, and the rules are no longer chaotic. On the contrary, they have become a sacred place for cultivation, which is many times better than the previous cosmic starry sky.

Now if it can occupy a place and get a head start, it will probably rise.


Outside of the Extinguishing Army's garrison, it was enveloped by a cloud of anger.

"Damn it, humble ants, dare to betray us."

"It's a dead end."

Many Heavenly Monarchs of the Celestial Race roared and furious.

"Huh, fighting against the saints, Buddhas, demons, and spirits is nothing more than feeling that we are not capable of dealing with them, so we dare to be so arrogant. I propose to send an army immediately to destroy these four clans."

A relatively strong and calm Heavenly Jundao.

"I also propose to do so, otherwise, these ants will all think that my Celestial Race is so deceiving."

Ye Qiuxian also spoke indifferently.

In the end, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Immortal.

The final decision is still to be made by Ye Immortal.

Ye Immortal frowned slightly, if he sent a master to encircle and kill the four clans, then the strength of the Heaven Extinguishing Army garrison would be weakened again.

They have already sent 10,000 **** masters one after another. If they want to deal with the four clans, they need to send at least two thousand **** masters.

The four clans have been in business for many years, and they still have multiple formations on their respective home planets. It is not that easy to break through. It requires several times more combat power.

That's how it was when it broke the dragon home star.

If thousands of divine masters were sent out, the force on the station of the Heaven Extinguishing Army would be weaker, and only about 10,000 divine masters would be left, which would delay the time.

Chi Zesheng changed, this is what Ye Immortal didn't want to see.

How long have they attacked the extermination army station? With so many changes, who knows what changes will happen if it continues to drag on?

The most important thing is to capture the human body first. For example, the fighting saints and other tribes, as long as they defeat the heavenly army, they can be destroyed.


At this moment, someone came to report and his face was ugly.

"what's up?"

Ye Immortal asked.

"Enlighten the ancestors, the big thing is not good, just got the news that a force appeared in the depths of the ruins of the universe, and the continent fragments occupying a large number of the ruins of the universe have already invaded a large area."

The person who spread the news reports.

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