Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 148: Hand over

Chapter 148: Hand over

Biquge , update the latest chapter of Emperor Long Dao as soon as possible!

"Of course someone can cure me, but unfortunately, this person cannot be you."

Lu Ming grinned.

"Brother Du, brother Du, you must avenge me."

At this point, Triangle Eyes struggled to stand up and shouted sternly. Unfortunately, one side of the face was swollen like a pig's head, blood in his mouth, several teeth fell, and the speech leaked.

Brother Du's face was even more ugly, and beside him, several other silver disciples from Baihuyuan also came over with a bad look, but they were all masters of cultivation.

"This Lu Ming is still the same domineering!"

Next to it, some disciples in other courtyards watched, and someone uttered a voice.

"Geniuses are all like this, but I feel that it is too late. Even when it comes to geniuses, you should still tolerate when you should tolerate, because the geniuses who have not grown up are just ordinary warriors. Definitely suffer."

"You're right. Lu Ming's combat strength is indeed very strong. It is estimated that the first warrior will face him, but he may not be the second warrior of the big warrior. You are optimistic, against Du Feng. He It will suffer shortly."

People on the edge whispered.

"Lu Ming, do you know why many geniuses have fallen early? Because they don't know how to converge, when facing invincible opponents, they still look high, so they fell without growth."

Brother Du said coldly.

Lu Ming smiled lightly: "It's really nonsense. Of course, when facing invincible opponents, of course, you have to converge. You want to say it in vain? But why do you want to converge in the face of opponents that can be suppressed by flipping the palm?"

The people around were a little stunned, Lu Ming's meaning was obvious, he could suppress Du Feng by turning his palm.


Du Feng smiled angrily, and said: "I see how you turn your palm to suppress me?"


Du Feng stepped out in one step, like a heavy hammer on the ground, making a violent roar, the breath of his body burst out, thick and powerful, like a mountain.

Do not know how much stronger than the warrior Jiuzhong's warrior.

It can be said that the warrior of the second heavy warrior can kill a warrior of the 9th heavy warrior.

Du Feng glowed in his hands, and a blue long sword condensed out, like blue jade polished.


Du Feng cut the sword with a sword and screamed at the landing.

"Stronger than the sword without dust!"

Lu Ming's eyes moved.

It is worthy of being the double strong of the great martial arts master. The sword's dust-free combat power kills the big martial arts master one. It should be easy, but it should not be the opponent of the big martial arts double.

However, Lu Ming is not a martial artist now.


Without looking at it, Lu Ming directly punched.

The fist was wrapped with a fiery red light, making Lu Ming's fist look like a ball of fire.


Desolate and irresistible, Lu Ming directly punched Du Feng's sword energy, war sword condensed from true energy, and so on, all of them were crushed, shattered, and the fist continued to bombard.

"how come?"

In an instant, Du Feng's pupils expanded sharply, flashing inconceivable colors, and then roared, bursting out of strength, his body quickly receded, his hands glowed, and a real spirit warrior sword appeared and stood in front of him.


Tang Feng's fist blasted on the Lingbing War Sword, and the violent power burst out. Du Feng's body was blasted out like a cannonball and hit a wall more than 30 meters away, smashing the wall. , A burst of smoke filled.


There was a cold breath in the audience.

The disciples in the four courtyards almost burst their eyes.

With one punch, just one punch, Du Feng flew out, not an opponent at all, and the weak one was like a chicken.

"This... how is this possible?"

"Did Lu Ming have broken through the realm of the great warrior?"

"How can it be so fast? But only this is possible, otherwise it won't be so. Their geniuses, who stepped into the realm of the great martial arts, fought over the ranks and easily."

The warrior Jiuzhong could blow the big martial arts into a double punch. They had never heard of it. They speculated that Lu Ming should have entered the realm of the big martial arts.

Triangle eyes also looked dumbfounded, and when reacted, he was trembling with shock.

In the cracked wall, Du Feng struggled to get up, covered with dust, and how embarrassed he was if he wanted to be embarrassed.

"Lu Ming, you wait for me. This time the White Tiger Academy has a triple martial arts master or even a quadruple strong man coming here. Let's wait and see."

Du Feng threw down a cruel remark, and then walked away in vain.

It was so shameful that he couldn't stay for a second.

Triangle also hurriedly followed Du Feng away.

Lu Ming smiled and didn't care.

"Brother Lu Ming, you have become worse again."

Pang Shi walked over and said.

"Big stone, have you been here for a few days? Let's talk to me about the situation."

Lu Ming shifted the topic.

"I've only been two days."

The two came to a military camp, and Pang Shi introduced to Lu Ming.

According to Pang Shi, the Dongyi tribe attacked Dongqiancheng three days ago, but retreated shortly afterwards. They did not continue to attack in these two days.

"Big stone, he will not be impulsive in the war."

Lu Ming urged.

During the war, tens of thousands of troops impacted, and Pang Shi's repair performance was indeed lower. Now, Pang Shi is only a martial artist.

"I know this, I just want to hone it, I won't die in vain."

Pang Shi scratched his head.

Then he turned around with Pang Shi.

In the barracks, the army has already gone out to guard, there are only disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword School.

The disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword School have a special status and a relatively high status, so when there is no war, they are more casual. Do whatever you want.

On the first day, it was calm.

The next day, it was still calm, and the Dongyi people did not move at all.

In these two days, the disciples of Baihuyuan did not come to Lu Ming for trouble.

On the third day Lu Ming came here.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

Suddenly, the drums roared, like thunder rolling, resounding through the barracks.

"The Dongyi tribe came and attacked and left to kill the Dongyi tribe."

"Haha, my point of contribution is here."

There are more than two thousand disciples in the Xuanyuan Jian School over the past few days.

Most of them are bronze-level disciples, a small number of silver-level disciples, about 100 people.

Birds came out in these few days. At this moment, after listening to the drums of war, all of them were full of energy and hurried toward the direction of the city wall.

Lu Ming and Pang Shi and several of them hurried towards the city wall. When they came to the city wall, the army in the east city was fully armed and the crossbows were ready.


At this time, in the distance, in the direction of the coastal mountains, at the end of the earth, suddenly there was a roar, and the earth shook slightly.

Immediately, a dark cloud appeared at the end of the earth.

No, it is not a dark cloud, but a monster.

Endless monsters, there are tiger-shaped, wolf-shaped, leopard-shaped, all types, and even flying.

One or two figures are sitting on each monster.

It is from the Dongyi nationality.

There are at least tens of thousands of monsters.

Ao! Roar! ...

Tens of thousands of demon beasts gathered together, roaring and shaking, rushing on the earth, and the fierce air rose into the sky, and it rushed towards the lack of cities in the east like a mountain.

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